예제 #1
XEvent Clipboard::checkEvent()
	XEvent e;
    XIfEvent(resourceManager->dpy, &e, &clipboardPredicate, reinterpret_cast<XPointer>(window.get()));
    DEBUG_CLIP("A selection notify has arrived!");
    DEBUG_CLIP("Requester = 0x" << hex << e.xselectionrequest.requestor << dec);
    DEBUG_CLIP("Target atom    = " << getAtomName(resourceManager->dpy, e.xselection.target));
    DEBUG_CLIP("Property atom  = " << getAtomName(resourceManager->dpy, e.xselection.property));
    DEBUG_CLIP("Selection atom = " << getAtomName(resourceManager->dpy, e.xselection.selection));
	return e;
예제 #2
// Print out the details of an atom, taking the form:
// Atom Type   Atomic Number    Atomic Mass(amu)  #CGBFS   x    y    z
void Logger::print(const Atom& a) const
  int q = a.getCharge();
  Vector c(3);
  c = a.getCoords();
  outfile << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
  outfile << std::setw(10) << getAtomName(q);
  outfile << std::setw(10) << q;
  outfile << std::setw(10) << a.getMass();
  outfile << std::setw(10) << a.getNbfs();
  outfile << std::setw(4) << "(" << std::setw(8) << c(0);
  outfile << ", " << std::setw(8) << c(1);
  outfile << ", " << std::setw(8) << c(2) << ")\n";
예제 #3
// Return the atomic number of an atom with text n
// the reverse of getAtomName
int getAtomCharge(const std::string& n)
	// Make it upper case
	std::string name = n;
	std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), ::toupper);
	int q = 1;
	bool found = false;
	while (!found && q < 109 ){
		  if(getAtomName(q) == name){
		  	found = true;
    return q-1;
예제 #4
// Print out the basis set specification in the format:
// (example is C atom in 3-21G basis set)
// BASIS: 6-31G
// Total no. of cgbfs: 9
// Total no. of primitives: 9
// ===============
//  Specification
// ===============
// Atom      Shell     #CGBFs    #Prims
// ......................................
// C         s          3         6
//           p          6         3
// (if full = true, then continue with this)
// ===============
// Basis Functions
// ===============
// Atom      Shell     BF    Coeff        Exponent
// .................................................
// C         s         1     0.0617669    172.2560
//                           0.358794     25.91090
//                           0.700713     5.533350
// etc...
void Logger::print(Basis& b, bool full) const
  // Collect the data needed for printing
  int nbfs = b.getNBFs(); // Store number of cgbfs and prims
  int nprims = 0;

  Vector qs = b.getCharges();
  // Sort the qs and get rid of duplicates
  Vector qtemp(qs.size());
  qtemp[0] = qs(0);
  int k = 1;
  for (int i = 1; i < qs.size(); i++){
    if (qs(i) != qtemp[k-1]){
      qtemp[k] = qs(i);
  qs = qtemp;

  // Now sum over all basis functions to get the number of prims
  Vector c(3); c[0] = 0.0; c[1] = 0.0; c[2] = 0.0;
  BF bftemp(c, 0, 0, 0, c, c);

  for (int i = 0; i < nbfs; i++){
    bftemp = b.getBF(i);
    nprims += bftemp.getNPrims();

  // Start printing
  title("Basis Set");
  outfile << "BASIS: " << b.getName() << "\n";
  outfile << "Total no. of cgbfs: " << nbfs << "\n";
  outfile << "Total no. of prims: " << nprims << "\n";
  outfile << std::setw(8) << "Atom";
  outfile << std::setw(8) << "Shell";
  outfile << std::setw(8) << "#CGBFs";
  outfile << std::setw(8) << "#Prims\n";
  outfile << std::string(35, '.') << "\n";
  // loop over the atom types
  outfile << std::setprecision(2);
  Vector subshells; Vector sublnums; 
  for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){
    int nc = 0; int np = 0;
    outfile << std::setw(8) << getAtomName(qs(i));
    subshells = b.getShells(qs[i]);

    sublnums = b.getLnums(qs[i]);
    outfile << std::setw(8) << getShellName(sublnums[0]);
    outfile << std::setw(8) << subshells[0];

    for (int j = 0; j < subshells[0]; j++){
      np += b.getBF(qs[i], j).getNPrims();

    nc += subshells[0];
    outfile << std::setw(8) << np << "\n";
    for (int j = 1; j < subshells.size(); j++){
      outfile << std::setw(8) << "";
      outfile << std::setw(8) << getShellName(sublnums[j]);
      outfile << std::setw(8) << subshells[j];
      np = 0;
      for (int l = 0; l < subshells[j]; l++){
	np += b.getBF(qs[i], nc + l).getNPrims();	
      nc += subshells[j];
      outfile << std::setw(8) << np << "\n";

  outfile << std::setprecision(8);
  // Now print out basis functions if required
  if (full) {
    title("Basis Functions");
    outfile << std::setw(8) << "Atom";
    outfile << std::setw(8) << "Shell";
    outfile << std::setw(5) << "BF";
    outfile << std::setw(18) << "Coeff";
    outfile << std::setw(18) << "Exponent\n";
    outfile << std::string(58, '.') << "\n";
    // Loop over all the basis functions
    Vector subshell; Vector sublnums; 
    Vector coeffs; Vector exps;
    std::string filler = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){
      subshell = b.getShells(qs(i));
      sublnums = b.getLnums(qs(i));

