예제 #1
    Collection* Database::createCollection( OperationContext* txn,
                                            StringData ns,
                                            const CollectionOptions& options,
                                            bool allocateDefaultSpace,
                                            bool createIdIndex ) {
        massert( 17399, "collection already exists", getCollection( ns ) == NULL );
        massertNamespaceNotIndex( ns, "createCollection" );
        invariant(txn->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(name(), MODE_X));

        if ( serverGlobalParams.configsvr &&
             !( ns.startsWith( "config." ) ||
                ns.startsWith( "local." ) ||
                ns.startsWith( "admin." ) ) ) {
            uasserted(14037, "can't create user databases on a --configsvr instance");

        if (NamespaceString::normal(ns)) {
            // This check only applies for actual collections, not indexes or other types of ns.
            uassert(17381, str::stream() << "fully qualified namespace " << ns << " is too long "
                                         << "(max is " << NamespaceString::MaxNsCollectionLen << " bytes)",
                    ns.size() <= NamespaceString::MaxNsCollectionLen);

        NamespaceString nss( ns );
        uassert( 17316, "cannot create a blank collection", nss.coll() > 0 );

        audit::logCreateCollection( currentClient.get(), ns );

        txn->recoveryUnit()->registerChange( new AddCollectionChange(this, ns) );

        Status status = _dbEntry->createCollection(txn, ns, options, allocateDefaultSpace);

        Collection* collection = _getOrCreateCollectionInstance(txn, ns);
        _collections[ns] = collection;

        if ( createIdIndex ) {
            if ( collection->requiresIdIndex() ) {
                if ( options.autoIndexId == CollectionOptions::YES ||
                     options.autoIndexId == CollectionOptions::DEFAULT ) {
                    IndexCatalog* ic = collection->getIndexCatalog();
                        ic->createIndexOnEmptyCollection(txn, ic->getDefaultIdIndexSpec()));

            if ( nss.isSystem() ) {
                authindex::createSystemIndexes( txn, collection );


        return collection;
예제 #2
파일: count.cpp 프로젝트: 7segments/mongo
    long long runCount( const char *ns, const BSONObj &cmd, string &err, int &errCode ) {
        Collection *cl = getCollection( ns );
        if (cl == NULL) {
            err = "ns missing";
            return -1;
        BSONObj query = cmd.getObjectField("query");

        long long count = 0;
        long long skip = cmd["skip"].numberLong();
        long long limit = cmd["limit"].numberLong();

        if ( limit < 0 ) {
            limit  = -limit;

        Client::WithOpSettings wos(OpSettings().setQueryCursorMode(DEFAULT_LOCK_CURSOR).setBulkFetch(true));

        try {
            for (shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor = getOptimizedCursor( ns, query, BSONObj(), _countPlanPolicies );
                 cursor->ok() ; cursor->advance() ) {
                if ( cursor->currentMatches() && !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currPK() ) ) {
                    if ( skip > 0 ) {
                    else {
                        if ( limit > 0 && count >= limit ) {
            return count;
        catch ( const DBException &e ) {
            err = e.toString();
            errCode = e.getCode();
            count = -2;
        catch ( const std::exception &e ) {
            err = e.what();
            errCode = 0;
            count = -2;
        if ( count == -2 ) {
            // Historically we have returned zero in many count assertion cases - see SERVER-2291.
            log() << "Count with ns: " << ns << " and query: " << query
                  << " failed with exception: " << err << " code: " << errCode
                  << endl;
        return count;
예제 #3
파일: database.cpp 프로젝트: mwhudson/mongo
Status Database::dropCollectionEvenIfSystem(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                            const NamespaceString& fullns) {
    invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(name(), MODE_X));

    LOG(1) << "dropCollection: " << fullns;

    Collection* collection = getCollection(fullns);
    if (!collection) {
        return Status::OK();  // Post condition already met.

    massertNamespaceNotIndex(fullns.toString(), "dropCollection");


    audit::logDropCollection(&cc(), fullns.toString());

    Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(opCtx, true);
    if (!s.isOK()) {
        warning() << "could not drop collection, trying to drop indexes" << fullns << " because of "
                  << redact(s.toString());
        return s;

    verify(collection->_details->getTotalIndexCount(opCtx) == 0);
    LOG(1) << "\t dropIndexes done";


    // We want to destroy the Collection object before telling the StorageEngine to destroy the
    // RecordStore.
    _clearCollectionCache(opCtx, fullns.toString(), "collection dropped");

    s = _dbEntry->dropCollection(opCtx, fullns.toString());

    if (!s.isOK())
        return s;

    DEV {
        // check all index collection entries are gone
        string nstocheck = fullns.toString() + ".$";
        for (CollectionMap::const_iterator i = _collections.begin(); i != _collections.end(); ++i) {
            string temp = i->first;
            if (temp.find(nstocheck) != 0)
            log() << "after drop, bad cache entries for: " << fullns << " have " << temp;

    getGlobalServiceContext()->getOpObserver()->onDropCollection(opCtx, fullns);

    return Status::OK();
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    List l = newList();
    FILE *f = fopen("collection.txt", "r");
    getCollection(l, f);
    getGraph(l, ListLength(l));
    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: oplog.cpp 프로젝트: nvdnkpr/mongo
 bool getLastGTIDinOplog(GTID* gtid) {
     LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: looking up last GTID in oplog");
     Client::ReadContext ctx(rsoplog, lockReason);
     // TODO: Should this be using rsOplogDetails, verifying non-null?
     Collection *cl = getCollection(rsoplog);
     shared_ptr<Cursor> c( Cursor::make(cl, -1) );
     if (c->ok()) {
         *gtid = getGTIDFromOplogEntry(c->current());
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #6
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   rc = initEnv( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   sdbConnectionHandle connection    = 0 ;
   sdbCollectionHandle collection    = 0 ;
   sdbCursorHandle cursor            = 0 ;
   INT32 NUM                         = 1 ;
   bson obj ;
   bson obj1 ;
   bson obj2 ;
   rc = sdbConnect ( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD, &connection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   rc = getCollection ( connection,
                        &collection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   insertRecords ( collection, NUM ) ;
   rc = sdbQuery( collection, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, -1, &cursor ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;


