uint4 mur_block_count_correct(reg_ctl_list *rctl)
	gtm_uint64_t		native_size, size;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t 	mu_data;
	int4			mu_int_ovrhd;
	uint4			total_blks;
	uint4			status;
	uint4                   new_bit_maps, bplmap, new_blocks, tmpcnt;
	enum db_acc_method      acc_meth;

	mu_data = cs_data;
	acc_meth = mu_data->acc_meth;
	switch (acc_meth)
		case dba_bg:
		case dba_mm:
			mu_int_ovrhd = (int4)DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(SIZEOF_FILE_HDR(mu_data) + mu_data->free_space, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
			assertpro(FALSE && acc_meth);
	mu_int_ovrhd += 1;
	assert(mu_int_ovrhd == mu_data->start_vbn);
	size = mu_int_ovrhd + (off_t)(mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) * mu_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
	native_size = gds_file_size(gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl);
	/* In the following tests, the EOF block should always be 1 greater than the actual size of the file.
	 * This is due to the GDS being allocated in even DISK_BLOCK_SIZE-byte blocks.
	if (native_size && (size < native_size))
		total_blks = (dba_mm == acc_meth) ? cs_addrs->total_blks : cs_addrs->ti->total_blks;
		if (JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs))
			cs_addrs->jnl->pini_addr = 0; /* Stop simulation of GTM process journal record writing (if any active)*/
		/* If journaling, gdsfilext will need to write an inctn record. The timestamp of that journal record will
		 * need to be adjusted to the current system time to reflect that it is recovery itself writing that record
		 * instead of simulating GT.M activity. Since the variable jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time is still set, gdsfilext
		 * will NOT modify jgbl.gbl_jrec_time. Temporarily reset it to allow for adjustments to gbl_jrec_time.
		jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = FALSE;
		/* Calculate the number of blocks to add based on the difference between the real file size and the file size
		 * computed from the header->total_blks.  Takes into account that gdsfilext() will automatically add new_bit_maps
		 * to the amount of blocks we request.
		bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
		new_blocks = (native_size - size)/(mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
		new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks + new_blocks, bplmap) - DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, bplmap);
		tmpcnt = new_blocks - new_bit_maps;
		/* Call GDSFILEXT only if the no of blocks by which DB needs to be extended is not '0' since GDSFILEXT() treats
		 * extension by count 0 as unavailability of space(NO_FREE_SPACE error). And in the following case, tmpcnt could
		 * be '0' on AIX because in MM mode AIX increases the native_size to the nearest multiple of OS_PAGE_SIZE.
		 * And this increase could be less than GT.M block size.*/
		if (tmpcnt && SS_NORMAL != (status = GDSFILEXT(new_blocks - new_bit_maps, total_blks, TRANS_IN_PROG_FALSE)))
			jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = TRUE;
			return (status);
		jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = TRUE;
#		ifdef DEBUG
		/* Check that the filesize and blockcount in the fileheader match now after the extend */
		size = mu_int_ovrhd + (off_t)(mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) * mu_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
		native_size = gds_file_size(gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl);
		ALIGN_DBFILE_SIZE_IF_NEEDED(size, native_size);
		assert(size == native_size);
#		endif
	return SS_NORMAL;
예제 #2
uint4 mur_block_count_correct(reg_ctl_list *rctl)
    unsigned int		native_size, size;
    sgmnt_data_ptr_t 	mu_data;
    int4			mu_int_ovrhd;
    uint4			total_blks;
    uint4			status;
    uint4                   new_bit_maps, bplmap, new_blocks;

