예제 #1
void LLViewerCamera::updateCameraLocation(const LLVector3 &center,
											const LLVector3 &up_direction,
											const LLVector3 &point_of_interest)
	// do not update if avatar didn't move
	if (!LLViewerJoystick::getInstance()->getCameraNeedsUpdate())

	LLVector3 last_position;
	LLVector3 last_axis;
	last_position = getOrigin();
	last_axis = getAtAxis();

	mLastPointOfInterest = point_of_interest;

	// constrain to max distance from avatar
	LLVector3 camera_offset = center - gAgent.getPositionAgent();

	LLViewerRegion * regp = gAgent.getRegion();
	F32 water_height = (NULL != regp) ? regp->getWaterHeight() : 0.f;

	LLVector3 origin = center;
	if (origin.mV[2] > water_height)
		origin.mV[2] = llmax(origin.mV[2], water_height+0.20f);
		origin.mV[2] = llmin(origin.mV[2], water_height-0.20f);

	setOriginAndLookAt(origin, up_direction, point_of_interest);

	mVelocityDir = center - last_position ; 
	F32 dpos = mVelocityDir.normVec() ;
	LLQuaternion rotation;
	rotation.shortestArc(last_axis, getAtAxis());

	F32 x, y, z;
	F32 drot;
	rotation.getAngleAxis(&drot, &x, &y, &z);

	mAverageSpeed = mVelocityStat.getMeanPerSec() ;
	mAverageAngularSpeed = mAngularVelocityStat.getMeanPerSec() ;
	mCosHalfCameraFOV = cosf(0.5f * getView() * llmax(1.0f, getAspect()));

	// update pixel meter ratio using default fov, not modified one
	mPixelMeterRatio = getViewHeightInPixels()/ (2.f*tanf(mCameraFOVDefault*0.5));
	// update screen pixel area
	mScreenPixelArea =(S32)((F32)getViewHeightInPixels() * ((F32)getViewHeightInPixels() * getAspect()));
예제 #2
void LLViewerCamera::getPixelVectors(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLVector3 &up, LLVector3 &right)
	LLVector3 to_vec = pos_agent - getOrigin();

	F32 at_dist = to_vec * getAtAxis();

	F32 height_meters = at_dist* (F32)tan(getView()/2.f);
	F32 height_pixels = getViewHeightInPixels()/2.f;

	F32 pixel_aspect = gViewerWindow->getWindow()->getPixelAspectRatio();

	F32 meters_per_pixel = height_meters / height_pixels;
	up = getUpAxis() * meters_per_pixel * gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VY];
	right = -1.f * pixel_aspect * meters_per_pixel * getLeftAxis() * gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VX];
예제 #3
// Uses the last GL matrices set in set_perspective to project a point from
// the agent's region space to the nearest edge in screen coordinates.
// Returns TRUE if projection succeeds.
BOOL LLViewerCamera::projectPosAgentToScreenEdge(const LLVector3 &pos_agent,
												LLCoordGL &out_point) const
	LLVector3 dir_to_point = pos_agent - getOrigin();
	dir_to_point /= dir_to_point.magVec();

	BOOL in_front = TRUE;
	if (dir_to_point * getAtAxis() < 0.f)
		in_front = FALSE;

	LLRect world_view_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw();
	S32	viewport[4];
	viewport[0] = world_view_rect.mLeft;
	viewport[1] = world_view_rect.mBottom;
	viewport[2] = world_view_rect.getWidth();
	viewport[3] = world_view_rect.getHeight();
	GLdouble	x, y, z;			// object's window coords, GL-style
	if (GL_TRUE == gluProject(pos_agent.mV[VX], pos_agent.mV[VY],
							  pos_agent.mV[VZ], gGLModelView,
							  gGLProjection, (GLint*)viewport,
							  &x, &y, &z))
		x /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VX];
		y /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VY];
		// should now have the x,y coords of grab_point in screen space
		const LLRect& world_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();

		// ...sanity check
		S32 int_x = lltrunc(x);
		S32 int_y = lltrunc(y);

		// find the center
		GLdouble center_x = (GLdouble)world_rect.getCenterX();
		GLdouble center_y = (GLdouble)world_rect.getCenterY();

		if (x == center_x  &&  y == center_y)
			// can't project to edge from exact center
			return FALSE;

		// find the line from center to local
		GLdouble line_x = x - center_x;
		GLdouble line_y = y - center_y;

		int_x = lltrunc(center_x);
		int_y = lltrunc(center_y);

		if (0.f == line_x)
			// the slope of the line is undefined
			if (line_y > 0.f)
				int_y = world_rect.mTop;
				int_y = world_rect.mBottom;
		else if (0 == world_rect.getWidth())
			// the diagonal slope of the view is undefined
			if (y < world_rect.mBottom)
				int_y = world_rect.mBottom;
			else if ( y > world_rect.mTop)
				int_y = world_rect.mTop;
			F32 line_slope = (F32)(line_y / line_x);
			F32 rect_slope = ((F32)world_rect.getHeight()) / ((F32)world_rect.getWidth());

