bool FullColorBrushTool::onPropertyChanged(string propertyName) { m_minThick = m_thickness.getValue().first; m_maxThick = m_thickness.getValue().second; if (propertyName == "Hardness:" || propertyName == "Thickness") { m_brushPad = ToolUtils::getBrushPad(m_thickness.getValue().second, m_hardness.getValue() * 0.01); TRectD rect(m_brushPos - TPointD(m_maxThick + 2, m_maxThick + 2), m_brushPos + TPointD(m_maxThick + 2, m_maxThick + 2)); invalidate(rect); } /*if(propertyName == "Hardness:" || propertyName == "Opacity:") setWorkAndBackupImages();*/ FullcolorBrushMinSize = m_minThick; FullcolorBrushMaxSize = m_maxThick; FullcolorPressureSensibility = m_pressure.getValue(); FullcolorBrushHardness = m_hardness.getValue(); FullcolorMinOpacity = m_opacity.getValue().first; FullcolorMaxOpacity = m_opacity.getValue().second; if (propertyName == "Preset:") { loadPreset(); getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->notifyToolChanged(); return true; } if (m_preset.getValue() != CUSTOM_WSTR) { m_preset.setValue(CUSTOM_WSTR); getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->notifyToolChanged(); } return true; }
void CSLevel::createGUIBaseWindow() { destroyGUIBaseWindow(); // create the base gui element m_GUIBaseWindow = new CSGUI_Window(getApplication()->getDesktop(), getGui(), getApplication()->getDesktop(),getId(),L"CSLevel",rect<s32>(0,0,1024,768),CS_VISIBLE|CS_BORDER|CS_CAPTION|CS_TRANSPARENT,CSGUI_Layout(layoutStyle::REST),0); getApplication()->getDesktop()->addCSChild(m_GUIBaseWindow); }
void ParticleComponent::setTexture(std::string const& id) { if (getApplication().hasResource(id)) { if (getApplication().isResourceLoaded(id)) { ParticleComponent::setTexture(getApplication().getResource<Texture>(id)); } } }
/** * The main entry point. We pass arguments onto GLUT. */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Set up GLUT and the timers glutInit(&argc, argv); TimingData::init(); // Create the application and its window app = getApplication(); createWindow(app->getTitle()); // Set up the appropriate handler functions glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutIdleFunc(update); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMotionFunc(motion); // Run the application app->initGraphics(); glutMainLoop(); // Clean up the application app->deinit(); delete app; TimingData::deinit(); return 0; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Albany::MechanicsProblem:: constructDirichletEvaluators(const Albany::MeshSpecsStruct& meshSpecs) { // Construct Dirichlet evaluators for all nodesets and names std::vector<std::string> dirichletNames(neq); int index = 0; if (have_mech_eq_) { dirichletNames[index++] = "X"; if (num_dims_ > 1) dirichletNames[index++] = "Y"; if (num_dims_ > 2) dirichletNames[index++] = "Z"; } if (have_temperature_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "T"; if (have_pore_pressure_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "P"; if (have_transport_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "C"; if (have_hydrostress_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "TAU"; if (have_damage_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "D"; if (have_stab_pressure_eq_) dirichletNames[index++] = "SP"; // Pass on the Application as well that is needed for // the coupled Schwarz BC. It is just ignored otherwise. Teuchos::RCP<Albany::Application> const & application = getApplication(); this->params->set<Teuchos::RCP<Albany::Application>>( "Application", application); Albany::BCUtils<Albany::DirichletTraits> dirUtils; dfm = dirUtils.constructBCEvaluators(meshSpecs.nsNames, dirichletNames, this->params, this->paramLib); }
