예제 #1
파일: u3.c 프로젝트: alesko/exodriver
long eDAC(HANDLE Handle, u3CalibrationInfo *CalibrationInfo, long ConfigIO, long Channel, double Voltage, long Binary, long Reserved1, long Reserved2)
    uint8 sendDataBuff[3];
    uint8 byteV, DAC1Enabled, Errorcode, ErrorFrame;
    uint16 bytesV;
    long error, sendSize;

    if(isCalibrationInfoValid(CalibrationInfo) == 0)
        printf("eDAC error: calibration information is required");
        return -1;

    if(Channel < 0 || Channel > 1)
        printf("eDAC error: Invalid DAC channel\n");
        return -1;

    if(ConfigIO != 0 && Channel == 1 && CalibrationInfo->hardwareVersion < 1.30)
        //Using ConfigIO to enable DAC1
        error = ehConfigIO(Handle, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &DAC1Enabled, NULL, NULL);
        if(error != 0)
            return error;

    /* Setting up Feedback command to set DAC */
    if(CalibrationInfo->hardwareVersion < 1.30)
        sendSize = 2;

        sendDataBuff[0] = 34 + Channel;  //IOType is DAC0/1 (8 bit)

        if(getDacBinVoltCalibrated8Bit(CalibrationInfo, (int)Channel, Voltage, &byteV) < 0)
            return -1;

        sendDataBuff[1] = byteV;      //Value
        sendSize = 3;

        sendDataBuff[0] = 38 + Channel;  //IOType is DAC0/1 (16 bit)

        if(getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(CalibrationInfo, (int)Channel, Voltage, &bytesV) < 0)
            return -1;

        sendDataBuff[1] = (uint8)(bytesV&255);          //Value LSB
        sendDataBuff[2] = (uint8)((bytesV&65280)/256);  //Value MSB

    if(ehFeedback(Handle, sendDataBuff, sendSize, &Errorcode, &ErrorFrame, NULL, 0) < 0)
        return -1;
        return (long)Errorcode;

    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: u6.c 프로젝트: alesko/Tapometer
long getDacBinVoltCalibrated8Bit(u6CalibrationInfo *caliInfo, int dacNumber, double analogVolt, uint8 *bytesVolt8)
    uint16 u16BytesVolt = 0;
    if(getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(caliInfo, dacNumber, analogVolt, &u16BytesVolt) != -1)
        *bytesVolt8 = (uint8)(u16BytesVolt/256);
        return 0;
    return -1;
예제 #3
파일: u6.c 프로젝트: alesko/Tapometer
long eDAC(HANDLE Handle, u6CalibrationInfo *CalibrationInfo, long Channel, double Voltage, long Binary, long Reserved1, long Reserved2)
    uint8 sendDataBuff[3];
    uint8 Errorcode, ErrorFrame;
    uint16 bytesV;
    long sendSize;

    if(isCalibrationInfoValid(CalibrationInfo) != 1)
        printf("eDAC error: Invalid calibration information.\n");
        return -1;

    if(Channel < 0 || Channel > 1)
        printf("eDAC error: Invalid Channel.\n");
        return -1;

    sendSize = 3;

    sendDataBuff[0] = 38 + Channel;  //IOType is DAC0/1 (16 bit)

    if(getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(CalibrationInfo, (int)Channel, Voltage, &bytesV) < 0)
        return -1;

    sendDataBuff[1] = (uint8)(bytesV&255);          //Value LSB
    sendDataBuff[2] = (uint8)((bytesV&65280)/256);  //Value MSB

    if(ehFeedback(Handle, sendDataBuff, sendSize, &Errorcode, &ErrorFrame, NULL, 0) < 0)
        return -1;
        return (long)Errorcode;

