double RefrigerationWalkInZoneBoundary_Impl::heightofGlassReachInDoorsFacingZone() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Refrigeration_WalkIn_ZoneBoundaryFields::HeightofGlassReachInDoorsFacingZone,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #2
 boost::optional<double> BoilerHotWater_Impl::nominalCapacity() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::NominalCapacity,true);
예제 #3
 double GasMixture_Impl::gas2Fraction() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_WindowMaterial_GasMixtureFields::Gas2Fraction,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #4
 double BoilerHotWater_Impl::optimumPartLoadRatio() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::OptimumPartLoadRatio,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #5
 boost::optional<double> BoilerHotWater_Impl::parasiticElectricLoad() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::ParasiticElectricLoad,true);
예제 #6
파일: Values.cpp 프로젝트: AndorZhang/node
double DictionaryValue::doubleProperty(const String16& name, double defaultValue) const
    double result = defaultValue;
    getDouble(name, &result);
    return result;
예제 #7
 boost::optional<double> BoilerHotWater_Impl::designWaterOutletTemperature() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::DesignWaterOutletTemperature,true);
 boost::optional<double> CurveRectangularHyperbola2_Impl::maximumCurveOutput() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Curve_RectangularHyperbola2Fields::MaximumCurveOutput,true);
 double CurveRectangularHyperbola2_Impl::coefficient2C2() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Curve_RectangularHyperbola2Fields::Coefficient2C2,true);
   return value.get();
 boost::optional<double> CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow_Impl::ratedTotalCoolingCapacity() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Coil_Cooling_DX_VariableRefrigerantFlowFields::RatedTotalCoolingCapacity,true);
 double CurveRectangularHyperbola2_Impl::maximumValueofx() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Curve_RectangularHyperbola2Fields::MaximumValueofx,true);
   return value.get();
 boost::optional<double> CoilCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow_Impl::ratedSensibleHeatRatio() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Coil_Cooling_DX_VariableRefrigerantFlowFields::RatedSensibleHeatRatio,true);
예제 #13
void cConfig::readData()

	// Account Group
	autoAccountCreate_ = getBool( "Accounts", "Auto Create", false, true );
	autoAccountACL_ = getString( "Accounts", "Auto Create ACL", "player", true );
	accountsDriver_ = getString( "Accounts", "Database Driver", "sqlite", true );
	accountsHost_ = getString( "Accounts", "Database Host", "", true );
	accountsName_ = getString( "Accounts", "Database Name", "accounts.db", true );
	accountsUsername_ = getString( "Accounts", "Database Username", "", true );
	accountsPassword_ = getString( "Accounts", "Database Password", "", true );
	accountsPort_ = getNumber("Accounts", "Database Port", 3306, true);	
	hashAccountPasswords_ = getBool( "Accounts", "Use MD5 Hashed Passwords", false, true );
	convertUnhashedPasswords_ = getBool( "Accounts", "Automatically Hash Loaded Passwords", false, true );
	maxCharsPerAccount_ = wpMin<unsigned char>( 6, getNumber( "Accounts", "Maximum Number of Characters", 6, true ) );
	enableIndivNumberSlots_ = getBool( "Accounts", "Enable Individual Number for Characters Slots", false, true );

	// AI
	checkAITime_ = getDouble( "AI", "Default AI Check Time", 0.5, true );
	checkAINPCsTime_ = getDouble( "AI", "Default AI NPCs Check Time", 0.0, true );
	checkAIITEMsTime_ = getDouble( "AI", "Default AI Items Check Time", 0.0, true );
	animalWildFleeRange_ = getNumber( "AI", "Wild animals flee range", 8, true );
	guardDispelTime_ = getNumber( "AI", "Guard dispel time (sec)", 25, true );
	aiNPCsCheckRange_ = getNumber( "AI", "Default AI NPCs Check Range", 12, true );
	aiITEMsCheckRange_ = getNumber( "AI", "Default AI Items Check Range", 9, true );

	// Persistency
	databasePassword_ = getString( "Database", "Database Password", "", true );
	databaseUsername_ = getString( "Database", "Database Username", "", true );
	databaseHost_ = getString( "Database", "Database Host", "", true );
	databaseDriver_ = getString( "Database", "Database Driver", "binary", true );
	databaseName_ = getString( "Database", "Database Name", "world.db", true );
	databasePort_ = getNumber("Database", "Database Port", 3306, true);
	useDatabaseTransaction_ = getBool("Database", "Use Transactions", false, true );

