예제 #1
bool WindowListener::x11Event(XEvent *event)
    if (event->type == PropertyNotify
            && event->xproperty.atom == XInternAtom(QX11Info::display(), "_NET_CLIENT_LIST", false)) {
        bool isNew;
        QList<Window> oldList = clientList;
        clientList = getClientList();

        Window w = getDifferentWindow(clientList, oldList, &isNew);

        if (w != None) {
            if (isNew)
                emit windowCreated(w);
                emit windowDeleted(w);


    return false;
예제 #2
void MasterServer::idle(const U32 timeDelta)

   // Reread config file

         mLastMotd = mSettings->getMotd();

   // Cleanup, cleanup, everybody cleanup!
      MasterServerConnection::removeOldEntriesFromRatingsCache();    //<== need non-static access

   // Handle writing our JSON file

   if(!mJsonWritingSuspended && mJsonWriteTimer.getCurrent() == 0)

      mJsonWritingSuspended = true;    // No more writes until this is cleared
      mJsonWriteTimer.reset();         // But reset the timer so it start ticking down even if we aren't writing

      GameJolt::ping(mSettings, getClientList());


   // Process connections -- cycle through them and check if any have timed out
   U32 currentTime = Platform::getRealMilliseconds();

   for(S32 i = MasterServerConnection::gConnectList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)    
      GameConnectRequest *request = MasterServerConnection::gConnectList[i];    

      if(currentTime - request->requestTime > (U32)FIVE_SECONDS)
            ByteBufferPtr ptr = new ByteBuffer((U8 *)MasterRequestTimedOut, strlen(MasterRequestTimedOut) + 1);

            request->initiator->m2cArrangedConnectionRejected(request->initiatorQueryId, ptr);   // 0 = ReasonTimedOut


         delete request;

   // Process any delayed disconnects; we use this to avoid repeating and flooding join / leave messages
   for(S32 i = MasterServerConnection::gLeaveChatTimerList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      MasterServerConnection *c = MasterServerConnection::gLeaveChatTimerList[i];      

      if(!c || c->mLeaveLobbyChatTimer == 0)
         if(currentTime - c->mLeaveLobbyChatTimer > (U32)ONE_SECOND)
            c->isInLobbyChat = false;

            const Vector<MasterServerConnection *> *clientList = getClientList();

            for(S32 j = 0; j < clientList->size(); j++)
               if(clientList->get(j) != c && clientList->get(j)->isInLobbyChat)


예제 #3
WindowListener::WindowListener() :
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
   printf("\n" BAR " Running Chat Client %s. " BAR "\n\n", argv[1]);
   if(argc != 2){
      printf("ERROR: You must enter 1 name (no spaces) on the command line.\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
   int cliPort = getPortFromName(argv[1]); //get the client's port based on name

   printf("Setting up client for UDP... \n");
   int UDPsocket = getUDPSocket(); //obtain socket for UDP

   struct sockaddr_in cliAddr;
   setCliAddr(cliPort, UDPsocket, &cliAddr); //set up clients address with port
   struct sockaddr_in servAddr; //this is the server's address
   setServAddr(&servAddr);      //set up the server addrss
   /************************* Contact  UDP Server **********************/
   char sendBuf[BUF_SIZE];
   memset(&sendBuf, 0, BUF_SIZE);
   char recvBuf[BUF_SIZE];
   memset(&recvBuf, 0, BUF_SIZE);
   int addrLen = sizeof(servAddr);
   char currChar;
   bool using = true; //when using the program

      //register with UDP server
      registerClient(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);
      //now we expect to get a response which is a list of people
      //this linked list is the register of who is an isn't connected
      CC reg = (CC) malloc(sizeof(struct ConnectedClient)); //acts as head
      strcpy(reg->name, "CLIENT LIST");
      reg->next = NULL;
      //obtain and display list of clients from UDP server
      getClientList(reg, UDPsocket, recvBuf);

