예제 #1
파일: force_pair.c 프로젝트: potfit/potfit
double calc_forces(double* xi_opt, double* forces, int flag)
  double* xi = NULL;

  switch (g_pot.format_type) {
      error(1, "Unknown potential format detected! (%s:%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      xi = g_pot.calc_pot.table;
      xi = xi_opt;
      error(1, "KIM format is not supported by pair force routine!");

#if !defined(MPI)
  g_mpi.myconf = g_config.nconf;
#endif  // !MPI

  // This is the start of an infinite loop

  while (1) {
    // sum of squares of local process
    double error_sum = 0.0;

#if defined(APOT) && !defined(MPI)
    if (g_pot.format_type == POTENTIAL_FORMAT_ANALYTIC) {
      update_calc_table(xi_opt, xi, 0);
#endif  // APOT && !MPI

#if defined(MPI)
#if !defined(APOT)
    // exchange potential and flag value
    MPI_Bcast(xi, g_pot.calc_pot.len, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#endif  // !APOT
    MPI_Bcast(&flag, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (flag == 1)
      break; // Exception: flag 1 means clean up

#if defined(APOT)
    if (g_mpi.myid == 0)
    MPI_Bcast(xi_opt, g_calc.ndimtot, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    update_calc_table(xi_opt, xi, 0);
#else   // APOT
    // if flag == 2 then the potential parameters have changed -> sync
    if (flag == 2)
#endif  // APOT
#endif  // MPI

    // init second derivatives for splines

    // pair potential
    //   [0, ...,  paircol - 1]
    update_splines(xi, 0, g_calc.paircol, 1);

    // loop over configurations
    for (int config_idx = g_mpi.firstconf; config_idx < g_mpi.firstconf + g_mpi.myconf; config_idx++) {
      int uf = g_config.conf_uf[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];
#if defined(STRESS)
      int us = g_config.conf_us[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];
#endif  // STRESS
      // reset energies and stresses
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] = 0.0;
#if defined(STRESS)
      int stress_idx = g_calc.stress_p + 6 * config_idx;
      memset(forces + stress_idx, 0, 6 * sizeof(double));
#endif  // STRESS

#if defined(APOT)
      if (g_param.enable_cp)
        forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] += chemical_potential(
            g_param.ntypes, g_config.na_type[config_idx], xi_opt + g_pot.cp_start);
#endif  // APOT

      // first loop: reset forces
      for (int atom_idx = 0; atom_idx < g_config.inconf[config_idx]; atom_idx++) {
        int n_i = 3 * (g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] + atom_idx);
        if (uf) {
          forces[n_i + 0] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 0];
          forces[n_i + 1] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 1];
          forces[n_i + 2] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 2];
        } else {
          memset(forces + n_i, 0, 3 * sizeof(double));

      // second loop: calculate pair forces and energies
      for (int atom_idx = 0; atom_idx < g_config.inconf[config_idx]; atom_idx++) {
        atom_t* atom = g_config.conf_atoms + atom_idx + g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] - g_mpi.firstatom;
        int n_i = 3 * (g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] + atom_idx);
        // loop over all neighbors
        for (int neigh_idx = 0; neigh_idx < atom->num_neigh; neigh_idx++) {
          neigh_t* neigh = atom->neigh + neigh_idx;
          // In small cells, an atom might interact with itself
          int self = (neigh->nr == atom_idx + g_config.cnfstart[config_idx]) ? 1 : 0;

          // pair potential part
          if (neigh->r < g_pot.calc_pot.end[neigh->col[0]]) {
            double phi_val = 0.0;
            double phi_grad = 0.0;
            // potential value and gradient are calculated in the same step
            if (uf)
              phi_val = splint_comb_dir(&g_pot.calc_pot, xi, neigh->slot[0], neigh->shift[0], neigh->step[0], &phi_grad);
              phi_val = splint_dir(&g_pot.calc_pot, xi, neigh->slot[0], neigh->shift[0], neigh->step[0]);

