void CRecordProcessor::init(QSettings* settings) { time_t rawtime; struct tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL(updateFileText(QString)), parentwnd, SLOT(getFileText(QString))); QString txt = tr("none"); emit updateFileText( txt ); CvSize imgsize = imgdb->getImageSize(); time ( &rawtime ); timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime ); strftime (buffer,80,"sensbli-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.avi",timeinfo); if( outfile != NULL ) { cvReleaseVideoWriter( &outfile ); } outfile =cvCreateVideoWriter( buffer, CV_FOURCC('I','Y','U','V'), 25, cvSize(640,480), 1); QString filetext = buffer; emit updateFileText( filetext ); }
bool startLexer(PyrSymbol *fileSym, int startPos, int endPos, int lineOffset) { char *filename = fileSym->name; textlen = -1; if(!fileSym->u.source) { if (!getFileText(filename, &text, &textlen)) return false; fileSym->u.source = text; rtf2txt(text); } else text = fileSym->u.source; if((startPos >= 0) && (endPos > 0)) { textlen = endPos - startPos; text += startPos; } else if(textlen == -1) textlen = strlen(text); if(lineOffset > 0) errLineOffset = lineOffset; else errLineOffset = 0; if(startPos > 0) errCharPosOffset = startPos; else errCharPosOffset = 0; initLongStack(&brackets); initLongStack(&closedFuncCharNo); initLongStack(&generatorStack); lastClosedFuncCharNo = 0; textpos = 0; linepos = 0; lineno = 1; charno = 0; yylen = 0; zzval = 0; parseFailed = 0; lexCmdLine = 0; strcpy(curfilename, filename); maxlinestarts = 1000; linestarts = (int*)pyr_pool_compile->Alloc(maxlinestarts * sizeof(int*)); linestarts[0] = 0; linestarts[1] = 0; return true; }
void checkValidComponent(const QString& path, std::string& errors) { const std::string filePath(path.toUtf8().constData()); const std::string str = getFileText(path, errors); const auto index = str.find("WGComponent"); if (index == std::string::npos) { errors += filePath + " did not include WGComponent\n"; return; } if (str.find("\"" + FilePath::getFileNoExtension(filePath) + "\"", index) == std::string::npos) { errors += filePath + " WGComponent was not named after file\n"; return; } }
GLuint loadShader(char * loc, GLenum type, GLuint * program) { GLint status, shader = glCreateShader(type); char * data = getFileText(loc); glShaderSource(shader, 1, (const GLchar **) &data, NULL); glCompileShader(shader); if (!*program) *program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(*program, shader); glLinkProgram(*program); glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &status); if (status == GL_FALSE) { printf("\nCould not compile %s, does your graphics card support GLSL shaders?\n", loc); return 0; } return shader; }
std::vector<std::string> getFileTextLines(const char* file) { return tokenize(getFileText(file),"\n",0,false); }
GofunAbout::GofunAbout() { setCaption(tr("GoFun About")); //This is the main grid QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(this,4,1); grid->setMargin(2); //This is the 'propaganda' part ;) QLabel* left_propaganda = new QLabel(tr("The GNU"),this); left_propaganda->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QFont font; font.setBold(true); left_propaganda->setFont(font); QLabel* right_propaganda = new QLabel(tr("Fun Extension"),this); right_propaganda->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); right_propaganda->setFont(font); QLabel* logo_label = new QLabel(this); logo_label->setPixmap(QImage("gofun.png").scale(100,100,QImage::ScaleMin)); logo_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QHBoxLayout* propaganda_layout = new QHBoxLayout; propaganda_layout->addWidget(left_propaganda); propaganda_layout->addWidget(logo_label); propaganda_layout->addWidget(right_propaganda); //In this group-box licensing information is presented QGroupBox* gb_gpl = new QGroupBox(tr("License"),this); gb_gpl->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); gb_gpl->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); gb_gpl->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); //In this group-box the credits are shown QGroupBox* gb_credits = new QGroupBox(tr("Credits"),this); gb_credits->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); gb_credits->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); gb_credits->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); //In this group-box contact and link information is presented QGroupBox* gb_cl = new QGroupBox(tr("Contact and links"),this); gb_cl->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); gb_cl->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); gb_cl->layout()->setMargin( 5 ); //The following layouts are used inside the group-boxes QGridLayout* grid_gpl = new QGridLayout(gb_gpl->layout(),1,1); QGridLayout* grid_credits = new QGridLayout(gb_credits->layout(),1,1); QGridLayout* grid_cl = new QGridLayout(gb_cl->layout(),2,2); //Create the text-fields and load the appropriate texts QTextEdit* t_gpl = new QTextEdit(gb_gpl); t_gpl->setReadOnly(true); t_gpl->setText(getFileText("../doc/gofun/COPYING")); QTextEdit* t_credits = new QTextEdit(gb_credits); t_credits->setReadOnly(true); t_credits->setText(getFileText("../doc/gofun/AUTHORS")); //This is our close-button QPushButton* close = new QPushButton(tr("Close"),this); connect(close,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(hide())); grid->addLayout(propaganda_layout,0,0); grid->addWidget(gb_gpl,1,0); grid->addWidget(gb_credits,2,0); grid->addWidget(gb_cl,3,0); grid->addWidget(close,4,0); grid_gpl->addWidget(t_gpl,0,0); grid_credits->addWidget(t_credits,0,0); grid_cl->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Homepage:"),gb_cl),0,0); grid_cl->addWidget(new QLabel(" http://gofun.berlios.de/\n",gb_cl),0,1); grid_cl->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("E-Mail:"),gb_cl),1,0); grid_cl->addWidget(new QLabel(" [email protected]",gb_cl),1,1); }