예제 #1
int xgetg(char * str, char * str1, int * len, int  lx0, int lx1)
    if (strcmp(str, "fpf") == 0)
        strncpy(str1, getFPF(), 32);
        *len = (int) strlen(str1);
    else if (strcmp(str, "auto clear") == 0)
        int iAutoClear = 0;
        int* piAutoClear = &iAutoClear;

        getGraphicObjectProperty(getOrCreateDefaultSubwin(), __GO_AUTO_CLEAR__, jni_bool, (void **)&piAutoClear);
        if (iAutoClear == 1)
            strncpy(str1, "on", 2);
            *len = 2;
            strncpy(str1, "off", 3);
            *len = 3;
    return 0;
예제 #2
static int contourI(ptr_level_f func, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *zCont, int *N, int *style, int *err)
    int check = 1;
    char *F = NULL;
    int n1 = 0, n2 = 0, ncont = 0, i = 0, c = 0, j = 0, k = 0, n5 = 0;
    int stylec = 0;
    n1 = N[0];
    n2 = N[1];
    ncont = N[2];
    F = getFPF();
    if ( F[0] == '\0')
        ChoixFormatE1(ContNumFormat, zCont, N[2]);
    InitValues(x, y, z, n1, n2);
    n5 =  2 * (n1) + 2 * (n2) - 3;
    /* Allocation */
    Gcont_size = 0; /** initialize the array indices for storing contours **/
    xbd_cont = MALLOC( n5 * sizeof(int) ) ;
    ybd_cont = MALLOC( n5 * sizeof(int) ) ;
    itg_cont = MALLOC( n1 * n2 * sizeof(int) ) ;
    if ( (xbd_cont == NULL) && n5 != 0)
        check = 0;
    if ( (ybd_cont == NULL) && n5 != 0)
        check = 0;
    if ( (itg_cont == NULL) && n1 * n2 != 0)
        check = 0;
    if ( check == 0)
        FREE( xbd_cont ) ;
        FREE( ybd_cont ) ;
        FREE( itg_cont ) ;
        Scierror(999, _("%s: No more memory.\n"), "contourI");
        return -1;
    /* just a parametrization of the boundary points */
    for ( i = 0 ; i <  n2 ; i++)
        ybd_cont[i] = i ;
        xbd_cont[i] = 0 ;
    for ( i = 1 ; i <  n1 ; i++)
        ybd_cont[n2 + i - 1] = n2 - 1 ;
        xbd_cont[n2 + i - 1] = i  ;
    for ( i = n2 - 2;  i >= 0  ; i--)
        ybd_cont[2 * n2 + n1 - 3 - i] = i ;
        xbd_cont[2 * n2 + n1 - 3 - i] = n1 - 1  ;
    for ( i = n1 - 2 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
        ybd_cont[2 * n2 + 2 * n1 - 4 - i] = 0 ;
        xbd_cont[2 * n2 + 2 * n1 - 4 - i] = i  ;
    for ( c = 0 ; c < ncont ; c++)
        stylec = ( style != (int *) 0) ? style[c] : c;
        /** itg-cont is a flag array to memorize checked parts of the grid **/
        for ( i = 0 ; i < n1; i++)
            for ( j = 0 ; j < n2 ; j++)
                itg_cont[i + n1 * j] = 0 ;
        /** all the boundary segments **/
        for ( k = 1 ; k < n5 ; k++)
            int ib, jb;
            i = xbd_cont[k] ;
            j = ybd_cont[k];
            ib = xbd_cont[k - 1] ;
            jb = ybd_cont[k - 1];
            if  (not_same_sign (phi_cont(i, j) - zCont[c] ,
                                phi_cont(ib, jb) - zCont[c]))
                look(func, i, j, ib, jb, 1L, zCont[c], stylec);
        /** inside segments **/
        for ( i = 1 ; i < n1 - 1; i++)
            for ( j = 1 ; j < n2 - 1 ; j++)
                if  (not_same_sign ( phi_cont(i, j) - zCont[c] ,
                                     phi_cont(i, j - 1) - zCont[c]))
                    look(func, i, j, i, j - 1, 2L, zCont[c], stylec);
    FREE( xbd_cont ) ;
    FREE( ybd_cont ) ;
    FREE( itg_cont ) ;

    return 0;