      // Loop over shells
      int sum = 0;
      for (int r = 0; r < subshell.size(); r++){ 
	// Loop over bfs
	for (int s = 0; s < subshell[r]; s++){
	  bftemp = b.getBF(qs(i), s+sum);
	  coeffs = bftemp.getCoeffs();
	  exps = bftemp.getExps();

	  // Loop over coeffs/exps
	  for (int t = 0; t < coeffs.size(); t++){
	    filler = ((r == 0 && s==0 && t==0) ? getAtomName(qs[i]) : "");
	    outfile << std::setw(8) << filler;
	    filler = ((s == 0 && t == 0) ? getShellName(sublnums[r]) : "");
	    outfile << std::setw(8) << filler;
	    filler = (t == 0 ? std::to_string(s+1) : "");
	    outfile << std::setw(5) << filler;
	    outfile << std::setw(18) << std::setprecision(8) << coeffs(t);
	    outfile << std::setw(18) << std::setprecision(8) << exps(t) << "\n";
	sum += subshell[r];
예제 #5
파일: atomprops.c 프로젝트: rlabduke/probe
int identifyAtom(char* name, char resname[], int Verbose) {  /*dcr041007 allow warning choice*/
   int n = -1, emitWarning = 0;

   switch(name[0]) {
   case '*': case '\'': case '"': case '`': case '_':
   case '+': case '-':  case ' ':
   case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
   case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A':
	 switch(name[3]) {
	 case '1': n = atomO; emitWarning = 1; break;
	 case '2': n = atomN; emitWarning = 1; break;
	 } break;
      case 'B': n = atomB; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC; break;
      case 'D': n = atomH; break;
      case 'F': n = atomF; break;
      case 'H':
        switch(name[2]) {
        case 'E': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,2) ? atomHe : atomH; break;
        case 'F': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,2) ? atomHf : atomH; break;
        case 'G': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,2) ? atomHg : atomH; break;
        case 'O': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,2) ? atomHo : atomH; break;
/*        case 'S': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,2) ? atomHs : atomH; break; */
        default : n = atomH; break;
        } break;
      case 'I': n = atomI; break;
      case 'K': n = atomK; break;
      case 'N': n = atomN; break;
      case 'O': n = atomO; break;
      case 'P': n = atomP; break;
    /*case 'S': n = atomS; break;*/
      case 'S':
         if(name[0] == ' ' && name[2] == 'E')
         {/*_SE likely refmac,cns missplaced Selenium atom name dcr041007*/
                n = atomSe; emitWarning = 1; break;
         else  {n = atomS; break;} /*050121 NO warning for other S*/
      case 'U': n = atomU; break;
      case 'V': n = atomV; break;
      case 'W': n = atomW; break;
      case 'Y': n = atomY; break;
      } break;
   case 'A':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;/*nonstd!*/
      case 'G': n = atomAg; break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'L': n = atomAl; break;
      case 'M': n = atomAm; break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'R': n = atomAr; break;
      case 'S': n = atomAs; break;
      case 'T': n = atomAt; break;
      case 'U': n = atomAu; break;
      } break;
   case 'B':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomBa; break;
      case 'E': n = atomBe; break;
      case 'I': n = atomBi; break;
      case 'K': n = atomBk; break;
      case 'R': n = atomBr; break;
      } break;
   case 'C':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomCa; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'D': n = atomCd; break;
      case 'E': n = atomCe; break;
      case 'F': n = atomCf; break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'L': n = atomCl; break;
      case 'M': n = atomCm; break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomCo; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'R': n = atomCr; break;
      case 'S': n = atomCs; break;
      case 'U': n = atomCu; break;
      default:  n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'D':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'Y': n = atomDy; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      default:  n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'E':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'R': n = atomEr; break;
      case 'S': n = atomEs; break;
      case 'U': n = atomEu; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'F':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'E': n = atomFe; break;
      case 'M': n = atomFm; break;
      case 'R': n = atomFr; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'G':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomGa; break;
      case 'D': n = atomGd; break;
      case 'E': n = atomGe; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'H':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'E': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,1) ? atomHe : atomH; break;
      case 'F': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,1) ? atomHf : atomH; break;
      case 'G': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,1) ? atomHg : atomH; break;
      case 'O': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,1) ? atomHo : atomH; break;
/*      case 'S': n = fixAtomName(name,resname,1) ? atomHs : atomH; break; */
      default : n = atomH; break;
      } break;