            // avoid double counting if atom is interacting with itself
            if (self) {
              phi_val *= 0.5;
              phi_grad *= 0.5;

            // add cohesive energy
            forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] += phi_val;

            // calculate forces
            if (uf) {
              vector tmp_force;
              tmp_force.x = neigh->dist_r.x * phi_grad;
              tmp_force.y = neigh->dist_r.y * phi_grad;
              tmp_force.z = neigh->dist_r.z * phi_grad;
              forces[n_i + 0] += tmp_force.x;
              forces[n_i + 1] += tmp_force.y;
              forces[n_i + 2] += tmp_force.z;
              // actio = reactio
              int n_j = 3 * neigh->nr;
              forces[n_j + 0] -= tmp_force.x;
              forces[n_j + 1] -= tmp_force.y;
              forces[n_j + 2] -= tmp_force.z;
#if defined(STRESS)
              /* also calculate pair stresses */
              if (us) {
                forces[stress_idx + 0] -= neigh->dist.x * tmp_force.x;
                forces[stress_idx + 1] -= neigh->dist.y * tmp_force.y;
                forces[stress_idx + 2] -= neigh->dist.z * tmp_force.z;
                forces[stress_idx + 3] -= neigh->dist.x * tmp_force.y;
                forces[stress_idx + 4] -= neigh->dist.y * tmp_force.z;
                forces[stress_idx + 5] -= neigh->dist.z * tmp_force.x;
#endif  // STRESS
          } // neighbors in range
        }   // loop over all neighbors

        // calculate contribution of forces right away
        if (uf) {
#if defined(FWEIGHT)
          // weigh by absolute value of force
          forces[n_i + 0] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
          forces[n_i + 1] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
          forces[n_i + 2] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
#endif  // FWEIGHT

          // sum up forces
#if defined(CONTRIB)
          if (atom->contrib)
#endif  // CONTRIB
            error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * (dsquare(forces[n_i + 0]) + dsquare(forces[n_i + 1]) + dsquare(forces[n_i + 2]));
      } // second loop over atoms

      // energy contributions
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] /= (double)g_config.inconf[config_idx];
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] -= g_config.force_0[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx];
      error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * g_param.eweight * dsquare(forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx]);

#if defined(STRESS)
      // stress contributions
      if (uf && us) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
          forces[stress_idx + i] /= g_config.conf_vol[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];
          forces[stress_idx + i] -= g_config.force_0[stress_idx + i];
          error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * g_param.sweight * dsquare(forces[stress_idx + i]);
#endif  // STRESS

    } // loop over configurations

    // dummy constraints (global)
#if defined(APOT)
    // add punishment for out of bounds (mostly for powell_lsq)
    if (g_mpi.myid == 0)
      error_sum += apot_punish(xi_opt, forces);
#endif  // APOT

    gather_forces(&error_sum, forces);

    // root process exits this function now
    if (g_mpi.myid == 0) {
      // Increase function call counter
      if (isnan(error_sum)) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
        printf("\n--> Force is nan! <--\n\n");
#endif  // DEBUG
        return 10e10;
      } else
        return error_sum;
  } // end of infinite loop

  // once a non-root process arrives here, all is done
  return -1.0;
예제 #2
double calc_forces(double* xi_opt, double* forces, int flag)
  const tersoff_t* ters = &g_pot.apot_table.tersoff;

#if !defined(MPI)
  g_mpi.myconf = g_config.nconf;
#endif  // !MPI

  // This is the start of an infinite loop
  while (1) {
    // sum of squares of local process
    double error_sum = 0.0;

#if defined(MPI)
    MPI_Bcast(&flag, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (flag == 1)
      break; // Exception: flag 1 means clean up

    if (g_mpi.myid == 0)
    MPI_Bcast(xi_opt, g_calc.ndimtot, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
#endif  // MPI


