예제 #1
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
s16 Map::getHumidity(v3s16 p, bool no_random) {
	MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(getNodeBlockPos(p));
	if(block != NULL) {
		s16 value = block->humidity;
		return value + (no_random ? 0 : myrand_range(0, 1));
	//errorstream << "No humidity for " << p.X<<"," << p.Z << std::endl;
	return 0;
예제 #2
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
MapNode Map::getNodeTry(v3POS p) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Map: getNodeTry");
	auto blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(p);
	auto block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos, true);
		return MapNode(CONTENT_IGNORE);
	auto relpos = p - blockpos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	return block->getNodeTry(relpos);
예제 #3
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
void Map::insertBlock(MapBlock *block) {
	auto block_p = block->getPos();

	auto block2 = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(block_p, false, true);
	if(block2) {
		//throw AlreadyExistsException("Block already exists");
		infostream << "Block already exists " << block_p << std::endl;
		return; // memory leak, but very rare|impossible

	// Insert into container
	m_blocks.set(block_p, block);
예제 #4
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
MapBlock * Map::createBlankBlock(v3POS & p) {
	auto lock = m_blocks.lock_unique_rec();
	MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p, false, true);
	if (block != NULL) {
		infostream << "Block already created p=" << block->getPos() << std::endl;
		return block;

	block = createBlankBlockNoInsert(p);

	m_blocks.set(p, block);

	return block;
예제 #5
bool Map::insertBlock(MapBlock *block) {
	auto block_p = block->getPos();

	auto lock = m_blocks.lock_unique_rec();

	auto block2 = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(block_p, false, true);
	if(block2) {
		//throw AlreadyExistsException("Block already exists");
		infostream << "Block already exists " << block_p << std::endl;
		return false;

	// Insert into container
	m_blocks.set(block_p, block);
	return true;
예제 #6
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
s16 ServerMap::updateBlockHumidity(ServerEnvironment *env, v3POS p, MapBlock *block, std::map<v3POS, s16> * cache) {
	auto bp = getNodeBlockPos(p);
	auto gametime = env->getGameTime();
	if (block) {
		if (gametime < block->humidity_last_update)
			return block->humidity + myrand_range(0, 1);
	} else if (!cache) {
		block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(bp, true);
	if (cache && cache->count(bp))
		return cache->at(bp) + myrand_range(0, 1);

	auto value = m_emerge->biomemgr->calcBlockHumidity(p, getSeed(),
	             env->getTimeOfDayF(), gametime * env->getTimeOfDaySpeed(), env->m_use_weather);

	if(block) {
		block->humidity = value;
		block->humidity_last_update = env->m_use_weather ? gametime + 30 : -1;
	if (cache)
		(*cache)[bp] = value;
	return value + myrand_range(0, 1);
예제 #7
파일: fm_map.cpp 프로젝트: Selat/freeminer
MapBlockP Map::getBlock(v3POS p, bool trylock, bool nocache) {
	return getBlockNoCreateNoEx(p, trylock, nocache);
예제 #8
u32 Map::transformLiquidsReal(Server *m_server, unsigned int max_cycle_ms) {

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	//TimeTaker timer("transformLiquidsReal()");
	u32 loopcount = 0;
	u32 initial_size = transforming_liquid_size();

	s32 regenerated = 0;

	bool debug = 1;

	u8 relax = g_settings->getS16("liquid_relax");
	bool fast_flood = g_settings->getS16("liquid_fast_flood");
	int water_level = g_settings->getS16("water_level");
	s16 liquid_pressure = m_server->m_emerge->params.liquid_pressure;
	//g_settings->getS16NoEx("liquid_pressure", liquid_pressure);