/*    case 'E': */
/*  if (isdigit(name[2])) { n = atomH; emitWarning = 1;} */ /* Hepsilon?? */
/*  else {n = atomHe; emitWarning = 1;} */
/*  break; */
/*      case 'F': n = atomHf; emitWarning = 1;break; */
/*      case 'G': */
/*  if (isdigit(name[2])) { n = atomH; emitWarning = 1;} */ /* Hgamma?? */
/*  else {n = atomHg; emitWarning = 1;} */
/*  break; */
/*      case 'O': n = atomHo; emitWarning = 1;break; */
/*      default:  n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break; */
/*      } break; */

   case 'I':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'N': n = atomIn; break;
      case 'R': n = atomIr; break;
      } break;
   case 'K':
      if (name[1] == 'R') n = atomKr; break;
   case 'L':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomLa; break;
      case 'I': n = atomLi; break;
      case 'U': n = atomLu; break;
      } break;
   case 'M':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'D': n = atomMd; break;
      case 'G': n = atomMg; break;
      case 'N': n = atomMn; break;
      case 'O': n = atomMo; break;
      } break;
   case 'N':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomNa; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'B': n = atomNb; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'C': n = atomC;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'D': n = atomNd; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'E': n = atomNe; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'H': n = atomH;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'I': n = atomNi; break;
      case 'N': n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'O': n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;/*nonstd!*/
      case 'P': n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;/*nonstd!*/
      case 'S': n = atomS;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      default:  n = atomN;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'O':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'S': n = atomOs; break;
      default:  n = atomO;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'P':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomPa; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'B': n = atomPb; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'D': n = atomPd; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'M': n = atomPm; break;
      case 'O': n = atomPo; break;
      case 'R': n = atomPr; break;
      case 'T': n = atomPt; break;
      case 'U': n = atomPu; break;
      default:  n = atomP;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'R':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomRa; break;
      case 'B': n = atomRb; break;
      case 'E': n = atomRe; break;
      case 'H': n = atomRh; break;
      case 'N': n = atomRn; break;
      case 'U': n = atomRu; break;
      } break;
   case 'S':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'B': n = atomSb; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'C': n = atomSc; break;
      case 'E': n = atomSe; emitWarning = 1;break;
      case 'I': n = atomSi; break;
      case 'M': n = atomSm; break;
      case 'N': n = atomSn; break;
      case 'R': n = atomSr; break;
      default:  n = atomS;  emitWarning = 1;break;
      } break;
   case 'T':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'A': n = atomTa; break;
      case 'B': n = atomTb; break;
      case 'C': n = atomTc; break;
      case 'E': n = atomTe; break;
      case 'H': n = atomTh; break;
      case 'I': n = atomTi; break;
      case 'L': n = atomTl; break;
      case 'M': n = atomTm; break;
      } break;
   case 'X':
      if (name[1] == 'E') n = atomXe; break;
   case 'Y':
      if (name[1] == 'B') n = atomYb; break;
   case 'Z':
      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'N': n = atomZn; break;
      case 'R': n = atomZr; break;
      } break;
   default: break;

   if (n < 0) { emitWarning = 1;
      n = atomC;

      switch(name[1]) {
      case 'H': case 'D': n = atomH; break;
      case 'C': n = atomC; break;
      case 'N': n = atomN; break;
      case 'O': n = atomO; break;
      case 'P': n = atomP; break;
      case 'S': n = atomS; break;

      case 'I': n = atomI; break;
      case 'K': n = atomK; break;
      case 'V': n = atomV; break;
      case 'W': n = atomW; break;
      case 'U': n = atomU; break;

      case 'A':
	 switch(name[2]) {
	 case 'G': n = atomAg; break;
	 case 'L': n = atomAl; break;
	 case 'S': n = atomAs; break;
	 case 'U': n = atomAu; break;
	 } break;
      case 'F':
	 if (name[2] == 'E') n = atomFe; break;
      case 'G':
	 if (name[2] == 'D') n = atomGd; break;
      case 'L':
	 if (name[2] == 'I') n = atomLi; break;
      case 'M':
	 switch(name[2]) {
	 case 'G': n = atomMg; break;
	 case 'N': n = atomMn; break;
	 case 'O': n = atomMo; break;
	 } break;
      case 'Z':
	 if (name[2] == 'N') n = atomZn; break;
/* --------- default if we fall through... ---------------------*/
      default: n = atomC; break;
   if (emitWarning && Verbose) {/*Verbose controlled dcr041007*/
      char warnstr[5]={'_','_','_','_','\0'}; /*dcr041007*/
      char warnresn[5]={'_','_','_','_','\0'}; /*rmi070719*/
      char* atstr;
      int j=0;
      {/*explicitly show blanks so can understand atom name problem*/
         if(name[j]==' ') {warnstr[j]='_';}
         else             {warnstr[j]=name[j];}
      {/*explicitly show blanks so can understand residue/atom name problem*/
         if(name[j]==' ') {warnresn[j]='_';}
         else             {warnresn[j]=resname[j];}
      atstr = getAtomName(n);
           {fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: atom %s from resn %s will be treated as  %s\n",warnstr,warnresn,atstr);}
      else {fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: atom %s from resn %s will be treated as %s\n",warnstr,warnresn,atstr);}
         /*name, getAtomName(n));*/

   return n;