	// Repsys
	murderdecay_ = getNumber( "Repsys", "Murder Decay", 28800, true );
	maxkills_ = getNumber( "Repsys", "Max Kills", 5, true );
	crimtime_ = getNumber( "Repsys", "Criminal Time", 120, true );

	// Game Speed Group
	objectDelay_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "ObjectDelay", 1, true );
	checkNPCTime_ = getDouble( "Game Speed", "NPCs Check Time", 0.2, true );
	checkTamedTime_ = getDouble( "Game Speed", "Tamed Check Time", 0.6, true );
	niceLevel_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "Nice Level", 2, true );
	skillDelay_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "SkillDelay", 7, true );
	hungerRate_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "Hunger Rate", 120, true );
	spawnRegionCheckTime_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "SpawnRegion Check Time", 5, true );
	itemDecayTime_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "Item Decay Time", 300, true );
	npcCorpseDecayTime_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "NPC Corpse Decay Time", 600, true );
	playerCorpseDecayTime_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "Player Corpse Decay Time", 1200, true );
	secondsPerUOMinute_ = getNumber( "Game Speed", "Seconds Per UO Minute", 5, true );

	// General Group
	usesMondainsLegacyMap_ = getBool( "General", "Uses Mondains Legacy Map", true, true );
	usesKingdomRebornMaps_ = getBool( "General", "Uses Kingdom Reborn Maps", true, true );
	enableFeluccaSeason_ = getBool( "General", "Enable Felucca Season", true, true );
	enableTrammelSeason_ = getBool( "General", "Enable Trammel Season", true, true );
	showSkillTitles_ = getBool( "General", "ShowSkillTitles", true, true );
	skillcap_ = getNumber( "General", "SkillCap", 700, true );
	statcap_ = getNumber( "General", "StatsCap", 225, true );
	commandPrefix_ = getString( "General", "Command Prefix", "'", true );
	guardsActive_ = getBool( "General", "Guards Enabled", true, true );
	hungerDamage_ = getNumber( "General", "Hunger Damage", 0, true );
	tamedDisappear_ = getNumber( "General", "Tamed Disappear", 0, true );
	shopRestock_ = getNumber( "General", "Shop Restock", 60, true );
	quittime_ = getNumber( "General", "Char Time Out", 300, true );
	showNpcTitles_ = getBool( "General", "Show Npc Titles", true, true );
	logMask_ = getNumber( "General", "Logging Mask", LOG_ALL, true );
	overwriteDefinitions_ = getBool( "General", "Overwrite Definitions", false, true );
	antiSpeedHack_ = getBool( "General", "Anti Speed Hack", true, true );
	antiSpeedHackDelay_ = getNumber( "General", "Anti Speed Hack Delay", 175, true );
	antiSpeedHackDelayMounted_ = getNumber( "General", "Anti Speed Hack Delay Mounted", 75, true );
	refreshMaxValues_ = getBool( "General", "Refresh Characters Maximum Values", true, true );
	sendAsciiNames_ = getBool( "General", "Send ASCII Character Names", false, true );
	payfrompackonly_ = getBool( "General", "Pay From Pack Only", false, true );
	enableyoung_ = getBool( "General", "Enable Young Status", true, true );
	instalogoutfromguarded_ = getBool( "General", "Insta Logout from Guarded Regions", true, true );
	percentHitsAfterRess_ = getNumber( "General", "Percent Hits after Ress", 10, true );
	percentManaAfterRess_ = getNumber( "General", "Percent Mana after Ress", 50, true );
	percentStaminaAfterRess_ = getNumber( "General", "Percent Stamina after Ress", 50, true );
	disableKarma_ = getBool( "General", "Disable Karma", false, true );
	disableFame_ = getBool( "General", "Disable Fame", false, true );
	saveInterval_ = getNumber( "General", "Save Interval", 900, true );
    mulPath_ = QDir::toNativeSeparators( getString( "General", "MulPath", "./muls/", true ) );
    logPath_ = QDir::toNativeSeparators( getString( "General", "LogPath", "./logs/", true ) );
	logRotate_ = getBool( "General", "LogRotate", true, true );
	mountRange_ = getNumber( "General", "Mount Range", 2, true );
	newTooltipPackets_ = getBool( "General", "New Tooltip Packets", true, true );
	factorMaxHits_ = getDouble( "General", "Factor for MaxHitPoints Calculation", 1.0, true );
	factorMaxMana_ = getDouble( "General", "Factor for MaxMana Calculation", 1.0, true );
	factorMaxStam_ = getDouble( "General", "Factor for MaxStamina Calculation", 1.0, true );
	simpleMaxHitsCalculation_ = getBool( "General", "Simple MaxHitPoints Calculation", false, true );
	enableTimeChangeForItems_ = getBool( "General", "Enable onTimeChange for Items", false, true );
	checkCollisionAtAllMaps_ = getBool( "General", "Check Collision at All Maps", false, true );
	SpeechNormalRange_ = getNumber( "General", "Speech Normal Range", 18, true );
	SpeechYellRange_ = getNumber( "General", "Speech Yell Range", 54, true );
	SpeechWhisperRange_ = getNumber( "General", "Speech Whisper Range", 1, true );
	WeightPercentActiveEvent_ = getNumber( "General", "Weight Percent to Active Event", 0, true );
	deleteCharDelay_ = getNumber( "General", "Minutes to Delete Character", 1440, true );