      /********************** TRANSITION TO TCP *********************************/
      printf("Would you like to wait for a connection or make a connection? (w/m): ");
      char waitOrMake = getc(stdin); 
      //get a new socket of TCP type
      int sockTCP = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
      if(sockTCP < 0){ //if < 0 we have an error
         deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);
         perror("We have an error");
         return EXIT_FAILURE;
      struct sockaddr_in tcpAddr = cliAddr;
      tcpAddr.sin_port = htons(ntohs(cliAddr.sin_port) + 1); //TCP port will be UDPport++;
      int nowSocket; //this will be the socket we use to communicate
      //may come from accepting a connection or starting a connection
      //we are now going to make a connection
      char* connectee = NULL; //the name of the person we connect to
      if(waitOrMake == 'm'){ //if the client wants to make a connection
         printf("Pick the numbered client you wish to talk to: ");
         int clientNum = 0;
         scanf("%d", &clientNum);
         //get address of other client
         struct sockaddr_in* cliOfInterest = getAddr(reg, clientNum);
         connectee = getName(reg, cliOfInterest);
         printf("Making connection to %s\n", connectee);
         //make connection to other client
         printf("Trying connection to socket %d\n", ntohs(cliOfInterest->sin_port));
         if(connect(sockTCP, (struct sockaddr*) cliOfInterest, sizeof(*cliOfInterest)) < 0){
            deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);         
            perror("We have an error");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
         nowSocket = sockTCP;
         printf("Connection made!\n");
         //notify conectee that I connected
         sprintf(sendBuf, "%s%s%s %s%s", CONN_FANFAIR, "\t\t", argv[1], 
                 CONN_NOTICE, CONN_FANFAIR);
         send(nowSocket, sendBuf, strlen(sendBuf), 0);
      } else {
         int currCliSocket; //this will be the socket we recieve a connection on  
         struct sockaddr_in cliOfInterest;
         int len = sizeof(cliOfInterest);
         //bind the TCP address (different port) to the TCP socket
         bind(sockTCP, (struct sockaddr*) &tcpAddr, sizeof(tcpAddr));
         printf("Now listening on port %d.\n", ntohs(tcpAddr.sin_port));
         listen(sockTCP, 1); //being listening for connections

         //if we get a connection we record the socket we are using and the address
         currCliSocket = accept(sockTCP, (struct sockaddr*) &cliOfInterest, &len);
         if(currCliSocket >= 0){
            nowSocket = currCliSocket;
            printf("Connection being made by another client ...\n");
            //name is send over TCP by client
         } else {
            deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);
            perror("Incomming connection failed");
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
      //at this point we have a TCP connection with another client
      //we are now going to run two threads simultaneously
      //the child thread will be to send chat
      //the parent thread will be to listen and display
      //spawn a child process
      int pid = fork();
      if(pid < 0){ //if failed to fork
         deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);
         perror("Failed to fork!\n");
         return EXIT_FAILURE;
      } else if(pid != 0) { /*********************** PARENT *****************/      
         printf("You are now in a chat room.\n"
                "Type \"" END_CONN "\" to exit the chat room.\n\n");
         bool sending = true;   //client still wants to chat
         bool firstTime = true; //start off first time
         while(sending){ //we will be ready to send until END_CONN
            //printf("You [%s]: ", timeStr());
            printf("%s", KCYN); //make home client cyan
            memset(&sendBuf, 0, BUF_SIZE); //clear buffer
            if(firstTime){             //if just come from selection
               firstTime = false;      //next time will not be first time
               currChar = getc(stdin); //we do another getc() to clear ENTER_KEY
            currChar = getc(stdin);        //get message to send
            int i = 0;
            //while we done hit enter and less than max buff (-1 for '\0')
            while(((int)currChar != ENTER_KEY) && (i < (BUF_SIZE - 2))){
               sendBuf[i] = currChar;
               currChar = getc(stdin);
            sendBuf[i] = '\0';
            //if typed in command to end client, end client
            if(strcmp(sendBuf, END_CONN) == 0){
               sending = false; //end the chat room

               //send message of leaving chatroom
               send(nowSocket, LEAVING_CHATROOM_MSG, sizeof(LEAVING_CHATROOM_MSG), 0); 
               kill(pid, SIGKILL); //kill child process
            } else { //send message to server
               send(nowSocket, sendBuf, BUF_SIZE, 0);
      } else { /*********************************** CHILD **************************/
         int nread;
         char bufbuf[120];
         while(true){ //always ready to receive chat --------> until shared memory
            memset(recvBuf, 0, BUF_SIZE); //clear buffer
            nread = read(nowSocket, recvBuf, BUF_SIZE); //receive a message
            recvBuf[nread] = '\0'; //manually terminate string
            if(strcmp(recvBuf, ACK_MSG) == 0){ //if we received an ACK, we print ACK
               printf("*** received ***\n\n"); //symbolizes reception of message
            } else if(strcmp(recvBuf, LEAVING_CHATROOM_MSG) == 0){ //if other client left
               printf("*** *** *** You're friend left the chatroom. *** *** ***\n");
               deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);
               printf("Press ENTER to exit...\n");
            } else if(strstr(recvBuf, CONN_NOTICE) != NULL){ //if it is a connection notice, don't ACK
               printf("%s%s%s\n\n", KMAG, recvBuf, KCYN);
            } else { //if normal message
               send(nowSocket, ACK_MSG, sizeof(ACK_MSG), 0); //send ack of recieved and displayed
               printf("%s%s%s\n\n", KMAG, recvBuf, KCYN);
               //weirdly, we needed to do '\n' at the end...
      close(nowSocket); //kill TCP connection
      //disconnet before ending
      deRegister(UDPsocket, argv[1], (struct sockaddr*) &servAddr, sendBuf);

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;