예제 #1
void ProjectExporter::createIconProperties (PropertyListBuilder& props)
    OwnedArray<Project::Item> images;
    project.findAllImageItems (images);

    StringArray choices;
    Array<var> ids;

    choices.add ("<None>");
    ids.add (var());
    choices.add (String());
    ids.add (var());

    for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
        choices.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getName());
        ids.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getID());

    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getSmallIconImageItemID(), "Icon (small)", choices, ids),
               "Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getBigIconImageItemID(), "Icon (large)", choices, ids),
               "Sets an icon to use for the executable.");
예제 #2
void ProjectExporter::createPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getTargetLocationValue(), "Target Project Folder", 1024, false),
               "The location of the folder in which the " + name + " project will be created. "
               "This path can be absolute, but it's much more sensible to make it relative to the jucer project directory.");

    OwnedArray<LibraryModule> modules;
    project.getModules().createRequiredModules (modules);

    for (int i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i)
        modules.getUnchecked(i)->createPropertyEditors (*this, props);

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getExporterPreprocessorDefs(), "Extra Preprocessor Definitions", 32768, true),
               "Extra preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace, commas, "
               "or new-lines to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getExtraCompilerFlags(), "Extra compiler flags", 2048, true),
               "Extra command-line flags to be passed to the compiler. This string can contain references to preprocessor definitions in the "
               "form ${NAME_OF_DEFINITION}, which will be replaced with their values.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getExtraLinkerFlags(), "Extra linker flags", 2048, true),
               "Extra command-line flags to be passed to the linker. You might want to use this for adding additional libraries. "
               "This string can contain references to preprocessor definitions in the form ${NAME_OF_VALUE}, which will be replaced with their values.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getExternalLibraries(), "External libraries to link", 2048, true),
               "Additional libraries to link (one per line). You should not add any platform specific decoration to these names. "
               "This string can contain references to preprocessor definitions in the form ${NAME_OF_VALUE}, which will be replaced with their values.");

        OwnedArray<Project::Item> images;
        project.findAllImageItems (images);

        StringArray choices;
        Array<var> ids;

        choices.add ("<None>");
        ids.add (var::null);
        choices.add (String::empty);
        ids.add (var::null);

        for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
            choices.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getName());
            ids.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getID());

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getSmallIconImageItemID(), "Icon (small)", choices, ids),
                   "Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getBigIconImageItemID(), "Icon (large)", choices, ids),
                   "Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

    createExporterProperties (props);

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getUserNotes(), "Notes", 32768, true),
               "Extra comments: This field is not used for code or project generation, it's just a space where you can express your thoughts.");
예제 #3
const Image Project::getBigIcon()
    Item icon (getMainGroup().findItemWithID (getBigIconImageItemID().toString()));

    if (icon.isValid())
        return ImageCache::getFromFile (icon.getFile());

    return Image();
예제 #4
void Project::createPropertyEditors (Array <PropertyComponent*>& props)
    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectName(), "Project Name", 256, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of the project.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getVersion(), "Project Version", 16, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The project's version number, This should be in the format major.minor.point");

    const char* projectTypes[] = { "Application (GUI)", "Application (Non-GUI)", "Audio Plug-in", "Static Library", 0 };
    const char* projectTypeValues[] = { application, commandLineApp, audioPlugin, library, 0 };
    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getProjectType(), "Project Type", StringArray (projectTypes), Array<var> (projectTypeValues)));

    const char* linkageTypes[] = { "Not linked to Juce", "Linked to Juce Static Library", "Include Juce Amalgamated Files", "Include Juce Source Code Directly (In a single file)", "Include Juce Source Code Directly (Split across several files)", 0 };
    const char* linkageTypeValues[] = { notLinkedToJuce, useLinkedJuce, useAmalgamatedJuce, useAmalgamatedJuceViaSingleTemplate, useAmalgamatedJuceViaMultipleTemplates, 0 };
    props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getJuceLinkageModeValue(), "Juce Linkage Method", StringArray (linkageTypes), Array<var> (linkageTypeValues)));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The method by which your project will be linked to Juce.");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getBundleIdentifier(), "Bundle Identifier", 256, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A unique identifier for this product, mainly for use in Mac builds. It should be something like 'com.yourcompanyname.yourproductname'");