	// list of nodes that due to viscosity have not reached their max level height
	//std::unordered_map<v3POS, bool, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> must_reflow, must_reflow_second, must_reflow_third;
	std::list<v3POS> must_reflow, must_reflow_second, must_reflow_third;
	// List of MapBlocks that will require a lighting update (due to lava)
	u16 loop_rand = myrand();

	u32 end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms;

	while (transforming_liquid_size() > 0) {
		// This should be done here so that it is done when continue is used
		if (loopcount >= initial_size * 2 || porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms)
			Get a queued transforming liquid node
		v3POS p0;
			//JMutexAutoLock lock(m_transforming_liquid_mutex);
			p0 = transforming_liquid_pop();
		s16 total_level = 0;
		//u16 level_max = 0;
		// surrounding flowing liquid nodes
		NodeNeighbor neighbors[7] = { { } };
		// current level of every block
		s8 liquid_levels[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
		// target levels
		s8 liquid_levels_want[7] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
		s8 can_liquid_same_level = 0;
		s8 can_liquid = 0;
		// warning! when MINETEST_PROTO enabled - CONTENT_IGNORE != 0
		content_t liquid_kind = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t liquid_kind_flowing = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t melt_kind = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		content_t melt_kind_flowing = CONTENT_IGNORE;
		//s8 viscosity = 0;
			Collect information about the environment, start from self
		for (u8 e = 0; e < 7; e++) {
			u8 i = liquid_explore_map[e];
			NodeNeighbor & nb = neighbors[i];
			nb.pos = p0 + liquid_flow_dirs[i];
			nb.node = getNodeNoEx(neighbors[i].pos);
			nb.content = nb.node.getContent();
			NeighborType nt = NEIGHBOR_SAME_LEVEL;
			switch (i) {
			case D_TOP:
			case D_BOTTOM:
			nb.type = nt;
			nb.liquid = 0;
			nb.infinity = 0;
			nb.weight = 0;
			nb.drop = 0;

			if (!nb.node) {
				//if (i == D_SELF && (loopcount % 2) && initial_size < m_liquid_step_flow * 3)
				//	must_reflow_third[nb.pos] = 1;
				//	must_reflow_third.push_back(nb.pos);

			auto f = nodemgr->get(nb.content);
			switch (f.liquid_type) {
			case LIQUID_NONE:
				if (nb.content == CONTENT_AIR) {
					liquid_levels[i] = 0;
					nb.liquid = 1;
				//TODO: if (nb.content == CONTENT_AIR || nodemgr->get(nb.node).buildable_to && !nodemgr->get(nb.node).walkable) { // need lua drop api for drop torches
				else if (	melt_kind_flowing != CONTENT_IGNORE &&
				            nb.content == melt_kind_flowing &&
				            nb.type != NEIGHBOR_UPPER &&
				            !(loopcount % 2)) {
					u8 melt_max_level = nb.node.getMaxLevel(nodemgr);
					u8 my_max_level = MapNode(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel(nodemgr);
					liquid_levels[i] = (float)my_max_level / melt_max_level * nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr);
					if (liquid_levels[i])
						nb.liquid = 1;
				} else if (	melt_kind != CONTENT_IGNORE &&
				            nb.content == melt_kind &&
				            nb.type != NEIGHBOR_UPPER &&
				            !(loopcount % 8)) {
					liquid_levels[i] = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel();
					if (liquid_levels[i])
						nb.liquid = 1;
				} else {
					int drop = ((ItemGroupList) f.groups)["drop_by_liquid"];
					if (drop && !(loopcount % drop) ) {
						liquid_levels[i] = 0;
						nb.liquid = 1;
						nb.drop = 1;