	// Network
	loginPort_ = getNumber( "Network", "Loginserver Port", 2593, true );
	gamePort_ = getNumber( "Network", "Gameserver Port", 2592, true );
	enableLogin_ = getBool( "Network", "Enable Loginserver", true, true );
	enableGame_ = getBool( "Network", "Enable Gameserver", true, true );
	allowUnencryptedClients_ = getBool( "Network", "Allow Unencrypted Clients", true, true );
	allowStatRequest_ = getBool( "Network", "Allow Stat Request", true, true );

	// Combat
	attack_distance_ = getNumber( "Combat", "Attack Distance", 13, true );
	showdamagedone_ = getBool( "Combat", "Show Damage Done", true, true );
	showdamagereceived_ = getBool( "Combat", "Show Damage Received", true, true );

	// Light
	worldBrightLevel_ = getNumber( "Light", "World Bright Level", 1, true );
	worldFixedLevel_ = getNumber( "Light", "World Fixed Level", 0, true );
	worldDarkLevel_ = getNumber( "Light", "World Dark Level", 18, true );
	dungeonLightLevel_ = getNumber( "Light", "Dungeon Level", 18, true );

	// Path Finding
	pathfind4Follow_ = getBool( "Path Finding", "Activate for Following", true, true );
	pathfind4Combat_ = getBool( "Path Finding", "Activate for Combat", false, true );
	pathfindFollowRadius_ = getNumber( "Path Finding", "Follow Radius", 10, true );
	pathfindFleeRadius_ = getNumber( "Path Finding", "Flee Radius", 10, true );

	// Binary Saves
	binarySavepath_ = getString( "Binary Save Driver", "Save Path", "world.bin", true );
	binaryBackups_ = getNumber( "Binary Save Driver", "Number Of Backups", 5, true );
	binaryCompressBackups_ = getBool( "Binary Save Driver", "Compress Backups", false, true );

	// Racial Features
	elffullnightsight_ = getBool( "Racial Features", "Elves always have full nightsight", true, true );
	elfwisdombonus_ = getDouble( "Racial Features", "Elven Wisdom Bonus", 1.2, true );
	humanstrongback_ = getDouble( "Racial Features", "Human Strong Back", 1.5, true );
	humantough_ = getDouble( "Racial Features", "Human Tough", 0.6, true );

	// Monetary System
	usenewmonetary_ = getBool( "Monetary", "Use New Monetary", false, true );
	usereversedvaluable_ = getBool( "Monetary", "Use Reversed Valuable Base", false, true );
	defaultFirstCoin_ = getString( "Monetary", "Default First Coin", "eed", true );
	defaultSecondCoin_ = getString( "Monetary", "Default Second Coin", "ef0", true );
	defaultThirdCoin_ = getString( "Monetary", "Default Third Coin", "eea", true );

