예제 #1
파일: btjson.cpp 프로젝트: aj-m/qBittorrent
 * The function returns the changed data from the server to synchronize with the web client.
 * Return value is map in JSON format.
 * Map contain the key:
 *  - "Rid": ID response
 * Map can contain the keys:
 *  - "full_update": full data update flag
 *  - "torrents": dictionary contains information about torrents.
 *  - "torrents_removed": a list of hashes of removed torrents
 *  - "categories": list of categories
 *  - "categories_removed": list of removed categories
 *  - "server_state": map contains information about the state of the server
 * The keys of the 'torrents' dictionary are hashes of torrents.
 * Each value of the 'torrents' dictionary contains map. The map can contain following keys:
 *  - "name": Torrent name
 *  - "size": Torrent size
 *  - "progress: Torrent progress
 *  - "dlspeed": Torrent download speed
 *  - "upspeed": Torrent upload speed
 *  - "priority": Torrent priority (-1 if queuing is disabled)
 *  - "num_seeds": Torrent seeds connected to
 *  - "num_complete": Torrent seeds in the swarm
 *  - "num_leechs": Torrent leechers connected to
 *  - "num_incomplete": Torrent leechers in the swarm
 *  - "ratio": Torrent share ratio
 *  - "eta": Torrent ETA
 *  - "state": Torrent state
 *  - "seq_dl": Torrent sequential download state
 *  - "f_l_piece_prio": Torrent first last piece priority state
 * Server state map may contain the following keys:
 *  - "connection_status": connection status
 *  - "dht_nodes": DHT nodes count
 *  - "dl_info_data": bytes downloaded
 *  - "dl_info_speed": download speed
 *  - "dl_rate_limit: download rate limit
 *  - "up_info_data: bytes uploaded
 *  - "up_info_speed: upload speed
 *  - "up_rate_limit: upload speed limit
 *  - "queueing": priority system usage flag
 *  - "refresh_interval": torrents table refresh interval
QByteArray btjson::getSyncMainData(int acceptedResponseId, QVariantMap &lastData, QVariantMap &lastAcceptedData)
    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash torrents;

    BitTorrent::Session *const session = BitTorrent::Session::instance();

    foreach (BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent, session->torrents()) {
        QVariantMap map = toMap(torrent);
        torrents[torrent->hash()] = map;

    data["torrents"] = torrents;

    QVariantList categories;
    foreach (const QString &category, session->categories())
        categories << category;

    data["categories"] = categories;

    QVariantMap serverState = getTranserInfoMap();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_QUEUEING] = session->isQueueingSystemEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_USE_ALT_SPEED_LIMITS] = session->isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL] = session->refreshInterval();
    data["server_state"] = serverState;

    return json::toJson(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedData, lastData));
예제 #2
// GET param:
//   - hash (string): torrent hash
//   - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::torrentPeersAction()
    auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse")).toMap();
    auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();

    const QString hash {params()["hash"]};
    BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->findTorrent(hash);
    if (!torrent)
        throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);

    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash peers;
    const QList<BitTorrent::PeerInfo> peersList = torrent->peers();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = Preferences::instance()->resolvePeerCountries();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = false;

    data[KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS] = resolvePeerCountries;

    for (const BitTorrent::PeerInfo &pi : peersList) {
        if (pi.address().ip.isNull()) continue;
        QVariantMap peer;
        if (resolvePeerCountries) {
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE] = pi.country().toLower();
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY] = Net::GeoIPManager::CountryName(pi.country());
        peer[KEY_PEER_IP] = pi.address().ip.toString();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PORT] = pi.address().port;
        peer[KEY_PEER_CLIENT] = pi.client();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PROGRESS] = pi.progress();
        peer[KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED] = pi.payloadDownSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED] = pi.payloadUpSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN] = pi.totalDownload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_UP] = pi.totalUpload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE] = pi.connectionType();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS] = pi.flags();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION] = pi.flagsDescription();
        peer[KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE] = pi.relevance();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FILES] = torrent->info().filesForPiece(pi.downloadingPieceIndex()).join(QLatin1String("\n"));

        peers[pi.address().ip.toString() + ':' + QString::number(pi.address().port)] = peer;

    data["peers"] = peers;

    const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
    setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));

