예제 #1
void CloudsRGBDCamera::setPositionFromMouse() {

    float percentOnCurve = ofMap(GetCloudsInputX(), canvasWidth*.2, canvasWidth*.8, 0, 1, true);
    ofVec3f sidePositionLeft  = lookTarget + ofVec3f(-sideDistance,0,sidePullback);
    ofVec3f sidePositionRight = lookTarget + ofVec3f( sideDistance,0,sidePullback);
    ofVec3f frontPosition = lookTarget + ofVec3f(0,0,-frontDistance);
    ofVec3f position;
    if(percentOnCurve > .5) {
        position = frontPosition.getInterpolated(sidePositionRight, ofMap(percentOnCurve, .5, 1.0, 0, 1.0) );
    else {
        position = sidePositionLeft.getInterpolated(frontPosition, ofMap(percentOnCurve, 0, .5, 0, 1.0) );

    float liftDrift = ofMap(GetCloudsInputY(), canvasHeight*.2, canvasHeight*.8, -liftRange,liftRange, true);
    position.y += ofMap(abs(.5 - percentOnCurve), 0, .5, (liftDrift + liftAmount), (liftDrift-liftAmount)*.5);
    position.z -= MAX(liftDrift,0) * .5; // zoom in on mouse up

    targetPosition = position;
    currentPosition += (targetPosition - currentPosition) * damp;

    currentLookTarget = lookTarget - ofVec3f(0,dropAmount,-sidePullback);

    //calculate drift;
    //ofVec3f driftOffset(0,0,0);
    ofVec3f driftPosition = currentPosition;
    float channelA = 1000;
    float channelB = 1500;
    if(maxDriftAngle > 0) {
        ofVec3f toCamera = currentPosition - currentLookTarget;
        ofQuaternion driftQuatX,driftQuatY;

        driftNoisePosition += driftNoiseSpeed;// * (ofGetElapsedTimef() - ofGetLastFrameTime());
        float driftX = ofSignedNoise( channelA, driftNoisePosition );
        float driftY = ofSignedNoise( channelB, driftNoisePosition );

        driftPosition.rotate(driftX*maxDriftAngle, currentLookTarget, ofVec3f(0,1,0));
        driftPosition.rotate(driftY*maxDriftAngle, currentLookTarget, ofVec3f(1,0,0));

//		driftQuatX.makeRotate(maxDriftAngle*driftX, 0, 1, 0);
//		driftQuatY.makeRotate(maxDriftAngle*driftY, 1, 0, 0);
//		driftOffset = driftQuatX * driftQuatY * (ofVec3f(0,0,1) * toCamera.length());


    //Compute new FOV
    bool onEdge = GetCloudsInputX() < 20 || GetCloudsInputX() > canvasWidth - 40 ||
                  GetCloudsInputY() < 20 || GetCloudsInputY() > canvasHeight - 40;
    float newFov;
    if(onEdge) {
        newFov = getFov() + ( zoomFOVRange.max - getFov() ) * .05;
    else {
        newFov = getFov() + (zoomFOVRange.min - getFov() ) * .005;

예제 #2
void TCompCamera::renderInMenu() {
	float fov_in_rad = getFov();
	float znear = getZNear();
	float zfar = getZFar();
	float ar = getAspectRatio();

	bool changed = false;
	//float fov_in_deg = rad2deg(fov_in_rad);
	//if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Fov", &fov_in_deg, 30.f, 110.f)) {
	//	changed = true;
	//	fov_in_rad = deg2rad(fov_in_deg);
	if (!isOrtho()) {
		float fov_in_deg = rad2deg(fov_in_rad);
		if (ImGui::DragFloat("Fov", &fov_in_deg, 0.1f, 1.f, 120.f)) {
			changed = true;
			fov_in_rad = deg2rad(clamp(fov_in_deg, 1.f, 120.f));
	changed |= ImGui::DragFloat("ZNear", &znear, 0.01f, 0.01f);
	changed |= ImGui::DragFloat("ZFar", &zfar, 0.01f, 1.f, 1000.f);
	if (changed)
		setProjection(fov_in_rad, znear, zfar);

	if (ImGui::SliderFloat("a/r", &ar, 0.f, 10.f)) {
예제 #3
void Frustum::setNearFarDist( F32 nearDist, F32 farDist )
   if( mNearDist == nearDist && mFarDist == farDist )

   // Recalculate the frustum.
   MatrixF xfm( mTransform ); 
   set( mIsOrtho, getFov(), getAspectRatio(), nearDist, farDist, xfm );
예제 #4
void ZoomCamera::adjust(const Bounds2D& bounds, bool adjust_distance) {

    //center camera on bounds

    vec2f centre  = bounds.centre();

    //adjust by screen ratio
    dest.x = centre.x;
    dest.y = centre.y;

    if(!adjust_distance) return;

    //scale by 10% so we dont have stuff right on the edge of the screen
    float width  = bounds.width() * padding;
    float height = bounds.height() * padding;

    float dratio = display.height / (float) display.width;

      if(dratio > 1.0) {
          height /= dratio;
      } else {
          width *= dratio;

    //calc visible width of the opposite wall at a distance of 1 this fov
    float toa = tan( getFov() * 0.5f * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * 2.0;

    float distance;

    //TOA = tan = opposite/adjacent (distance = adjacent)
    //use the larger side of the box

    //cropping: vertical, horizontal or none
    if(gGourceSettings.crop_vertical) {
        distance =  width / toa ;

    } else if (gGourceSettings.crop_horizontal) {
        distance =  height / toa ;

    } else {

        if(width > height) {
            distance =  width / toa ;
        } else {
            distance =  height / toa ;

    //debugLog("toa %.2f, distance %.2f width %.2f height %.2f dratio %.2f\n", toa, distance, width, height, dratio);

    //check bounds are valid
    if(distance < min_distance) distance = min_distance;
    if(distance > max_distance) distance = max_distance;

    this->dest.z = -distance;
예제 #5
void	Camera :: apply ()
	float		m [16];
													// create a coordinate space transform
													// (rotation) matrix
	m [0 ] = sideDir.x;
	m [1 ] = upDir.x;
	m [2 ] = -viewDir.x;
	m [3 ] = 0;

	m [4 ] = sideDir.y;
	m [5 ] = upDir.y;
	m [6 ] = -viewDir.y;
	m [7 ] = 0;

	m [8 ] = sideDir.z;
	m [9 ] = upDir.z;
	m [10] = -viewDir.z;
	m [11] = 0;

	m [12] = 0;
	m [13] = 0;
	m [14] = 0;
	m [15] = 1;

														// set current viewport
	glViewport     ( 0, 0, getWidth (), getHeight () );

	glMatrixMode   ( GL_PROJECTION );					// select projection matrix
	glLoadIdentity ();									// reset projection matrix

														// calculate aspect ratio of the window
	gluPerspective ( getFov (), getAspect (), getZNear (), getZFar () );

	glMatrixMode   ( GL_MODELVIEW );					// select modelview matrix
	glLoadIdentity ();									// reset modelview matrix

	glMultMatrixf ( m );
	glTranslatef  ( -pos.x, -pos.y, -pos.z );
	glGetFloatv ( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ofxOculusRift::beginRender( float _interOcularShift, ofFbo* _fbo  )

		ofClear(0,0,0); // Todo: get the proper clear color
		setupScreenPerspective( _interOcularShift, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(), ofGetOrientation(), false, getFov(), getNearClip(), getFarClip()  );
			// flip for FBO
			ofMultMatrix( getHeadsetViewOrientationMat() );
			ofTranslate( getPosition() );