    return 0;
예제 #4
파일: u6.c 프로젝트: alesko/Tapometer
long getDacBinVoltUncalibrated16Bit(int dacNumber, double analogVolt, uint16 *bytesVolt16)
    return getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(&U6_CALIBRATION_INFO_DEFAULT, dacNumber, analogVolt, bytesVolt16);
예제 #5
파일: u3.c 프로젝트: alesko/exodriver
long getDacBinVoltUncalibrated16Bit(int dacNumber, double analogVolt, uint16 *bytesVolt16)
    U3_CALIBRATION_INFO_DEFAULT.hardwareVersion = 1.30;
    U3_CALIBRATION_INFO_DEFAULT.highVoltage = 0;
    return getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(&U3_CALIBRATION_INFO_DEFAULT, dacNumber, analogVolt, bytesVolt16);
예제 #6
//Calls the Feedback low-level command numIterations times and calculates the
//time per iteration.
int allIO(HANDLE hDevice, u6CalibrationInfo *caliInfo)
    uint8 *sendBuff, *recBuff;
    uint16 checksumTotal, bits16;
    uint32 bits32;

    int sendChars, recChars, i, j, sendSize, recSize;
    double valueAIN[14];
    long time;
    int ret = 0;

    for( i = 0; i < 14; i++ )
        valueAIN[i] = 9999;

    //Setting up a Feedback command that will set CIO0-3 as input, and setting
    //DAC0 voltage
    sendBuff = (uint8 *)malloc(18*sizeof(uint8));  //Creating an array of size 18
    recBuff = (uint8 *)malloc(10*sizeof(uint8));   //Creating an array of size 10

    sendBuff[1] = (uint8)(0xF8);  //Command byte
    sendBuff[2] = 6;              //Number of data words (.5 word for echo, 5.5
                                  //words for IOTypes and data)
    sendBuff[3] = (uint8)(0x00);  //Extended command number

    sendBuff[6] = 0;    //Echo
    sendBuff[7] = 29;   //IOType is PortDirWrite
    sendBuff[8] = 0;    //FIO Writemask
    sendBuff[9] = 0;    //EIO Writemask
    sendBuff[10] = 15;  //CIO Writemask
    sendBuff[11] = 0;   //FIO Direction
    sendBuff[12] = 0;   //EIO Direction
    sendBuff[13] = 0;   //CIO Direction

    //Setting DAC0 with 2.5 volt output
    sendBuff[14] = 38;    //IOType is DAC0(16-bit)

    //Value is 2.5 volts (in binary)
    getDacBinVoltCalibrated16Bit(caliInfo, 0, 2.5, &bits16);
    sendBuff[15] = (uint8)(bits16&255);
    sendBuff[16] = (uint8)(bits16/256);

    sendBuff[17] = 0;  //extra padding byte

    extendedChecksum(sendBuff, 18);

    //Sending command to U6
    if( (sendChars = LJUSB_Write(hDevice, sendBuff, 18)) < 18 )
        if(sendChars == 0)
            printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : write failed\n");
            printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : did not write all of the buffer\n");
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;

    //Reading response from U6
    if( (recChars = LJUSB_Read(hDevice, recBuff, 10)) < 10 )
        if( recChars == 0 )
            printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : read failed\n");
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;
            printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : did not read all of the buffer\n");

    checksumTotal = extendedChecksum16(recBuff, 10);
    if( (uint8)((checksumTotal / 256) & 0xff) != recBuff[5] )
        printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : read buffer has bad checksum16(MSB)\n");
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;

    if( (uint8)(checksumTotal & 0xff) != recBuff[4] )
        printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : read buffer has bad checksum16(LBS)\n");
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;

    if( extendedChecksum8(recBuff) != recBuff[0] )
        printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : read buffer has bad checksum8\n");
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;

    if( recBuff[1] != (uint8)(0xF8) || recBuff[3] != (uint8)(0x00) )
        printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : read buffer has wrong command bytes \n");
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;

    if( recBuff[6] != 0 )
        printf("Feedback (CIO input) error : received errorcode %d for frame %d in Feedback response. \n", recBuff[6], recBuff[7]);
        ret = -1;
        goto cleanmem;


