QString QtDistanceFieldFontTextureGenerator::generateFontTexture(CharacterRange characterRange)

        // For each glyph

        short intsize = sizeof(int);
        // Starting from 1 (ommitting the null character) and going through a basic set.
        for (int c = characterRange.begin; c <= characterRange.end; ++c)
            if (isprint(c))
                std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t>, char32_t> conv1;
                std::string u8str = conv1.to_bytes(c);
                // Paint into QImage
                QImage characterImage;
                DistanceFieldGLFont::FontMetrics metrics;
                tie(characterImage, metrics) = generateCharacterImage(QString(StrCon(u8str)));
                // Process QImage to generate distance field
                QImage distanceField = generateDistanceField(characterImage);
                // Pack the distance field image into the font buffer image
                QRect cropRect = calculateAutocrop(distanceField);
                // Do the autocrop
                QImage cropped = crop(cropRect, metrics, distanceField);
                // Set the parameters in QDistanceFieldFontTexture
        // Pack the image

        // Save the image
예제 #2
bool ewol::resource::DistanceFieldFont::addGlyph(const char32_t& _val) {
	std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex);
	bool hasChange = false;
	if (m_font == nullptr) {
		return false;
	// add the curent "char"
	GlyphProperty tmpchar;
	tmpchar.m_UVal = _val;
	egami::ImageMono imageGlyphRaw;
	egami::Image imageGlyphDistanceField;
	EWOL_DEBUG("Generate Glyph : " << _val);
	if (m_font->getGlyphProperty(SIZE_GENERATION, tmpchar) == true) {
		//EWOL_DEBUG("load char : '" << _val << "'=" << _val.get());
		hasChange = true;
		// change line if needed ...
		if (m_lastGlyphPos.x() + tmpchar.m_sizeTexture.x()+m_borderSize*2.0 > m_data.getSize().x()) {
			m_lastGlyphPos += ivec2(0, m_lastRawHeigh);
			m_lastRawHeigh = 0;
		while(m_lastGlyphPos.y()+tmpchar.m_sizeTexture.y()+m_borderSize*2.0 > m_data.getSize().y()) {
			ivec2 size = m_data.getSize();
			m_data.resize(size, etk::Color<>(0));
			// change the coordonate on the element in the texture
			for (size_t jjj = 0; jjj < m_listElement.size(); ++jjj) {
				m_listElement[jjj].m_texturePosStart *= vec2(1.0f, 0.5f);
				m_listElement[jjj].m_texturePosSize *= vec2(1.0f, 0.5f);
		m_textureBorderSize = vec2(m_borderSize/(float)m_data.getSize().x(),
		                           m_borderSize/(float)m_data.getSize().y() );
		// draw the glyph
		m_font->drawGlyph(imageGlyphRaw, SIZE_GENERATION, tmpchar, m_borderSize);
		generateDistanceField(imageGlyphRaw, imageGlyphDistanceField);
		if (_val == 'Z') {
			for (int32_t yyy = 0; yyy < imageGlyphDistanceField.getSize().y(); ++yyy) {
				for (int32_t xxx = 0; xxx < imageGlyphDistanceField.getSize().x(); ++xxx) {
					std::cout << (int)(imageGlyphDistanceField.get(ivec2(xxx, yyy)).r()) << "	";
				//std::cout << std::endl;
		m_data.insert(m_lastGlyphPos, imageGlyphDistanceField);
		// set image position
		tmpchar.m_texturePosStart.setValue( ((float)m_lastGlyphPos.x()+(m_borderSize*0.5f)) / (float)m_data.getSize().x(),
		                                    ((float)m_lastGlyphPos.y()+(m_borderSize*0.5f)) / (float)m_data.getSize().y() );
		tmpchar.m_texturePosSize.setValue(  ((float)imageGlyphRaw.getSize().x()-m_borderSize) / (float)m_data.getSize().x(),
		                                    ((float)imageGlyphRaw.getSize().y()-m_borderSize) / (float)m_data.getSize().y() );
		// update the maximum of the line hight : 
		if (m_lastRawHeigh < imageGlyphRaw.getSize().y()) {
			// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 2)
			m_lastRawHeigh = imageGlyphRaw.getSize().y()+1;
		// note : +1 is for the overlapping of the glyph (Part 3)
		// update the Bitmap position drawing : 
		m_lastGlyphPos += ivec2(imageGlyphRaw.getSize().x()+1, 0);
	} else {
		EWOL_WARNING("Did not find char : '" << _val << "'=" << _val);
	// generate the kerning for all the characters :
	if (tmpchar.exist() == true) {
		// TODO : set the kerning back ...
		//m_font[iii]->generateKerning(m_size, m_listElement[iii]);
	if (hasChange == true) {
		//egami::store(m_data, "fileFont.bmp"); // ==> for debug test only ...
	return hasChange;