    // loop over configurations
    for (int config_idx = g_mpi.firstconf; config_idx < g_mpi.firstconf + g_mpi.myconf; config_idx++) {
      int uf = g_config.conf_uf[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];

      // reset energies and stresses
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] = 0.0;

#if defined(STRESS)
      int us = g_config.conf_us[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];
      int stress_idx = g_calc.stress_p + 6 * config_idx;
      memset(forces + stress_idx, 0, 6 * sizeof(double));
#endif  // STRESS

      // first loop over all atoms: reset forces
      for (int atom_idx = 0; atom_idx < g_config.inconf[config_idx]; atom_idx++) {
        int n_i = 3 * (g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] + atom_idx);
        if (uf) {
          forces[n_i + 0] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 0];
          forces[n_i + 1] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 1];
          forces[n_i + 2] = -g_config.force_0[n_i + 2];
        } else {
          memset(forces + n_i, 0, 3 * sizeof(double));

      // second loop: calculate cutoff function f_c for all neighbors
      for (int atom_idx = 0; atom_idx < g_config.inconf[config_idx]; atom_idx++) {
        atom_t* atom = g_config.conf_atoms + atom_idx + g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] - g_mpi.firstatom;
        int n_i = 3 * (g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] + atom_idx);

        // loop over neighbors
        // calculate pair potential part: f*A*exp(-lambda*r)
        for (int neigh_idx = 0; neigh_idx < atom->num_neigh; neigh_idx++) {
          neigh_t* neigh_j = atom->neigh + neigh_idx;
          int col_j = neigh_j->col[0];
          // check if we are within the cutoff range
          if (neigh_j->r < ters->R2[col_j][0]) {
            int self = (neigh_j->nr == atom_idx + g_config.cnfstart[config_idx]) ? 1 : 0;

            // calculate cutoff function f_c and store it for every neighbor
            double tmp_1 = M_PI / (ters->R2[col_j][0] - ters->R1[col_j][0]);
            double tmp_2 = tmp_1 * (neigh_j->r - ters->R1[col_j][0]);
            if (neigh_j->r < ters->R1[col_j][0]) {
              neigh_j->f = 1.0;
              neigh_j->df = 0.0;
            } else {
              neigh_j->f = 0.5 * (1.0 + 1.125 * cos(tmp_2) - 0.125 * cos(3.0 * tmp_2));
              neigh_j->df = -0.5 * tmp_1 * (1.125 * sin(tmp_2) - 0.375 * sin(3.0 * tmp_2));

            // calculate pair part f_c*A*exp(-lambda*r) and the derivative
            tmp_1 = exp(-ters->lambda[col_j][0] * neigh_j->r);
            double phi_val = neigh_j->f * ters->A[col_j][0] * tmp_1;
            double phi_grad = neigh_j->df - ters->lambda[col_j][0] * neigh_j->f;
            phi_grad *= ters->A[col_j][0] * tmp_1;

            // avoid double counting if atom is interacting with itself
            if (self) {
              phi_val *= 0.5;
              phi_grad *= 0.5;

            // only half cohesive energy because we have a full neighbor list
            forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] += 0.5 * phi_val;

            if (uf) {
              // calculate pair forces
              vector tmp_force;
              tmp_force.x = neigh_j->dist_r.x * phi_grad;
              tmp_force.y = neigh_j->dist_r.y * phi_grad;
              tmp_force.z = neigh_j->dist_r.z * phi_grad;
              forces[n_i + 0] += tmp_force.x;
              forces[n_i + 1] += tmp_force.y;
              forces[n_i + 2] += tmp_force.z;
#if defined(STRESS)
              // also calculate pair stresses
              if (us) {
                forces[stress_idx + 0] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.x * tmp_force.x;
                forces[stress_idx + 1] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.y * tmp_force.y;
                forces[stress_idx + 2] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.z * tmp_force.z;
                forces[stress_idx + 3] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.x * tmp_force.y;
                forces[stress_idx + 4] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.y * tmp_force.z;
                forces[stress_idx + 5] -= 0.5 * neigh_j->dist.z * tmp_force.x;
#endif  // STRESS
          } else {
            neigh_j->f = 0.0;
            neigh_j->df = 0.0;
        } // loop over neighbors