    //Setting up Feedback command that will run numIterations times
    if( ((sendSize = 7+numChannels*4) % 2) != 0 )
        sendSize++; //Need an extra byte
    sendBuff = (uint8 *)malloc(sendSize*sizeof(uint8)); //Creating an array of size sendSize

    if( ((recSize = 9+numChannels*3) % 2) != 0 )
        recSize++;  //Need an extra byte
    recBuff = (uint8 *)malloc(recSize*sizeof(uint8));   //Creating an array of size recSize

    sendBuff[1] = (uint8)(0xF8);     //Command byte
    sendBuff[2] = (sendSize - 6)/2;  //Number of data words
    sendBuff[3] = (uint8)(0x00);     //Extended command number

    sendBuff[6] = 0;     //Echo

    sendBuff[sendSize - 1] = 0;  //Setting last byte to zero in case it is the extra padding byte

    //Setting AIN read commands
    for( j = 0; j < numChannels; j++ )
        sendBuff[7 + j*4] = 2;     //IOType is AIN24

        //Positive Channel (bits 0 - 4), LongSettling (bit 6) and QuickSample (bit 7)
        sendBuff[8 + j*4] = j;  //Positive Channel
        sendBuff[9 + j*4] = (uint8)(resolution&15) + (uint8)((gainIndex&15)*16);   //ResolutionIndex (Bits 0-3), GainIndex (Bits 4-7)
        sendBuff[10 + j*4] = (uint8)(settlingFactor&7);  //SettlingFactor (Bits 0-2)
        if( j%2 == 0 )
            sendBuff[10 + j*4] += (uint8)((differential&1)*128);  //Differential (Bits 7)

    extendedChecksum(sendBuff, sendSize);

    time = getTickCount();

    for( i = 0; i < numIterations; i++ )
        //Sending command to U6
        if( (sendChars = LJUSB_Write(hDevice, sendBuff, sendSize)) < sendSize )
            if(sendChars == 0)
                printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): write failed\n", i);
                printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): did not write all of the buffer\n", i);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        //Reading response from U6
        if( (recChars = LJUSB_Read(hDevice, recBuff, recSize)) < recSize )
            if( recChars == 0 )
                printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): read failed\n", i);
                ret = -1;
                goto cleanmem;

        checksumTotal = extendedChecksum16(recBuff, recChars);
        if( (uint8)((checksumTotal / 256) & 0xff) != recBuff[5] )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): read buffer has bad checksum16(MSB)\n", i);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        if( (uint8)(checksumTotal & 0xff) != recBuff[4] )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): read buffer has bad checksum16(LBS)\n", i);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        if( extendedChecksum8(recBuff) != recBuff[0] )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): read buffer has bad checksum8\n", i);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        if( recBuff[1] != (uint8)(0xF8) || recBuff[3] != (uint8)(0x00) )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): read buffer has wrong command bytes \n", i);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        if( recBuff[6] != 0 )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): received errorcode %d for frame %d in Feedback response. \n", i, recBuff[6], recBuff[7]);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        if( recChars != recSize )
            printf("Feedback error (Iteration %d): received packet if %d size when expecting %d\n", i, recChars, recSize);
            ret = -1;
            goto cleanmem;

        //Getting AIN voltages
        for(j = 0; j < numChannels; j++)
            bits32 = recBuff[9+j*3] + recBuff[10+j*3]*256 + recBuff[11+j*3]*65536;
            getAinVoltCalibrated(caliInfo, resolution, gainIndex, 1, bits32, &valueAIN[j]);

    time = getTickCount() - time;
    printf("Milliseconds per iteration = %.3f\n", (double)time / (double)numIterations);
    printf("\nAIN readings from last iteration:\n");

    for( j = 0; j < numChannels; j++ )
        printf("%.3f\n", valueAIN[j]);

    sendBuff = NULL;
    recBuff = NULL;

    return ret;