/** * Subscribes current client handle to Content Directory Service. * CDS exports the server shares to clients. */ void MediaServer::subscribeToContentDirectory() { const char* psz_url = getContentDirectoryEventURL(); if ( !psz_url ) { msg_Dbg( _p_sd, "No subscription url set!" ); return; } int i_timeout = 1810; Upnp_SID sid; int i_res = UpnpSubscribe( _p_sd->p_sys->client_handle, psz_url, &i_timeout, sid ); if ( i_res == UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) { _i_subscription_timeout = i_timeout; memcpy( _subscription_id, sid, sizeof( Upnp_SID ) ); } else { msg_Dbg( _p_sd, "Subscribe failed: '%s': %s", getFriendlyName(), UpnpGetErrorMessage( i_res ) ); } }
void MediaServer::subscribeToContentDirectory() { const char* url = getContentDirectoryEventURL(); if ( !url || strcmp( url, "" ) == 0 ) { msg_Dbg( _p_sd, "No subscription url set!" ); return; } int timeOut = 1810; Upnp_SID sid; int res = UpnpSubscribe( _p_sd->p_sys->clientHandle, url, &timeOut, sid ); if ( res == UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) { _subscriptionTimeOut = timeOut; memcpy( _subscriptionID, sid, sizeof( Upnp_SID ) ); } else { msg_Dbg( _p_sd, "%s:%d: WARNING: '%s': %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, getFriendlyName(), UpnpGetErrorMessage( res ) ); } }
void MediaServer::fetchContents() { Container* root = new Container( 0, "0", getFriendlyName() ); _fetchContents( root ); _contents = root; _contents->setInputItem( _inputItem ); _buildPlaylist( _contents ); }
string LevelDB::getStats() throw(DbException) { string ret; string value = "leveldb.stats"; leveldb::Slice prop(value.c_str(), value.length()); db->GetProperty(prop, &ret); ret = "\r\n-=[ Stats for " + getFriendlyName() + " ]=-\n\n" + ret; ret += "\r\n\r\nTotal entries: " + Util::toString(size(true, nullptr)); ret += "\r\nTotal reads: " + Util::toString(totalReads); ret += "\r\nTotal Writes: " + Util::toString(totalWrites); ret += "\r\nI/O errors: " + Util::toString(ioErrors); ret += "\r\nCurrent block size: " + Util::formatBytes(defaultOptions.block_size); ret += "\r\nCurrent size on disk: " + Util::formatBytes(getSizeOnDisk()); ret += "\r\n"; return ret; }
void AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI(InstrumentId instrument, int position) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: " << instrument << "," << position << endl; checkOSCThread(); if (m_guis.find(instrument) != m_guis.end() && m_guis[instrument].find(position) != m_guis[instrument].end()) { RG_DEBUG << "stopping GUI first"; stopGUI(instrument, position); } // check the label PluginContainer *container = 0; container = m_studio->getContainerById(instrument); if (!container) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: no such instrument or buss as " << instrument << endl; return; } AudioPluginInstance *pluginInstance = container->getPlugin(position); if (!pluginInstance) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: no plugin at position " << position << " for instrument " << instrument << endl; return ; } try { AudioPluginOSCGUI *gui = new AudioPluginOSCGUI(pluginInstance, getOSCUrl(instrument, position, strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getIdentifier())), getFriendlyName(instrument, position, strtoqstr(pluginInstance->getIdentifier()))); m_guis[instrument][position] = gui; } catch (Exception e) { RG_DEBUG << "AudioPluginOSCGUIManager::startGUI: failed to start GUI: " << e.getMessage() << endl; } }
void MediaServer::fetchContents() { /* Delete previous contents to prevent duplicate entries */ if ( _p_contents ) { delete _p_contents; services_discovery_RemoveItem( _p_sd, _p_input_item ); services_discovery_AddItem( _p_sd, _p_input_item, NULL ); } Container* root = new Container( 0, "0", getFriendlyName() ); _fetchContents( root ); _p_contents = root; _p_contents->setInputItem( _p_input_item ); _buildPlaylist( _p_contents, NULL ); }
void UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData( int aModeId ) { myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData aModeId=" << aModeId; RUsb usbMan; if ( usbMan.Connect() == KErrNone ) { RArray<TInt> personalityIds; mPersonalityIds.clear(); if ( usbMan.GetPersonalityIds( personalityIds ) == KErrNone ) { for ( int i = 0; i < personalityIds.Count(); i++ ) { myDebug() << ">>> UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData personality ID =" << personalityIds[i]; if ( !isPersonalityHidden(usbMan, personalityIds[i]) ) { mPersonalityIds.append( personalityIds[i] ); QString friendlyName = getFriendlyName(usbMan, personalityIds[i]); QStringList displayList; //text-1 mode name displayList.append( modeName( friendlyName ) ); //text-2 description QString textId = TextIdPrefix + friendlyName + DescriptionIdPostfix; displayList.append( hbTrId(textId.toAscii()) ); QMap< int, QVariant > dataRow; dataRow[ Qt::DisplayRole ] = QVariant( displayList ); //icon-1 QString iconName = ModeIconNamePrefix + friendlyName; HbIcon icon(iconName); QList<QVariant> icons; icons << icon; dataRow[ Qt::DecorationRole ] = QVariant( icons ); mSettingsList << dataRow; } } } personalityIds.Close(); usbMan.Close(); } myDebug() << "<<< UsbUiSettingModel::initializeModelData"; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Main Task // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task main() { // Setup string sFriendlyName; getFriendlyName(sFriendlyName); IAmNXT = sFriendlyName == "HRF2" ? 0 : 1; MaxNXT = 2; setupHighSpeedLink(); // eraseDisplay(); bNxtLCDStatusDisplay = true; // Enable top status line display nxtDisplayTextLine(2, "IAmNXT: %d MAX: %d", IAmNXT, MaxNXT); if ( IAmNXT == 0 ) { send(); } else { recieve(); } }
task main () { int index; // port to use for the socket int BOFHport = 6666; string dataString; // get our bluetooth name getFriendlyName(dataString); int avail = 0; nNxtButtonTask = -2; StartTask(updateScreen); // initialise the port, etc RS485initLib(); memset(RS485rxbuffer, 0, sizeof(RS485rxbuffer)); memset(RS485txbuffer, 0, sizeof(RS485txbuffer)); N2WchillOut(); // Disconnect if already connected N2WDisconnect(); N2WchillOut(); // if a custom profile exists, use that instead if (N2WCustomExist()) { N2WLoad(); } else { // enable DHCP N2WsetDHCP(true); wait1Msec(100); // Disable adhoc N2WsetAdHoc(false); wait1Msec(100); // SSID to connect to N2WsetSSID("YOURWIFINETWORK"); wait1Msec(100); // The passphrase to use N2WSecurityWPA2Passphrase("YOURWIFIPASSPHRASE"); wait1Msec(100); // Save this profile to the custom profile N2WSave(); wait1Msec(100); // Load the custom profile N2WLoad(); } wait1Msec(100); N2WConnect(true); connStatus = "connecting"; while (!N2WConnected()) wait1Msec(1000); connStatus = "connected"; PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); wait1Msec(3000); N2WgetIP(IPaddress); wait1Msec(1000); // Open a listening socket on port 6666 if (!N2WTCPOpenServer(1, BOFHport)) { writeDebugStreamLine("Err open port %d", BOFHport); PlaySound(soundException); while(bSoundActive) EndTimeSlice(); StopAllTasks(); } while (true) { // Check if anyone has sent us anything avail = N2WTCPAvail(1); if (avail > 0) { rxbytes += avail; N2WchillOut(); PlaySound(soundFastUpwardTones); // Read what the client sent us sprintf(dataStrings[0], "%d bytes from", avail); N2WTCPRead(1, avail); N2WchillOut(); // Get the MAC address of the client dataStrings[2] = "Remote MAC:"; N2WTCPClientMAC(1, dataStrings[3]); writeDebugStream("MAC: "); writeDebugStreamLine(dataStrings[3]); N2WchillOut(); // check the IP address of the client N2WTCPClientIP(1, dataStrings[1]); N2WchillOut(); // Send back a hearty "Hi there, <IP>!" index = 0; returnMsg = "Hi there, "; index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, returnMsg); index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, dataStrings[1]); returnMsg = "\n"; index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, returnMsg); txbytes += index; N2WTCPWrite(1, (tHugeByteArray)buffer, index); N2WchillOut(); // Terminate the connection to the client N2WTCPDetachClient(1); N2WchillOut(); } // Wait a bit wait1Msec(50); } }