        // loop over neighbors
        // calculate threebody part
        for (int neigh_j_idx = 0; neigh_j_idx < atom->num_neigh; neigh_j_idx++) {
          neigh_t* neigh_j = atom->neigh + neigh_j_idx;
          int col_j = neigh_j->col[0];
          // check if we are within the cutoff range
          if (neigh_j->r < ters->R2[col_j][0]) {
            int ijk = neigh_j->ijk_start;
            int n_j = 3 * neigh_j->nr;

            // skip neighbor if coefficient is zero
            if (ters->B[col_j][0] == 0.0)

            // reset variables for each neighbor
            double zeta = 0.0;
            double dzeta_ij = 0.0;
            vector dzeta_i;
            dzeta_i.x = 0.0;
            dzeta_i.y = 0.0;
            dzeta_i.z = 0.0;
            vector dzeta_j;
            dzeta_j.x = 0.0;
            dzeta_j.y = 0.0;
            dzeta_j.z = 0.0;

            // inner loop over neighbors
            for (int neigh_k_idx = 0; neigh_k_idx < atom->num_neigh; neigh_k_idx++) {
              if (neigh_j_idx == neigh_k_idx)
              neigh_t* neigh_k = atom->neigh + neigh_k_idx;
              int col_k = neigh_k->col[0];
              angle_t* angle = atom->angle_part + ijk++;

              if (neigh_k->r < ters->R2[col_k][0]) {
                vector dcos_j;
                dcos_j.x = (neigh_k->dist_r.x - neigh_j->dist_r.x * angle->cos) / neigh_j->r;
                dcos_j.y = (neigh_k->dist_r.y - neigh_j->dist_r.y * angle->cos) / neigh_j->r;
                dcos_j.z = (neigh_k->dist_r.z - neigh_j->dist_r.z * angle->cos) / neigh_j->r;
                vector dcos_k;
                dcos_k.x = (neigh_j->dist_r.x - neigh_k->dist_r.x * angle->cos) / neigh_k->r;
                dcos_k.y = (neigh_j->dist_r.y - neigh_k->dist_r.y * angle->cos) / neigh_k->r;
                dcos_k.z = (neigh_j->dist_r.z - neigh_k->dist_r.z * angle->cos) / neigh_k->r;

                // g(theta)
                double tmp_1 = ters->h[col_j][0] - angle->cos;
                double tmp_2 = 1.0 / (ters->c3[col_j][0] + tmp_1 * tmp_1);
                double tmp_3 = ters->c4[col_j][0] * exp(-ters->c5[col_j][0] * tmp_1 * tmp_1);

                double g_theta = ters->c1[col_j][0] + ters->c2[col_j][0] * tmp_1 * tmp_1 * tmp_2 * (1.0 + tmp_3);
                double dg_theta = 2.0 * ters->c2[col_j][0] * tmp_1 * tmp_2 * (ters->c5[col_j][0] * tmp_1 * tmp_1 * tmp_3 - ters->c3[col_j][0] * tmp_2 * (1.0 + tmp_3));

                tmp_1 = neigh_j->r - neigh_k->r;
                tmp_2 = ters->alpha[col_j][0] * ters->beta[col_j][0] * pow(tmp_1, ters->beta[col_j][0] - 1.0);
                tmp_3 = exp(ters->alpha[col_j][0] * pow(tmp_1, ters->beta[col_j][0]));

                double dzeta_ik = (neigh_k->df - neigh_k->f * tmp_2) * g_theta * tmp_3;