bool StylePickerTool::startOrganizePalette() { /* Check if the organizing operation is available */ TXshLevel *level = getApplication()->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel(); if (!level) { DVGui::error(tr("No current level.")); return false; } if (level->getType() != PLI_XSHLEVEL && level->getType() != TZP_XSHLEVEL && level->getType() != PLT_XSHLEVEL) { DVGui::error(tr("Current level has no available palette.")); return false; } /* palette should have more than one page to organize */ TPalette *pal = NULL; if (level->getType() == PLT_XSHLEVEL) pal = level->getPaletteLevel()->getPalette(); else pal = level->getSimpleLevel()->getPalette(); if (!pal || pal->getPageCount() < 2) { DVGui::error( tr("Palette must have more than one palette to be organized.")); return false; } m_paletteToBeOrganized = pal; std::cout << "Start Organize Palette" << std::endl; return true; }
bool MasterConfig::run( co::Object* frameData ) { LBASSERT( _objects ); if( frameData ) LBCHECK( _objects->register_( frameData, OBJECTTYPE_FRAMEDATA )); _objects->setFrameData( frameData ); seq::Application* const app = getApplication(); while( isRunning( )) { startFrame(); if( getError( )) LBWARN << "Error during frame start: " << getError() << std::endl; finishFrame(); while( !needRedraw( )) // wait for an event requiring redraw { if( app->hasCommands( )) // execute non-critical pending commands { app->processCommand(); handleEvents(); // non-blocking } else // no pending commands, block on user event { const eq::EventCommand& event = getNextEvent(); if( !handleEvent( event )) LBVERB << "Unhandled " << event << std::endl; } } handleEvents(); // process all pending events } finishAllFrames(); return true; }
void StylePickerTool::mouseMove(const TPointD &pos, const TMouseEvent &e) { if (!m_passivePick.getValue()) return; /*--- PassiveにStyleを拾う機能 ---*/ PaletteController *controller = TTool::getApplication()->getPaletteController(); TImageP image = getImage(false); TToonzImageP ti = image; TVectorImageP vi = image; TXshSimpleLevel *level = getApplication()->getCurrentLevel()->getSimpleLevel(); if ((!ti && !vi) || !level || !m_viewer->getGeometry().contains(pos)) { controller->notifyStylePassivePicked(-1, -1, -1); return; } int subsampling = level->getImageSubsampling(getCurrentFid()); StylePicker picker(image); TPointD pickPos(TScale(1.0 / subsampling) * pos + TPointD(-0.5, -0.5)); int inkStyleId = picker.pickStyleId(pickPos, getPixelSize() * getPixelSize(), 1); int paintStyleId = picker.pickStyleId(pickPos, getPixelSize() * getPixelSize(), 0); int tone = picker.pickTone(pickPos); controller->notifyStylePassivePicked(inkStyleId, paintStyleId, tone); }
void Projectile::update() { x += xDir * speed; y += yDir * speed; if(abs(xDir) > 0) { pixelsTravellable -= (int)(abs(xDir) * speed); } else if(abs(yDir) > 0) { pixelsTravellable -= (int)(abs(yDir) * speed); } else { pixelsTravellable--; } for(int index = 0; index < 2; index++) { if(currentRotation > rotation) { currentRotation -= 5; } else if(currentRotation < rotation) { currentRotation += 5; } } RotateSprite(texture, currentRotation); MoveSprite(texture, x, y); if(pixelsTravellable <= 0) { getApplication()->removeDrawable(this); return; } }
void FullColorBrushTool::onEnter() { TImageP img = getImage(false); TRasterImageP ri(img); if (ri) { m_minThick = m_thickness.getValue().first; m_maxThick = m_thickness.getValue().second; } else { m_minThick = 0; m_maxThick = 0; } Application *app = getApplication(); if (app->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) { m_currentColor = TPixel32::Red; return; } TPalette *plt = app->getCurrentPalette()->getPalette(); if (!plt) return; int style = app->getCurrentLevelStyleIndex(); TColorStyle *colorStyle = plt->getStyle(style); m_currentColor = colorStyle->getMainColor(); }
