예제 #1
static void
bt_edit_application_set_property (GObject * object, guint property_id,
    const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec)
  BtEditApplication *self = BT_EDIT_APPLICATION (object);
  return_if_disposed ();
  switch (property_id) {
#ifdef USE_DEBUG
      if (G_OBJECT_REF_COUNT (self->priv->song) != 1) {
        GST_DEBUG ("old song: %" G_OBJECT_REF_COUNT_FMT,
            G_OBJECT_LOG_REF_COUNT (self->priv->song));
      g_object_try_unref (self->priv->song);
      self->priv->song = BT_SONG (g_value_dup_object (value));
      GST_DEBUG ("new song: %" G_OBJECT_REF_COUNT_FMT,
          G_OBJECT_LOG_REF_COUNT (self->priv->song));
      self->priv->unsaved = g_value_get_boolean (value);
      GST_INFO ("set the unsaved flag to %d for the song", self->priv->unsaved);
      G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
예제 #2
static GstElement *
get_sink_bin (void)
  BtMachine *machine =
      bt_setup_get_machine_by_type (setup, BT_TYPE_SINK_MACHINE);
  GstElement *sink_bin =
      GST_ELEMENT (check_gobject_get_object_property (machine, "machine"));

  g_object_try_unref (machine);

  return sink_bin;
예제 #3
static void
bt_main_page_info_dispose (GObject * object)
  BtMainPageInfo *self = BT_MAIN_PAGE_INFO (object);
  return_if_disposed ();
  self->priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE;

  GST_DEBUG ("!!!! self=%p", self);

  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->song_info);

  g_object_unref (self->priv->app);

  GST_DEBUG ("  chaining up");
  G_OBJECT_CLASS (bt_main_page_info_parent_class)->dispose (object);
예제 #4
static void
on_recover_clicked (GtkButton * button, gpointer user_data)
  BtCrashRecoverDialog *self = BT_CRASH_RECOVER_DIALOG (user_data);
  gchar *log_name = get_selected (self);
  gboolean res = FALSE;
  BtMainWindow *main_window;

  if (log_name) {
    BtChangeLog *change_log = bt_change_log_new ();

    GST_INFO ("recovering: %s", log_name);
    if (bt_change_log_recover (change_log, log_name)) {
      remove_selected (self);
      res = TRUE;
    g_free (log_name);
    g_object_try_unref (change_log);
  g_object_get (self->priv->app, "main-window", &main_window, NULL);
  /* close the recovery dialog */
  gtk_dialog_response (GTK_DIALOG (self), GTK_RESPONSE_CLOSE);
  if (res) {
    /* the song recovery has been finished */
    bt_dialog_message (main_window, _("Recovery finished"),
        _("The selected song has been recovered successful."),
        _("Please check the song and save it if everything is alright.")
  } else {
    /* FIXME(ensonic): the log is still there
     * - this dialog should be a warning
     * - ev. we want to suggest to ask for support
    /* one or more steps in the recovery did not apply */
    bt_dialog_message (main_window, _("Recovery failed"),
        _("Sorry, the selected song could not be fully recovered."),
        _("Please check the song and save it if still looks good.")
  g_object_unref (main_window);
예제 #5
/* test master volume, using appsink? */
static void
test_bt_sink_bin_master_volume (BT_TEST_ARGS)
  GST_INFO ("-- arrange --");
  gdouble volume = 1.0 / (gdouble) _i;
  g_object_set (settings, "audiosink", "fakesink", NULL);
  make_new_song ( /*square */ 1);
  BtMachine *machine =
      bt_setup_get_machine_by_type (setup, BT_TYPE_SINK_MACHINE);
  GstElement *sink_bin =
      GST_ELEMENT (check_gobject_get_object_property (machine, "machine"));
  BtParameterGroup *pg = bt_machine_get_global_param_group (machine);
  gst_element_set_state (sink_bin, GST_STATE_READY);
  GstElement *fakesink = get_sink_element ((GstBin *) sink_bin);
  g_object_set (fakesink, "signal-handoffs", TRUE, NULL);
  g_signal_connect (fakesink, "preroll-handoff", (GCallback) handoff_buffer_cb,
  g_signal_connect (fakesink, "handoff", (GCallback) handoff_buffer_cb, NULL);

  GST_INFO ("-- act --");
  g_object_set (sink_bin, "master-volume", volume, NULL);
  bt_parameter_group_set_param_default (pg,
      bt_parameter_group_get_param_index (pg, "master-volume"));
  bt_song_play (song);
  run_main_loop_until_eos ();

  GST_INFO ("-- assert --");
  GST_INFO ("minv=%7.4lf, maxv=%7.4lf", minv, maxv);
  ck_assert_float_eq (maxv, +volume);
  ck_assert_float_eq (minv, -volume);