                // zeta
                double tmp_4 = neigh_k->f * g_theta * tmp_3;

                zeta += tmp_4;
                dzeta_ij += tmp_4 * tmp_2;
                double dzeta_cos = neigh_k->f * dg_theta * tmp_3;

                neigh_k->dzeta.x = dzeta_cos * dcos_k.x + dzeta_ik * neigh_k->dist_r.x;
                neigh_k->dzeta.y = dzeta_cos * dcos_k.y + dzeta_ik * neigh_k->dist_r.y;
                neigh_k->dzeta.z = dzeta_cos * dcos_k.z + dzeta_ik * neigh_k->dist_r.z;

                dzeta_i.x -= neigh_k->dzeta.x;
                dzeta_i.y -= neigh_k->dzeta.y;
                dzeta_i.z -= neigh_k->dzeta.z;

                dzeta_j.x += dzeta_cos * dcos_j.x;
                dzeta_j.y += dzeta_cos * dcos_j.y;
                dzeta_j.z += dzeta_cos * dcos_j.z;
            } // neigh_k_idx

            dzeta_j.x += dzeta_ij * neigh_j->dist_r.x;
            dzeta_j.y += dzeta_ij * neigh_j->dist_r.y;
            dzeta_j.z += dzeta_ij * neigh_j->dist_r.z;

            double tmp_1 = pow(zeta, ters->eta[col_j][0]);
            double b = pow(1.0 + tmp_1, -ters->delta[col_j][0]);

            double tmp_2 = 0.5 * b * ters->B[col_j][0] * exp(-ters->mu[col_j][0] * neigh_j->r);

            double tmp_3 = 0.0;
            if (zeta != 0.0)
              tmp_3 = tmp_2 * neigh_j->f * ters->eta[col_j][0] * ters->delta[col_j][0] * tmp_1 / ((1.0 + tmp_1) * zeta);

            double phi_val = -tmp_2;
            double tmp_4 = -tmp_2 * (neigh_j->df - *(ters->mu[col_j]) * neigh_j->f);

            forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] += neigh_j->f * phi_val;

            vector force_j;
            force_j.x = -tmp_4 * neigh_j->dist_r.x - tmp_3 * dzeta_j.x;
            force_j.y = -tmp_4 * neigh_j->dist_r.y - tmp_3 * dzeta_j.y;
            force_j.z = -tmp_4 * neigh_j->dist_r.z - tmp_3 * dzeta_j.z;

            // update force on particle j
            forces[n_j + 0] += force_j.x;
            forces[n_j + 1] += force_j.y;
            forces[n_j + 2] += force_j.z;

            // update force on particle i
            forces[n_i + 0] -= tmp_3 * dzeta_i.x + force_j.x;
            forces[n_i + 1] -= tmp_3 * dzeta_i.y + force_j.y;
            forces[n_i + 2] -= tmp_3 * dzeta_i.z + force_j.z;

#if defined(STRESS)
            if (us) {
              // Distribute stress among atoms
              double tmp = neigh_j->dist.x * force_j.x;
              forces[stress_idx + 0] += tmp;
              tmp = neigh_j->dist.y * force_j.y;
              forces[stress_idx + 1] += tmp;
              tmp = neigh_j->dist.z * force_j.z;
              forces[stress_idx + 2] += tmp;
              tmp = 0.5 * (neigh_j->dist.x * force_j.y + neigh_j->dist.y * force_j.x);
              forces[stress_idx + 3] += tmp;
              tmp = 0.5 * (neigh_j->dist.y * force_j.z + neigh_j->dist.z * force_j.y);
              forces[stress_idx + 4] += tmp;
              tmp = 0.5 * (neigh_j->dist.z * force_j.x + neigh_j->dist.x * force_j.z);
              forces[stress_idx + 5] += tmp;
#endif  // STRESS

            for (int neigh_k_idx = 0; neigh_k_idx < atom->num_neigh; neigh_k_idx++) {
              if (neigh_k_idx != neigh_j_idx) {
                neigh_t* neigh_k = atom->neigh + neigh_k_idx;
                int col_k = neigh_k->col[0];
                if (neigh_k->r < ters->R2[col_k][0]) {
                  int n_k = 3 * neigh_k->nr;
                  // update force on particle k
                  forces[n_k + 0] -= tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.x;
                  forces[n_k + 1] -= tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.y;
                  forces[n_k + 2] -= tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.z;