   rc = sdbNext ( cursor, &obj ) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d\n","rc = ",rc) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   printf( "SdbNext record is:\n" ) ;
   bson_print( &obj ) ;
   printf("\n") ;
   rc = sdbNext ( cursor, &obj1 ) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d\n","rc = ",rc) ;
   rc = sdbNext ( cursor, &obj1 ) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d\n","rc = ",rc) ;

   bson_destroy( &obj ) ;
   bson_destroy( &obj1 ) ;
   bson_destroy( &obj2 ) ;

   rc = sdbCloseCursor( cursor ) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d\n","rc = ",rc) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;

   sdbDisconnect ( connection ) ;
   sdbReleaseCursor ( cursor ) ;
   sdbReleaseCollection ( collection ) ;
   sdbReleaseConnection ( connection ) ;
예제 #7
void ActionListEditor::onSideBarSelectionChanged(const QModelIndex &index)
    int type = index.data(Zanshin::ItemTypeRole).toInt();

    currentPage()->setCollectionSelectorVisible(type == Zanshin::Inbox
                        || type == Zanshin::Context
                        || type == Zanshin::ContextRoot
                        || type == Zanshin::Topic
                        || type == Zanshin::TopicRoot);

예제 #8
파일: oplog.cpp 프로젝트: nvdnkpr/mongo
 bool gtidExistsInOplog(GTID gtid) {
     LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: querying for GTID in oplog");
     Client::ReadContext ctx(rsoplog, lockReason);
     // TODO: Should this be using rsOplogDetails, verifying non-null?
     Collection *cl = getCollection(rsoplog);
     BSONObjBuilder q;
     BSONObj result;
     addGTIDToBSON("_id", gtid, q);
     const bool found = cl != NULL &&
     return found;
예제 #9
Collection* Database::_getOrCreateCollectionInstance(OperationContext* txn, StringData fullns) {
    Collection* collection = getCollection(fullns);
    if (collection) {
        return collection;

    unique_ptr<CollectionCatalogEntry> cce(_dbEntry->getCollectionCatalogEntry(fullns));

    unique_ptr<RecordStore> rs(_dbEntry->getRecordStore(fullns));
    invariant(rs.get());  // if cce exists, so should this

    // Not registering AddCollectionChange since this is for collections that already exist.
    Collection* c = new Collection(txn, fullns, cce.release(), rs.release(), _dbEntry);
    return c;
예제 #10
파일: query.cpp 프로젝트: igagnidz/tokumx
    bool _tryQueryByPKHack(const char *ns, const BSONObj &query,
                           const ParsedQuery &pq, CurOp &curop, Message &result) {
        BSONObj resObject;

        bool found = false;
        Collection *cl = getCollection(ns);
        if (cl == NULL) {
            return false; // ns doesn't exist, fall through to optimizer for legacy reasons
        const BSONObj &pk = cl->getSimplePKFromQuery(query);
        if (pk.isEmpty()) {
            return false; // unable to query by PK - resort to using the optimizer
        found = queryByPKHack(cl, pk, query, resObject);

        if ( shardingState.needShardChunkManager( ns ) ) {
            ShardChunkManagerPtr m = shardingState.getShardChunkManager( ns );
            if ( m && ! m->belongsToMe( resObject ) ) {
                // I have something for this _id
                // but it doesn't belong to me
                // so return nothing
                resObject = BSONObj();
                found = false;

        BufBuilder bb(sizeof(QueryResult)+resObject.objsize()+32);

        if ( found ) {
            fillQueryResultFromObj( bb , pq.getFields() , resObject );

        auto_ptr< QueryResult > qr( (QueryResult *) bb.buf() );
        qr->len = bb.len();

        curop.debug().responseLength = bb.len();
        qr->cursorId = 0;
        qr->startingFrom = 0;
        qr->nReturned = found ? 1 : 0;

        result.setData( qr.release(), true );
        return true;
예제 #11
파일: database.cpp 프로젝트: hgGeorg/mongo
void Database::getStats(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* output, double scale) {
    list<string> collections;

    long long nCollections = 0;
    long long nViews = 0;
    long long objects = 0;
    long long size = 0;
    long long storageSize = 0;
    long long numExtents = 0;
    long long indexes = 0;
    long long indexSize = 0;

    for (list<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it) {
        const string ns = *it;

        Collection* collection = getCollection(ns);
        if (!collection)

        nCollections += 1;
        objects += collection->numRecords(opCtx);
        size += collection->dataSize(opCtx);

        BSONObjBuilder temp;
        storageSize += collection->getRecordStore()->storageSize(opCtx, &temp);
        numExtents += temp.obj()["numExtents"].numberInt();  // XXX

        indexes += collection->getIndexCatalog()->numIndexesTotal(opCtx);
        indexSize += collection->getIndexSize(opCtx);

    getViewCatalog()->iterate(opCtx, [&](const ViewDefinition& view) { nViews += 1; });

    output->appendNumber("collections", nCollections);
    output->appendNumber("views", nViews);
    output->appendNumber("objects", objects);
    output->append("avgObjSize", objects == 0 ? 0 : double(size) / double(objects));
    output->appendNumber("dataSize", size / scale);
    output->appendNumber("storageSize", storageSize / scale);
    output->appendNumber("numExtents", numExtents);
    output->appendNumber("indexes", indexes);
    output->appendNumber("indexSize", indexSize / scale);