	// Weather System
	enableWeather_ = getBool( "Weather", "Enable Weather System", false, true );
	rainDefaultChance_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Rain Chance", 10, true );
	snowDefaultChance_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Snow Chance", 2, true );
	rainDefaultDuration_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Rain Duration", 2, true );
	snowDefaultDuration_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Snow Duration", 2, true );
	dryDefaultDuration_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Dry Duration", 4, true );
	rainDefaultDurationRange_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Rain Duration Range", 1, true );
	snowDefaultDurationRange_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Snow Duration Range", 1, true );
	dryDefaultDurationRange_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Dry Duration Range", 1, true );
	minDefaultIntensity_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Minimum Default Intensity", 16, true );
	maxDefaultIntensity_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Maximum Default Intensity", 112, true );
	intensitybecomesstorm_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Intensity Value to Rain Becomes Storm", 100, true );
	defaultthunderchance_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Default Thunder Chance", 25, true );
	raychanceonthunder_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Ray Chance on Thunder", 8, true );
	enableWeatherSounds_ = getBool( "Weather", "Enable Weather Sounds", false, true );
	weathersoundsinterval_ = getNumber( "Weather", "Weather Sounds Interval", 20000, true );

	// Season System
	enableSeasons_ = getBool( "Season", "Enable Season System", false, true );
	enableDesolationAsSeason_ = getBool( "Season", "Enable Desolation as Season", false, true );
	daysToChageSeason_ = getNumber( "Season", "Days to Change Season", 90, true );

	// Skills
	disableFocus_ = getBool( "Skills", "Disable Focus", false, true );
	defaultFocusValue_ = getNumber( "Skills", "Default Focus Value", 500, true );
	snoopdelay_ = getNumber( "Skills", "Snoop Delay", 7, true );
	stealing_ = getBool( "Skills", "Stealing Enabled", true, true );

 double RefrigerationWalkInZoneBoundary_Impl::stockingDoorUValueFacingZone() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Refrigeration_WalkIn_ZoneBoundaryFields::StockingDoorUValueFacingZone,true);
   return value.get();
 double CoilCoolingLowTempRadiantConstFlow_Impl::condensationControlDewpointOffset() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Coil_Cooling_LowTemperatureRadiant_ConstantFlowFields::CondensationControlDewpointOffset,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #16
 double HeatBalanceAlgorithm_Impl::surfaceTemperatureUpperLimit() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_HeatBalanceAlgorithmFields::SurfaceTemperatureUpperLimit,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #17
 boost::optional<double> ShadingSurface_Impl::numberofVertices() const {
   return getDouble(OS_ShadingSurfaceFields::NumberofVertices,true);
예제 #18
 double HeatBalanceAlgorithm_Impl::maximumSurfaceConvectionHeatTransferCoefficientValue() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_HeatBalanceAlgorithmFields::MaximumSurfaceConvectionHeatTransferCoefficientValue,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #19
 double BoilerHotWater_Impl::nominalThermalEfficiency() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::NominalThermalEfficiency,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #20
 double CurveCubic_Impl::maximumValueofx() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Curve_CubicFields::MaximumValueofx,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #21
 boost::optional<double> BoilerHotWater_Impl::designWaterFlowRate() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::DesignWaterFlowRate,true);
예제 #22
 boost::optional<double> CurveCubic_Impl::maximumCurveOutput() const {
   return getDouble(OS_Curve_CubicFields::MaximumCurveOutput,true);
예제 #23
 double BoilerHotWater_Impl::waterOutletUpperTemperatureLimit() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::WaterOutletUpperTemperatureLimit,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #24
 double CurveCubic_Impl::coefficient4xPOW3() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Curve_CubicFields::Coefficient4x_POW_3,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #25
 double BoilerHotWater_Impl::sizingFactor() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Boiler_HotWaterFields::SizingFactor,true);
   return value.get();
 double SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMinimum_Impl::maximumSetpointHumidityRatio() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_SetpointManager_MultiZone_Humidity_MinimumFields::MaximumSetpointHumidityRatio,true);
   return value.get();
예제 #27
 double GasMixture_Impl::thickness() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_WindowMaterial_GasMixtureFields::Thickness,true);
   return value.get();
boost::optional<double> CoilHeatingGasMultiStage_Impl::parasiticGasLoad() const {
    return getDouble(OS_Coil_Heating_Gas_MultiStageFields::ParasiticGasLoad,true);
예제 #29
 boost::optional<double> GasMixture_Impl::gas3Fraction() const {
   return getDouble(OS_WindowMaterial_GasMixtureFields::Gas3Fraction,true);
 double RefrigerationWalkInZoneBoundary_Impl::insulatedSurfaceUValueFacingZone() const {
   boost::optional<double> value = getDouble(OS_Refrigeration_WalkIn_ZoneBoundaryFields::InsulatedSurfaceUValueFacingZone,true);
   return value.get();