TAboutDlg::TAboutDlg(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent) : TGUIDialog(environment, parent, -1, TRecti(0,0,500,400), (TDialogButtons)0, true, true, false) { setText(L"About"); TGUIImage* image = getApplication()->addGUIImage("tex/iwalktest/iwalktest.png", -1.f, 40.f, -1.f, -1.f, false, this); if(image) addChild(image); addText(environment, 0, "Copyright (C) 2011, Tubras LTD", 0xFF770000); addText(environment, 1, "(", 0xFF770000); addText(environment, 3, "Rendering by Irrlicht 3d Engine"); addText(environment, 4, "Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhard", 0xFF007700); addText(environment, 5, "(", 0xFF007700); addText(environment, 7, "Physics by Bullet"); addText(environment, 8, "Copyright (C) 2011 Erwin Coumans", 0xFF000077); addText(environment, 9, "(", 0xFF000077); u32 xpos = (AbsoluteRect.getWidth() / 2) - 50; u32 ypos = AbsoluteRect.getHeight() - 75; environment->addButton(TRecti(xpos, ypos, xpos+100, ypos + 32), this, TID_DLG_CANCEL, L"Okey-dokey"); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // c a l l S t a t e F u n c //----------------------------------------------------------------------- int TScriptState::callStateFunc(int ref) { int result=0; if(ref <= 0) return 0; lua_rawgeti(m_lua, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref); if(lua_type(m_lua,-1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) return 0; // call the function if (lua_pcall(m_lua, 0, 1, 0) != 0) { getApplication()->logMessage(LOG_ERROR, "Error calling function TScriptState:: %d %s", ref, lua_tostring(m_lua, -1)); return 1; } if(lua_isnumber(m_lua, -1)) { result = lua_tointeger(m_lua, -1); } lua_pop(m_lua, 1); return result; }
void Demo4State::update(double dtime) { //Update background sprite double gameSpeed = 50.; //move 50 pixel / second sf::Vector2f gameOffset(0., -gameSpeed * dtime); mBackgroundTextRect += gameOffset; mBackgroundSprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(mBackgroundTextRect.x, mBackgroundTextRect.y, 800, 600)); //Update fighter position double fighterSpeed = 600.; sf::Vector2f mousePosition = getApplication()->getMousePosition(); sf::Vector2f currentPosition = mFighterSprite.getPosition(); sf::Vector2f center = currentPosition; center.x += 95./2.; center.y += 151./2.; sf::Vector2f move = mousePosition - center; double distance = std::sqrt(move.x * move.x + move.y * move.y); if (distance >= 5.) { move.x = move.x / distance * fighterSpeed * dtime; move.y = move.y / distance * fighterSpeed * dtime; sf::Vector2f destination = currentPosition + move; destination.x = std::max(0.f, destination.x); destination.x = std::min(800.f-95.f, destination.x); destination.y = std::max(0.f, destination.y); destination.y = std::min(600.f-151.f, destination.y); mFighterSprite.setPosition(destination); } }
LRESULT AVIPreview::onChangeMenu(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { if (ctrlCommands.GetSelectedCount() == 1) { int sel = ctrlCommands.GetSelectedIndex(); const auto pa = FavoriteManager::getInstance()->getPreviewApp(sel); if (pa) { PreviewDlg dlg; = Text::toT(pa->getName()); dlg.application = Text::toT(pa->getApplication()); dlg.argument = Text::toT(pa->getArguments()); dlg.extensions = Text::toT(pa->getExtension()); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { pa->setName(Text::fromT(; pa->setApplication(Text::fromT(dlg.application)); pa->setArguments(Text::fromT(dlg.argument)); pa->setExtension(Text::fromT(dlg.extensions)); ctrlCommands.SetItemText(sel, 0,; ctrlCommands.SetItemText(sel, 1, dlg.application.c_str()); ctrlCommands.SetItemText(sel, 2, dlg.argument.c_str()); ctrlCommands.SetItemText(sel, 3, dlg.extensions.c_str()); } } } return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // a d d I t e m //----------------------------------------------------------------------- u32 TTextOverlay::addItem(const TString& text,TTextAlignment a, TColor color, TColor