        OwnedArray<Project::Item> images;
        findAllImageItems (images);

        StringArray choices;
        Array<var> ids;

        choices.add ("<None>");
        ids.add (var::null);
        choices.add (String::empty);
        ids.add (var::null);

        for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
            choices.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getName().toString());
            ids.add (images.getUnchecked(i)->getID());

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getSmallIconImageItemID(), "Icon (small)", choices, ids));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

        props.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (getBigIconImageItemID(), "Icon (large)", choices, ids));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Sets an icon to use for the executable.");

    if (isAudioPlugin())
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST(), "Build VST", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce a VST plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAU(), "Build AudioUnit", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit plugin.");
        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildRTAS(), "Build RTAS", "Enabled"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Whether the project should produce an RTAS plugin.");

    if (isAudioPlugin())
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginName(), "Plugin Name", 128, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of your plugin (keep it short!)");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginDesc(), "Plugin Description", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A short description of your plugin.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturer(), "Plugin Manufacturer", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("The name of your company (cannot be blank).");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturerCode(), "Plugin Manufacturer Code", 4, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A four-character unique ID for your company. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");
        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginCode(), "Plugin Code", 4, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A four-character unique ID for your plugin. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginChannelConfigs(), "Plugin Channel Configurations", 256, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("This is the set of input/output channel configurations that your plugin can handle.  The list is a comma-separated set of pairs of values in the form { numInputs, numOutputs }, and each "
                                     "pair indicates a valid configuration that the plugin can handle. So for example, {1, 1}, {2, 2} means that the plugin can be used in just two configurations: either with 1 input "
                                     "and 1 output, or with 2 inputs and 2 outputs.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsSynth(), "Plugin is a Synth", "Is a Synth"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if you want your plugin to be treated as a synth or generator. It doesn't make much difference to the plugin itself, but some hosts treat synths differently to other plugins.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginWantsMidiInput(), "Plugin Midi Input", "Plugin wants midi input"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if you want your plugin to accept midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginProducesMidiOut(), "Plugin Midi Output", "Plugin produces midi output"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin is going to produce midi messages.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut(), "Silence", "Silence in produces silence out"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin has no tail - i.e. if passing a silent buffer to it will always result in a silent buffer being produced.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginTailLengthSeconds(), "Tail Length (in seconds)", 12, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("This indicates the length, in seconds, of the plugin's tail. This information may or may not be used by the host.");

        props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus(), "Key Focus", "Plugin editor requires keyboard focus"));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Enable this if your plugin needs keyboard input - some hosts can be a bit funny about keyboard focus..");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUExportPrefix(), "Plugin AU Export Prefix", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("A prefix for the names of exported entry-point functions that the component exposes - typically this will be a version of your plugin's name that can be used as part of a C++ token.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUCocoaViewClassName(), "Plugin AU Cocoa View Name", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("In an AU, this is the name of Cocoa class that creates the UI. Some hosts bizarrely display the class-name, so you might want to make it reflect your plugin. But the name must be "
                                     "UNIQUE to this exact version of your plugin, to avoid objective-C linkage mix-ups that happen when different plugins containing the same class-name are loaded simultaneously.");

        props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginRTASCategory(), "Plugin RTAS Category", 64, false));
        props.getLast()->setTooltip ("(Leave this blank if your plugin is a synth). This is one of the RTAS categories from FicPluginEnums.h, such as: ePlugInCategory_None, ePlugInCategory_EQ, ePlugInCategory_Dynamics, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_PitchShift, ePlugInCategory_Reverb, ePlugInCategory_Delay, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_Modulation, ePlugInCategory_Harmonic, ePlugInCategory_NoiseReduction, "
                                     "ePlugInCategory_Dither, ePlugInCategory_SoundField");

    props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getProjectPreprocessorDefs(), "Preprocessor definitions", 32768, false));
    props.getLast()->setTooltip ("Extra preprocessor definitions. Use the form \"NAME1=value NAME2=value\", using whitespace or commas to separate the items - to include a space or comma in a definition, precede it with a backslash.");

    for (int i = props.size(); --i >= 0;)
        props.getUnchecked(i)->setPreferredHeight (22);