예제 #1
void CellPartitioning<T>::getNeighbouringEntities(const T& t, float range)
	size_t numcells = 1 + range / mCellWidth;
	size_t ci = getCellIndex(t->getPosition());
	size_t si = ci % mNumCells;
	size_t sj = ci / mNumCells;
	size_t cell1006 = 0;
	bool checked = false;
	Platoon* pl = dynamic_cast<Platoon*>(EntityManager::instance().getEntity(1004));
	std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> checkedcells;
	if(t->getEntityID() == 1006) {
		// std::cout << "Pos: " << t->getPosition() << " Index: " << ci << " si: " << si << " sj: " << sj << "\n";
		cell1006 = getCellIndex(pl->getPosition());
	for(size_t i = std::max<size_t>(0, si - numcells - 1); i <= std::min<size_t>(mNumCells - 1, si + numcells - 1); i++) {
		for(size_t j = std::max<size_t>(0, sj - numcells - 1); j <= std::min<size_t>(mNumCells - 1, sj + numcells - 1); j++) {
			if(j * mNumCells + i >= mCells.size()) {
				std::cout << "\nAbout to crash. j * mNumCells + i >= mCells.size().\n" <<
					j << " * " << mNumCells << " + " << i << " = " << j * mNumCells + i << " >= " << mCells.size() << ".\n";
			if(j * mNumCells + i == cell1006)
				checked = true;
			checkedcells.push_back(std::make_pair(i, j));
			for(T t2 : mCells.at(j * mNumCells + i)) {
				if(t->getEntityID() == 1006 && t != t2)
					std::cout << "At " << j * mNumCells + i << ": " << t2->getEntityID() << "\n";
				if(t != t2 && (t->getPosition() - t2->getPosition()).length() <= range) {
	if(t->getEntityID() == 1006) {
		std::cout << "Diff to 1004: " << (t->getPosition() - pl->getPosition()).length();
		std::cout << " My cell: (" << si << ", " << sj << ") = " << ci << " - his cell: (" << cell1006 % mNumCells << ", " << cell1006 / mNumCells << ") = " << cell1006 << "\n";
		if(!checked) {
			std::cout << "Did not check his cell. Checked cells:";
			for(auto c : checkedcells)
				std::cout << " (" << c.first << ", " << c.second << ") = " << c.second * mNumCells + c.first;
			std::cout << "\n";
		mCurrentNeighbour = 0;
		mCurrentNeighbour = -1;
예제 #2
//! Clears the complex on the specified region. Please observe that the actually cleared region
//! consists of all lattice cells intersecting the passed region, therefore resulting in a cleared region
//! typically larger than passed one, up to the lattice granularity.
void TCacheResource::clear(QRegion region)
	if (!m_region.intersects(region))

	//Get the region bbox
	TRect bbox(toTRect(region.boundingRect()));

	//For all cells intersecting the bbox
	TPoint initialPos(getCellPos(bbox.getP00()));
	TPoint pos;
	for (pos.x = initialPos.x; pos.x <= bbox.x1; pos.x += latticeStep)
		for (pos.y = initialPos.y; pos.y <= bbox.y1; pos.y += latticeStep) {
			QRect cellQRect(toQRect(TRect(pos, TDimension(latticeStep, latticeStep))));

			if (region.intersects(cellQRect) && m_region.intersects(cellQRect)) {
				//Release the associated cell from cache and clear the cell from the content region.
				m_region -= cellQRect;


				//DIAGNOSTICS_GLOADD("crCellsCnt", -1);