				// todo: for erosion add something here..
				// if this node is not (yet) of a liquid type,
				// choose the first liquid type we encounter
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = nodemgr->getId(
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = nb.content;
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = liquid_kind;
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = nodemgr->getId(f.melt);
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing =
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing = melt_kind;
				if (nb.content == liquid_kind) {
					if (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_STABLE_MASK)
					liquid_levels[i] = nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr); //LIQUID_LEVEL_SOURCE;
					nb.liquid = 1;
					nb.infinity = (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_INFINITY_MASK);
				// if this node is not (yet) of a liquid type,
				// choose the first liquid type we encounter
				if (liquid_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind_flowing = nb.content;
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = nodemgr->getId(
				if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					liquid_kind = liquid_kind_flowing;
				if (melt_kind_flowing == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind_flowing = nodemgr->getId(f.melt);
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = nodemgr->getId(nodemgr->get(nodemgr->getId(
				if (melt_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE)
					melt_kind = melt_kind_flowing;
				if (nb.content == liquid_kind_flowing) {
					if (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_STABLE_MASK)
					liquid_levels[i] = nb.node.getLevel(nodemgr);
					nb.liquid = 1;
					nb.infinity = (nb.node.param2 & LIQUID_INFINITY_MASK);

			// only self, top, bottom swap
			if (f.liquid_type && e <= 2) {
				try {
					nb.weight = ((ItemGroupList) f.groups)["weight"];
					if (e == 1 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight && neighbors[D_SELF].weight > neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight) {
						setNode(neighbors[D_SELF].pos, neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node);
						setNode(neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos, neighbors[D_SELF].node);
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_SELF].pos] = 1;
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos] = 1;
						infostream << "Liquid swap1" << neighbors[D_SELF].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_SELF].node).name << neighbors[D_SELF].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_SELF].weight << " VS " << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node).name << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_BOTTOM].weight << std::endl;
						goto NEXT_LIQUID;
					if (e == 2 && neighbors[D_SELF].weight && neighbors[D_TOP].weight > neighbors[D_SELF].weight) {
						setNode(neighbors[D_SELF].pos, neighbors[D_TOP].node);
						setNode(neighbors[D_TOP].pos, neighbors[D_SELF].node);
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_SELF].pos] = 1;
						//must_reflow_second[neighbors[D_TOP].pos] = 1;
						infostream << "Liquid swap2" << neighbors[D_TOP].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_TOP].node).name << neighbors[D_TOP].node  << " w=" << neighbors[D_TOP].weight << " VS " << neighbors[D_SELF].pos << nodemgr->get(neighbors[D_SELF].node).name << neighbors[D_SELF].node << " w=" << neighbors[D_SELF].weight << std::endl;
						goto NEXT_LIQUID;
				} catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {
					verbosestream << "transformLiquidsReal: weight: setNode() failed:" << nb.pos << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;
					//goto NEXT_LIQUID;

			if (nb.liquid) {
				liquid_levels_want[i] = 0;
				if(nb.type == NEIGHBOR_SAME_LEVEL)
			if (liquid_levels[i] > 0)
				total_level += liquid_levels[i];

			infostream << "get node i=" << (int)i << " " << PP(nb.pos) << " c="
			           << nb.content << " p0=" << (int)nb.node.param0 << " p1="
			           << (int)nb.node.param1 << " p2=" << (int)nb.node.param2 << " lt="
			           << f.liquid_type
			           //<< " lk=" << liquid_kind << " lkf=" << liquid_kind_flowing
			           << " l=" << nb.liquid	<< " inf=" << nb.infinity << " nlevel=" << (int)liquid_levels[i]
			           << " totallevel=" << (int)total_level << " cansame="
			           << (int)can_liquid_same_level << " Lmax=" << (int)nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel() << std::endl;

		if (liquid_kind == CONTENT_IGNORE || !neighbors[D_SELF].liquid || total_level <= 0)

		s16 level_max = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel();
		s16 level_max_compressed = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind_flowing).getMaxLevel(1);
		s16 pressure = liquid_pressure ? ((ItemGroupList) nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).groups)["pressure"] : 0;
		auto liquid_renewable = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).liquid_renewable;
		s16 total_was = total_level; //debug
		//viscosity = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).viscosity;

		s16 level_avg = total_level / can_liquid;
		if (!pressure && level_avg) {
			level_avg = level_max;

		if (debug)
			infostream << " go: "
			           << nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).name
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level
			           //<<" total_was="<<(int)total_was
			           << " level_max=" << (int)level_max
			           << " level_max_compressed=" << (int)level_max_compressed
			           << " level_avg=" << (int)level_avg
			           << " pressure=" << (int)pressure
			           << " can_liquid=" << (int)can_liquid
			           << " can_liquid_same_level=" << (int)can_liquid_same_level
			           << std::endl;