    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse"), lastResponse);
    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);
예제 #3
// The function returns the changed data from the server to synchronize with the web client.
// Return value is map in JSON format.
// Map contain the key:
//  - "Rid": ID response
// Map can contain the keys:
//  - "full_update": full data update flag
//  - "torrents": dictionary contains information about torrents.
//  - "torrents_removed": a list of hashes of removed torrents
//  - "categories": map of categories info
//  - "categories_removed": list of removed categories
//  - "server_state": map contains information about the state of the server
// The keys of the 'torrents' dictionary are hashes of torrents.
// Each value of the 'torrents' dictionary contains map. The map can contain following keys:
//  - "name": Torrent name
//  - "size": Torrent size
//  - "progress": Torrent progress
//  - "dlspeed": Torrent download speed
//  - "upspeed": Torrent upload speed
//  - "priority": Torrent priority (-1 if queuing is disabled)
//  - "num_seeds": Torrent seeds connected to
//  - "num_complete": Torrent seeds in the swarm
//  - "num_leechs": Torrent leechers connected to
//  - "num_incomplete": Torrent leechers in the swarm
//  - "ratio": Torrent share ratio
//  - "eta": Torrent ETA
//  - "state": Torrent state
//  - "seq_dl": Torrent sequential download state
//  - "f_l_piece_prio": Torrent first last piece priority state
//  - "completion_on": Torrent copletion time
//  - "tracker": Torrent tracker
//  - "dl_limit": Torrent download limit
//  - "up_limit": Torrent upload limit
//  - "downloaded": Amount of data downloaded
//  - "uploaded": Amount of data uploaded
//  - "downloaded_session": Amount of data downloaded since program open
//  - "uploaded_session": Amount of data uploaded since program open
//  - "amount_left": Amount of data left to download
//  - "save_path": Torrent save path
//  - "completed": Amount of data completed
//  - "max_ratio": Upload max share ratio
//  - "max_seeding_time": Upload max seeding time
//  - "ratio_limit": Upload share ratio limit
//  - "seeding_time_limit": Upload seeding time limit
//  - "seen_complete": Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole
//  - "last_activity": Last time when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
//  - "total_size": Size including unwanted data
// Server state map may contain the following keys:
//  - "connection_status": connection status
//  - "dht_nodes": DHT nodes count
//  - "dl_info_data": bytes downloaded
//  - "dl_info_speed": download speed
//  - "dl_rate_limit: download rate limit
//  - "up_info_data: bytes uploaded
//  - "up_info_speed: upload speed
//  - "up_rate_limit: upload speed limit
//  - "queueing": priority system usage flag
//  - "refresh_interval": torrents table refresh interval
//  - "free_space_on_disk": Free space on the default save path
// GET param:
//   - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::maindataAction()
    auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse")).toMap();
    auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();

    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash torrents;

    BitTorrent::Session *const session = BitTorrent::Session::instance();

    for (BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent : asConst(session->torrents())) {
        QVariantMap map = serialize(*torrent);

        // Calculated last activity time can differ from actual value by up to 10 seconds (this is a libtorrent issue).
        // So we don't need unnecessary updates of last activity time in response.
        if (lastResponse.contains("torrents") && lastResponse["torrents"].toHash().contains(torrent->hash()) &&
                lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap().contains(KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME)) {
            uint lastValue = lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap()[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt();
            if (qAbs(static_cast<int>(lastValue - map[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt())) < 15)
                map[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME] = lastValue;

        torrents[torrent->hash()] = map;

    data["torrents"] = torrents;

    QVariantHash categories;
    const auto categoriesList = session->categories();
    for (auto it = categoriesList.cbegin(); it != categoriesList.cend(); ++it) {
        const auto key = it.key();
        categories[key] = QVariantMap {
            {"name", key},
            {"savePath", it.value()}

    data["categories"] = categories;

    QVariantMap serverState = getTranserInfo();
    serverState[KEY_TRANSFER_FREESPACEONDISK] = getFreeDiskSpace();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_QUEUEING] = session->isQueueingSystemEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_USE_ALT_SPEED_LIMITS] = session->isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled();
    serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL] = session->refreshInterval();
    data["server_state"] = serverState;

    const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
    setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));

    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse"), lastResponse);
    sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);
예제 #4
파일: btjson.cpp 프로젝트: aj-m/qBittorrent
QByteArray btjson::getSyncTorrentPeersData(int acceptedResponseId, QString hash, QVariantMap &lastData, QVariantMap &lastAcceptedData)
    BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->findTorrent(hash);
    if (!torrent) {
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Invalid torrent " << qPrintable(hash);
        return QByteArray();

    QVariantMap data;
    QVariantHash peers;
    QList<BitTorrent::PeerInfo> peersList = torrent->peers();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = Preferences::instance()->resolvePeerCountries();
    bool resolvePeerCountries = false;

    data[KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS] = resolvePeerCountries;

    foreach (const BitTorrent::PeerInfo &pi, peersList) {
        if (pi.address().ip.isNull()) continue;
        QVariantMap peer;
        if (resolvePeerCountries) {
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE] = pi.country().toLower();
            peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY] = Net::GeoIPManager::CountryName(pi.country());
        peer[KEY_PEER_IP] = pi.address().ip.toString();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PORT] = pi.address().port;
        peer[KEY_PEER_CLIENT] = pi.client();
        peer[KEY_PEER_PROGRESS] = pi.progress();
        peer[KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED] = pi.payloadDownSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED] = pi.payloadUpSpeed();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN] = pi.totalDownload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_UP] = pi.totalUpload();
        peer[KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE] = pi.connectionType();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS] = pi.flags();
        peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION] = pi.flagsDescription();
        peer[KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE] = pi.relevance();
        peers[pi.address().ip.toString() + ":" + QString::number(pi.address().port)] = peer;

    data["peers"] = peers;

    return json::toJson(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedData, lastData));