				//Release the cell from m_cellDatas
				m_cellDatas[getCellIndex(pos)].m_modified = true;

	if (m_region.isEmpty()) {
		m_tileType = NONE;
		m_locksCount = 0;
예제 #3
void TableView::onTouchEnded(Touch* touch, Event* unusedEvent)
	ScrollView::onTouchEnded(touch, unusedEvent);
		CC_BREAK_IF(m_startFocusCellIndex == -1);
		auto _focusItem = getCellByIndex(m_startFocusCellIndex);
		Rect _rect = { 0, 0, getContentSize().width, getContentSize().height };
		int32_t _cellIndex;
		if (_rect.containsPoint(this->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch)))
			_cellIndex = getCellIndex(m_container->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch));
			_cellIndex = -1;

		if (_cellIndex == m_startFocusCellIndex)
			if (m_cellTouchCallfunc)
				m_cellTouchCallfunc(this, _focusItem, m_startFocusCellIndex, TouchType::CLICK);
	} while (0);
예제 #4
void Field::JewelClick(Event *event)
	TouchEvent *te = safeCast<TouchEvent*>(event);
	Point ind = getCellIndex(te->localPosition);

	if (state==fsSwaping)
		if (At(ind))
			state = fsWaiting;
			back_swap = false;

	if (state==fsWaiting)
		if (At(ind))
			jewel_drag_ind = ind;
			state = fsSwaping;

예제 #5
bool Field::Swap(spJewel First, spJewel Second, bool skip_animation)
	Point diff = getCellIndex(First->getPosition()) - getCellIndex(Second->getPosition());
	if (abs(diff.x)>1 || (abs(diff.y)>1) || 
		abs(diff.x)==abs(diff.y) || Second==First || 
		!(Second->getState()==jsNormal && First->getState()==jsNormal)) 
		return false;

	ForceSwap(First, Second);

	if (!skip_animation)
		state = fsAnimation;

		jewel_new_ind  = getCellIndex( First->getPosition());
		jewel_drag_ind = getCellIndex( Second->getPosition());

		Second->addTween(Sprite::TweenPosition(First->getPosition()),200)->addEventListener(TweenEvent::DONE, CLOSURE(this, &Field::EndSwapCallback));

	return true;
예제 #6
bool TableView::onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* unusedEvent)
	bool _re = ScrollView::onTouchBegan(touch, unusedEvent);
	if (_re)
		m_startFocusCellIndex = getCellIndex(m_container->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch));
		GridCell* _item = getCellByIndex(m_startFocusCellIndex);
		if (_item)
	return _re;
예제 #7
void CellPartitioning<T>::updateEntity(const T& t, const Vector2& oldpos)
	size_t i = getCellIndex(oldpos);
	size_t j = getCellIndex(t->getPosition());
	if(i != j) {
		if(mCells.at(i).erase(t) != 1) {
			std::cout << "Updating entity " << t->getEntityID() << " that does not exist?\n";
			for(size_t i = 0; i < mNumCells - 1; i++) {
				for(size_t j = 0; j < mNumCells - 1; j++) {
					for(T t2 : mCells.at(j * mNumCells + i)) {
						if(t2->getEntityID() == t->getEntityID()) {
							std::cout << "Entity was supposed to be at " << i << ", but it is at " << j * mNumCells + i << ".\n";
							std::cout << "(New position: " << j << "\n";
			std::cout << "Done searching for the entity.\n";
예제 #8
void TCacheResource::addRef2(const TRect &rect)
	//DIAGNOSTICS_NUMBEREDSTRSET(prefix + QString::number((UINT) this) + " | Stack | ",
	//"crStack", "addRef", ::traduce(rect));

	//Add a reference to all cells intersecting the passed one
	TPoint initialPos(getCellPos(rect.getP00()));
	TPoint pos;
	for (pos.x = initialPos.x; pos.x <= rect.x1; pos.x += latticeStep)
		for (pos.y = initialPos.y; pos.y <= rect.y1; pos.y += latticeStep) {
			PointLess cellIndex(getCellIndex(pos));
			CellData &cellData = m_cellDatas[cellIndex];
			cellData.m_referenced = true;
예제 #9
//! Copies the passed tile in the tile complex. The passed tile \b must
//! possess integer geometry (ie tile.m_pos must have integer coordinates),
//! otherwise this function is a no-op.
bool TCacheResource::upload(const TPoint &pos, TRasterP ras)
	int tileType;
	if (!checkRasterType(ras, tileType))
		return false;

	if (m_tileType == NONE)
		m_tileType = tileType;