    mu_data = cs_data;
    switch (mu_data->acc_meth)
#if defined(VMS) && defined(GT_CX_DEF)
    case dba_bg:	/* necessary to do calculation in this manner to prevent double rounding causing an error */
        if (mu_data->unbacked_cache)
            mu_int_ovrhd = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(SIZEOF_FILE_HDR(mu_data) + mu_data->free_space +
                                           mu_data->lock_space_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
            mu_int_ovrhd = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(SIZEOF_FILE_HDR(mu_data) + BT_SIZE(mu_data)
                                           + mu_data->free_space + mu_data->lock_space_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
    case dba_bg:
    case dba_mm:
        mu_int_ovrhd = (int4)DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(SIZEOF_FILE_HDR(mu_data) + mu_data->free_space, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
    mu_int_ovrhd += 1;
    assert(mu_int_ovrhd == mu_data->start_vbn);
    size = mu_int_ovrhd + (mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) * mu_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
    native_size = gds_file_size(gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl);
    /* In the following tests, the EOF block should always be 1 greater than the actual size of the file.
     * This is due to the GDS being allocated in even DISK_BLOCK_SIZE-byte blocks.
    if (native_size && (size < native_size))
        total_blks = (dba_mm == mu_data->acc_meth) ? cs_addrs->total_blks : cs_addrs->ti->total_blks;
        if (JNL_ENABLED(cs_addrs))
            cs_addrs->jnl->pini_addr = 0; /* Stop simulation of GTM process journal record writing (if any active)*/
        /* If journaling, gdsfilext will need to write an inctn record. The timestamp of that journal record will
         * need to be adjusted to the current system time to reflect that it is recovery itself writing that record
         * instead of simulating GT.M activity. Since the variable jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time is still set, gdsfilext
         * will NOT modify jgbl.gbl_jrec_time. Temporarily reset it to allow for adjustments to gbl_jrec_time.
        jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = FALSE;
        /* Calculate the number of blocks to add based on the difference between the real file size and the file size
         * computed from the header->total_blks.  Takes into account that gdsfilext() will automatically add new_bit_maps
         * to the amount of blocks we request.
        bplmap = cs_data->bplmap;
        new_blocks = (native_size - size)/(mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE);
        new_bit_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks + new_blocks, bplmap) - DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_blks, bplmap);
        if (SS_NORMAL != (status = gdsfilext(new_blocks - new_bit_maps, total_blks)))
            jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = TRUE;
            return (status);
        jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = TRUE;
            /* Check that the filesize and blockcount in the fileheader match now after the extend */
            size = mu_int_ovrhd + (mu_data->blk_size / DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) * mu_data->trans_hist.total_blks;
            native_size = gds_file_size(gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl);
            assert(size == native_size);
예제 #3
void recover_truncate(sgmnt_addrs *csa, sgmnt_data_ptr_t csd, gd_region* reg)
	char			*err_msg;
	uint4			old_total, cur_total, new_total;
	off_t			old_size, cur_size, new_size;
	int			ftrunc_status, status;
	unix_db_info    	*udi;
	int			semval;

	if (NULL != csa->nl && csa->nl->trunc_pid && !is_proc_alive(csa->nl->trunc_pid, 0))
		csa->nl->trunc_pid = 0;
	if (!csd->before_trunc_total_blks)
	assert((GDSVCURR == csd->desired_db_format) && (csd->blks_to_upgrd == 0) && (dba_mm != csd->acc_meth));
	/* If called from db_init, assure we've grabbed the access semaphor and are the only process attached to the database.
	 * Otherwise, we should have crit when called from wcs_recover. */
	udi = FILE_INFO(reg);
	assert((udi->grabbed_access_sem && (1 == (semval = semctl(udi->semid, 1, GETVAL)))) || csa->now_crit);
	/* Interrupted truncate scenario */
	if (NULL != csa->nl)
	old_total = csd->before_trunc_total_blks;					/* Pre-truncate total_blks */
	old_size = (off_t)SIZEOF_FILE_HDR(csd)						/* Pre-truncate file size (in bytes) */
			+ (off_t)old_total * csd->blk_size + DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;
	cur_total = csa->ti->total_blks;						/* Actual total_blks right now */
	cur_size = (off_t)gds_file_size(reg->dyn.addr->file_cntl) * DISK_BLOCK_SIZE;	/* Actual file size right now (in bytes) */
	new_total = csd->after_trunc_total_blks;					/* Post-truncate total_blks */
	new_size = old_size - (off_t)(old_total - new_total) * csd->blk_size;		/* Post-truncate file size (in bytes) */
	/* We don't expect FTRUNCATE to leave the file size in an 'in between' state, hence the assert below. */
	assert(old_size == cur_size || new_size == cur_size);
	if (new_total == cur_total && old_size == cur_size)
	{ /* Crash after reducing total_blks, before successful FTRUNCATE. Complete the FTRUNCATE here. */
		DBGEHND((stdout, "DBG:: recover_truncate() -- completing truncate, old_total = [%lu], cur_total = [%lu]\n",
			old_total, new_total));
		assert(csd->before_trunc_free_blocks >= DELTA_FREE_BLOCKS(old_total, new_total));
		csa->ti->free_blocks = csd->before_trunc_free_blocks - DELTA_FREE_BLOCKS(old_total, new_total);
		clear_cache_array(csa, csd, reg, new_total, old_total);
		WRITE_EOF_BLOCK(reg, csd, new_total, status);
		if (status != 0)
			err_msg = (char *)STRERROR(errno);
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MUTRUNCERROR, 4, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(err_msg));
		FTRUNCATE(FILE_INFO(reg)->fd, new_size, ftrunc_status);
		if (ftrunc_status != 0)
			err_msg = (char *)STRERROR(errno);
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MUTRUNCERROR, 4, REG_LEN_STR(reg), LEN_AND_STR(err_msg));
	} else
		/* Crash before even changing csa->ti->total_blks OR after successful FTRUNCATE */
		/* In either case, the db file is in a consistent state, so no need to do anything further */
		assert((old_total == cur_total && old_size == cur_size) || (new_total == cur_total && new_size == cur_size));
		if (!((old_total == cur_total && old_size == cur_size) || (new_total == cur_total && new_size == cur_size)))
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
	csd->before_trunc_total_blks = 0; /* indicate CONSISTENT */