예제 #1
 * Set online status, this is the last step of login
 * @param err
 * @param lc 
static LwqqAsyncEvent* set_online_status(LwqqClient *lc,const char *status)
    char msg[1024] ={0};
    char *buf;
    LwqqHttpRequest *req = NULL;  

    if (!status) {
        return NULL;

    lc->clientid = generate_clientid();
    if (!lc->clientid) {
        lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Generate clientid error\n");
        return NULL;

    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "{\"status\":\"%s\",\"ptwebqq\":\"%s\","
             ", \"psessionid\":null}"
             ,status, lc->cookies->ptwebqq
    buf = url_encode(msg);
    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "r=%s", buf);

    /* Create a POST request */
    req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(lc,WEBQQ_D_HOST"/channel/login2", NULL);

    lwqq_puts("[set online status]\n");
    /* Set header needed by server */
    req->set_header(req, "Cookie2", "$Version=1");
    req->set_header(req, "Referer", WEBQQ_D_REF_URL);
    req->set_header(req, "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    /* Set http cookie */
    req->set_header(req, "Cookie", lwqq_get_cookies(lc));
    return  req->do_request_async(req, 1, msg,_C_(p_i,set_online_status_back,req));
예제 #2
파일: login.c 프로젝트: GrayMissing/lwqq
 * Set online status, this is the last step of login
 * @param err
 * @param lc 
static LwqqAsyncEvent* set_online_status(LwqqClient *lc,const char *status)
	char msg[1024] ={0};
	char* post = msg;
	LwqqHttpRequest *req = NULL;  

	if (!status) {
		return NULL;

	lc->clientid = generate_clientid();
	if (!lc->clientid) {
		lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Generate clientid error\n");
		return NULL;
	char* ptwebqq = lwqq_http_get_cookie(lwqq_get_http_handle(lc), "ptwebqq");

	snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "r={\"status\":\"%s\",\"ptwebqq\":\"%s\","
			", \"psessionid\":null}"
			,status, ptwebqq
	urlencode(msg, 2);

	/* Create a POST request */
	char url[512] ={0};
	req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(lc,url, NULL);

	/* Set header needed by server */
	//req->set_header(req, "Cookie2", "$Version=1");
	req->set_header(req, "Referer", WEBQQ_D_REF_URL);
	req->set_header(req, "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	return  req->do_request_async(req, lwqq__has_post(),_C_(p_i,set_online_status_back,req));
예제 #3
파일: login.c 프로젝트: yet/lwqq
 * Set online status, this is the last step of login
 * @param err
 * @param lc 
static void set_online_status(LwqqClient *lc, char *status, LwqqErrorCode *err)
    char msg[1024] ={0};
    char *buf;
    LwqqHttpRequest *req = NULL;  
    char *response = NULL;
    char *cookies;
    int ret;
    json_t *json = NULL;
    char *value;

    if (!status || !err) {
        goto done ;

    lc->clientid = generate_clientid();
    if (!lc->clientid) {
        lwqq_log(LOG_ERROR, "Generate clientid error\n");
        *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR;
        goto done ;

    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "{\"status\":\"%s\",\"ptwebqq\":\"%s\","
             ", \"psessionid\":null}"
             ,status, lc->cookies->ptwebqq
    buf = url_encode(msg);
    snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "r=%s", buf);

    /* Create a POST request */
    req = lwqq_http_create_default_request(LWQQ_URL_SET_STATUS, err);
    if (!req) {
        goto done;

    /* Set header needed by server */
    req->set_header(req, "Cookie2", "$Version=1");
    req->set_header(req, "Referer", "http://d.web2.qq.com/proxy.html?v=20101025002");
    req->set_header(req, "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    /* Set http cookie */
    cookies = lwqq_get_cookies(lc);
    if (cookies) {
        req->set_header(req, "Cookie", cookies);
    ret = req->do_request(req, 1, msg);
    if (ret) {
        *err = LWQQ_EC_NETWORK_ERROR;
        goto done;
    if (req->http_code != 200) {
        *err = LWQQ_EC_HTTP_ERROR;
        goto done;