	//For all cells of the lattice which intersect the tile, upload the content in the
	TRect tileRect(ras->getBounds() + pos);
	TPoint initialPos(getCellPos(tileRect.getP00()));

	//DIAGNOSTICS_NUMBEREDSTRSET(prefix + QString::number((UINT) this) + " | Stack | ",
	//"crStack", "upload", ::traduce(TRect(pos, ras->getSize())));

	TPoint currPos;
	for (currPos.x = initialPos.x; currPos.x <= tileRect.x1; currPos.x += latticeStep)
		for (currPos.y = initialPos.y; currPos.y <= tileRect.y1; currPos.y += latticeStep) {
			//Copy tile's content into the cell's raster.
			TRect cellRect(currPos, TDimension(latticeStep, latticeStep));

			TRect overlapRect(tileRect * cellRect);

			PointLess cellIndex(getCellIndex(currPos));
			std::pair<TRasterP, CellData *> cellInfos(touch(cellIndex));
			TRasterP cellRas(cellInfos.first);

			TRect temp(overlapRect - currPos);
			TRasterP overlappingCellRas(cellRas->extract(temp));
			temp = TRect(overlapRect - tileRect.getP00());
			TRasterP overlappingTileRas(ras->extract(temp));

			assert(overlappingCellRas->getBounds() == overlappingTileRas->getBounds());
			TRop::copy(overlappingCellRas, overlappingTileRas);

			cellInfos.second->m_modified = true;

	//Update the complex's content region
	m_region += toQRect(tileRect);

	return true;
예제 #10
bool TCacheResource::downloadAll(const TPoint &pos, TRasterP ras)
	int tileType;
	if (!checkRasterType(ras, tileType))
		return false;

	//Build the tile's rect
	TRect tileRect(ras->getBounds() + pos);

	if (!contains(m_region, tileRect))
		return false;

	//DIAGNOSTICS_NUMBEREDSTRSET(prefix + QString::number((UINT) this) + " | Stack | ",
	//"crStack", "downloadAll", ::traduce(TRect(pos, ras->getSize())));

	//For all cells intersecting the tile's rect, copy all those intersecting the
	//complex's content region.
	TPoint initialPos(getCellPos(tileRect.getP00()));

	TPoint currPos;
	for (currPos.x = initialPos.x; currPos.x <= tileRect.x1; currPos.x += latticeStep)
		for (currPos.y = initialPos.y; currPos.y <= tileRect.y1; currPos.y += latticeStep) {
			TRect cellRect(currPos, TDimension(latticeStep, latticeStep));

			TRect overlapRect(tileRect * cellRect);
			QRect overlapQRect(toQRect(overlapRect));

			if (m_region.intersects(overlapQRect)) {
				//Extract the associated rasters and perform the copy to the input tile.
				std::pair<TRasterP, CellData *> cellInfos(touch(getCellIndex(currPos)));
				TRasterP cellRas(cellInfos.first);

				TRect temp(overlapRect - currPos);
				TRasterP overlappingCellRas(cellRas->extract(temp));
				temp = TRect(overlapRect - tileRect.getP00());
				TRasterP overlappingTileRas(ras->extract(temp));

				TRop::copy(overlappingTileRas, overlappingCellRas);

	return true;
예제 #11
//! Fills the passed tile with the data contained in the complex, returning
//! the copied region.
//! The same restriction of the upload() method applies here.
QRegion TCacheResource::download(const TPoint &pos, TRasterP ras)
	int tileType;
	if (!checkRasterType(ras, tileType))
		return QRegion();

	//Build the tile's rect
	TRect tileRect(ras->getBounds() + pos);

	if (!m_region.intersects(toQRect(tileRect)))
		return QRegion();

	//For all cells intersecting the tile's rect, copy all those intersecting the
	//complex's content region.
	TPoint initialPos(getCellPos(tileRect.getP00()));

	TPoint currPos;
	for (currPos.x = initialPos.x; currPos.x <= tileRect.x1; currPos.x += latticeStep)
		for (currPos.y = initialPos.y; currPos.y <= tileRect.y1; currPos.y += latticeStep) {
			TRect cellRect(currPos, TDimension(latticeStep, latticeStep));

