예제 #1
static void init_gamma(void){
  g1 = gamma_mat(G1);
  gx = gamma_mat(GX);
  gy = gamma_mat(GY);
  gz = gamma_mat(GZ);
  gt = gamma_mat(GT);
  g5 = gamma_mat(G5);
예제 #2
bool Face::triangle_intersect(const Ray &r, Hit &h, Vertex *a, Vertex *b, Vertex *c, bool intersect_backfacing) const {

  // compute the intersection with the plane of the triangle
  Hit h2 = Hit(h);
  if (!plane_intersect(r,h2,intersect_backfacing)) return 0;  

  // figure out the barycentric coordinates:
  glm::vec3 Ro = r.getOrigin();
  glm::vec3 Rd = r.getDirection();
  // [ ax-bx   ax-cx  Rdx ][ beta  ]     [ ax-Rox ] 
  // [ ay-by   ay-cy  Rdy ][ gamma ]  =  [ ay-Roy ] 
  // [ az-bz   az-cz  Rdz ][ t     ]     [ az-Roz ] 
  // solve for beta, gamma, & t using Cramer's rule
  glm::mat3 detA_mat(a->get().x-b->get().x,a->get().x-c->get().x,Rd.x,
  float detA = glm::determinant(detA_mat);

  if (fabs(detA) <= 0.000001) return 0;
  assert (fabs(detA) >= 0.000001);
  glm::mat3 beta_mat(a->get().x-Ro.x,a->get().x-c->get().x,Rd.x,
  glm::mat3 gamma_mat(a->get().x-b->get().x,a->get().x-Ro.x,Rd.x,

  float beta = glm::determinant(beta_mat) / detA;
  float gamma = glm::determinant(gamma_mat) / detA;

  if (beta >= -0.00001 && beta <= 1.00001 &&
      gamma >= -0.00001 && gamma <= 1.00001 &&
      beta + gamma <= 1.00001) {
    h = h2;
    // interpolate the texture coordinates
    float alpha = 1 - beta - gamma;
    float t_s = alpha * a->get_s() + beta * b->get_s() + gamma * c->get_s();
    float t_t = alpha * a->get_t() + beta * b->get_t() + gamma * c->get_t();
    assert (h.getT() >= EPSILON);
    return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #3
void meson_cont_mom(
  complex **prop,           /* prop[m][t] is where result is accumulated */
  spin_wilson_vector *src1, /* quark propagator (to become antiquark) */
  spin_wilson_vector *src2, /* quark propagator */
  int no_q_momenta,         /* no of unique mom/parity values (gt p) */
  int **q_momstore,         /* q_momstore[p] are the momentum components */
  char **q_parity,          /* q_parity[p] the parity of each mom component */
  int no_gamma_corr,        /* # of gamma src/snk combinations (gt g) */
  int num_corr_mom[],       /* number of momentum/parity values for each corr (gt k) */
  int **corr_table,         /* c = corr_table[g][k] correlator index */
  int p_index[],            /* p = p_index[c] is the momentum index */
  int gout[],               /* gout[c] is the sink gamma */
  int gin[],                /* gin[c] is the source gamma */
  int meson_phase[],        /* meson_phase[c] is the correlator phase */
  Real meson_factor[],      /* meson_factor[c] scales the correlator */
  int corr_index[],         /* m = corr_index[c] is the correlator index */
  int r0[]                  /* spatial origin for defining FT phases */
  char myname[] = "meson_cont_mom";
  int i,k,c,m,gsnk,gsrc;
  site *s; 
  int sf, si;
  int g,p,t;
  int old_gamma_out;
  double factx = 2.0*PI/(1.0*nx) ; 
  double facty = 2.0*PI/(1.0*ny) ; 
  double factz = 2.0*PI/(1.0*nz) ; 
  int px,py,pz;
  char ex, ey, ez;
  complex fourier_fact ; 
  spin_wilson_vector localmat;  /* temporary storage */
  spin_wilson_vector antiquark; /* temporary storage for antiquark */
  dirac_matrix *meson;
  dirac_matrix_v *meson_q;
  int *nonzero;
  complex tr[MAXQ];
  complex tmp;
  complex *ftfact;
  gamma_matrix_t gm5, gmout, gmoutadj, gm;
  /* performance */
  double dtime;
  double flops,mflops;

  dtime = -dclock();
  flops = 0;