			if (fabs(line_slope) > rect_slope)
				if (line_y < 0.f)
					// bottom
					int_y = world_rect.mBottom;
					// top
					int_y = world_rect.mTop;
				int_x = lltrunc(((GLdouble)int_y - center_y) / line_slope + center_x);
			else if (fabs(line_slope) < rect_slope)
				if (line_x < 0.f)
					// left
					int_x = world_rect.mLeft;
					// right
					int_x = world_rect.mRight;
				int_y = lltrunc(((GLdouble)int_x - center_x) * line_slope + center_y);
				// exactly parallel ==> push to the corners
				if (line_x > 0.f)
					int_x = world_rect.mRight;
					int_x = world_rect.mLeft;
				if (line_y > 0.0f)
					int_y = world_rect.mTop;
					int_y = world_rect.mBottom;
		if (!in_front)
			int_x = world_rect.mLeft + world_rect.mRight - int_x;
			int_y = world_rect.mBottom + world_rect.mTop - int_y;

		out_point.mX = int_x + world_rect.mLeft;
		out_point.mY = int_y + world_rect.mBottom;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
예제 #4
// Uses the last GL matrices set in set_perspective to project a point from
// the agent's region space to screen coordinates.  Returns TRUE if point in within
// the current window.
BOOL LLViewerCamera::projectPosAgentToScreen(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLCoordGL &out_point, const BOOL clamp) const
	BOOL in_front = TRUE;
	GLdouble	x, y, z;			// object's window coords, GL-style

	LLVector3 dir_to_point = pos_agent - getOrigin();
	dir_to_point /= dir_to_point.magVec();

	if (dir_to_point * getAtAxis() < 0.f)
		if (clamp)
			return FALSE;
			in_front = FALSE;

	LLRect world_view_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw();
	S32	viewport[4];
	viewport[0] = world_view_rect.mLeft;
	viewport[1] = world_view_rect.mBottom;
	viewport[2] = world_view_rect.getWidth();
	viewport[3] = world_view_rect.getHeight();

	if (GL_TRUE == gluProject(pos_agent.mV[VX], pos_agent.mV[VY], pos_agent.mV[VZ],
								gGLModelView, gGLProjection, (GLint*)viewport,
								&x, &y, &z))
		// convert screen coordinates to virtual UI coordinates
		x /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VX];
		y /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VY];

		// should now have the x,y coords of grab_point in screen space
		LLRect world_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();

		// convert to pixel coordinates
		S32 int_x = lltrunc(x);
		S32 int_y = lltrunc(y);

		BOOL valid = TRUE;

		if (clamp)
			if (int_x < world_rect.mLeft)
				out_point.mX = world_rect.mLeft;
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_x > world_rect.mRight)
				out_point.mX = world_rect.mRight;
				valid = FALSE;
				out_point.mX = int_x;

			if (int_y < world_rect.mBottom)
				out_point.mY = world_rect.mBottom;
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_y > world_rect.mTop)
				out_point.mY = world_rect.mTop;
				valid = FALSE;
				out_point.mY = int_y;
			return valid;
			out_point.mX = int_x;
			out_point.mY = int_y;

			if (int_x < world_rect.mLeft)
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_x > world_rect.mRight)
				valid = FALSE;
			if (int_y < world_rect.mBottom)
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_y > world_rect.mTop)
				valid = FALSE;

			return in_front && valid;
		return FALSE;
예제 #5
// Uses the last GL matrices set in set_perspective to project a point from
// the agent's region space to screen coordinates.  Returns TRUE if point in within
// the current window.
BOOL LLViewerCamera::projectPosAgentToScreen(const LLVector3 &pos_agent, LLCoordGL &out_point, const BOOL clamp) const
	BOOL in_front = TRUE;
	LLVector3 window_coordinates;

	LLVector3 dir_to_point = pos_agent - getOrigin();
	dir_to_point /= dir_to_point.magVec();

	if (dir_to_point * getAtAxis() < 0.f)
		if (clamp)
			return FALSE;
			in_front = FALSE;

	const LLRect& world_view_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectRaw();

	if (gGL.projectf(pos_agent, gGLModelView, gGLProjection, world_view_rect, window_coordinates))
		F32 &x = window_coordinates.mV[VX];
		F32 &y = window_coordinates.mV[VY];

		// convert screen coordinates to virtual UI coordinates
		x /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VX];
		y /= gViewerWindow->getDisplayScale().mV[VY];

		// should now have the x,y coords of grab_point in screen space
		LLRect world_rect = gViewerWindow->getWorldViewRectScaled();

		// ...sanity check
		S32 int_x = lltrunc(x);
		S32 int_y = lltrunc(y);

		BOOL valid = TRUE;

		if (clamp)
			if (int_x < world_rect.mLeft)
				out_point.mX = world_rect.mLeft;
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_x > world_rect.mRight)
				out_point.mX = world_rect.mRight;
				valid = FALSE;
				out_point.mX = int_x;

			if (int_y < world_rect.mBottom)
				out_point.mY = world_rect.mBottom;
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_y > world_rect.mTop)
				out_point.mY = world_rect.mTop;
				valid = FALSE;
				out_point.mY = int_y;
			return valid;
			out_point.mX = int_x;
			out_point.mY = int_y;

			if (int_x < world_rect.mLeft)
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_x > world_rect.mRight)
				valid = FALSE;
			if (int_y < world_rect.mBottom)
				valid = FALSE;
			else if (int_y > world_rect.mTop)
				valid = FALSE;

			return in_front && valid;
		return FALSE;