			TRect overlapRect(tileRect * cellRect);
			QRect overlapQRect(toQRect(overlapRect));

			if (m_region.intersects(overlapQRect)) {
				//Extract the associated rasters and perform the copy to the input tile.
				std::pair<TRasterP, CellData *> cellInfos(touch(getCellIndex(currPos)));
				TRasterP cellRas(cellInfos.first);

				TRect temp(overlapRect - currPos);
				TRasterP overlappingCellRas(cellRas->extract(temp));
				temp = TRect(overlapRect - tileRect.getP00());
				TRasterP overlappingTileRas(ras->extract(temp));

				TRop::copy(overlappingTileRas, overlappingCellRas);

	return m_region.intersected(QRegion(toQRect(tileRect)));
예제 #12
파일: mls.hpp 프로젝트: Cakem1x/pcl
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::MLSVoxelGrid::MLSVoxelGrid (PointCloudInConstPtr& cloud,
    IndicesPtr &indices,
    float voxel_size) :
    voxel_grid_ (), bounding_min_ (), bounding_max_ (), data_size_ (), voxel_size_ (voxel_size)
  pcl::getMinMax3D (*cloud, *indices, bounding_min_, bounding_max_);

  Eigen::Vector4f bounding_box_size = bounding_max_ - bounding_min_;
  double max_size = (std::max) ((std::max)(bounding_box_size.x (), bounding_box_size.y ()), bounding_box_size.z ());
  // Put initial cloud in voxel grid
  data_size_ = static_cast<uint64_t> (1.5 * max_size / voxel_size_);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices->size (); ++i)
    if (pcl_isfinite (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x))
      Eigen::Vector3i pos;
      getCellIndex (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].getVector3fMap (), pos);

      uint64_t index_1d;
      getIndexIn1D (pos, index_1d);
      Leaf leaf;
      voxel_grid_[index_1d] = leaf;
예제 #13
void TableView::onTouchMoved(Touch* touch, Event* unusedEvent)
	ScrollView::onTouchMoved(touch, unusedEvent);
		CC_BREAK_IF(m_startFocusCellIndex == -1);
		int _cellIndex = getCellIndex(m_container->convertTouchToNodeSpace(touch));
		if (touch->getDelta().getLength() > CLICK_MAX_MOVE_DISTANCE ||
			m_movedPos.getDistance(m_beganPos) > CLICK_MAX_MOVE_DISTANCE ||
			_cellIndex < 0 ||
			_cellIndex != m_startFocusCellIndex
			GridCell* _focusItem = _focusItem = getCellByIndex(m_startFocusCellIndex);
			if (_focusItem)
			m_startFocusCellIndex = -1;
	} while (0);
Builds local hash and reorders particle index table.
void physx::Pt::SpatialHash::buildLocalHash(const Particle* particles, PxU32 numParticles, ParticleCell* cells,
                                            PxU32* particleIndices, PxU16* hashKeyArray, PxU32 numHashBuckets,
                                            PxF32 cellSizeInv, const PxVec3& packetCorner)
	PX_ASSERT(numHashBuckets > numParticles); // Needs to be larger to have at least one empty hash bucket (required to
	// detect invalid cells).

	// Mark packet cell entries as empty.
	for(PxU32 c = 0; c < numHashBuckets; c++)
		cells[c].numParticles = PX_INVALID_U32;

	PX_ALIGN(16, Particle fakeParticle);
	fakeParticle.position = PxVec3(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);

	PxU32 numParticles4 = ((numParticles + 3) & ~0x3) + 4; // ceil up to multiple of four + 4 for save unrolling

	// Add particles to cell hash

	const Particle* prt0 = particles;
	const Particle* prt1 = (1 < numParticles) ? particles + 1 : &fakeParticle;
	const Particle* prt2 = (2 < numParticles) ? particles + 2 : &fakeParticle;
	const Particle* prt3 = (3 < numParticles) ? particles + 3 : &fakeParticle;

	struct Int32Vec3
		PX_FORCE_INLINE void set(const PxVec3& realVec, const PxF32 scale)
			x = static_cast<PxI32>(Ps::floor(realVec.x * scale));
			y = static_cast<PxI32>(Ps::floor(realVec.y * scale));
			z = static_cast<PxI32>(Ps::floor(realVec.z * scale));
		PxI32 x;
		PxI32 y;
		PxI32 z;