  /* Allocate temporary storage for meson propagator */
  if(no_q_momenta > MAXQ)
      printf("%s(%d): no_q_momenta %d exceeds max %d\n",
	     myname, this_node, no_q_momenta,MAXQ);
  meson = (dirac_matrix *)malloc(sites_on_node*sizeof(dirac_matrix));
  if(meson == NULL){
    printf("%s(%d): No room for meson\n",myname,this_node);
  meson_q = (dirac_matrix_v *)malloc(nt*sizeof(dirac_matrix_v));
  if(meson_q == NULL){
    printf("%s(%d): No room for meson_q\n",myname,this_node);
  nonzero = (int *)malloc(nt*sizeof(int));
  if(nonzero == NULL){
    printf("%s(%d): No room for nonzero array\n",myname,this_node);
  for(t = 0; t < nt; t++)nonzero[t] = 0;
  ftfact = (complex *)malloc(no_q_momenta*sites_on_node*sizeof(complex));
  if(ftfact == NULL)
      printf("%s(%d): No room for FFT phases\n",myname,this_node);

  /* ftfact contains factors such as cos(kx*x)*sin(ky*y)*exp(ikz*z)
     with factors of cos, sin, and exp selected according to the
     requested component parity */
    for(p=0; p<no_q_momenta; p++)
	px = q_momstore[p][0];
	py = q_momstore[p][1];
	pz = q_momstore[p][2];
	ex = q_parity[p][0];
	ey = q_parity[p][1];
	ez = q_parity[p][2];
	tmp.real = 1.;
	tmp.imag = 0.;
	tmp = ff(factx*(s->x-r0[0])*px, ex, tmp);
	tmp = ff(facty*(s->y-r0[1])*py, ey, tmp);
	tmp = ff(factz*(s->z-r0[2])*pz, ez, tmp);
	ftfact[p+no_q_momenta*i] = tmp;
  flops += (double)sites_on_node*18*no_q_momenta;
  /* Run through the table of unique source-sink gamma matrix pairs
     and for each, do the Fourier transform according to the list
     of requested momenta */
  /* To help suppress repetition */
  old_gamma_out = -999;
  for(g = 0; g < no_gamma_corr; g++)

      /*  All gammas with the same index g must be the same */
      c = corr_table[g][0];  
      gsrc = gin[c];
      gsnk = gout[c];

      /* For compatibility */
      if(gsrc == GAMMAFIVE)gin[c] = G5;
      if(gsnk == GAMMAFIVE)gout[c] = G5;
      if(gsrc >= MAXGAMMA || gsnk >= MAXGAMMA)
	  printf("%s(%d): Illegal gamma index %d or %d\n",
		 myname, this_node, gsrc, gsnk);

      for(k=0; k<num_corr_mom[g]; k++)
	  if(gin[corr_table[g][k]] != gsrc ||
	     gout[corr_table[g][k]] != gsnk )
	      printf("meson_cont_mom(%d): bad gamma list\n", this_node);
      /* Skip reconstruction of "meson" if "out" gamma matrix hasn't changed */
      if(gsnk != old_gamma_out)
	  old_gamma_out = gsnk;

	  /* Compute gm = \gamma_5 Gamma_out */
	  gm5  = gamma_mat(G5);
	  gmout = gamma_mat(gsnk);
	  gamma_adj(&gmoutadj, &gmout);
	  mult_gamma_by_gamma(&gm5, &gmoutadj, &gm);
	    /* antiquark = gamma_5 adjoint of quark propagator gamma_5 */
	    /* But we use a complex matrix dot product below, so don't
	       take the c.c. here and do the transpose later 
	       - so just do a gamma5 transformation now */

	    if( i < loopend-FETCH_UP){
		    &(src1[i].d[0]), &(src1[i].d[1]),
		    &(src1[i].d[2]), &(src1[i].d[3]));
		    &(src2[i].d[0]), &(src2[i].d[1]),
		    &(src2[i].d[2]), &(src2[i].d[3]));