bgColor) { s32 offset = 0; int idx; IGUIEnvironment* mgr = getApplication()->getGUIManager(); IGUIFont* font=m_panel->getOverrideFont(); if(!font) font = mgr->getSkin()->getFont(); TRecti apos = m_panel->getAbsolutePosition(); idx = (int)m_textItems.size(); TStrStream name; name << m_name.c_str() << "-item" << idx+1; TStringW wstr = text.c_str(); s32 cheight = font->getDimension(L"Ay").Height; cheight += font->getKerningHeight(); TRecti tdim(0,0,apos.getWidth(),cheight); TTextElement* textArea = mgr->addStaticText(wstr.c_str(),tdim,false,false,m_panel); textArea->move(position2di(0,cheight*idx)); textArea->setOverrideFont(font); textArea->setOverrideColor(color); textArea->setBackgroundColor(bgColor); offset = idx * (cheight); s32 theight = ((idx+1) * cheight) + (m_margins.Height * 2); EGUI_ALIGNMENT oa=EGUIA_UPPERLEFT; switch(a) { case taLeft: oa = EGUIA_UPPERLEFT; break; case taCenter: oa = EGUIA_CENTER; break; case taRight: oa = EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT; break; }; textArea->setTextAlignment(oa,EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); m_panel->addChild(textArea); m_textItems.push_back(textArea); if(apos.getHeight() < theight) { m_panel->setMinSize(TDimensionu(0,theight)); } return m_textItems.size()-1; }
void FullColorBrushTool::onActivate() { if (!m_notifier) m_notifier = new FullColorBrushToolNotifier(this); TTool::Application *app = getApplication(); if (app->getCurrentObject()->isSpline()) { m_currentColor = TPixel32::Red; return; } int styleIndex = app->getCurrentLevelStyleIndex(); TPalette *plt = app->getCurrentPalette()->getPalette(); if (plt) { int style = app->getCurrentLevelStyleIndex(); TColorStyle *colorStyle = plt->getStyle(style); m_currentColor = colorStyle->getMainColor(); } if (m_firstTime) { m_firstTime = false; m_thickness.setValue(TIntPairProperty::Value(FullcolorBrushMinSize, FullcolorBrushMaxSize)); m_pressure.setValue(FullcolorPressureSensibility ? 1 : 0); m_opacity.setValue(TDoublePairProperty::Value(FullcolorMinOpacity, FullcolorMaxOpacity)); m_hardness.setValue(FullcolorBrushHardness); } m_brushPad = ToolUtils::getBrushPad(m_thickness.getValue().second, m_hardness.getValue() * 0.01); setWorkAndBackupImages(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // s t o p //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TTask::stop() { if(!m_isRunning) return; m_isRunning = false; getApplication()->getTaskManager()->stop(this); }
void AnimationBoot::start(Callback callback) { animationSystem_ = new Graphics::Render::AnimationSystem( getApplication().getEcsWorld(), getApplication().getEventManager().getEventQueue() ); animationSystem_->registerListeners( getApplication().getEventManager().getListenerRegister() ); std::vector<Threading::ThreadableInterface*> animThreadables; animThreadables.push_back(animationSystem_); setThread(new Threading::Thread(animThreadables, 60)); getThread().start(); callback(); }
void Powerup::update() { MoveSprite(texture, (float)x, (float)y); timeLeft--; if(timeLeft <= 0) { getApplication()->removeDrawable(this); return; } }
bool SlaveConfig::mapData(const uint128_t& initID) { LBASSERT(!_objects); _objects = new ObjectMap(*this, *getApplication()); const uint32_t request = mapObjectNB(_objects, initID, co::VERSION_OLDEST, getApplicationNode()); return mapObjectSync(request); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // s t a r t //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void TTask::start() { if(m_isRunning) return; m_isRunning = true; getApplication()->getTaskManager()->start(this); }