	PX_ALIGN(16, Int32Vec3 cellCoords[8]);
	cellCoords[0].set(prt0->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
	cellCoords[1].set(prt1->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
	cellCoords[2].set(prt2->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
	cellCoords[3].set(prt3->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);

	for(PxU32 p = 0; p < numParticles4; p += 4)
		const Particle* prt0_N = (p + 4 < numParticles) ? particles + p + 4 : &fakeParticle;
		const Particle* prt1_N = (p + 5 < numParticles) ? particles + p + 5 : &fakeParticle;
		const Particle* prt2_N = (p + 6 < numParticles) ? particles + p + 6 : &fakeParticle;
		const Particle* prt3_N = (p + 7 < numParticles) ? particles + p + 7 : &fakeParticle;

		PxU32 wIndex = (p + 4) & 7;
		cellCoords[wIndex].set(prt0_N->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
		cellCoords[wIndex + 1].set(prt1_N->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
		cellCoords[wIndex + 2].set(prt2_N->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);
		cellCoords[wIndex + 3].set(prt3_N->position - packetCorner, cellSizeInv);

		PxU32 rIndex = p & 7;
		for(PxU32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			if(p + i < numParticles)
				const Int32Vec3& int32Vec3 = cellCoords[rIndex + i];
				const GridCellVector cellCoord(PxI16(int32Vec3.x), PxI16(int32Vec3.y), PxI16(int32Vec3.z));
				PxU32 hashKey = getCellIndex(cellCoord, cells, numHashBuckets);
				ParticleCell* cell = &cells[hashKey];
				hashKeyArray[p + i] = Ps::to16(hashKey);

				if(cell->numParticles == PX_INVALID_U32)
					// Entry is empty -> Initialize new entry
					cell->coords = cellCoord;
					cell->numParticles = 1; // this avoids some LHS
					cell->numParticles++; // this avoids some LHS
				PX_ASSERT(cell->numParticles != PX_INVALID_U32);

	// Set for each cell the starting index of the associated particle index interval.
	PxU32 cellFirstParticle = 0;
	for(PxU32 c = 0; c < numHashBuckets; c++)
		ParticleCell& cell = cells[c];

		if(cell.numParticles == PX_INVALID_U32)

		cell.firstParticle = cellFirstParticle;
		cellFirstParticle += cell.numParticles;

	reorderParticleIndicesToCells(particles, numParticles, cells, particleIndices, numHashBuckets, hashKeyArray);
예제 #15
PointArray* AStar::getShortPath(Point start, Point end)
	_shortPath = PointArray::create(20);