    _dbEntry->appendExtraStats(opCtx, output, scale);
예제 #12
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   rc = initEnv( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   sdbConnectionHandle connection    = 0 ;
   sdbCollectionHandle collection    = 0 ;
   sdbCursorHandle cursor            = 0 ;
   INT32 NUM                         = 10 ;
   SINT64 count                      = 0 ;
   bson obj ;
   rc = sdbConnect ( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD, &connection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   rc = getCollection ( connection,
                        &collection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   insertRecords( collection, NUM ) ;
   rc = sdbQuery ( collection, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, -1, &cursor ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   rc = sdbCurrent( cursor, &obj ) ;
   printf( "Current record is:\n" ) ;
   bson_print( &obj ) ;
   printf("\n") ;
   bson_destroy( &obj ) ;
   rc = sdbNext( cursor, &obj ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   printf( "Next record is:\n" ) ;
   bson_print( &obj ) ;
   printf("\n") ;
   rc = sdbGetCount( collection, NULL, &count ) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d\n","rc = ",rc) ;
   CHECK_MSG("%s%d%s%lld\n", "NUM = ", NUM, " count = ", count) ;
   ASSERT_EQ ( NUM, count ) ;
   sdbDisconnect ( connection ) ;
   sdbReleaseCursor ( cursor ) ;
   sdbReleaseCollection ( collection ) ;
   sdbReleaseConnection ( connection ) ;
예제 #13
void Database::_checkCanCreateCollection(const NamespaceString& nss,
                                         const CollectionOptions& options) {
    massert(17399, "collection already exists", getCollection(nss.ns()) == nullptr);
    massertNamespaceNotIndex(nss.ns(), "createCollection");

            "can't create user databases on a --configsvr instance",
            serverGlobalParams.clusterRole != ClusterRole::ConfigServer || nss.isOnInternalDb());

    // This check only applies for actual collections, not indexes or other types of ns.
            str::stream() << "fully qualified namespace " << nss.ns() << " is too long "
                          << "(max is "
                          << NamespaceString::MaxNsCollectionLen
                          << " bytes)",
            !nss.isNormal() || nss.size() <= NamespaceString::MaxNsCollectionLen);

    uassert(17316, "cannot create a blank collection", nss.coll() > 0);
    uassert(28838, "cannot create a non-capped oplog collection", options.capped || !nss.isOplog());
예제 #14
 // on input, conn is a connection for which the caller has created a multi-statement
 // mvcc transaction over it. Reads the document from the remote server and
 // applies it locally
 void applySnapshotOfDocsMap(shared_ptr<DBClientConnection> conn) {
     size_t numDocs = 0;
     log() << "Applying documents to collections for rollback." << rsLog;
     for (RollbackDocsMapIterator it; it.ok(); it.advance()){
         DocID curr = it.current();
         LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: appling snapshot of doc during rollback");
         Client::ReadContext ctx(curr.ns, lockReason);
         Collection* cl = getCollection(curr.ns);
         if (cl->isPKHidden()) {
             log() << "Collection " << curr.ns << " has a hidden PK, yet it has \
                 a document for which we want to apply a snapshot of: " << \
                 curr.pk << rsLog;
             throw RollbackOplogException("Collection for which we are applying a document has a hidden PK");
         BSONObj pkWithFields = cl->fillPKWithFields(curr.pk);
         BSONObj remoteImage = findOneFromConn(conn.get(), curr.ns, Query(pkWithFields));
         if (!remoteImage.isEmpty()) {
             const uint64_t flags = Collection::NO_UNIQUE_CHECKS | Collection::NO_LOCKTREE;
             insertOneObject(cl, remoteImage, flags);
예제 #15
    void Database::clearTmpCollections(OperationContext* txn) {

        txn->lockState()->assertWriteLocked( _name );

        // Note: we build up a toDelete vector rather than dropping the collection inside the loop
        // to avoid modifying the system.namespaces collection while iterating over it since that
        // would corrupt the cursor.
        vector<string> toDelete;
            Collection* coll = getCollection( txn, _namespacesName );
            if ( coll ) {
                scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> it( coll->getIterator() );
                DiskLoc next;
                while ( !( next = it->getNext() ).isNull() ) {
                    BSONObj nsObj = coll->docFor( next );

                    BSONElement e = nsObj.getFieldDotted( "options.temp" );
                    if ( !e.trueValue() )

                    string ns = nsObj["name"].String();

                    // Do not attempt to drop indexes
                    if ( !NamespaceString::normal(ns.c_str()) )


        for (size_t i=0; i < toDelete.size(); i++) {
            BSONObj info;
            // using DBDirectClient to ensure this ends up in opLog
            bool ok = DBDirectClient().dropCollection(toDelete[i], &info);
            if (!ok)
                warning() << "could not drop temp collection '" << toDelete[i] << "': " << info;
예제 #16
   INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
   rc = initEnv( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   sdbConnectionHandle connection    = 0 ;
   sdbCollectionHandle collection    = 0 ;
   sdbCursorHandle cursor            = 0 ;
   INT32 NUM                         = 10 ;
   bson obj ;
   bson obj1 ;
   rc = sdbConnect ( HOST, SERVER, USER, PASSWD, &connection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   rc = getCollection ( connection,
                        &collection ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   insertRecords ( collection, NUM ) ;
   rc = sdbQuery( collection, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, -1, &cursor ) ;
   rc = sdbCurrent( cursor, &obj ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   printf( "Current record is:\n" ) ;
   bson_print( &obj ) ;
   printf("\n") ;
   bson_destroy( &obj ) ;

   rc = sdbCloseCursor( cursor ) ;
   ASSERT_EQ( SDB_OK, rc ) ;
   bson_init( &obj1 ) ;
   rc = sdbCurrent( cursor, &obj1 ) ;

   sdbDisconnect ( connection ) ;
   sdbReleaseCursor ( cursor ) ;
   sdbReleaseCollection ( collection ) ;
   sdbReleaseConnection ( connection ) ;
예제 #17
파일: touch.cpp 프로젝트: igagnidz/tokumx
        bool touch( std::string& ns, 
                    std::string& errmsg, 
                    bool touch_data, 
                    bool touch_indexes, 
                    BSONObjBuilder& result ) {

