예제 #1
void atari_ntsc_init( atari_ntsc_t* ntsc, atari_ntsc_setup_t const* setup,
                      atari_ntsc_in_t const* palette )
  int entry;
  init_t impl;
  if ( !setup )
    setup = &atari_ntsc_composite;
  init( &impl, setup );

  // Palette stores R/G/B data for 'atari_ntsc_palette_size' entries
  for ( entry = 0; entry < atari_ntsc_palette_size; entry++ )
    float r = impl.to_float [*palette++];
    float g = impl.to_float [*palette++];
    float b = impl.to_float [*palette++];

    float y, i, q = RGB_TO_YIQ( r, g, b, y, i );
    // Generate kernel
    int ir, ig, ib = YIQ_TO_RGB( y, i, q, impl.to_rgb, int, ir, ig );
    atari_ntsc_rgb_t rgb = PACK_RGB( ir, ig, ib );

    if ( ntsc )
      atari_ntsc_rgb_t* kernel = ntsc->table [entry];
      gen_kernel( &impl, y, i, q, kernel );
      correct_errors( rgb, kernel );
예제 #2
void atari_ntsc_init( atari_ntsc_t* ntsc, atari_ntsc_setup_t const* setup )
	/* Atari change: no alternating burst phases - remove merge_fields variable. */
	int entry;
	init_t impl;
	/* Atari change: NES palette generation and reading removed.
	   Atari palette generation is located in colours_ntsc.c, and colours are read
	   from setup->yiq_palette. */

	if ( !setup )
		setup = &atari_ntsc_composite;

	init( &impl, setup );
	/* Atari change: no alternating burst phases - remove code for merge_fields. */

	for ( entry = 0; entry < atari_ntsc_palette_size; entry++ )
		/* Atari change: Instead of palette generation, load colours
		   from setup->yiq_palette. */
		double y;
		double i;
		double q;

			double *yiq_ptr = setup->yiq_palette + 3 * entry;
			y = *yiq_ptr++;
			i = *yiq_ptr++;
			q = *yiq_ptr++;

		i *= rgb_unit;
		q *= rgb_unit;
		y *= rgb_unit;
		y += rgb_offset;

		/* Generate kernel */
			int r, g, b = YIQ_TO_RGB( y, i, q, impl.to_rgb, int, r, g );
			/* blue tends to overflow, so clamp it */
			atari_ntsc_rgb_t rgb = PACK_RGB( r, g, (b < 0x3E0 ? b: 0x3E0) );
			if ( setup->palette_out )
				RGB_PALETTE_OUT( rgb, &setup->palette_out [entry * 3] );
			if ( ntsc )
				atari_ntsc_rgb_t* kernel = ntsc->table [entry];
				gen_kernel( &impl, y, i, q, kernel );
				/* Atari change: no alternating burst phases - remove code for merge_fields. */
				correct_errors( rgb, kernel );
예제 #3
int run_kernel_benchmark(cl_device_id did, cl_context context, cl_command_queue commands, int n_args, int n_lines, double *duration, double *delta, double *compile_time)
	int i;
	int err;
	char build_log[4096] = {0};
	T *tmp_args = NULL;
	cl_mem* mem_args = NULL;
	double durations[10];
	size_t len;

	cl_ulong t1;
	cl_ulong t2;
	cl_ulong t3;
	cl_ulong t4;

	size_t global = 1;
	size_t local = global;

	cl_program program;
	cl_kernel kernel;
	cl_event event;

	//printf("lines: %i, args %i\n", n_args, n_lines);
	program = gen_kernel(n_args, n_lines, context);
		return -1;

    unsigned long start_time = current_msecs();
	err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	if(err != CL_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "clBuildProgram() failed!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
		clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, did, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, sizeof(build_log), build_log, &len);
		return -1;

	size_t pz = 0;
	clGetProgramInfo(program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(size_t), &pz, NULL);
	printf("*Progsize: %i\n", pz);	

	kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "main_func", &err);
	if(!kernel || err != CL_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "clCreateKernel() failed!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
		return -1;
	*compile_time = elapsed_msecs(start_time)*1.0;

	err = 0;
	tmp_args = (T *)malloc(n_args * sizeof(T));
	mem_args = (cl_mem*)malloc(n_args * sizeof(cl_mem));
	for(i = 0; i < n_args; i++){
		tmp_args[i] = (float)(1 + (int) (100.0 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))));
		mem_args[i] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sizeof(T), tmp_args+i, NULL);
		err |= clSetKernelArg(kernel, i, sizeof(cl_mem), mem_args+i);	

	if(err != CL_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "clSetKernelArg() failed!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
		return -1;
	//warm up call
	err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, kernel, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 0, NULL, NULL);
	if(err != CL_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
		fprintf(stderr, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() failed!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
		return -1;

	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){	
		err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commands, kernel, 1, NULL, &global, &local, 0, NULL, &event);
		if(err != CL_SUCCESS){
			fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
			fprintf(stderr, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() failed!\n");
			fprintf(stderr, "err: %i\n", err);
			return -1;
		cl_int errcode = clFinish(commands);
		errcode |= clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
		if(errcode != CL_SUCCESS) printf("Error waiting for kernel completion: %s\n", oclErrorString(errcode));
		clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, sizeof(cl_ulong), &t1, NULL);
		clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, sizeof(cl_ulong), &t2, NULL);
		clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, sizeof(cl_ulong), &t3, NULL);
		clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof(cl_ulong), &t4, NULL);

		durations[i] =  (t3 - t1) * 1e-6;

	printf("submit: %lu\n", (unsigned long)t2 - (unsigned long)t1);
	printf("start: %lu\n", (unsigned long)t3 - (unsigned long)t1);
	printf("end: %lu\n", (unsigned long)t4 - (unsigned long)t1);

	qsort(durations, 10, sizeof(double), dblcmp);
	*duration = durations[4];
	*delta = durations[0] - durations[9];


	return 0;