		// fill bottom block
		if (neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) {
			liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] = level_avg > level_max ? level_avg : total_level > level_max ? level_max : total_level;
			total_level -= liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM];
			//if (pressure && total_level && liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed) {
			//	++liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM];
			//	--total_level;

		//relax up
		u16 relax_want = level_max * can_liquid_same_level;
		if (	liquid_renewable &&
		        relax &&
		        ((p0.Y == water_level) || (fast_flood && p0.Y <= water_level)) &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM] >= level_max &&
		        total_level >= relax_want - (can_liquid_same_level - relax) &&
		        total_level < relax_want &&
		        can_liquid_same_level >= relax + 1) {
			regenerated += relax_want - total_level;
			infostream << " relax_up: " << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << " to=> " << int(relax_want) << std::endl;
			total_level = relax_want;

		// prevent lakes in air above unloaded blocks
		if (	liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        p0.Y > water_level &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        !neighbors[D_BOTTOM].node &&
		        !(loopcount % 3)) {
			infostream << " above unloaded fix: " << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		// calculate self level 5 blocks
		u16 want_level = level_avg > level_max ? level_avg :
		                 total_level >= level_max * can_liquid_same_level
		                 ? level_max
		                 : total_level / can_liquid_same_level;
		total_level -= want_level * can_liquid_same_level;

				if (pressure && total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +1
					infostream << " bottom1 pressure+1: " << " bottom=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		//relax down
		if (	liquid_renewable &&
		        relax &&
		        p0.Y >= water_level - 1  &&
		        p0.Y <= water_level + 1  &&
		        liquid_levels[D_TOP] == 0 &&
		        (total_level <= 1 || !(loopcount % 2)) &&
		        level_max > 1 &&
		        liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM] >= level_max &&
		        want_level <= 0 &&
		        total_level <= (can_liquid_same_level - relax) &&
		        can_liquid_same_level >= relax + 1) {
			infostream << " relax_down: " << " total_level WAS=" << (int)total_level << " to => 0" << std::endl;
			regenerated -= total_level;
			total_level = 0;

		for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) { // fill only same level
			u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 1) % 4][ir];
			if (!neighbors[ii].liquid)
			liquid_levels_want[ii] = want_level;
			//if (viscosity > 1 && (liquid_levels_want[ii]-liquid_levels[ii]>8-viscosity))
			// randomly place rest of divide
			if (liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max && total_level > 0) {
				if (level_max > LIQUID_LEVEL_SOURCE || loopcount % 3 || liquid_levels[ii] <= 0) {
					if (liquid_levels[ii] > liquid_levels_want[ii]) {
				} else {

		for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) {
			if (total_level < 1)
			u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 2) % 4][ir];
			if (liquid_levels_want[ii] >= 0 &&
			        liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max) {

		// fill top block if can
		if (neighbors[D_TOP].liquid && total_level > 0) {
			//infostream<<"compressing to top was="<<liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]<<" add="<<total_level<<std::endl;
			//liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = total_level>level_max_compressed?level_max_compressed:total_level;
			liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = total_level > level_max ? level_max : total_level;
			total_level -= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP];