            Collection *cl = getCollection(ns);
            if (!cl) {
                errmsg = "ns not found";
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < cl->nIndexes(); i++) {
                IndexDetails &idx = cl->idx(i);
                if ((cl->isPKIndex(idx) && touch_data) || (!cl->isPKIndex(idx) && touch_indexes)) {
                    for (shared_ptr<Cursor> c(Cursor::make(cl, idx, minKey, maxKey, true, 1)); c->ok(); c->advance()) {

            return true;
예제 #18
        bool run(
            const string& db,
            BSONObj& cmdObj,
            int options, string& errmsg,
            BSONObjBuilder& result,
            bool fromRepl = false )
            string coll = cmdObj[ "_changePartitionCreateTime" ].valuestrsafe();
            uassert( 17263, "_changePartitionCreateTime must specify a collection", !coll.empty() );
            string ns = db + "." + coll;
            Collection *cl = getCollection( ns );
            uassert( 17264, "no such collection", cl );
            uassert( 17265, "collection must be partitioned", cl->isPartitioned() );

            // change the create time for a partition at a certain index
            PartitionedCollection* pc = cl->as<PartitionedCollection>();
            uint64_t index = cmdObj["index"].numberLong();
            BSONObj refMeta = pc->getPartitionMetadata(index);
            BSONObjBuilder bbb;
            cloneBSONWithFieldChanged(bbb, refMeta, cmdObj["createTime"]);
            pc->updatePartitionMetadata(index, bbb.done(), false);
            return true;
예제 #19
 void removeDataFromDocsMap() {
     Client::Transaction txn(DB_SERIALIZABLE);
     RollbackDocsMapIterator docsMap;
     size_t numDocs = 0;
     log() << "Removing documents from collections for rollback." << rsLog;
     for (RollbackDocsMapIterator it; it.ok(); it.advance()){
         DocID curr = it.current();
         LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: deleting a doc during rollback");
         Client::ReadContext ctx(curr.ns, lockReason);
         Collection* cl = getCollection(curr.ns);
         BSONObj currDoc;
         LOG(2) << "Finding by pk of " << curr.pk << rsLog;
         bool found = cl->findByPK(curr.pk, currDoc);
         if (found) {
             deleteOneObject(cl, curr.pk, currDoc, Collection::NO_LOCKTREE);
     log() << "Done removing " << numDocs << " documents from collections for rollback." << rsLog;
     updateRollbackStatus(BSON("_id" << ROLLBACK_ID << "state" << RB_DOCS_REMOVED<< \
         "info" << "removed docs from docs map"));
예제 #20
파일: database.cpp 프로젝트: mwhudson/mongo
Status Database::dropCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData fullns) {
    if (!getCollection(fullns)) {
        // Collection doesn't exist so don't bother validating if it can be dropped.
        return Status::OK();

    NamespaceString nss(fullns);
        verify(nss.db() == _name);

        if (nss.isSystem()) {
            if (nss.isSystemDotProfile()) {
                if (_profile != 0)
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                                  "turn off profiling before dropping system.profile collection");
            } else if (!nss.isSystemDotViews()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                              str::stream() << "can't drop system collection " << fullns);

    return dropCollectionEvenIfSystem(opCtx, nss);
예제 #21
Status Database::dropCollection(OperationContext* txn, StringData fullns) {
    invariant(txn->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(name(), MODE_X));

    LOG(1) << "dropCollection: " << fullns;
    massertNamespaceNotIndex(fullns, "dropCollection");

    Collection* collection = getCollection(fullns);
    if (!collection) {
        // collection doesn't exist
        return Status::OK();

    NamespaceString nss(fullns);
        verify(nss.db() == _name);

        if (nss.isSystem()) {
            if (nss.isSystemDotProfile()) {
                if (_profile != 0)
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                                  "turn off profiling before dropping system.profile collection");
            } else if (nss.isSystemDotViews()) {
                if (serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibilityVersion.load() !=
                    ServerGlobalParams::FeatureCompatibilityVersion_32) {
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                                  "The featureCompatibilityVersion must be 3.2 to drop the "
                                  "system.views collection. See "
            } else {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "can't drop system ns");


    audit::logDropCollection(&cc(), fullns);

    Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(txn, true);
    if (!s.isOK()) {
        warning() << "could not drop collection, trying to drop indexes" << fullns << " because of "
                  << redact(s.toString());
        return s;

    verify(collection->_details->getTotalIndexCount(txn) == 0);
    LOG(1) << "\t dropIndexes done";


    s = _dbEntry->dropCollection(txn, fullns);

    // we want to do this always
    _clearCollectionCache(txn, fullns, "collection dropped");

    if (!s.isOK())
        return s;

    DEV {
        // check all index collection entries are gone
        string nstocheck = fullns.toString() + ".$";
        for (CollectionMap::const_iterator i = _collections.begin(); i != _collections.end(); ++i) {
            string temp = i->first;
            if (temp.find(nstocheck) != 0)
            log() << "after drop, bad cache entries for: " << fullns << " have " << temp;

    auto opObserver = getGlobalServiceContext()->getOpObserver();
    if (opObserver)
        opObserver->onDropCollection(txn, nss);

    return Status::OK();
예제 #22
Status Database::dropCollection( const StringData& fullns ) {
    LOG(1) << "dropCollection: " << fullns << endl;

    Collection* collection = getCollection( fullns );
    if ( !collection ) {
        // collection doesn't exist
        return Status::OK();


        NamespaceString s( fullns );
        verify( s.db() == _name );

        if( s.isSystem() ) {
            if( s.coll() == "system.profile" ) {
                if ( _profile != 0 )
                    return Status( ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                                   "turn off profiling before dropping system.profile collection" );
            else {
                return Status( ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "can't drop system ns" );

    BackgroundOperation::assertNoBgOpInProgForNs( fullns );

    audit::logDropCollection( currentClient.get(), fullns );

    try {
        Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes( true );
        if ( !s.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "could not drop collection, trying to drop indexes"
                      << fullns << " because of " << s.toString();
            return s;
    catch( DBException& e ) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "drop: dropIndexes for collection failed - consider trying repair ";
        ss << " cause: " << e.what();
        warning() << ss.str() << endl;
        return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, ss.str() );

    verify( collection->_details->getTotalIndexCount() == 0 );
    LOG(1) << "\t dropIndexes done" << endl;

    ClientCursor::invalidate( fullns );
    Top::global.collectionDropped( fullns );