#if defined(STRESS)
                  if (us) {
                    // Distribute stress among atoms
                    double tmp = neigh_k->dist.x * tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.x;
                    forces[stress_idx + 0] -= tmp;
                    tmp = neigh_k->dist.y * tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.y;
                    forces[stress_idx + 1] -= tmp;
                    tmp = neigh_k->dist.z * tmp_3 * neigh_k->dzeta.z;
                    forces[stress_idx + 2] -= tmp;
                    tmp = 0.5 * tmp_3 * (neigh_k->dist.x * neigh_k->dzeta.y + neigh_k->dist.y * neigh_k->dzeta.x);
                    forces[stress_idx + 3] -= tmp;
                    tmp = 0.5 * tmp_3 * (neigh_k->dist.y * neigh_k->dzeta.z + neigh_k->dist.z * neigh_k->dzeta.y);
                    forces[stress_idx + 4] -= tmp;
                    tmp = 0.5 * tmp_3 * (neigh_k->dist.z * neigh_k->dzeta.x + neigh_k->dist.x * neigh_k->dzeta.z);
                    forces[stress_idx + 5] -= tmp;
#endif  // STRESS
              } // neigh_k_idx != neigh_j_idx
            }   // neigh_k_idx loop
          }     // neigh_f_idx
      } // end second loop over all atoms

      // third loop over all atoms, sum up forces
      if (uf) {
        for (int atom_idx = 0; atom_idx < g_config.inconf[config_idx]; atom_idx++) {
          atom_t* atom = g_config.conf_atoms + atom_idx + g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] - g_mpi.firstatom;
          int n_i = 3 * (g_config.cnfstart[config_idx] + atom_idx);
#if defined(FWEIGHT)
          // Weigh by absolute value of force
          forces[n_i + 0] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
          forces[n_i + 1] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
          forces[n_i + 2] /= FORCE_EPS + atom->absforce;
#endif  // FWEIGHT

// sum up forces
#if defined(CONTRIB)
          if (atom->contrib)
#endif  // CONTRIB
            error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * (dsquare(forces[n_i + 0]) + dsquare(forces[n_i + 1]) + dsquare(forces[n_i + 2]));
      } // end third loop over all atoms

      // energy contributions
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] /= (double)g_config.inconf[config_idx];
      forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx] -= g_config.force_0[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx];
      error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * g_param.eweight *
                dsquare(forces[g_calc.energy_p + config_idx]);

#if defined(STRESS)
      // stress contributions
      if (uf && us) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
          forces[stress_idx + i] /= g_config.conf_vol[config_idx - g_mpi.firstconf];
          forces[stress_idx + i] -= g_config.force_0[stress_idx + i];
          error_sum += g_config.conf_weight[config_idx] * g_param.sweight * dsquare(forces[stress_idx + i]);
#endif  // STRESS
    } // loop over configurations

    // add punishment for out of bounds (mostly for powell_lsq)
    if (g_mpi.myid == 0)
      error_sum += apot_punish(xi_opt, forces);

    gather_forces(&error_sum, forces);

    // root process exits this function now
    if (g_mpi.myid == 0) {
      // Increase function call counter
      if (isnan(error_sum)) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
        printf("\n--> Force is nan! <--\n\n");
#endif  // DEBUG
        return 10e10;
      } else
        return error_sum;
  } // end of infinite loop

  // once a non-root process arrives here, all is done
  return -1.0;