			//if (liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] && total_level && pressure) {
			if (total_level > 0 && pressure) {

								if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +2
				//compressing self level while can
				//for (u16 ir = D_SELF; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) {
				for (u16 ir = D_BOTTOM; ir <= D_TOP; ++ir) {
					if (total_level < 1)
					u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 3) % 4][ir];
					if (neighbors[ii].liquid &&
					        liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max_compressed) {

								if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid) { // bottom pressure +2
							infostream << " bottom2 pressure+1: " << " bottom=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		if (pressure) {
			if (neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid &&
			        liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed &&
			        liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > 0
			   ) {
				//if (liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] <= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) {
				infostream << " bottom1 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;
			} else if (
			    neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] < level_max_compressed &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] > level_max
			) {
				if (liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] <= liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]) {
					infostream << " bottom2 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;
			} else if (
			    neighbors[D_TOP].liquid &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] < level_max_compressed &&
			    liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > level_max
			) {
				if (liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] <= liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) {
					infostream << " bottom3 pressure+: " << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

			if (liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] > level_max && relax && total_level <= 0 && level_avg > level_max && liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] < level_avg) {
				infostream << " top pressure relax: " << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " to=>" << level_avg << std::endl;

				//regenerated += level_avg - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP];
				//liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] = level_avg;
				regenerated += 1 ;
				liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] += 1;

		if (total_level > 0)
			infostream << " rest 1: "
			           << " wtop=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_TOP].liquid && liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] < level_max_compressed) {
			s16 add = (total_level > level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP]) ? level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] : total_level;
			liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] += add;
			total_level -= add;

		if (total_level > 0 && neighbors[D_SELF].liquid && liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] < level_max_compressed) { // very rare, compressed only
			s16 add = (total_level > level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]) ? level_max_compressed - liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] : total_level;
			if (total_level > 0)
				infostream << " rest 2: "
				           << " wself=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF]
				           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level
				           << " add=" << (int)add
				           << std::endl;

			liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] += add;
			total_level -= add;

		if (total_level > 0)
			infostream << " rest 3: "
			           << " total_level=" << (int)total_level << std::endl;

		for (u16 ii = 0; ii < 7; ii++) { // infinity and cave flood optimization
			if (neighbors[ii].infinity && liquid_levels_want[ii] < liquid_levels[ii]) {
				infostream << " infinity: was=" << (int)ii << " = "
				           << (int)liquid_levels_want[ii] << "  to=" << (int)liquid_levels[ii] << std::endl;

				regenerated += liquid_levels[ii] - liquid_levels_want[ii];
				liquid_levels_want[ii] = liquid_levels[ii];
			} else if ( liquid_levels_want[ii] >= 0	&&
			            liquid_levels_want[ii] < level_max &&
			            level_max > 1					&&
			            fast_flood					&&
			            p0.Y < water_level			&&
			            initial_size >= 1000			&&
			            ii != D_TOP					&&
			            want_level >= level_max / 4	&&
			            can_liquid_same_level >= 5	&&
			            liquid_levels[D_TOP] >= level_max) {
				infostream << " flood_fast: was=" << (int)ii << " = "
				           << (int)liquid_levels_want[ii] << "  to=" << (int)level_max << std::endl;
				regenerated += level_max - liquid_levels_want[ii];
				liquid_levels_want[ii] = level_max;

		if (total_level != 0) //|| flowed != volume)
			infostream << " AFTER err level=" << (int)total_level
			           //<< " flowed="<<flowed<< " volume=" << volume
			           << " max=" << (int)level_max
			           << " wantsame=" << (int)want_level << " top="
			           << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << " topwas="
			           << (int)liquid_levels[D_TOP]
			           << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM]
			           << " botwas=" << (int)liquid_levels[D_BOTTOM]
			           << std::endl;

		s16 flowed = 0; // for debug

		if (debug) infostream << " dpress=" << " bot=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_BOTTOM] << " slf=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_SELF] << " top=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[D_TOP] << std::endl;

		for (u16 r = 0; r < 7; r++) {
			u16 i = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 4) % 4][r];
			if (liquid_levels_want[i] < 0 || !neighbors[i].liquid)

			if (debug) infostream << " set=" << i << " " << neighbors[i].pos << " want=" << (int)liquid_levels_want[i] << " was=" << (int) liquid_levels[i] << std::endl;