    Status s = _dropNS( fullns );

    _clearCollectionCache( fullns ); // we want to do this always

    if ( !s.isOK() )
        return s;

    DEV {
        // check all index collection entries are gone
        string nstocheck = fullns.toString() + ".$";
        scoped_lock lk( _collectionLock );
        for ( CollectionMap::iterator i = _collections.begin();
        i != _collections.end();
        ++i ) {
            string temp = i->first;
            if ( temp.find( nstocheck ) != 0 )
            log() << "after drop, bad cache entries for: "
            << fullns << " have " << temp;

    return Status::OK();
예제 #23
result_t MongoCollection::_named_getter(exlib::string property,
    obj_ptr<MongoCollection_base>& retVal)
    return getCollection(property, retVal);
예제 #24
        bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ) {
            Timer t;
            string ns = dbname + '.' + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr();

            string key = cmdObj["key"].valuestrsafe();
            BSONObj keyPattern = BSON( key << 1 );

            BSONObj query = getQuery( cmdObj );

            int bufSize = BSONObjMaxUserSize - 4096;
            BufBuilder bb( bufSize );
            char * start = bb.buf();

            BSONArrayBuilder arr( bb );
            BSONElementSet values;

            long long nscanned = 0; // locations looked at
            long long nscannedObjects = 0; // full objects looked at
            long long n = 0; // matches
            MatchDetails md;

            Collection *cl = getCollection( ns );

            if ( ! cl ) {
                result.appendArray( "values" , BSONObj() );
                result.append( "stats" , BSON( "n" << 0 << "nscanned" << 0 << "nscannedObjects" << 0 ) );
                return true;

            shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor;
            if ( ! query.isEmpty() ) {
                cursor = getOptimizedCursor(ns.c_str() , query , BSONObj() );
            else {

                // query is empty, so lets see if we can find an index
                // with the key so we don't have to hit the raw data
                for (int i = 0; i < cl->nIndexes(); i++) {
                    IndexDetails &idx = cl->idx(i);
                    if (cl->isMultikey(i)) {

                    if ( idx.inKeyPattern( key ) ) {
                        cursor = getBestGuessCursor( ns.c_str() ,
                                                     BSONObj() ,
                                                     idx.keyPattern() );
                        if( cursor.get() ) break;


                if ( ! cursor.get() ) {
                    cursor = getOptimizedCursor(ns.c_str() , query , BSONObj() );


            verify( cursor );
            string cursorName = cursor->toString();
            auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc (new ClientCursor(QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cursor, ns));

            for ( ; cursor->ok(); cursor->advance() ) {
                bool loadedRecord = false;

                if ( cursor->currentMatches( &md ) && !cursor->getsetdup( cursor->currPK() ) ) {

                    BSONObj holder;
                    BSONElementSet temp;
                    loadedRecord = ! cc->getFieldsDotted( key , temp, holder );

                    for ( BSONElementSet::iterator i=temp.begin(); i!=temp.end(); ++i ) {
                        BSONElement e = *i;
                        if ( values.count( e ) )

                        int now = bb.len();

                        uassert(10044,  "distinct too big, 16mb cap", ( now + e.size() + 1024 ) < bufSize );

                        arr.append( e );
                        BSONElement x( start + now );

                        values.insert( x );

                if ( loadedRecord || md.hasLoadedRecord() )

                RARELY killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt();

            verify( start == bb.buf() );

            result.appendArray( "values" , arr.done() );

                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.appendNumber( "n" , n );
                b.appendNumber( "nscanned" , nscanned );
                b.appendNumber( "nscannedObjects" , nscannedObjects );
                b.appendNumber( "timems" , t.millis() );
                b.append( "cursor" , cursorName );
                result.append( "stats" , b.obj() );

            return true;
예제 #25
    Status Database::dropCollection( OperationContext* txn, StringData fullns ) {
        invariant(txn->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(name(), MODE_X));

        LOG(1) << "dropCollection: " << fullns << endl;
        massertNamespaceNotIndex( fullns, "dropCollection" );

        Collection* collection = getCollection( fullns );
        if ( !collection ) {
            // collection doesn't exist
            return Status::OK();

            NamespaceString s( fullns );
            verify( s.db() == _name );

            if( s.isSystem() ) {
                if( s.coll() == "system.profile" ) {
                    if ( _profile != 0 )
                        return Status( ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation,
                                       "turn off profiling before dropping system.profile collection" );
                else {
                    return Status( ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, "can't drop system ns" );

        BackgroundOperation::assertNoBgOpInProgForNs( fullns );

        audit::logDropCollection( currentClient.get(), fullns );

        Status s = collection->getIndexCatalog()->dropAllIndexes(txn, true);
        if ( !s.isOK() ) {
            warning() << "could not drop collection, trying to drop indexes"
                      << fullns << " because of " << s.toString();
            return s;

        verify( collection->_details->getTotalIndexCount( txn ) == 0 );
        LOG(1) << "\t dropIndexes done" << endl;

        Top::global.collectionDropped( fullns );

        s = _dbEntry->dropCollection( txn, fullns );

        _clearCollectionCache( txn, fullns ); // we want to do this always

        if ( !s.isOK() )
            return s;

        DEV {
            // check all index collection entries are gone
            string nstocheck = fullns.toString() + ".$";
            for ( CollectionMap::const_iterator i = _collections.begin();
                  i != _collections.end();
                  ++i ) {
                string temp = i->first;
                if ( temp.find( nstocheck ) != 0 )
                log() << "after drop, bad cache entries for: "
                      << fullns << " have " << temp;

        return Status::OK();
예제 #26
void DBInfo::getProperty(JSContext* cx,
                         JS::HandleObject obj,
                         JS::HandleId id,
                         JS::MutableHandleValue vp) {
    // 2nd look into real values, may be cached collection object
    if (!vp.isUndefined()) {
        auto scope = getScope(cx);
        auto opContext = scope->getOpContext();

        if (opContext && vp.isObject()) {
            ObjectWrapper o(cx, vp);

            if (o.hasOwnField(InternedString::_fullName)) {
                // need to check every time that the collection did not get sharded
                if (haveLocalShardingInfo(opContext, o.getString(InternedString::_fullName)))
                    uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "can't use sharded collection from db.eval");


