예제 #1
QString sizeofTypeExpression(const QString &type)
    if (type.endsWith(QLatin1Char('*')))
        return QLatin1String("sizeof(void*)");
    if (type.endsWith(QLatin1Char('>')))
        return QLatin1String("sizeof(") + type + QLatin1Char(')');
    return QLatin1String("sizeof(") + gdbQuoteTypes(type) + QLatin1Char(')');
예제 #2
QByteArray gdbQuoteTypes(const QByteArray &type)
    // gdb does not understand sizeof(Core::IDocument*).
    // "sizeof('Core::IDocument*')" is also not acceptable,
    // it needs to be "sizeof('Core::IDocument'*)"
    // We never will have a perfect solution here (even if we had a full blown
    // C++ parser as we do not have information on what is a type and what is
    // a variable name. So "a<b>::c" could either be two comparisons of values
    // 'a', 'b' and '::c', or a nested type 'c' in a template 'a<b>'. We
    // assume here it is the latter.
    //return type;

    // (*('myns::QPointer<myns::QObject>*'*)0x684060)" is not acceptable
    // (*('myns::QPointer<myns::QObject>'**)0x684060)" is acceptable
    if (isPointerType(type))
        return gdbQuoteTypes(stripPointerType(type)) + '*';

    QByteArray accu;
    QByteArray result;
    int templateLevel = 0;

    const char colon = ':';
    const char singleQuote = '\'';
    const char lessThan = '<';
    const char greaterThan = '>';
    for (int i = 0; i != type.size(); ++i) {
        const char c = type.at(i);
        if (isLetterOrNumber(c) || c == '_' || c == colon || c == ' ') {
            accu += c;
        } else if (c == lessThan) {
            accu += c;
        } else if (c == greaterThan) {
            accu += c;
        } else if (templateLevel > 0) {
            accu += c;
        } else {
            if (accu.contains(colon) || accu.contains(lessThan))
                result += singleQuote + accu + singleQuote;
                result += accu;
            result += c;
    if (accu.contains(colon) || accu.contains(lessThan))
        result += singleQuote + accu + singleQuote;
        result += accu;
    //qDebug() << "GDB_QUOTING" << type << " TO " << result;

    return result;
예제 #3
void WatchItem::parseHelper(const GdbMi &input)

    GdbMi mi = input["type"];
    if (mi.isValid())

    editvalue = input["editvalue"].data();
    editformat = DebuggerDisplay(input["editformat"].toInt());
    editencoding = DebuggerEncoding(input["editencoding"].data());

    mi = input["valueelided"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        elided = mi.toInt();

    mi = input["bitpos"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        bitpos = mi.toInt();

    mi = input["bitsize"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        bitsize = mi.toInt();

    mi = input["origaddr"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        origaddr = mi.toAddress();

    mi = input["address"];
    if (mi.isValid()) {
        address = mi.toAddress();
        if (exp.isEmpty()) {
            if (iname.startsWith("local.") && iname.count('.') == 1)
                // Solve one common case of adding 'class' in
                // *(class X*)0xdeadbeef for gdb.
                exp = name.toLatin1();
                exp = "*(" + gdbQuoteTypes(type) + "*)" + hexAddress();

    mi = input["value"];
    QByteArray enc = input["valueencoded"].data();
    if (mi.isValid() || !enc.isEmpty()) {
        setValue(decodeData(mi.data(), enc));
    } else {

    mi = input["size"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        size = mi.toInt();

    mi = input["exp"];
    if (mi.isValid())
        exp = mi.data();

    mi = input["valueenabled"];
    if (mi.data() == "true")
        valueEnabled = true;
    else if (mi.data() == "false")
        valueEnabled = false;

    mi = input["valueeditable"];
    if (mi.data() == "true")
        valueEditable = true;
    else if (mi.data() == "false")
        valueEditable = false;

    mi = input["numchild"]; // GDB/MI
    if (mi.isValid())
        setHasChildren(mi.toInt() > 0);
    mi = input["haschild"]; // native-mixed
    if (mi.isValid())
        setHasChildren(mi.toInt() > 0);

    mi = input["arraydata"];
    if (mi.isValid()) {
        DebuggerEncoding encoding(input["arrayencoding"].data());
        QByteArray childType = input["childtype"].data();
        decodeArrayData(this, mi.data(), encoding, childType);
    } else {
        const GdbMi children = input["children"];
        if (children.isValid()) {
            bool ok = false;
            // Try not to repeat data too often.
            const GdbMi childType = input["childtype"];
            const GdbMi childNumChild = input["childnumchild"];

            qulonglong addressBase = input["addrbase"].data().toULongLong(&ok, 0);
            qulonglong addressStep = input["addrstep"].data().toULongLong(&ok, 0);

            for (int i = 0, n = int(children.children().size()); i != n; ++i) {
                const GdbMi &subinput = children.children().at(i);
                WatchItem *child = new WatchItem;
                if (childType.isValid())
                if (childNumChild.isValid())
                    child->setHasChildren(childNumChild.toInt() > 0);
                GdbMi name = subinput["name"];
                QByteArray nn;
                if (name.isValid()) {
                    nn = name.data();
                    child->name = QString::fromLatin1(nn);
                } else {
                    child->name = QString::fromLatin1("[%1]").arg(i);
                GdbMi iname = subinput["iname"];
                if (iname.isValid())
                    child->iname = iname.data();
                    child->iname = this->iname + '.' + nn;
                if (addressStep) {
                    child->address = addressBase + i * addressStep;
                    child->exp = "*(" + gdbQuoteTypes(child->type) + "*)" + child->hexAddress();
                QByteArray key = subinput["key"].data();
                if (!key.isEmpty())
                    child->name = decodeData(key, subinput["keyencoded"].data());