			/* disabled because brokes constant volume of lava
			u8 viscosity = nodemgr->get(liquid_kind).liquid_viscosity;
			if (viscosity > 1 && liquid_levels_want[i] != liquid_levels[i]) {
				// amount to gain, limited by viscosity
				// must be at least 1 in absolute value
				s8 level_inc = liquid_levels_want[i] - liquid_levels[i];
				if (level_inc < -viscosity || level_inc > viscosity)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] + level_inc/viscosity;
				else if (level_inc < 0)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] - 1;
				else if (level_inc > 0)
					new_node_level = liquid_levels[i] + 1;
			} else {

			// last level must flow down on stairs
			if (liquid_levels_want[i] != liquid_levels[i] &&
			        liquid_levels[D_TOP] <= 0 && (!neighbors[D_BOTTOM].liquid || level_max == 1) &&
			        liquid_levels_want[i] >= 1 && liquid_levels_want[i] <= 2) {
				for (u16 ir = D_SELF + 1; ir < D_TOP; ++ir) { // only same level
					u16 ii = liquid_random_map[(loopcount + loop_rand + 5) % 4][ir];
					if (neighbors[ii].liquid)
						must_reflow_second.push_back(neighbors[i].pos + liquid_flow_dirs[ii]);
					//must_reflow_second[neighbors[i].pos + liquid_flow_dirs[ii]] = 1;

			if (liquid_levels_want[i] > 0)
				flowed += liquid_levels_want[i];
			if (liquid_levels[i] == liquid_levels_want[i]) {

			if (neighbors[i].drop) {// && level_max > 1 && total_level >= level_max - 1
				m_server->getEnv().getScriptIface()->node_drop(neighbors[i].pos, 2);

			neighbors[i].node.setLevel(nodemgr, liquid_levels_want[i], 1);

			try {
				setNode(neighbors[i].pos, neighbors[i].node);
			} catch(InvalidPositionException &e) {
				verbosestream << "transformLiquidsReal: setNode() failed:" << neighbors[i].pos << ":" << e.what() << std::endl;

			// If node emits light, MapBlock requires lighting update
			// or if node removed
			v3POS blockpos = getNodeBlockPos(neighbors[i].pos);
			MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(blockpos, true); // remove true if light bugs
			if(block != NULL) {
				//modified_blocks[blockpos] = block;
				if(!nodemgr->get(neighbors[i].node).light_propagates || nodemgr->get(neighbors[i].node).light_source) // better to update always
					lighting_modified_blocks.set_try(block->getPos(), block);
			// fmtodo: make here random %2 or..
			if (total_level < level_max * can_liquid)


		//if (total_was != flowed) {
		if (total_was > flowed) {
			infostream << " volume changed!  flowed=" << flowed << " total_was=" << total_was << " want_level=" << want_level;
			for (u16 rr = 0; rr <= 6; rr++) {
				infostream << "  i=" << rr << ",b" << (int)liquid_levels[rr] << ",a" << (int)liquid_levels_want[rr];
			infostream << std::endl;
		/* //for better relax  only same level
		if (changed)  for (u16 ii = D_SELF + 1; ii < D_TOP; ++ii) {
			if (!neighbors[ii].l) continue;
			must_reflow.push_back(p0 + dirs[ii]);
		//g_profiler->graphAdd("liquids", 1);

	u32 ret = loopcount >= initial_size ? 0 : transforming_liquid_size();
	if (ret || loopcount > m_liquid_step_flow)
		m_liquid_step_flow += (m_liquid_step_flow > loopcount ? -1 : 1) * (int)loopcount / 10;
	if (loopcount)
		infostream<<"Map::transformLiquidsReal(): loopcount="<<loopcount<<" initial_size="<<initial_size
		<<" avgflow="<<m_liquid_step_flow
		<<" reflow="<<must_reflow.size()
		<<" reflow_second="<<must_reflow_second.size()
		<<" reflow_third="<<must_reflow_third.size()
		<<" queue="<< transforming_liquid_size()
		<<" per="<< porting::getTimeMs() - (end_ms - max_cycle_ms)
		<<" ret="<<ret<<std::endl;