    JS::RootedObject parent(cx);
    if (!JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj, &parent))
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::JSInterpreterFailure, "Couldn't get prototype");

    ObjectWrapper parentWrapper(cx, parent);

    if (parentWrapper.hasOwnField(id)) {
        parentWrapper.getValue(id, vp);

    IdWrapper idw(cx, id);

    // if starts with '_' we dont return collection, one must use getCollection()
    if (idw.isString()) {
        JSStringWrapper jsstr;
        auto sname = idw.toStringData(&jsstr);
        if (sname.size() == 0 || sname[0] == '_') {

    // no hit, create new collection
    JS::RootedValue getCollection(cx);
    parentWrapper.getValue(InternedString::getCollection, &getCollection);

    if (!(getCollection.isObject() && JS_ObjectIsFunction(cx, getCollection.toObjectOrNull()))) {
        uasserted(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "getCollection is not a function");

    JS::AutoValueArray<1> args(cx);


    JS::RootedValue coll(cx);
    ObjectWrapper(cx, obj).callMethod(getCollection, args, &coll);

            "getCollection returned something other than a collection",

    // cache collection for reuse, don't enumerate
    ObjectWrapper(cx, obj).defineProperty(id, coll, 0);

예제 #27
Status createCollectionForApplyOps(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                   const std::string& dbName,
                                   const BSONElement& ui,
                                   const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                   const BSONObj& idIndex) {
    invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isDbLockedForMode(dbName, MODE_X));
    auto db = dbHolder().get(opCtx, dbName);
    const NamespaceString newCollName(Command::parseNsCollectionRequired(dbName, cmdObj));
    auto newCmd = cmdObj;

    // If a UUID is given, see if we need to rename a collection out of the way, and whether the
    // collection already exists under a different name. If so, rename it into place. As this is
    // done during replay of the oplog, the operations do not need to be atomic, just idempotent.
    // We need to do the renaming part in a separate transaction, as we cannot transactionally
    // create a database on MMAPv1, which could result in createCollection failing if the database
    // does not yet exist.
    if (ui.ok()) {
        // Return an optional, indicating whether we need to early return (if the collection already
        // exists, or in case of an error).
        using Result = boost::optional<Status>;
        auto result =
            writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "createCollectionForApplyOps", newCollName.ns(), [&] {
                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
                // Options need the field to be named "uuid", so parse/recreate.
                auto uuid = uassertStatusOK(UUID::parse(ui));
                        "Invalid UUID in applyOps create command: " + uuid.toString(),

                auto& catalog = UUIDCatalog::get(opCtx);
                auto currentName = catalog.lookupNSSByUUID(uuid);
                OpObserver* opObserver = getGlobalServiceContext()->getOpObserver();
                if (currentName == newCollName)
                    return Result(Status::OK());

                // In the case of oplog replay, a future command may have created or renamed a
                // collection with that same name. In that case, renaming this future collection to
                // a random temporary name is correct: once all entries are replayed no temporary
                // names will remain.  On MMAPv1 the rename can result in index names that are too
                // long. However this should only happen for initial sync and "resync collection"
                // for rollback, so we can let the error propagate resulting in an abort and restart
                // of the initial sync or result in rollback to fassert, requiring a resync of that
                // node.
                const bool stayTemp = true;
                if (auto futureColl = db ? db->getCollection(opCtx, newCollName) : nullptr) {
                    auto tmpNameResult = db->makeUniqueCollectionNamespace(opCtx, "tmp%%%%%");
                    if (!tmpNameResult.isOK()) {
                        return Result(Status(tmpNameResult.getStatus().code(),
                                             str::stream() << "Cannot generate temporary "
                                                              "collection namespace for applyOps "
                                                              "create command: collection: "
                                                           << newCollName.ns()
                                                           << ". error: "
                                                           << tmpNameResult.getStatus().reason()));
                    const auto& tmpName = tmpNameResult.getValue();
                    Status status =
                        db->renameCollection(opCtx, newCollName.ns(), tmpName.ns(), stayTemp);
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return Result(status);
                                                   /*dropTarget*/ false,
                                                   /*dropTargetUUID*/ {},

                // If the collection with the requested UUID already exists, but with a different
                // name, just rename it to 'newCollName'.
                if (catalog.lookupCollectionByUUID(uuid)) {
                    Status status =
                        db->renameCollection(opCtx, currentName.ns(), newCollName.ns(), stayTemp);
                    if (!status.isOK())
                        return Result(status);
                                                   /*dropTarget*/ false,
                                                   /*dropTargetUUID*/ {},

                    return Result(Status::OK());

                // A new collection with the specific UUID must be created, so add the UUID to the
                // creation options. Regular user collection creation commands cannot do this.
                auto uuidObj = uuid.toBSON();
                newCmd = cmdObj.addField(uuidObj.firstElement());

                return Result(boost::none);

        if (result) {
            return *result;

    return createCollection(
        opCtx, newCollName, newCmd, idIndex, CollectionOptions::parseForStorage);
예제 #28
파일: database.cpp 프로젝트: SONEINT/mongo
    void Database::getStats( OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* output, double scale ) {
        bool empty = isEmpty() || getExtentManager()->numFiles() == 0;

        list<string> collections;
        if ( !empty )
            _dbEntry->getCollectionNamespaces( &collections );

        long long ncollections = 0;
        long long objects = 0;
        long long size = 0;
        long long storageSize = 0;
        long long numExtents = 0;
        long long indexes = 0;
        long long indexSize = 0;

        for (list<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it) {
            const string ns = *it;

            Collection* collection = getCollection( opCtx, ns );
            if ( !collection )

            ncollections += 1;
            objects += collection->numRecords();
            size += collection->dataSize();

