예제 #1
AudioFileReaderInternal::AudioFileReaderInternal (AudioFileReader const& original, AudioFileRegion const& region, const int bufferSize) throw()
:   readBuffer (Chars::withSize ((bufferSize > 0) ? bufferSize : AudioFile::DefaultBufferSize)),
    numFramesPerBuffer (0),
    newPositionOnNextRead (-1),
    hitEndOfFile (false),
    numChannelsChanged (false),
    audioFileChanged (false),
    defaultNumChannels (0)
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    AudioFileReaderRegion* readerRegion = new AudioFileReaderRegion (original, region);
//    setName (original.getName() + "#" + region.getLabel());
    if (pl_AudioFileReader_OpenWithCustomNextFunction (getPeerRef(),
                                                       readerRegion) == PlankResult_OK)
        if (getBytesPerFrame() > 0)
            numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
예제 #2
AudioFileReaderInternal::AudioFileReaderInternal (AudioFileReaderArray const& audioFiles, const AudioFile::MultiFileTypes multiMode, const int bufferSize, IntVariable* indexRef) throw()
:   readBuffer (Chars::withSize ((bufferSize > 0) ? bufferSize : AudioFile::DefaultBufferSize)),
    numFramesPerBuffer (0),
    newPositionOnNextRead (-1),
    hitEndOfFile (false),
    numChannelsChanged (false),
    audioFileChanged (false),
    defaultNumChannels (0)
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    PlankDynamicArrayRef array = pl_DynamicArray_Create();
    pl_DynamicArray_InitWithItemSizeAndSize (array, sizeof (PlankAudioFileReader), audioFiles.length(), true);
    PlankAudioFileReader* rawArray = static_cast<PlankAudioFileReader*> (pl_DynamicArray_GetArray (array));
    for (int i = 0; i < audioFiles.length(); ++i)
        AudioFileReader reader = audioFiles.atUnchecked (i);
        reader.disownPeer (&rawArray[i]);
    if (indexRef)
        nextMultiIndexRef = *indexRef;
    ResultCode result = pl_AudioFileReader_OpenWithAudioFileArray (getPeerRef(), array, true, multiMode, nextMultiIndexRef.getValuePtr());
    if (result == PlankResult_OK)
        if (getBytesPerFrame() > 0)
            numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
예제 #3
ResultCode AudioFileReaderInternal::init (const char* path, AudioFileMetaDataIOFlags const& metaDataIOFlags) throw()
    plonk_assert (path != 0);
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    ResultCode result = pl_AudioFileReader_OpenInternal (getPeerRef(), path, metaDataIOFlags.getValue());
    const int bytesPerFrame = getBytesPerFrame();
    if (bytesPerFrame == 0)
        result = PlankResult_AudioFileInavlidType;
    else if (result == PlankResult_OK)
        numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
    if (this->hasMetaData())
    return result;
예제 #4
AudioFileReaderInternal::AudioFileReaderInternal (AudioFileReaderQueue const& audioFiles, const int bufferSize) throw()
:   readBuffer (Chars::withSize ((bufferSize > 0) ? bufferSize : AudioFile::DefaultBufferSize)),
    numFramesPerBuffer (0),
    newPositionOnNextRead (-1),
    hitEndOfFile (false),
    numChannelsChanged (false),
    audioFileChanged (false),
    defaultNumChannels (0)
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    if (pl_AudioFileReader_OpenWithCustomNextFunction (getPeerRef(),
                                                       AudioFileReaderInternal_Queue_SetFramePosition, //0,
                                                       AudioFileReaderInternal_Queue_GetFramePosition, //0,
                                                       new AudioFileReaderQueue (audioFiles)) == PlankResult_OK)
        if (getBytesPerFrame() > 0)
            numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
예제 #5
AudioFileReaderInternal::AudioFileReaderInternal (FilePathQueue const& fileQueue, const int bufferSize) throw()
:   readBuffer (Chars::withSize ((bufferSize > 0) ? bufferSize : AudioFile::DefaultBufferSize)),
    numFramesPerBuffer (0),
    newPositionOnNextRead (-1),
    hitEndOfFile (false),
    numChannelsChanged (false),
    audioFileChanged (false),
    defaultNumChannels (0)
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    PlankFile file;
    if (BinaryFileInternal::setupMulti (&file, fileQueue, PLANK_BIGENDIAN))
        if (pl_AudioFileReader_OpenWithFile (getPeerRef(), &file, AudioFile::MetaDataIOFlagsNone) == PlankResult_OK)
            if (getBytesPerFrame() > 0)
                numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
예제 #6
SoundPreprocessor::SoundPreprocessor(int sampleRate, int bytesPerSample, int channelNumber, int denoiseLevel){
	spx_int32_t i=1;
	spx_int32_t noisesuppress=(spx_int32_t)denoiseLevel;