bool getAcadMenuGroup(IAcadMenuGroup **pVal) { IAcadApplication *acadApp = NULL; LPDISPATCH pDisp = NULL; if (!getApplication(&pDisp)) return false; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IAcadApplication, (LPVOID*)&acadApp); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; LPDISPATCH pTempDisp = NULL; IAcadMenuGroups *mnuGrps = NULL; long cnt = 0; //get the menu groups hr = acadApp->get_MenuGroups(&mnuGrps); if (FAILED(hr)) { acadApp->Release(); return false; } mnuGrps->get_Count(&cnt); //get AutoCAD menu group. say it is index 0. IAcadMenuGroup *mnuGrp = NULL; VARIANT vtName; vtName.vt = VT_I4; BSTR grpName; bool found = false ; for (long i=0; i < cnt; i++) { vtName.lVal = i; hr = mnuGrps->Item(vtName, &mnuGrp); if (FAILED(hr)) return false; hr = mnuGrp->get_Name(&grpName); CString cgrpName(grpName); if (cgrpName.CompareNoCase("Acad")==0) { found = true; *pVal = mnuGrp; break; } } acadApp->Release(); return found; }
string Identity::getTag() const noexcept { if(!get("TA").empty()) return get("TA"); if(get("VE").empty() || get("HN").empty() || get("HR").empty() || get("HO").empty() || get("SL").empty()) return Util::emptyString; return "<" + getApplication() + ",M:" + getV4ModeString() + getV6ModeString() + ",H:" + get("HN") + "/" + get("HR") + "/" + get("HO") + ",S:" + get("SL") + ">"; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ~ T P h y s i c s O b j e c t //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TPhysicsObject::~TPhysicsObject() { if(m_rigidBody) { getApplication()->getPhysicsManager()->getBulletWorld()->removeRigidBody(m_rigidBody); delete m_rigidBody; } if(m_shape) delete m_shape; }
void AnimationBoot::cleanUp() { if (animationSystem_ != NULL) { animationSystem_->unregisterListeners( getApplication().getEventManager().getListenerRegister() ); delete animationSystem_; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // T O v e r l a y //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOverlay::TOverlay(TString name, TRectf dims, TColor color) : TDelegate() { m_name = name; m_dims = dims; m_panel = getApplication()->getGUIManager()->addStaticText(L"",rect<s32>(0,0,0,0)); setColor(color); m_panel->setRelativePositionProportional(dims); }
bool Pipe::configExit() { _unmapData(); if( _renderer ) { getRendererImpl()->setPipe( 0 ); getApplication()->destroyRenderer( _renderer ); } _renderer = 0; return eq::Pipe::configExit(); }
/* If the working palette is changed, then deactivate the "organize palette" toggle. */ void StylePickerTool::onImageChanged() { std::cout << "StylePickerTool::onImageChanged" << std::endl; if (!m_organizePalette.getValue() || !m_paletteToBeOrganized) return; TXshLevel *level = getApplication()->getCurrentLevel()->getLevel(); if (!level) { m_organizePalette.setValue(false); getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->notifyToolChanged(); return; } TPalette *pal = NULL; if (level->getType() == PLT_XSHLEVEL) pal = level->getPaletteLevel()->getPalette(); else if (level->getSimpleLevel()) { pal = level->getSimpleLevel()->getPalette(); } if (!pal || pal != m_paletteToBeOrganized) { m_organizePalette.setValue(false); getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->notifyToolChanged(); return; } }
void TTool::invalidate(const TRectD &rect) { if (m_viewer) { if (rect.isEmpty()) m_viewer->GLInvalidateAll(); else { TPointD dpiScale(1, 1); TXshSimpleLevel *sl = getApplication()->getCurrentLevel()->getSimpleLevel(); if (sl) dpiScale = getCurrentDpiScale(sl, getCurrentFid()); m_viewer->GLInvalidateRect(getCurrentColumnMatrix() * TScale(dpiScale.x, dpiScale.y) * rect); } } }
bool StylePickerTool::onPropertyChanged(std::string propertyName) { if (propertyName == m_organizePalette.getName()) { if (m_organizePalette.getValue()) { if (!startOrganizePalette()) { m_organizePalette.setValue(false); getApplication()->getCurrentTool()->notifyToolChanged(); return false; } } else { std::cout << "End Organize Palette" << std::endl; m_paletteToBeOrganized = NULL; } } return true; }