	    /* antiquark = \gamma_5 S_1 \gamma_5 \Gamma_out^\dagger */

	    mult_sw_by_gamma_l( src1+i, &localmat, G5);    
	    mult_sw_by_gamma_mat_r( &localmat, &antiquark, &gm);     
	    /* combine with src2 quark and sew together sink colors 
	       and spins to make meson Dirac matrix 
	       "meson" is then [S_2 \Gamma_out \gamma_5 S_1^\dagger \gamma_5]
	       and is a Dirac matrix */
	    meson[i] = mult_swv_na( src2+i, &antiquark);
	  } /* end FORALLSITES */
	  flops += (double)sites_on_node*1536;
	} /* end if not same Gamma_out */
      /* Do FT on "meson" for momentum projection - 
	 Result in meson_q.  We use a dumb FT because there 
         are so few momenta needed. */
      FORALLSITES(i,s) {
	for(si = 0; si < 4; si++)for(sf = 0; sf < 4; sf++)
	   for(k=0; k<num_corr_mom[g]; k++)
	       c = corr_table[g][k];
	       p = p_index[c];
	       meson_q[s->t].d[si].d[sf].e[p].real = 0.;
	       meson_q[s->t].d[si].d[sf].e[p].imag = 0;
      FORALLSITES(i,s) {
	nonzero[s->t] = 1;  /* To save steps below */
	for(si = 0; si < 4; si++)
	  for(sf = 0; sf < 4; sf++)
	      for(k=0; k<num_corr_mom[g]; k++)
		  c = corr_table[g][k];
		  p = p_index[c];
		  fourier_fact = ftfact[p+no_q_momenta*i];

		  meson_q[s->t].d[si].d[sf].e[p].real += 
		    meson[i].d[si].d[sf].real*fourier_fact.real -  
		  meson_q[s->t].d[si].d[sf].e[p].imag += 
		    meson[i].d[si].d[sf].real*fourier_fact.imag +  
예제 #4
static double dirac_v_tr_gamma(complex *tr, dirac_matrix_v *src, 
			       int gamma, int phase[], Real factor[],
			       int ct[], int nc, int p_index[])
  int s2,s; /* spin indices */
  int k, c, p, ph;
  complex z = {0.,0.};
  Real fact;
  double flops = 0;
  /* One value for each momentum */
  for(k=0; k<nc; k++)
    tr[k].real = tr[k].imag = 0;

  /* For each momentum in list, multiply by gamma and take trace */

    s2 = gamma_mat(gamma).row[s].column;
    switch (gamma_mat(gamma).row[s].phase){
    case 0:
      for(k=0; k<nc; k++){
	c = ct[k];
	p = p_index[c];
	z =            src->d[s2].d[s].e[p];
    case 1:
      for(k=0; k<nc; k++){
	c = ct[k];
	p = p_index[c];
	TIMESPLUSI(    src->d[s2].d[s].e[p], z);
    case 2:
      for(k=0; k<nc; k++){
	c = ct[k];
	p = p_index[c];
	TIMESMINUSONE( src->d[s2].d[s].e[p], z);
    case 3:
      for(k=0; k<nc; k++){
	c = ct[k];
	p = p_index[c];
	TIMESMINUSI(   src->d[s2].d[s].e[p], z);

  /* Normalization and phase */

  for(k=0; k<nc; k++){
    c = ct[k];
    ph = phase[c];
    fact = factor[c];
    case 0:
      z =            tr[k];
    case 1:
      TIMESPLUSI(    tr[k], z);
    case 2:
      TIMESMINUSONE( tr[k], z);
    case 3:
      TIMESMINUSI(   tr[k], z);

  flops = 4*nc;
  return flops;
} /* dirac_v_tr_gamma */