int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char *relName, *updateName, *typeAccPrefix, *database, *sep;
struct gbIndex* index;
struct gbSelect select;
struct gbSelect* prevSelect = NULL;
struct gbAlignInfo alignInfo;
boolean noMigrate;

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 5)
maxFaSize = optionInt("fasize", -1);
workDir = optionVal("workdir", "work/align");
noMigrate = optionExists("noMigrate");
createPolyASizes = optionExists("polyASizes");
gbVerbInit(optionInt("verbose", 0));
relName = argv[1];
updateName = argv[2];
typeAccPrefix = argv[3];
database = argv[4];

/* parse typeAccPrefix */
sep = strchr(typeAccPrefix, '.');
if (sep != NULL)
    *sep = '\0';
select.type = gbParseType(typeAccPrefix);
if (sep != NULL)
    select.accPrefix = sep+1;
    *sep = '.';
select.orgCats = gbParseOrgCat(optionVal("orgCats", "native,xeno"));

index = gbIndexNew(database, NULL);
select.release = gbIndexMustFindRelease(index, relName);
select.update = gbReleaseMustFindUpdate(select.release, updateName);
gbVerbMsg(0, "gbAlignGet: %s/%s/%s/%s", select.release->name,
          select.release->genome->database, select.update->name,

/* Get the release to migrate, if applicable */
if (!noMigrate)
    prevSelect = gbAlignGetMigrateRel(&select);

alignInfo = gbAlignGet(&select, prevSelect);

/* always print stats */
fprintf(stderr, "gbAlignGet: %s/%s/%s/%s: align=%d, migrate=%d\n",
        select.release->name, select.release->genome->database,
        select.update->name, typeAccPrefix,
        alignInfo.align.accTotalCnt, alignInfo.migrate.accTotalCnt);

/* print alignment and migrate count, which is read by the driver program */
printf("alignCnt: %d %d\n", alignInfo.align.accTotalCnt, alignInfo.migrate.accTotalCnt);
return 0;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char *relName, *updateName, *typeAccPrefix, *database, *sep;
struct gbIndex* index;
struct gbSelect select;
struct gbSelect* prevSelect = NULL;
boolean noMigrate;

optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 5)
gWorkDir = optionVal("workdir", "work/align");
gSortTmp = optionVal("sortTmp", NULL);
noMigrate = optionExists("noMigrate");
gbVerbInit(optionInt("verbose", 0));
relName = argv[1];
updateName = argv[2];
typeAccPrefix = argv[3];
database = argv[4];

/* parse typeAccPrefix */
sep = strchr(typeAccPrefix, '.');
if (sep != NULL)
    *sep = '\0';
select.type = gbParseType(typeAccPrefix);
if (sep != NULL)
    select.accPrefix = sep+1;
    *sep = '.';

index = gbIndexNew(database, NULL);
select.release = gbIndexMustFindRelease(index, relName);
select.update = gbReleaseMustFindUpdate(select.release, updateName);
select.orgCats = gbParseOrgCat(optionVal("orgCats", "native,xeno"));

gbVerbMsg(0, "gbAlignInstall: %s/%s/%s/%s", select.release->name,
          select.release->genome->database, select.update->name,

/* Get the release to migrate, if applicable */
if (!noMigrate)
    prevSelect = gbAlignGetMigrateRel(&select);

gbAlignInstall(&select, prevSelect);

/* must go to stderr to be logged */
gbVerbMsg(0, "gbAlignInstall: complete");
return 0;
static void loadGbStatusRow(struct metaDataTbls* metaDataTbls,
                            struct sqlConnection* conn, char** row,
                            unsigned descOrgCats)
/* load a row of the gbStatus table */
struct metaData* md;
int iRow = 0;
boolean isOk;
HGID seqId;

/* columns: acc,version,modDate,type,srcDb,gbSeq,numAligns */

md = metaDataTblsGet(metaDataTbls, row[iRow++]);
if (md->inGbStatus)
    gbError("%s: occurs multiple times in the gbStatus table", md->acc);
md->inGbStatus = TRUE;
md->gbsVersion = strToUnsigned(row[iRow++], md->acc, "gbStatus.version", NULL);

isOk = TRUE;
md->gbsModDate = gbParseChkDate(row[iRow++], &isOk);
if (!isOk)
    gbError("%s: invalid gbStatus.moddate value: \"%s\"", md->acc, row[iRow-1]);

md->gbsType = gbParseType(row[iRow++]);
md->gbsSrcDb = gbParseSrcDb(row[iRow++]);
md->gbsOrgCat = gbParseOrgCat(row[iRow++]);
seqId = strToUnsigned(row[iRow++], md->acc, "gbStatus.gbSeq", NULL);
md->gbsNumAligns = strToUnsigned(row[iRow++], md->acc, "gbStatus.numAligns",

md->typeFlags |= md->gbsType;

if (md->inGbCdnaInfo)
    if (seqId != md->gbCdnaInfoId)
        gbError("%s: gbStatus.gbSeq (%d) not same (%d)", md->acc, seqId,
    if (md->gbsType != md->gbCdnaInfoType)
        gbError("%s: gbStatus.type (%s) not same as gbCdnaInfo.type (%s)", md->acc,
                gbFmtSelect(md->gbsType), gbFmtSelect(md->gbCdnaInfoType));
    if (md->gbsSrcDb != (md->typeFlags & GB_SRC_DB_MASK))
        gbError("%s: gbStatus.srcDb (%s) not same gbCdnaInfo.srcDb (%s)", md->acc,
                gbFmtSelect(md->gbsSrcDb), gbFmtSelect(md->typeFlags));
    if (md->gbsVersion != md->gbCdnaInfoVersion)
        gbError("%s: gbStatus.version (%d) not same gbCdnaInfo.version (%d)", md->acc,
                md->gbsVersion, md->gbCdnaInfoVersion);
    if ((md->gbsModDate != md->gbCdnaInfoModdate))
        gbError("%s: gbStatus.modDate (%s) not same gbCdnaInfo.moddate (%s)", md->acc,
                gbFormatDate(md->gbsModDate), gbFormatDate(md->gbCdnaInfoModdate));
    /* verify either have or don't have a description */
    if (descOrgCats & md->gbsOrgCat)
        if (!md->haveDesc)
            gbError("%s: should have gbCdnaInfo.description: %s", md->acc,
        if (md->haveDesc)
            gbError("%s: should not have gbCdnaInfo.description: %s", md->acc,