예제 #1
bool GwfObjectInfoReader::parseBus(const QDomElement &element)
    std::auto_ptr<SCgBusInfo> busInfo(new SCgBusInfo());

        return false;

    if (!getAttributeString(element, "owner", busInfo->ownerIdRef()))
        return false;

    double bx, by;
    if (!getAttributeDouble(element, "b_x", bx) || !getAttributeDouble(element, "b_y", by))
        return false;
    double ex, ey;
    if (!getAttributeDouble(element, "e_x", ex) || !getAttributeDouble(element, "e_y", ey))
        return false;

    busInfo->pointsRef().append(QPointF(bx, by));

    if (!getElementPoints(element, busInfo->pointsRef()))
        return false;

    busInfo->pointsRef().append(QPointF(ex, ey));

    return true;
예제 #2
bool GwfObjectInfoReader::parseNode(const QDomElement &element)
    std::auto_ptr<SCgNodeInfo> nodeInfo(new SCgNodeInfo());

        return false;

    qreal& x = nodeInfo->posRef().rx();
    qreal& y = nodeInfo->posRef().ry();
    if (!getAttributeDouble(element, "x", x) || !getAttributeDouble(element, "y", y))
        return false;

    // get content element
    QDomElement contEl = element.firstChildElement("content");
    if (contEl.isNull())
        return false;

    // get content type
    int& cType = nodeInfo->contentTypeRef();
    if (!getAttributeInt(contEl, "type", cType))
        return false;

    // get mime type
    if (!getAttributeString(contEl, "mime_type", nodeInfo->contentMimeTypeRef()))
        return false;

    // set content to nodeInfo
    if (cType > 0 && cType < 5)
        if (cType == 1 || cType == 2 || cType == 3)
            nodeInfo->contentDataRef() = QVariant(contEl.firstChild().nodeValue());
        else if (cType == 4)
            // get file name
            getAttributeString(contEl, "file_name", nodeInfo->contentFilenameRef());
            QString cData = contEl.firstChild().nodeValue();
            QByteArray arr = QByteArray::fromBase64(cData.toLocal8Bit());
            nodeInfo->contentDataRef() = QVariant(arr);
        } else
            mLastError = QObject::tr("Content type '%1' doesn't supported for now").arg(cType);
            return false;
    } else if (cType != 0)
        mLastError = QObject::tr("Unknown content type '%1'").arg(cType);
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #3
bool GwfObjectInfoReader::getElementPoints(const QDomElement &element, QVector<QPointF> &result)
    QDomElement points = element.firstChildElement("points");
    if (points.isNull())
        mLastError = QObject::tr("There are no points data for element '%1'").arg(element.tagName());
        return false;

    QDomElement point = points.firstChildElement("point");
    while (!point.isNull())
        double x, y;
        if (!getAttributeDouble(point, "x", x) || !getAttributeDouble(point, "y", y))
            return false;
        result.push_back(QPointF(x, y));
        point = point.nextSiblingElement("point");

    return true;
예제 #4
bool GwfObjectInfoReader::parsePair(const QDomElement &element)
    std::auto_ptr<SCgPairInfo> pairInfo(new SCgPairInfo());

        return false;

    if (!getAttributeString(element, "id_b", pairInfo->beginObjectIdRef()) ||
        !getAttributeString(element, "id_e", pairInfo->endObjectIdRef()))
        return false;

    if (!getAttributeDouble(element, "dotBBalance", pairInfo->beginDotRef()) ||
        !getAttributeDouble(element, "dotEBalance", pairInfo->endDotRef()))
        return false;

    if (!getElementPoints(element, pairInfo->pointsRef()))
        return false;

    return true;
예제 #5
// simulate the given FMU from tStart = 0 to tEnd.
static int simulate(FMU* fmu, double tEnd, double h, fmi2Boolean loggingOn, char separator,
                    int nCategories, const fmi2String categories[]) {
    double time;
    double tStart = 0;                      // start time
    const char *guid;                       // global unique id of the fmu
    const char *instanceName;               // instance name
    fmi2Component c;                        // instance of the fmu
    fmi2Status fmi2Flag;                    // return code of the fmu functions
    char *fmuResourceLocation = getTempResourcesLocation(); // path to the fmu resources as URL, "file://C:\QTronic\sales"
    fmi2Boolean visible = fmi2False;        // no simulator user interface

    fmi2CallbackFunctions callbacks = {fmuLogger, calloc, free, NULL, fmu};  // called by the model during simulation
    ModelDescription* md;                      // handle to the parsed XML file
    fmi2Boolean toleranceDefined = fmi2False;  // true if model description define tolerance
    fmi2Real tolerance = 0;                    // used in setting up the experiment
    ValueStatus vs = 0;
    int nSteps = 0;
    Element *defaultExp;
    FILE* file;

    // instantiate the fmu
    md = fmu->modelDescription;
    guid = getAttributeValue((Element *)md, att_guid);
    instanceName = getAttributeValue((Element *)getCoSimulation(md), att_modelIdentifier);
    c = fmu->instantiate(instanceName, fmi2CoSimulation, guid, fmuResourceLocation,
                    &callbacks, visible, loggingOn);
    if (!c) return error("could not instantiate model");

    if (nCategories > 0) {
        fmi2Flag = fmu->setDebugLogging(c, fmi2True, nCategories, categories);
        if (fmi2Flag > fmi2Warning) {
            return error("could not initialize model; failed FMI set debug logging");

    defaultExp = getDefaultExperiment(md);
    if (defaultExp) tolerance = getAttributeDouble(defaultExp, att_tolerance, &vs);
    if (vs == valueDefined) {
        toleranceDefined = fmi2True;

    fmi2Flag = fmu->setupExperiment(c, toleranceDefined, tolerance, tStart, fmi2True, tEnd);
    if (fmi2Flag > fmi2Warning) {
        return error("could not initialize model; failed FMI setup experiment");
    fmi2Flag = fmu->enterInitializationMode(c);
    if (fmi2Flag > fmi2Warning) {
        return error("could not initialize model; failed FMI enter initialization mode");
    fmi2Flag = fmu->exitInitializationMode(c);
    if (fmi2Flag > fmi2Warning) {
        return error("could not initialize model; failed FMI exit initialization mode");

    // open result file
    if (!(file = fopen(RESULT_FILE, "w"))) {
        printf("could not write %s because:\n", RESULT_FILE);
        printf("    %s\n", strerror(errno));
        return 0; // failure

    // output solution for time t0
    outputRow(fmu, c, tStart, file, separator, fmi2True);  // output column names
    outputRow(fmu, c, tStart, file, separator, fmi2False); // output values

    // enter the simulation loop
    time = tStart;
    while (time < tEnd) {
        fmi2Flag = fmu->doStep(c, time, h, fmi2True);
        if (fmi2Flag == fmi2Discard) {
            fmi2Boolean b;
            // check if model requests to end simulation
            if (fmi2OK != fmu->getBooleanStatus(c, fmi2Terminated, &b)) {
                return error("could not complete simulation of the model. getBooleanStatus return other than fmi2OK");
            if (b == fmi2True) {
                return error("the model requested to end the simulation");
            return error("could not complete simulation of the model");
        if (fmi2Flag != fmi2OK) return error("could not complete simulation of the model");
        time += h;
        outputRow(fmu, c, time, file, separator, fmi2False); // output values for this step

    // end simulation

    // print simulation summary
    printf("Simulation from %g to %g terminated successful\n", tStart, tEnd);
    printf("  steps ............ %d\n", nSteps);
    printf("  fixed step size .. %g\n", h);
    return 1; // success