bool Component::isContained(const Pnt2f& p, bool TestAgainstClipBounds) const { if(!getVisible()) { return false; } Pnt2f PointInCompSpace(DrawingSurfaceToComponent(p,this)); Border* DrawnBorder(getDrawnBorder()); Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight; if(TestAgainstClipBounds && getClipping()) { TopLeft = getClipTopLeft(); BottomRight = getClipBottomRight(); } else { TopLeft.setValues(0,0); BottomRight = Pnt2f(getSize()); } if(DrawnBorder == NULL) { return isContainedBounds(PointInCompSpace, TopLeft, BottomRight); } else { return isContainedBounds(PointInCompSpace, TopLeft, BottomRight) && DrawnBorder->isContained(PointInCompSpace,0,0,getSize().x(),getSize().y()); } }
bool Component::setupClipping(Graphics* const Graphics) const { if(getClipping()) { //Get Clipping initial settings Pnt2f ClipTopLeft,ClipBottomRight; getClipBounds(ClipTopLeft,ClipBottomRight); Vec4d LeftPlaneEquation (1.0,0.0,0.0, -ClipTopLeft.x() + Graphics->getClipPlaneOffset()), RightPlaneEquation (-1.0,0.0,0.0, ClipBottomRight.x() + Graphics->getClipPlaneOffset()), TopPlaneEquation (0.0,1.0,0.0, -ClipTopLeft.y() + Graphics->getClipPlaneOffset()), BottomPlaneEquation(0.0,-1.0,0.0, ClipBottomRight.y() + Graphics->getClipPlaneOffset()); //glClipPlane //Clip with the Intersection of this components RenderingSurface bounds //and its parents RenderingSurface bounds if(ClipBottomRight.x()-ClipTopLeft.x() <= 0 || ClipBottomRight.y()-ClipTopLeft.y()<= 0) { return false; } if(!glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE0)) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); } if(!glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE1)) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE1); } if(!glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE2)) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE2); } if(!glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE3)) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_PLANE3); } //Clip Plane Equations //Clip Planes get transformed by the ModelViewMatrix when set //So we can rely on the fact that our current coordinate space //is relative to the this components position glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE0,LeftPlaneEquation.getValues()); glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE1,RightPlaneEquation.getValues()); glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE2,TopPlaneEquation.getValues()); glClipPlane(GL_CLIP_PLANE3,BottomPlaneEquation.getValues()); } else { if(glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE0)) { glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); } if(glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE1)) { glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE1); } if(glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE2)) { glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE2); } if(glIsEnabled(GL_CLIP_PLANE3)) { glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE3); } } return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------- void captureApp::draw(){ if( state == CAP_STATE_DECODING ){; ofBackground(0, 0, 0); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(ofGetWidth() / 2, ofGetHeight() / 2, -200); ofRotate( ofMap(saveIndex, 0, imageSaver.getSize(), 180 -8, 180 + 8, true), 0, 1, 0); decoder.drawCloud(); ofPopMatrix(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); camera3D.remove(); //decoder.drawCurrentFrame(0, 0, 320, 240); // ofNoFill(); // ofSetColor(100, 100, 100, 255); // ofRect( ofGetWidth()/4, ofGetHeight()-150, ofGetWidth()/2, 20); // ofFill(); // ofRect( ofGetWidth()/4, ofGetHeight()-150, ofMap(saveIndex, 0, imageSaver.getSize(), 0.0, 1.0, true) * (float)(ofGetWidth()/2), 20); return; } if(!panel.getValueB("frameByFrame")){ patternFrame = ofGetFrameNum() / panel.getValueI("patternRate"); } if (!panel.getValueB("brightnessSetting")){ ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, 255); curGenerator->get(patternFrame).draw(0, 0); } else { int checkBrightness = panel.getValueI("checkBrightness"); ofSetColor(checkBrightness, checkBrightness, checkBrightness); ofRect(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); } if( state == CAP_STATE_CAPTURE ){ return; } if( panel.getValueB("bSpotLight") ){ if( state < CAP_STATE_FADEIN ){ spotLightAlpha = 1.0; }else if( state > CAP_STATE_END_DECODE ){ spotLightAlpha += 0.05; spotLightAlpha = ofClamp(spotLightAlpha, 0, 1); } }else if( !panel.getValueB("bSpotLight") || state == CAP_STATE_CAPTURE ){ spotLightAlpha = 0.0; } if( state == CAP_STATE_FADEIN ){ float alpha = ofMap(ofGetElapsedTimef(), fadeInStartTime, fadeInStartTime + panel.getValueF("fadeInTime"), 255, 0.0); ofPushStyle(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, alpha); ofRect(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); ofPopStyle(); } if( state >= CAP_STATE_END_DECODE ){ ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); ofRect(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); ofPopStyle(); } if( spotLightAlpha <= 0.01 ){ spotLightAlpha = 0.0; }else{ ofPushStyle(); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); float val = 255.0 * panel.getValueF("spotLightBrightness"); ofSetColor(val, val, val, spotLightAlpha*255.0); spotLightImage.draw( ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetHeight()/2, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight() ); ofPopStyle(); if( state == CAP_STATE_FADEIN ){ spotLightAlpha *= 0.94; } } // fade out/in the button serial.writeByte((unsigned int) (spotLightAlpha * 255)); if( state == CAP_STATE_CAPTURE || state == CAP_STATE_FADEIN ){ return; } if(debugState == CAP_DEBUG) { int cameraRate = panel.getValueI("cameraRate"); int cameraOffset = panel.getValueI("cameraOffset"); ofPushStyle(); ofPushMatrix(); int padding = 8; ofTranslate(panel.getWidth() + padding * 2, padding); int recentWidth = 160; int recentHeight = 120; if( panel.getValueB("largeVideo") ){ recentWidth = 640; recentHeight = 480; } for(int i = 0; i < curGenerator->size(); i++) { ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate( (i % 3) * (recentWidth + padding), (i / 3) * (recentHeight + padding)); ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); if(needsUpdate[i]) { recent[i].update(); needsUpdate[i] = false; } recent[i].draw(0, 0, recentWidth, recentHeight); ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); ofNoFill(); ofRect(0, 0, recentWidth, recentHeight); // ito wrote..begin if (i == 0 && panel.getValueB("SHOW_RED") ) { ofImage clipping; getClipping(recent[i], clipping); ofEnableAlphaBlending(); clipping.update(); ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); clipping.draw(0, 0, recentWidth, recentHeight); ofDisableAlphaBlending(); } // it wrote..end ofPopMatrix(); } ofPopMatrix(); ofPopStyle(); panel.draw(); if( do1394 && settings != NULL ){ if( camState == CAMERA_OPEN ){ settings->draw(); } } ofSetColor(255, 0, 0); ofDrawBitmapString("app fps: " + ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(), 2), 810, 20); if(camState == CAMERA_OPEN) ofDrawBitmapString("cam fps: "+ofToString(camFps, 2), 810, 40); if( panel.getValueB("B_FACE_TRIGGER") ){ face.draw(800, 54, 50, 30); }else{ ofDrawBitmapString("face trigger is off\n", 810, 50+18); } } }
void Component::drawBorder(Graphics* const TheGraphics, const Border* Border, Real32 Opacity) const { if(Border != NULL) { //Draw My Border Border->draw(TheGraphics,0,0,getSize().x(),getSize().y(), getOpacity()*Opacity, getClipping()); } }