task main () { int index; // port to use for the socket int BOFHport = 6666; string dataString; // get our bluetooth name getFriendlyName(dataString); int avail = 0; StartTask(updateScreen); // initialise the port, etc RS485initLib(); N2WchillOut(); N2WsetDebug(true); N2WchillOut(); // Disconnect if already connected N2WDisconnect(); wait1Msec(100); if (!N2WCustomExist()) { StopTask(updateScreen); wait1Msec(50); eraseDisplay(); PlaySound(soundException); nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "ERROR"); nxtDisplayTextLine(3, "No custom profile"); nxtDisplayTextLine(4, "configured!!"); while(true) EndTimeSlice(); } N2WLoad(); wait1Msec(100); N2WConnect(true); connStatus = "connecting"; while (!N2WConnected()) wait1Msec(1000); connStatus = "connected"; PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); wait1Msec(3000); N2WgetIP(IPaddress); memcpy(dataStrings[4], IPaddress, strlen(IPaddress) + 1); wait1Msec(1000); N2WTCPClose(0); N2WchillOut(); RS485clearRead(); N2WchillOut(); // Open a listening socket on port 6666 if (!N2WTCPOpenServer(1, BOFHport)) { writeDebugStreamLine("Err open port %d", BOFHport); PlaySound(soundException); while(bSoundActive) EndTimeSlice(); StopAllTasks(); } while (true) { // Check if anyone has sent us anything avail = N2WTCPAvail(1); if (avail > 0) { rxbytes += avail; N2WchillOut(); PlaySound(soundFastUpwardTones); // Read what the client sent us sprintf(dataStrings[0], "%d bytes from", avail); N2WTCPRead(1, avail); N2WchillOut(); // Get the MAC address of the client dataStrings[2] = "Remote MAC:"; N2WTCPClientMAC(1, dataStrings[3]); writeDebugStream("MAC: "); writeDebugStreamLine(dataStrings[3]); N2WchillOut(); // check the IP address of the client N2WTCPClientIP(1, dataStrings[1]); N2WchillOut(); // Send back a hearty "Hi there, <IP>!" index = 0; returnMsg = "Hi there, "; index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, returnMsg); index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, dataStrings[1]); returnMsg = "\n"; index = RS485appendToBuff(buffer, index, returnMsg); txbytes += index; N2WTCPWrite(1, (tHugeByteArray)buffer, index); N2WchillOut(); // Terminate the connection to the client N2WTCPDetachClient(1); N2WchillOut(); wait1Msec(1000); } // Wait a bit wait1Msec(50); } }
task main () { string BOFHserver = ""; // Linux VM int BOFHport = 6666; string dataString; getFriendlyName(dataString); int avail = 0; nNxtButtonTask = -2; StartTask(updateScreen); // initialise the port, etc RS485initLib(); memset(RS485rxbuffer, 0, sizeof(RS485rxbuffer)); memset(RS485txbuffer, 0, sizeof(RS485txbuffer)); // Disconnect if already connected N2WDisconnect(); N2WchillOut(); if (!N2WCustomExist()) { StopTask(updateScreen); wait1Msec(50); eraseDisplay(); PlaySound(soundException); nxtDisplayCenteredBigTextLine(1, "ERROR"); nxtDisplayTextLine(3, "No custom profile"); nxtDisplayTextLine(4, "configured!!"); while(true) EndTimeSlice(); } N2WLoad(); wait1Msec(100); N2WConnect(true); connStatus = "connecting"; while (!N2WConnected()) wait1Msec(1000); connStatus = "connected"; PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); wait1Msec(3000); N2WgetIP(IPaddress); wait1Msec(1000); while (true) { while (nNxtButtonPressed != kEnterButton) EndTimeSlice(); while (nNxtButtonPressed != kNoButton) EndTimeSlice(); if (N2WTCPOpenClient(1, BOFHserver, BOFHport)) { data[0] = 0x0A; N2WTCPWrite(1, data, 1); txbytes++; // How many bytes are available in the buffers? avail = N2WTCPAvail(1); if (avail > 0) { sizeOfReceivedData = avail; rxbytes += avail; N2WchillOut(); // read the current buffer N2WTCPRead(1, avail); processData(); for (int i = 0; i < avail; i++) { writeDebugStream("%c", RS485rxbuffer[i]); } writeDebugStreamLine(""); } // Wait a bit N2WchillOut(); // Disconnect N2WTCPClose(1); } } }