/** * Search the environment for the definition of a symbol * ID and evaluate it. Detects recursive definitions using * a set of visited IDxENV. Associates the symbol as a definition name * property of the definition. * @param id the symbol ID t-o search * @param visited set of visited symbols (used for recursive definition detection) * @param lenv the environment where to search * @return the evaluated definition of ID */ static Tree evalIdDef(Tree id, Tree visited, Tree lenv) { Tree def = NULL; Tree name = NULL; // search the environment env for a definition of symbol id while (!isNil(lenv) && !getProperty(lenv, id, def)) { lenv = lenv->branch(0); } // check that the definition exists if (isNil(lenv)) { evalerror(getDefFileProp(id), getDefLineProp(id), "undefined symbol", id); } //cerr << "Id definition is " << *def << endl; // check that it is not a recursive definition Tree p = cons(id,lenv); // set the definition name property assert(def); if (!getDefNameProperty(def, name)) { // if the definition has no name use the identifier stringstream s; s << boxpp(id); //XXXXXX setDefNameProperty(def, s.str()); } // return the evaluated definition return eval(def, addElement(p,visited), gGlobal->nil); }
/** * Add a definition (as a property) to the current top level layer. Check * and warn for multiple definitions. * @param id the symbol id to be defined * @param def the definition to be binded to the symbol id * @param lenv the environment where to add this new definition */ static void addLayerDef(Tree id, Tree def, Tree lenv) { // check for multiple definitions of a symbol in the same layer Tree olddef; if(getProperty(lenv, id, olddef)) { if(def == olddef) { evalwarning(getDefFileProp(id), getDefLineProp(id), "equivalent re-definitions of", id); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ERROR: redefinition of symbols are not allowed : ", getDefFileProp(id), getDefLineProp(id)); print(id, stderr); fprintf(stderr, " is already defined in file \"%s\" line %d \n", getDefFileProp(id), getDefLineProp(id)); gErrorCount++; } } setProperty(lenv, id, def); }
static Tree realeval (Tree exp, Tree visited, Tree localValEnv) { //Tree def; Tree fun; Tree arg; Tree var, num, body, ldef; Tree label; Tree cur, lo, hi, step; Tree e1, e2, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2; Tree rules; Tree id; //cerr << "EVAL " << *exp << " (visited : " << *visited << ")" << endl; //cerr << "REALEVAL of " << *exp << endl; xtended* xt = (xtended*) getUserData(exp); // constants //----------- if ( xt || isBoxInt(exp) || isBoxReal(exp) || isBoxWire(exp) || isBoxCut(exp) || isBoxPrim0(exp) || isBoxPrim1(exp) || isBoxPrim2(exp) || isBoxPrim3(exp) || isBoxPrim4(exp) || isBoxPrim5(exp) || isBoxFFun(exp) || isBoxFConst(exp) || isBoxFVar(exp) || isBoxWaveform(exp)) { return exp; // block-diagram constructors //--------------------------- } else if (isBoxSeq(exp, e1, e2)) { return boxSeq(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv)); } else if (isBoxPar(exp, e1, e2)) { return boxPar(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv)); } else if (isBoxRec(exp, e1, e2)) { return boxRec(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv)); } else if (isBoxSplit(exp, e1, e2)) { return boxSplit(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv)); } else if (isBoxMerge(exp, e1, e2)) { return boxMerge(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv)); // Modules //-------- } else if (isBoxAccess(exp, body, var)) { Tree val = eval(body, visited, localValEnv); if (isClosure(val, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) { // it is a closure, we have an environment to access return eval(closure(var,notused,visited2,lenv2), visited, localValEnv); } else { evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "no environment to access", exp); } //////////////////////en chantier//////////////////////////// } else if (isBoxModifLocalDef(exp, body, ldef)) { Tree val = eval(body, visited, localValEnv); if (isClosure(val, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) { // we rebuild the closure using a copy of the original environment // modified with some new definitions Tree lenv3 = copyEnvReplaceDefs(lenv2, ldef, visited2, localValEnv); return eval(closure(exp2,notused,visited2,lenv3), visited, localValEnv); } else { evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "not a closure", val); evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "no environment to access", exp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else if (isBoxComponent(exp, label)) { string fname = tree2str(label); Tree eqlst = gGlobal->gReader.expandlist(gGlobal->gReader.getlist(fname)); Tree res = closure(boxIdent("process"), gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil, pushMultiClosureDefs(eqlst, gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil)); setDefNameProperty(res, label); //cerr << "component is " << boxpp(res) << endl; return res; } else if (isBoxLibrary(exp, label)) { string fname = tree2str(label); Tree eqlst = gGlobal->gReader.expandlist(gGlobal->gReader.getlist(fname)); Tree res = closure(boxEnvironment(), gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil, pushMultiClosureDefs(eqlst, gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil)); setDefNameProperty(res, label); //cerr << "component is " << boxpp(res) << endl; return res; // user interface elements //------------------------ } else if (isBoxButton(exp, label)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); //cout << "button label : " << l1 << " become " << l2 << endl; return ((l1 == l2) ? exp : boxButton(tree(l2))); } else if (isBoxCheckbox(exp, label)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); //cout << "check box label : " << l1 << " become " << l2 << endl; return ((l1 == l2) ? exp : boxCheckbox(tree(l2))); } else if (isBoxVSlider(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return ( boxVSlider(tree(l2), tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv)))); } else if (isBoxHSlider(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return ( boxHSlider(tree(l2), tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv)))); } else if (isBoxNumEntry(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return (boxNumEntry(tree(l2), tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv)))); } else if (isBoxVGroup(exp, label, arg)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return boxVGroup(tree(l2), eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) ); } else if (isBoxHGroup(exp, label, arg)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return boxHGroup(tree(l2), eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) ); } else if (isBoxTGroup(exp, label, arg)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return boxTGroup(tree(l2), eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) ); } else if (isBoxHBargraph(exp, label, lo, hi)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return boxHBargraph(tree(l2), tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv))); } else if (isBoxVBargraph(exp, label, lo, hi)) { const char* l1 = tree2str(label); const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv); return boxVBargraph(tree(l2), tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)), tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv))); // lambda calculus //---------------- } else if (isBoxIdent(exp)) { return evalIdDef(exp, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxWithLocalDef(exp, body, ldef)) { return eval(body, visited, pushMultiClosureDefs(ldef, visited, localValEnv)); } else if (isBoxAppl(exp, fun, arg)) { return applyList( eval(fun, visited, localValEnv), revEvalList(arg, visited, localValEnv) ); } else if (isBoxAbstr(exp)) { // it is an abstraction : return a closure return closure(exp, gGlobal->nil, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxEnvironment(exp)) { // environment : return also a closure return closure(exp, gGlobal->nil, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isClosure(exp, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) { if (isBoxAbstr(exp2)) { // a 'real' closure return closure(exp2, gGlobal->nil, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2); } else if (isBoxEnvironment(exp2)) { // a 'real' closure return closure(exp2, gGlobal->nil, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2); } else { // it was a suspended evaluation return eval(exp2, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2); } // Algorithmic constructions //-------------------------- } else if (isBoxIPar(exp, var, num, body)) { int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv); return iteratePar(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxISeq(exp, var, num, body)) { int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv); return iterateSeq(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxISum(exp, var, num, body)) { int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv); return iterateSum(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxIProd(exp, var, num, body)) { int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv); return iterateProd(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv); // static } else if (isBoxInputs(exp, body)) { int ins, outs; Tree b = a2sb(eval(body, visited, localValEnv)); if (getBoxType (b, &ins, &outs)) { return boxInt(ins); } else { stringstream error; error << "ERROR : can't evaluate ' : " << *exp << endl; throw faustexception(error.str()); } } else if (isBoxOutputs(exp, body)) { int ins, outs; Tree b = a2sb(eval(body, visited, localValEnv)); if (getBoxType (b, &ins, &outs)) { return boxInt(outs); } else { stringstream error; error << "ERROR : can't evaluate ' : " << *exp << endl; throw faustexception(error.str()); } } else if (isBoxSlot(exp)) { return exp; } else if (isBoxSymbolic(exp)) { return exp; // Pattern matching extension //--------------------------- } else if (isBoxCase(exp, rules)) { return evalCase(rules, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxPatternVar(exp, id)) { return exp; //return evalIdDef(id, visited, localValEnv); } else if (isBoxPatternMatcher(exp)) { return exp; } else { stringstream error; error << "ERROR : EVAL doesn't intercept : " << *exp << endl; throw faustexception(error.str()); } return NULL; }