	mBytesPerFrame = getBytesPerFrame(sampleRate, bytesPerSample, channelNumber);

	mpSpStat = speex_preprocess_state_init(mBytesPerFrame / sizeof(short), sampleRate);

		speex_preprocess_ctl(mpSpStat, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE, &i);
		speex_preprocess_ctl(mpSpStat, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_NOISE_SUPPRESS, &noisesuppress);
		mBytesPerFrame = 0;
예제 #7
ResultCode AudioFileReaderInternal::init (ByteArray const& bytes, AudioFileMetaDataIOFlags const& metaDataIOFlags) throw()
    pl_AudioFileReader_Init (getPeerRef());
    PlankFile file;
    if (BinaryFileInternal::setupBytes (&file, bytes, false))
        if (pl_AudioFileReader_OpenWithFile (getPeerRef(), &file, metaDataIOFlags.getValue()) == PlankResult_OK)
            numFramesPerBuffer = readBuffer.length() / getBytesPerFrame();
            if (this->hasMetaData())

            return PlankResult_OK;

    return PlankResult_UnknownError;
예제 #8
WAVAudioFile::decode(const unsigned char *ubuf,
                     size_t sourceBytes,
                     size_t targetSampleRate,
                     size_t targetChannels,
                     size_t nframes,
                     std::vector<float *> &target,
                     bool adding)
    size_t sourceChannels = getChannels();
    size_t sourceSampleRate = getSampleRate();
    size_t fileFrames = sourceBytes / getBytesPerFrame();

    int bitsPerSample = getBitsPerSample();
    if (bitsPerSample != 8 &&
            bitsPerSample != 16 &&
            bitsPerSample != 24 &&
            bitsPerSample != 32) { // 32-bit is IEEE-float (enforced in RIFFAudioFile)
        RG_WARNING << "WAVAudioFile::decode: unsupported " << bitsPerSample << "-bit sample size";
        return false;

    RG_DEBUG << "WAVAudioFile::decode: " << sourceBytes << " bytes -> " << nframes << " frames, SSR " << getSampleRate() << ", TSR " << targetSampleRate << ", sch " << getChannels() << ", tch " << targetChannels;

    // If we're reading a stereo file onto a mono target, we mix the
    // two channels.  If we're reading mono to stereo, we duplicate
    // the mono channel.  Otherwise if the numbers of channels differ,
    // we just copy across the ones that do match and zero the rest.

    bool reduceToMono = (targetChannels == 1 && sourceChannels == 2);

    for (size_t ch = 0; ch < sourceChannels; ++ch) {

        if (!reduceToMono || ch == 0) {
            if (ch >= targetChannels)
            if (!adding)
                memset(target[ch], 0, nframes * sizeof(float));

        int tch = ch; // target channel for this data
        if (reduceToMono && ch == 1) {
            tch = 0;

        float ratio = 1.0;
        if (sourceSampleRate != targetSampleRate) {
            ratio = float(sourceSampleRate) / float(targetSampleRate);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < nframes; ++i) {

            size_t j = i;
            if (sourceSampleRate != targetSampleRate) {
                j = size_t(i * ratio);
            if (j >= fileFrames)
                j = fileFrames - 1;

	    float sample = convertBytesToSample
		(&ubuf[(bitsPerSample / 8) * (ch + j * sourceChannels)]);

            target[tch][i] += sample;

    // Now deal with any excess target channels

    for (size_t ch = sourceChannels; ch < targetChannels; ++ch) {
        if (ch == 1 && targetChannels == 2) {
            // copy mono to stereo
            if (!adding) {
                memcpy(target[ch], target[ch - 1], nframes * sizeof(float));
            } else {
                for (size_t i = 0; i < nframes; ++i) {
                    target[ch][i] += target[ch - 1][i];
        } else {
            if (!adding) {
                memset(target[ch], 0, nframes * sizeof(float));

    return true;
예제 #9
int AudioFileReaderInternal::getBytesPerSample() const throw()
    return getBytesPerFrame() / getNumChannels();