	/*if (start == end)
	LOG("You're already there! :P");
	/*if (!_layer->isValidTileCoord(end) || _layer->isWallAtTileCoord(end)){
	//LOG("Start: %f, %f", start.x, start.y);
	//LOG("End: %f, %f", end.x, end.y);
	//bool pathFound = false;
	// 首先,添加起始坐标到open列表
		// 得到最小的F值步骤
		// 因为是有序列表,第一个步骤总是最小的F值
		Cell *curCell = _openCells.at(0);
		// 添加当前步骤到closed列表
		// 将它从open列表里面移除
		// 需要注意的是,如果想要先从open列表里面移除,应小心对象的内存
		// 如果当前步骤是目标方块坐标,那么就完成了
		if (curCell->getPosition() == end)
		// 得到当前步骤的相邻方块坐标
		for (ssize_t i = 0; i < _points->count(); ++i)
			Cell *cell = Cell::createWithPosition(_points->getControlPointAtIndex(i));
			// 检查步骤是不是已经在closed列表			
			if(getCellIndex(_closeCells, cell) != -1)
			// 计算从当前步骤到此步骤的成本
			int cost = this->cellCost(curCell, cell);
			// 检查此步骤是否已经在open列表
			ssize_t index = getCellIndex(_openCells, cell);
			// 不在open列表,添加它
			if (index == -1)
				// 设置当前步骤作为上一步操作
				// G值等同于上一步的G值 + 从上一步到这里的成本
				cell->setGScore(curCell->getGScore() + cost);
				// H值即是从此步骤到目标方块坐标的移动量估算值
				cell->setHScore(this->computeHScore(cell->getPosition(), end));
				// 按序添加到open列表
				// 获取旧的步骤,其值已经计算过
				cell = _openCells.at(index);
				// 检查G值是否低于当前步骤到此步骤的值
				if ((curCell->getGScore() + cost) < cell->getGScore())
					// 设置当前步骤作为上一步操作
					// G值等同于上一步的G值 + 从上一步到这里的成本
					cell->setGScore(curCell->getGScore() + cost);
					// 因为G值改变了,F值也会跟着改变
					// 所以为了保持open列表有序,需要将此步骤移除,再重新按序插入
					// 在移除之前,需要先保持引用
					// 现在可以放心移除,不用担心被释放
					// 重新按序插入
					// 现在可以释放它了,因为open列表应该持有它
	} while (_openCells.size() > 0);


	/*for(int l = 0; l < _shortPath->count(); l++)
	auto v = _shortPath->getControlPointAtIndex(l);
	log("%f       %f", v.x, v.y);

	return _shortPath;
예제 #16
template <typename PointNT> bool
pcl::GridProjection<PointNT>::reconstructPolygons (std::vector<pcl::Vertices> &polygons)
  data_.reset (new pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> (*input_));
  getBoundingBox ();

  // Store the point cloud data into the voxel grid, and at the same time
  // create a hash map to store the information for each cell
  cell_hash_map_.max_load_factor (2.0);
  cell_hash_map_.rehash (data_->points.size () / static_cast<long unsigned int> (cell_hash_map_.max_load_factor ()));

  // Go over all points and insert them into the right leaf
  for (int cp = 0; cp < static_cast<int> (data_->points.size ()); ++cp)
    // Check if the point is invalid
    if (!pcl_isfinite (data_->points[cp].x) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (data_->points[cp].y) ||
        !pcl_isfinite (data_->points[cp].z))

    Eigen::Vector3i index_3d;
    getCellIndex (data_->points[cp].getVector4fMap (), index_3d);
    int index_1d = getIndexIn1D (index_3d);
    if (cell_hash_map_.find (index_1d) == cell_hash_map_.end ())
      Leaf cell_data;
      cell_data.data_indices.push_back (cp);
      getCellCenterFromIndex (index_3d, cell_data.pt_on_surface);
      cell_hash_map_[index_1d] = cell_data;
      occupied_cell_list_[index_1d] = 1;
      Leaf cell_data = cell_hash_map_.at (index_1d);
      cell_data.data_indices.push_back (cp);
      cell_hash_map_[index_1d] = cell_data;

  Eigen::Vector3i index;
  int numOfFilledPad = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < data_size_; ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < data_size_; ++j)
      for (int k = 0; k < data_size_; ++k)
        index[0] = i;
        index[1] = j;
        index[2] = k;
        if (occupied_cell_list_[getIndexIn1D (index)])
          fillPad (index);

  // Update the hashtable and store the vector and point
  BOOST_FOREACH (typename HashMap::value_type entry, cell_hash_map_)
    getIndexIn3D (entry.first, index);
    std::vector <int> pt_union_indices;
    getDataPtsUnion (index, pt_union_indices);

    // Needs at least 10 points (?)
    // NOTE: set as parameter later
    if (pt_union_indices.size () > 10)
      storeVectAndSurfacePoint (entry.first, index, pt_union_indices, entry.second);
      //storeVectAndSurfacePointKNN(entry.first, index, entry.second);
      occupied_cell_list_[entry.first] = 1;
예제 #17
void CellPartitioning<T>::addEntity(const T& t)
	size_t i = getCellIndex(t->getPosition());