            BSONObjBuilder temp;
            storageSize += collection->getRecordStore()->storageSize( &temp );
            numExtents += temp.obj()["numExtents"].numberInt(); // XXX

            indexes += collection->getIndexCatalog()->numIndexesTotal();
            indexSize += getIndexSizeForCollection(opCtx, collection);

        output->append      ( "db" , _name );
        output->appendNumber( "collections" , ncollections );
        output->appendNumber( "objects" , objects );
        output->append      ( "avgObjSize" , objects == 0 ? 0 : double(size) / double(objects) );
        output->appendNumber( "dataSize" , size / scale );
        output->appendNumber( "storageSize" , storageSize / scale);
        output->appendNumber( "numExtents" , numExtents );
        output->appendNumber( "indexes" , indexes );
        output->appendNumber( "indexSize" , indexSize / scale );
        if ( !empty ) {
            output->appendNumber( "fileSize" , fileSize() / scale );
            output->appendNumber( "nsSizeMB", (int)_dbEntry->namespaceIndex().fileLength() / 1024 / 1024 );
        else {
            output->appendNumber( "fileSize" , 0 );

        BSONObjBuilder dataFileVersion( output->subobjStart( "dataFileVersion" ) );
        if ( !empty ) {
            int major, minor;
            getFileFormat( opCtx, &major, &minor );
            dataFileVersion.append( "major", major );
            dataFileVersion.append( "minor", minor );

        if ( !empty ){
            int freeListSize = 0;
            int64_t freeListSpace = 0;
            getExtentManager()->freeListStats( &freeListSize, &freeListSpace );

            BSONObjBuilder extentFreeList( output->subobjStart( "extentFreeList" ) );
            extentFreeList.append( "num", freeListSize );
            extentFreeList.appendNumber( "totalSize",
                                         static_cast<long long>( freeListSpace / scale ) );

예제 #29
파일: database.cpp 프로젝트: hshinde/mongo
 Collection* Database::getCollection( const StringData& ns ) {
     DurTransaction txn; // TODO remove once we require reads to have transactions
     return getCollection(&txn, ns);
예제 #30
    void syncFixUp(OperationContext* txn,
                   FixUpInfo& fixUpInfo,
                   OplogReader* oplogreader,
                   ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord) {
        DBClientConnection* them = oplogreader->conn();

        // fetch all first so we needn't handle interruption in a fancy way

        unsigned long long totalSize = 0;

        list< pair<DocID, BSONObj> > goodVersions;

        BSONObj newMinValid;

        // fetch all the goodVersions of each document from current primary
        DocID doc;
        unsigned long long numFetched = 0;
        try {
            for (set<DocID>::iterator it = fixUpInfo.toRefetch.begin();
                    it != fixUpInfo.toRefetch.end();
                    it++) {
                doc = *it;


                    // TODO : slow.  lots of round trips.
                    BSONObj good = them->findOne(doc.ns, doc._id.wrap(),
                                                     NULL, QueryOption_SlaveOk).getOwned();
                    totalSize += good.objsize();
                    uassert(13410, "replSet too much data to roll back",
                            totalSize < 300 * 1024 * 1024);

                    // note good might be eoo, indicating we should delete it
                    goodVersions.push_back(pair<DocID, BSONObj>(doc,good));
            newMinValid = oplogreader->getLastOp(rsOplogName);
            if (newMinValid.isEmpty()) {
                error() << "rollback error newMinValid empty?";
        catch (DBException& e) {
            LOG(1) << "rollback re-get objects: " << e.toString();
            error() << "rollback couldn't re-get ns:" << doc.ns << " _id:" << doc._id << ' '
                    << numFetched << '/' << fixUpInfo.toRefetch.size();
            throw e;

        log() << "rollback 3.5";
        if (fixUpInfo.rbid != getRBID(oplogreader->conn())) {
            // our source rolled back itself.  so the data we received isn't necessarily consistent.
            warning() << "rollback rbid on source changed during rollback, cancelling this attempt";

        // update them
        log() << "rollback 4 n:" << goodVersions.size();

        bool warn = false;


        // we have items we are writing that aren't from a point-in-time.  thus best not to come
        // online until we get to that point in freshness.
        Timestamp minValid = newMinValid["ts"].timestamp();
        log() << "minvalid=" << minValid.toStringLong();
        setMinValid(txn, minValid);

        // any full collection resyncs required?
        if (!fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncData.empty()
                || !fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata.empty()) {

            for (const string& ns : fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncData) {
                log() << "rollback 4.1.1 coll resync " << ns;


                const NamespaceString nss(ns);

                Database* db = dbHolder().openDb(txn, nss.db().toString());

                    WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);
                    db->dropCollection(txn, ns);

                    string errmsg;

                    // This comes as a GlobalWrite lock, so there is no DB to be acquired after
                    // resume, so we can skip the DB stability checks. Also 
                    // copyCollectionFromRemote will acquire its own database pointer, under the
                    // appropriate locks, so just releasing and acquiring the lock is safe.
                    Lock::TempRelease release(txn->lockState());

                    bool ok = copyCollectionFromRemote(txn, them->getServerAddress(), ns, errmsg);
                    uassert(15909, str::stream() << "replSet rollback error resyncing collection "
                                                 << ns << ' ' << errmsg, ok);

            for (const string& ns : fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncMetadata) {
                log() << "rollback 4.1.2 coll metadata resync " << ns;

                const NamespaceString nss(ns);
                auto db = dbHolder().openDb(txn, nss.db().toString());
                auto collection = db->getCollection(ns);
                auto cce = collection->getCatalogEntry();

                const std::list<BSONObj> info =
                    them->getCollectionInfos(nss.db().toString(), BSON("name" << nss.coll()));

                if (info.empty()) {
                    // Collection dropped by "them" so we should drop it too.
                    log() << ns << " not found on remote host, dropping";

                invariant(info.size() == 1);

                CollectionOptions options;
                auto status = options.parse(info.front());
                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Failed to parse options "
                                                         << info.front() << ": "
                                                         << status.toString());

                WriteUnitOfWork wuow(txn);
                if (options.flagsSet || cce->getCollectionOptions(txn).flagsSet) {
                    cce->updateFlags(txn, options.flags);

                status = collection->setValidator(txn, options.validator);
                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    throw RSFatalException(str::stream() << "Failed to set validator: "
                                                         << status.toString());