		//TimeTaker timer13("transformLiquidsReal() reflow");
		//auto lock = m_transforming_liquid.lock_unique_rec();
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_transforming_liquid_mutex);

		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow.begin(), must_reflow.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow)
		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow_second.begin(), must_reflow_second.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow_second)
		//m_transforming_liquid.insert(must_reflow_third.begin(), must_reflow_third.end());
		for (const auto & p : must_reflow_third)

	g_profiler->add("Server: liquids real processed", loopcount);
	if (regenerated)
		g_profiler->add("Server: liquids regenerated", regenerated);
	if (loopcount < initial_size)
		g_profiler->add("Server: liquids queue", initial_size);

	return loopcount;
예제 #9
bool Map::propagateSunlight(v3POS pos, std::set<v3POS> & light_sources,
                            bool remove_light) {
	MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(pos);

	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	// Whether the sunlight at the top of the bottom block is valid
	bool block_below_is_valid = true;

	v3POS pos_relative = block->getPosRelative();

	for(s16 x = 0; x < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; ++x) {
		for(s16 z = 0; z < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; ++z) {
			bool no_sunlight = false;

			// Check if node above block has sunlight

			MapNode n = getNode(pos_relative + v3POS(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, z));
			if (n) {
				if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, m_gamedef->ndef()) != LIGHT_SUN) {
					no_sunlight = true;
			} else {

				// NOTE: This makes over-ground roofed places sunlighted
				// Assume sunlight, unless is_underground==true
				if(block->getIsUnderground()) {
					no_sunlight = true;
				} else {
					MapNode n = block->getNode(v3POS(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1, z));
					if(n && m_gamedef->ndef()->get(n).sunlight_propagates == false)
						no_sunlight = true;
				// NOTE: As of now, this just would make everything dark.
				// No sunlight here
				//no_sunlight = true;

			s16 y = MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1;

			// This makes difference to diminishing in water.
			//bool stopped_to_solid_object = false;

			u8 current_light = no_sunlight ? 0 : LIGHT_SUN;

			for(; y >= 0; --y) {
				v3POS pos(x, y, z);
				MapNode n = block->getNode(pos);

				if(current_light == 0) {
					// Do nothing
				} else if(current_light == LIGHT_SUN && nodemgr->get(n).sunlight_propagates) {
					// Do nothing: Sunlight is continued
				} else if(nodemgr->get(n).light_propagates == false) {
					// A solid object is on the way.
					//stopped_to_solid_object = true;

					// Light stops.
					current_light = 0;
				} else {
					// Diminish light
					current_light = diminish_light(current_light);

				u8 old_light = n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr);

				if(current_light > old_light || remove_light) {
					n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, current_light, nodemgr);
					block->setNode(pos, n);

				if(diminish_light(current_light) != 0) {
					light_sources.insert(pos_relative + pos);


			// Whether or not the block below should see LIGHT_SUN
			bool sunlight_should_go_down = (current_light == LIGHT_SUN);

				If the block below hasn't already been marked invalid:

				Check if the node below the block has proper sunlight at top.
				If not, the block below is invalid.