     * Here, we got a json object like this:
     * {"retcode":0,"result":{"uin":1421032531,"cip":2013211875,"index":1060,"port":43415,"status":"online","vfwebqq":"e7ce7913336ad0d28de9cdb9b46a57e4a6127161e35b87d09486001870226ec1fca4c2ba31c025c7","psessionid":"8368046764001e636f6e6e7365727665725f77656271714031302e3133332e34312e32303200006b2900001544016e0400533cb3546d0000000a4046674d4652585136496d00000028e7ce7913336ad0d28de9cdb9b46a57e4a6127161e35b87d09486001870226ec1fca4c2ba31c025c7","user_state":0,"f":0}}
    response = req->response;
    ret = json_parse_document(&json, response);
    if (ret != JSON_OK) {
        *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR;
        goto done;

    if (!(value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "retcode"))) {
        *err = LWQQ_EC_ERROR;
        goto done;
     * Do we need parse "seskey? from kernelhcy's code, we need it,
     * but from the response we got like above, we dont need
    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "seskey"))) {
        lc->seskey = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "cip"))) {
        lc->cip = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "index"))) {
        lc->index = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "port"))) {
        lc->port = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "status"))) {
        /* This really need? */
        lc->status = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "vfwebqq"))) {
        lc->vfwebqq = s_strdup(value);

    if ((value = json_parse_simple_value(json, "psessionid"))) {
        lc->psessionid = s_strdup(value);

    *err = LWQQ_EC_OK;
    if (json)
예제 #4
파일: qqlogin.c 프로젝트: wanderxjtu/gtkqq
 * Get the psessionid.
 * This function is the last step of loginning
static int get_psessionid(QQInfo *info)
	int ret = NO_ERR;
	gint res = 0;
	if(info -> ptwebqq == NULL || info -> ptwebqq -> len <= 0){
		g_warning("Need ptwebqq!!(%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	Request *req = request_new();
	Response *rps = NULL;
	request_set_method(req, "POST");
	request_set_version(req, "HTTP/1.1");
	request_set_uri(req, PSIDPATH);
	request_add_header(req, "Host", PSIDHOST);
	request_add_header(req, "Cookie2", "$Version=1");
	request_add_header(req, "Referer"
			, "http://d.web2.qq.com/proxy.html?v=20101025002");
	GString *clientid = generate_clientid();
	info -> clientid = clientid;
	g_debug("clientid: %s", clientid -> str);

	gchar* msg = g_malloc(500);
	g_snprintf(msg, 500, "{\"status\":\"%s\",\"ptwebqq\":\"%s\","
			", \"psessionid\":null}"
			, info -> me -> status -> str, info -> ptwebqq -> str
			, clientid -> str);

	gchar *escape = g_uri_escape_string(msg, NULL, FALSE);
	g_snprintf(msg, 500, "r=%s", escape);

	request_append_msg(req, msg, strlen(msg));
	gchar cl[10];
	g_sprintf(cl, "%u", (unsigned int)strlen(msg));
	request_add_header(req, "Content-Length", cl);
	request_add_header(req, "Content-Type"
			, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

	gchar *cookie = g_malloc(2000);
	gint idx = 0;
	if(info -> ptvfsession != NULL){
		idx += g_snprintf(cookie + idx, 2000 - idx, "ptvfsession=%s; "
				, info -> ptvfsession -> str);
	idx += g_snprintf(cookie + idx, 2000 - idx, "%s"
			, info -> cookie -> str);
	request_add_header(req, "Cookie", cookie);

	Connection *con = connect_to_host(PSIDHOST, 80);
	if(con == NULL){
		g_warning("Can NOT connect to server!(%s, %d)"
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		return NETWORK_ERR;

	send_request(con, req);
	res = rcv_response(con, &rps);

	if (-1 == res || !rps) {
		g_warning("Null point access (%s, %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		ret = -1;
		goto error;
	const gchar *retstatus = rps -> status -> str;
	if(g_strstr_len(retstatus, -1, "200") == NULL){
		g_warning("Server status %s (%s, %d)", retstatus
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		ret = NETWORK_ERR;
		goto error;

	json_t *json = NULL;
	switch(json_parse_document(&json, rps -> msg -> str))
	case JSON_OK:
		g_warning("json_parser_document: syntax error. (%s, %d)"
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		ret = NETWORK_ERR;
		goto error;

	json_t *val;
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "retcode");
	if(val -> child -> text[0] != '0'){
		g_warning("Server return code %s(%s, %d)", val -> child -> text
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		ret = NETWORK_ERR;
		goto error;
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "seskey");
	if(val != NULL){
		g_debug("seskey: %s (%s, %d)", val -> child -> text
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		info -> seskey = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "cip");
	if(val != NULL){
		info -> cip = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "index");
	if(val != NULL){
		info -> index = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "port");
	if(val != NULL){
		info -> port = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "status");
		g_debug("status: %s (%s, %d)", val -> child -> text
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "vfwebqq");
	if(val != NULL){
		g_debug("vfwebqq: %s (%s, %d)", val -> child -> text
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		info -> vfwebqq = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
	val = json_find_first_label_all(json, "psessionid");
	if(val != NULL){
		g_debug("psessionid: %s (%s, %d)", val -> child -> text
				, __FILE__, __LINE__);
		info -> psessionid = g_string_new(val -> child -> text);
		g_debug("Can not find pesssionid!(%s, %d): %s"
				, __FILE__, __LINE__, rps -> msg -> str);

	return ret;