AccountHistoryDialog::AccountHistoryDialog(CoinDB::Vault* vault, const QString& accountName, QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    resize(QSize(800, 400));

    accountHistoryModel = new TxModel(vault, accountName, this);

    accountHistoryView = new TxView(this);

    QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
    setWindowTitle(getDefaultSettings().getAppName() + " - " + accountName + tr(" account history"));
예제 #2
AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget* parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    setWindowTitle(tr("About ") + getDefaultSettings().getAppName());
    setStyleSheet("font: bold 9pt");

    // Buttons
    QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok);
    connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()));

    QLabel* versionLabel = new QLabel(getVersionText());
    versionLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);

    QLabel* schemaLabel = new QLabel(getSchemaVersionText());
    schemaLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);

    QLabel* commitLabel = new QLabel(getCommitHash());
    commitLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);

    QLabel* openSSLLabel = new QLabel(getOpenSSLVersionText());
    openSSLLabel->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);

    QFormLayout* formLayout = new QFormLayout();
    formLayout->addRow(tr("Version:"), versionLabel);
    formLayout->addRow(tr("Schema:"), schemaLabel);
    formLayout->addRow(tr("Commit:"), commitLabel);
    formLayout->addRow(tr("OpenSSL:"), openSSLLabel);

    QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
    mainLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(getCopyrightText()));
error_t httpServerProcessSetConfig(HttpConnection *connection)
   error_t error;
   uint_t i;
   size_t n;
   char_t *p;
   char_t *buffer;
   char_t *separator;
   char_t *property;
   char_t *value;
   Settings *newSettings;

   //Point to the scratch buffer
   buffer = connection->buffer;

   //Allocate a memory buffer to hold the new configuration
   newSettings = osAllocMem(sizeof(Settings));
   //Failed to allocate memory?
   if(!newSettings) return ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

   //Start of exception handling block
      //Retrieve default settings
      error = getDefaultSettings(newSettings);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //Process HTTP request body
         //Read the HTTP request body until an ampersand is encountered
         error = httpReadStream(connection, buffer,
            HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1, &n, HTTP_FLAG_BREAK('&'));
         //End of stream detected?
         if(error) break;

         //Properly terminate the string with a NULL character
         buffer[n] = '\0';

         //Remove the trailing ampersand
         if(n > 0 && buffer[n - 1] == '&')
            buffer[--n] = '\0';

         //Decode the percent-encoded string
         error = httpDecodePercentEncodedString(buffer, buffer, HTTP_SERVER_BUFFER_SIZE);
         //Any error detected?
         if(error) break;

         //Check whether a separator is present
         separator = strchr(buffer, '=');

         //Separator found?
            //Split the line
            *separator = '\0';
            //Get property name and value
            property = strTrimWhitespace(buffer);
            value = strTrimWhitespace(separator + 1);

            //Debug message
            TRACE_DEBUG("[%s]=%s\r\n", property, value);

            //Icecast settings
            if(!strcasecmp(property, "icecastSettingsUrl"))
               //Check resource length
               if(strlen(value) >= sizeof(newSettings->icecast.url))
                  //Report an error
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

               //Save resource
               strcpy(newSettings->icecast.url, value);
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "icecastSettingsPort"))
               //Save Icecast server port
               newSettings->icecast.port = strtoul(value, &p, 10);

               //Invalid port number?
               if(*p != '\0')
                  //Report an error
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            //LAN settings
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsMacAddr"))
               //Save MAC address
               error = macStringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.macAddr);
               //Invalid address?
               if(error) break;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsHostName"))
               //Check the length of the host name
               if(strlen(value) >= sizeof(newSettings->lan.hostname))
                  //Report an error
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

               //Save host name
               strcpy(newSettings->lan.hostname, value);
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsEnableDhcp"))
               //Check flag value
               if(!strcasecmp(value, "off"))
                  //DHCP client is disabled
                  newSettings->lan.enableDhcp = FALSE;
               else if(!strcasecmp(value, "on"))
                  //DHCP client is enabled
                  newSettings->lan.enableDhcp = TRUE;
                  //Invalid value
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsHostAddr"))
               //Save IPv4 host address
               error = ipv4StringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.hostAddr);
               //Invalid address?
               if(error) break;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsSubnetMask"))
               //Save subnet mask
               error = ipv4StringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.subnetMask);
               //Invalid mask?
               if(error) break;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsDefaultGateway"))
               //Save default gateway
               error = ipv4StringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.defaultGateway);
               //Invalid address?
               if(error) break;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsPrimaryDns"))
               //Save primary DNS
               error = ipv4StringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.primaryDns);
               //Invalid address?
               if(error) break;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "lanSettingsSecondaryDns"))
               //Save secondary DNS
               error = ipv4StringToAddr(value, &newSettings->lan.secondaryDns);
               //Invalid address?
               if(error) break;
            //Proxy settings
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "proxySettingsEnable"))
               //Check flag value
               if(!strcasecmp(value, "off"))
                  //Proxy server is disabled
                  newSettings->proxy.enable = FALSE;
               else if(!strcasecmp(value, "on"))
                  //Proxy server is enabled
                  newSettings->proxy.enable = TRUE;
                  //Invalid value
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "proxySettingsName"))
               //Check the length of proxy server name
               if(strlen(value) >= sizeof(newSettings->
                  //Report an error
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

               //Save proxy server name
               strcpy(newSettings->, value);
            else if(!strcasecmp(property, "proxySettingsPort"))
               //Save proxy server port
               newSettings->proxy.port = strtoul(value, &p, 10);

               //Invalid port number?
               if(*p != '\0')
                  //Report an error
                  error = ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;

      //Check status code
      if(error == NO_ERROR || error == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM)
         //Commit changes
         appSettings = *newSettings;
         //Write settings to non-volatile memory
         error = saveSettings(newSettings);
      else if(error != ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX)
         //Propagate exception

      //Point to the scratch buffer
      buffer = connection->buffer + 384;
      //Format XML data
      n = sprintf(buffer, "<data>\r\n  <status>");

      if(error == ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX)
         n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Invalid configuration!\r\n");
      else if(error != NO_ERROR)
         n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Failed to save settings to non-volatile memory!\r\n");
         n += sprintf(buffer + n, "Settings successfully saved. Please reboot the board.\r\n");

      //Terminate XML data
      n += sprintf(buffer + n, "</status>\r\n</data>\r\n");

      //Format HTTP response header
      connection->response.version = connection->request.version;
      connection->response.statusCode = 200;
      connection->response.keepAlive = connection->request.keepAlive;
      connection->response.noCache = TRUE;
      connection->response.contentType = mimeGetType(".xml");
      connection->response.chunkedEncoding = FALSE;
      connection->response.contentLength = n;

      //Send the header to the client
      error = httpWriteHeader(connection);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //Send response body
      error = httpWriteStream(connection, buffer, n);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //Properly close output stream
      error = httpCloseStream(connection);
      //Any error to report?
      if(error) break;

      //End of exception handling block
   } while(0);

   //Free previously allocated memory
   //Return status code
   return error;