				Ignore non-transparent nodes as they always have no light

			if(block_below_is_valid) {
				MapNode n = getNode(pos_relative + v3POS(x, -1, z));
				if (n) {
					if(nodemgr->get(n).light_propagates) {
						if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr) == LIGHT_SUN
						        && sunlight_should_go_down == false)
							block_below_is_valid = false;
						else if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr) != LIGHT_SUN
						        && sunlight_should_go_down == true)
							block_below_is_valid = false;
				} else {
					// Just no block below, no need to panic.

	return block_below_is_valid;
예제 #10
u32 Map::updateLighting(concurrent_map<v3POS, MapBlock*> & a_blocks,
                        std::map<v3POS, MapBlock*> & modified_blocks, unsigned int max_cycle_ms) {
	INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef();

	int ret = 0;
	int loopcount = 0;

	TimeTaker timer("updateLighting");

	// For debugging
	//bool debug=true;
	//u32 count_was = modified_blocks.size();

	//std::unordered_set<v3POS, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> light_sources;
	//std::unordered_map<v3POS, u8, v3POSHash, v3POSEqual> unlight_from_day, unlight_from_night;
	std::set<v3POS> light_sources;
	std::map<v3POS, u8> unlight_from_day, unlight_from_night;
	unordered_map_v3POS<int> processed;

	int num_bottom_invalid = 0;

	//MutexAutoLock lock2(m_update_lighting_mutex);

	auto lock = m_nothread_locker.lock_unique_rec();

		//TimeTaker t("updateLighting: first stuff");

		u32 end_ms = porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms;
		for(auto i = a_blocks.begin();
		        i != a_blocks.end(); ++i) {

			auto block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(i->first);

			for(;;) {
				// Don't bother with dummy blocks.
				if(!block || block->isDummy())

				auto lock = block->try_lock_unique_rec();
				if (!lock->owns_lock())
					break; // may cause dark areas
				v3POS pos = block->getPos();
				if (processed.count(pos) && processed[pos] <= i->first.Y ) {
				processed[pos] = i->first.Y;
				v3POS posnodes = block->getPosRelative();
				//modified_blocks[pos] = block;

				block->lighting_broken = true;

					Clear all light from block
				for(s16 z = 0; z < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; z++)
					for(s16 x = 0; x < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; x++)
						for(s16 y = 0; y < MAP_BLOCKSIZE; y++) {
							v3POS p(x, y, z);
							bool is_valid_position;
							MapNode n = block->getNode(p, &is_valid_position);
							if (!is_valid_position) {
								/* This would happen when dealing with a
								   dummy block.
								infostream << "updateLighting(): InvalidPositionException"
								           << std::endl;
							u8 oldlight_day = n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, nodemgr);
							u8 oldlight_night = n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, nodemgr);
							n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0, nodemgr);
							n.setLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, 0, nodemgr);
							block->setNode(p, n);

							// If node sources light, add to list
							//u8 source = nodemgr->get(n).light_source;
								light_sources.insert(p + posnodes);

							v3POS p_map = p + posnodes;
							// Collect borders for unlighting
							if(x == 0 || x == MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1
							        || y == 0 || y == MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1
							        || z == 0 || z == MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1) {
									unlight_from_day[p_map] = oldlight_day;
									unlight_from_night[p_map] = oldlight_night;



				bool bottom_valid = propagateSunlight(pos, light_sources);


				block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(pos);

			if (porting::getTimeMs() > end_ms) {


		//TimeTaker timer("updateLighting: unspreadLight");
		unspreadLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, unlight_from_day, light_sources, modified_blocks);
		unspreadLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, unlight_from_night, light_sources, modified_blocks);

		//TimeTaker timer("updateLighting: spreadLight");
		spreadLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, light_sources, modified_blocks, porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms * 10);
		spreadLight(LIGHTBANK_NIGHT, light_sources, modified_blocks, porting::getTimeMs() + max_cycle_ms * 10);

	for (auto & i : processed) {
		MapBlock *block = getBlockNoCreateNoEx(i.first);
		block->lighting_broken = false;

	g_profiler->add("Server: light blocks", loopcount);

	return ret;