  GST_INFO ("-- cleanup --");
  bt_song_stop (song);
  gst_object_unref (sink_bin);
  g_object_try_unref (machine);
예제 #6
static void
bt_wavetable_dispose (GObject * const object)
  const BtWavetable *const self = BT_WAVETABLE (object);
  GList *node;

  return_if_disposed ();
  self->priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE;

  GST_DEBUG ("!!!! self=%p", self);

  g_object_try_weak_unref (self->priv->song);
  // unref list of waves
  if (self->priv->waves) {
    for (node = self->priv->waves; node; node = g_list_next (node)) {
      GST_DEBUG ("  free wave : %" G_OBJECT_REF_COUNT_FMT,
          G_OBJECT_LOG_REF_COUNT (node->data));
      g_object_try_unref (node->data);
      node->data = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (bt_wavetable_parent_class)->dispose (object);
예제 #7
static void
bt_edit_application_dispose (GObject * object)
  BtEditApplication *self = BT_EDIT_APPLICATION (object);

  return_if_disposed ();
  self->priv->dispose_has_run = TRUE;

  /* This should destroy the window as this is a child of the app.
   * Problem 1: On the other hand, this *NEVER* gets called as long as the window keeps its
   * strong reference to the app.
   * Solution 1: Only use weak refs when reffing upstream objects
  GST_DEBUG ("!!!! self=%p", self);

  if (self->priv->song) {
        G_OBJECT_LOG_REF_COUNT (self->priv->song));
    bt_song_stop (self->priv->song);
    g_object_unref (self->priv->song);
    self->priv->song = NULL;

  if (self->priv->main_window) {
    GST_INFO ("main_window: %" G_OBJECT_REF_COUNT_FMT,
        G_OBJECT_LOG_REF_COUNT (self->priv->main_window));
    gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (self->priv->main_window));

  GST_DEBUG ("  more unrefs");
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->ui_resources);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->pbc_socket);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->pbc_ic);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->ic_registry);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->change_log);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->audio_session);

  GST_DEBUG ("  chaining up");
  G_OBJECT_CLASS (bt_edit_application_parent_class)->dispose (object);
  GST_DEBUG ("  done");
예제 #8
static void
on_song_changed (const BtEditApplication * app, GParamSpec * arg,
    gpointer user_data)
  BtMainPageInfo *self = BT_MAIN_PAGE_INFO (user_data);
  BtSong *song;
  GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
  gchar *name, *genre, *author, *create_dts, *change_dts;
  gulong bpm, tpb, bars;
  gchar *info;

  GST_INFO ("song has changed : app=%p, self=%p", app, self);
  g_object_try_unref (self->priv->song_info);

  // get song from app
  g_object_get (self->priv->app, "song", &song, NULL);
  if (!song) {
    self->priv->song_info = NULL;

  g_object_get (song, "song-info", &self->priv->song_info, NULL);
  // update info fields
  g_object_get (self->priv->song_info,
      "name", &name, "genre", &genre, "author", &author, "info", &info,
      "bpm", &bpm, "tpb", &tpb, "bars", &bars,
      "create-dts", &create_dts, "change-dts", &change_dts, NULL);
  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->name,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_name_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_entry_set_text (self->priv->name, safe_string (name));
  g_free (name);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->name,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_name_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->genre,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_genre_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_entry_set_text (self->priv->genre, safe_string (genre));
  g_free (genre);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->genre,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_genre_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->author,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_author_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_entry_set_text (self->priv->author, safe_string (author));
  g_free (author);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->author,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_author_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->bpm,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_bpm_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_spin_button_set_value (self->priv->bpm, (gdouble) bpm);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->bpm,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_bpm_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->tpb,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_tpb_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_spin_button_set_value (self->priv->tpb, (gdouble) tpb);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->tpb,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_tpb_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (self->priv->beats,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_beats_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_spin_button_set_value (self->priv->beats, (gdouble) (bars / tpb));
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (self->priv->beats,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_beats_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  /* the iso date is not nice for the user
   * struct tm tm;
   * char dts[255];
   * strptime(create_dts, "%FT%TZ", &tm);
   * strftime(dts, sizeof(buf), "%F %T", &tm);
   * but the code below is simpler and works too :)
  create_dts[10] = ' ';
  create_dts[19] = '\0';
  gtk_entry_set_text (self->priv->date_created, create_dts);
  g_free (create_dts);
  change_dts[10] = ' ';
  change_dts[19] = '\0';
  gtk_entry_set_text (self->priv->date_changed, change_dts);
  g_free (change_dts);

  buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (self->priv->info);
  g_signal_handlers_block_matched (buffer,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_info_changed,
      (gpointer) self);
  gtk_text_buffer_set_text (buffer, safe_string (info), -1);
  g_free (info);
  g_signal_handlers_unblock_matched (buffer,
      G_SIGNAL_MATCH_FUNC | G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, on_info_changed,
      (gpointer) self);

  g_signal_connect (self->priv->song_info, "notify::name",
      G_CALLBACK (on_name_notify), (gpointer) self);

  // release the references
  g_object_unref (song);
  GST_INFO ("song has changed done");