            // we did more reading from primary, so check it again for a rollback (which would mess
            // us up), and make minValid newer.
            log() << "rollback 4.2";

            string err;
            try {
                newMinValid = oplogreader->getLastOp(rsOplogName);
                if (newMinValid.isEmpty()) {
                    err = "can't get minvalid from sync source";
                else {
                    Timestamp minValid = newMinValid["ts"].timestamp();
                    log() << "minvalid=" << minValid.toStringLong();
                    setMinValid(txn, minValid);
            catch (DBException& e) {
                err = "can't get/set minvalid: ";
                err += e.what();
            if (fixUpInfo.rbid != getRBID(oplogreader->conn())) {
                // our source rolled back itself.  so the data we received isn't necessarily
                // consistent. however, we've now done writes.  thus we have a problem.
                err += "rbid at primary changed during resync/rollback";
            if (!err.empty()) {
                severe() << "rolling back : " << err
                        << ". A full resync will be necessary.";
                // TODO: reset minvalid so that we are permanently in fatal state
                // TODO: don't be fatal, but rather, get all the data first.
                throw RSFatalException();
            log() << "rollback 4.3";

        map<string,shared_ptr<Helpers::RemoveSaver> > removeSavers;

        log() << "rollback 4.6";
        // drop collections to drop before doing individual fixups - that might make things faster
        // below actually if there were subsequent inserts to rollback
        for (set<string>::iterator it = fixUpInfo.toDrop.begin();
                it != fixUpInfo.toDrop.end();
                it++) {
            log() << "rollback drop: " << *it;

            Database* db = dbHolder().get(txn, nsToDatabaseSubstring(*it));
            if (db) {
                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

                shared_ptr<Helpers::RemoveSaver>& removeSaver = removeSavers[*it];
                if (!removeSaver)
                    removeSaver.reset(new Helpers::RemoveSaver("rollback", "", *it));

                // perform a collection scan and write all documents in the collection to disk
                boost::scoped_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(
                BSONObj curObj;
                PlanExecutor::ExecState execState;
                while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (execState = exec->getNext(&curObj, NULL))) {
                if (execState != PlanExecutor::IS_EOF) {
                    if (execState == PlanExecutor::FAILURE &&
                            WorkingSetCommon::isValidStatusMemberObject(curObj)) {
                        Status errorStatus = WorkingSetCommon::getMemberObjectStatus(curObj);
                        severe() << "rolling back createCollection on " << *it
                                 << " failed with " << errorStatus
                                 << ". A full resync is necessary.";
                    else {
                        severe() << "rolling back createCollection on " << *it
                                 << " failed. A full resync is necessary.";
                    throw RSFatalException();

                db->dropCollection(txn, *it);

        log() << "rollback 4.7";
        OldClientContext ctx(txn, rsOplogName);
        Collection* oplogCollection = ctx.db()->getCollection(rsOplogName);
                str::stream() << "replSet error in rollback can't find " << rsOplogName,

        unsigned deletes = 0, updates = 0;
        time_t lastProgressUpdate = time(0);
        time_t progressUpdateGap = 10;
        for (list<pair<DocID, BSONObj> >::iterator it = goodVersions.begin();
                it != goodVersions.end();
                it++) {
            time_t now = time(0);
            if (now - lastProgressUpdate > progressUpdateGap) {
                log() << deletes << " delete and "
                      << updates << " update operations processed out of "
                      << goodVersions.size() << " total operations";
                lastProgressUpdate = now;
            const DocID& doc = it->first;
            BSONObj pattern = doc._id.wrap(); // { _id : ... }
            try {
                verify(doc.ns && *doc.ns);
                if (fixUpInfo.collectionsToResyncData.count(doc.ns)) {
                    // we just synced this entire collection

                // keep an archive of items rolled back
                shared_ptr<Helpers::RemoveSaver>& removeSaver = removeSavers[doc.ns];
                if (!removeSaver)
                    removeSaver.reset(new Helpers::RemoveSaver("rollback", "", doc.ns));

                // todo: lots of overhead in context, this can be faster
                OldClientContext ctx(txn, doc.ns);

                // Add the doc to our rollback file
                BSONObj obj;
                Collection* collection = ctx.db()->getCollection(doc.ns);

                // Do not log an error when undoing an insert on a no longer existent collection.
                // It is likely that the collection was dropped as part of rolling back a
                // createCollection command and regardless, the document no longer exists.
                if (collection) {
                    bool found = Helpers::findOne(txn, collection, pattern, obj, false);
                    if (found) {
                    else {
                        error() << "rollback cannot find object: " << pattern
                                << " in namespace " << doc.ns;

                if (it->second.isEmpty()) {
                    // wasn't on the primary; delete.
                    // TODO 1.6 : can't delete from a capped collection.  need to handle that here.

                    if (collection) {
                        if (collection->isCapped()) {
                            // can't delete from a capped collection - so we truncate instead. if
                            // this item must go, so must all successors!!!
                            try {
                                // TODO: IIRC cappedTruncateAfter does not handle completely empty.
                                // this will crazy slow if no _id index.
                                long long start = Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis();
                                RecordId loc = Helpers::findOne(txn, collection, pattern, false);
                                if (Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start > 200)
                                    warning() << "roll back slow no _id index for "
                                          << doc.ns << " perhaps?";
                                // would be faster but requires index:
                                // RecordId loc = Helpers::findById(nsd, pattern);
                                if (!loc.isNull()) {
                                    try {
                                        collection->temp_cappedTruncateAfter(txn, loc, true);
                                    catch (DBException& e) {
                                        if (e.getCode() == 13415) {
                                            // hack: need to just make cappedTruncate do this...
                                            MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_BEGIN {
                                                WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);
                                            } MONGO_WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_LOOP_END(
                                        else {
                                            throw e;
                            catch (DBException& e) {
                                error() << "rolling back capped collection rec "
                                      << doc.ns << ' ' << e.toString();
                        else {