예제 #1
Path DetailsMarkerPainter::getPath(const LayoutPoint& origin) const
    Path result = getCanonicalPath();
    result.transform(AffineTransform().scale(m_layoutDetailsMarker.contentWidth().toFloat(), m_layoutDetailsMarker.contentHeight().toFloat()));
    result.translate(FloatSize(origin.x().toFloat(), origin.y().toFloat()));
    return result;
std::shared_ptr<TextureResource> TextureResource::get(const std::string& path, bool tile)
	std::shared_ptr<ResourceManager>& rm = ResourceManager::getInstance();

	const std::string canonicalPath = getCanonicalPath(path);

		std::shared_ptr<TextureResource> tex(new TextureResource("", tile));
		rm->addReloadable(tex); //make sure we get properly deinitialized even though we do nothing on reinitialization
		return tex;

	TextureKeyType key(canonicalPath, tile);
	auto foundTexture = sTextureMap.find(key);
	if(foundTexture != sTextureMap.end())
        if(!foundTexture->second.expired()) {
			return foundTexture->second.lock();

	// need to create it
	std::shared_ptr<TextureResource> tex;

	// is it an SVG?
	if(key.first.substr(key.first.size() - 4, std::string::npos) == ".svg")
		// probably
		// don't add it to our map because 2 svgs might be rasterized at different sizes
		tex = std::shared_ptr<SVGResource>(new SVGResource(key.first, tile));
		sTextureList.push_back(tex); // add it to our list though
		return tex;
		// normal texture
		tex = std::shared_ptr<TextureResource>(new TextureResource(key.first, tile));
		sTextureMap[key] = std::weak_ptr<TextureResource>(tex);
		return tex;
예제 #3
Path Path::getParent() const {
    if (isEmpty()) return "";

    std::string result;

    std::vector<std::string> segments(split());

    // if our path is absolute with a single segment,
    // be sure to keep the prefix component
    if (!isAbsolute() || segments.size() > 1) {
        segments.pop_back(); // peel the last one

    for (auto const& s : segments) {
    return getCanonicalPath(result);
예제 #4
std::shared_ptr<SharedLibrary> SharedLibraryManager::load(
    const boost::filesystem::path& path)
  // Check if the given path exits
  const bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists(path);
  if (!exists)
    dtwarn << "[SharedLibraryManager::load] The given path doesn't exist. "
           << "Returning nullptr.\n";
    return nullptr;

  // Convert the given path to the canonical path
  const auto canonicalPath = boost::filesystem::canonical(path);

  const auto iter = mLibraries.find(canonicalPath);

  const auto found = iter != mLibraries.end();
  if (found)
    auto lib = iter->second.lock();

    // This check could fail if all instances to the library go out of scope,
    // since iter->second is a std::weak_ptr. In that case, we remove the
    // destructed library from the list and create new one.
    if (lib)
      return lib;

  const auto newLib = std::make_shared<SharedLibrary>(
      SharedLibrary::ProtectedConstruction, canonicalPath);

  if (!newLib->isValid())
    return nullptr;

  mLibraries[canonicalPath] = newLib;
  assert(canonicalPath == newLib->getCanonicalPath());

  return newLib;
예제 #5
Path::Path(const std::string& path)
    : m_path(getCanonicalPath(path)) {
예제 #6
int Server::main(const std::vector<std::string> & /*args*/)
    Logger * log = &logger();
    UseSSL use_ssl;

    ThreadStatus thread_status;


    CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::Revision, ClickHouseRevision::get());
    CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::VersionInteger, ClickHouseRevision::getVersionInteger());

    /** Context contains all that query execution is dependent:
      *  settings, available functions, data types, aggregate functions, databases...
    global_context = std::make_unique<Context>(Context::createGlobal());

    bool has_zookeeper = config().has("zookeeper");

    zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache main_config_zk_node_cache([&] { return global_context->getZooKeeper(); });
    zkutil::EventPtr main_config_zk_changed_event = std::make_shared<Poco::Event>();
    if (loaded_config.has_zk_includes)
        auto old_configuration = loaded_config.configuration;
        ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path);
        loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfigWithZooKeeperIncludes(
            main_config_zk_node_cache, main_config_zk_changed_event, /* fallback_to_preprocessed = */ true);
        config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH));
        config().add(loaded_config.configuration.duplicate(), PRIO_DEFAULT, false);

    const auto memory_amount = getMemoryAmount();

#if defined(__linux__)
    /// After full config loaded
        if (config().getBool("mlock_executable", false))
            if (hasLinuxCapability(CAP_IPC_LOCK))
                LOG_TRACE(log, "Will mlockall to prevent executable memory from being paged out. It may take a few seconds.");
                if (0 != mlockall(MCL_CURRENT))
                    LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed mlockall: " + errnoToString(ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR));
                    LOG_TRACE(log, "The memory map of clickhouse executable has been mlock'ed");
                LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like the process has no CAP_IPC_LOCK capability, binary mlock will be disabled."
                    " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation."
                    " You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /usr/bin/clickhouse'."
                    " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.");

    std::string path = getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH));
    std::string default_database = config().getString("default_database", "default");

    /// Check that the process' user id matches the owner of the data.
    const auto effective_user_id = geteuid();
    struct stat statbuf;
    if (stat(path.c_str(), &statbuf) == 0 && effective_user_id != statbuf.st_uid)
        const auto effective_user = getUserName(effective_user_id);
        const auto data_owner = getUserName(statbuf.st_uid);
        std::string message = "Effective user of the process (" + effective_user +
            ") does not match the owner of the data (" + data_owner + ").";
        if (effective_user_id == 0)
            message += " Run under 'sudo -u " + data_owner + "'.";
            throw Exception(message, ErrorCodes::MISMATCHING_USERS_FOR_PROCESS_AND_DATA);
            LOG_WARNING(log, message);


    /// Create directories for 'path' and for default database, if not exist.
    Poco::File(path + "data/" + default_database).createDirectories();
    Poco::File(path + "metadata/" + default_database).createDirectories();

    StatusFile status{path + "status"};

        /** Ask to cancel background jobs all table engines,
          *  and also query_log.
          * It is important to do early, not in destructor of Context, because
          *  table engines could use Context on destroy.
        LOG_INFO(log, "Shutting down storages.");
        LOG_DEBUG(log, "Shutted down storages.");

        /** Explicitly destroy Context. It is more convenient than in destructor of Server, because logger is still available.
          * At this moment, no one could own shared part of Context.

        LOG_DEBUG(log, "Destroyed global context.");
예제 #7
std::string Server::getDefaultCorePath() const
    return getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)) + "cores";
예제 #8
void Path::concatToSelf(const Path& path)  {
    if (!path.isEmpty()) {
        if (path.isAbsolute()) {
            m_path = path.getPath();
        } else if (m_path.back() != SEPARATOR) {
            m_path = getCanonicalPath(m_path + SEPARATOR + path.getPath());
        } else {
            m_path = getCanonicalPath(m_path + path.getPath());