int turn(float heading){ float currentHeading = getHeading(fd); float deltaHeading = wrap180(heading - currentHeading); // deltaheading: negative means turn left, positive means turn right const int tolerance = 5; printf("deltaHeading: %f, currentHeading: %f, tolerance: %d\n", deltaHeading, currentHeading, tolerance); //while(abs((int) deltaHeading) > tolerance && keepGoing){ while(keepGoing && abs(deltaHeading) > tolerance){ if(deltaHeading > 0){ //turn right printf("**turning right**deltaHeading positive: %f, currentHeading: %f\n", deltaHeading, currentHeading); gpio_set_value(LEFT_FWD_GPIO, 1); gpio_set_value(LEFT_BCK_GPIO, 0); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_BCK_GPIO, 1); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_FWD_GPIO, 0); } else { // turn left printf("**turning left**deltaHeading negative: %f, currentHeading: %f\n", deltaHeading, currentHeading); gpio_set_value(LEFT_BCK_GPIO, 1); gpio_set_value(LEFT_FWD_GPIO, 0); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_FWD_GPIO, 1); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_BCK_GPIO, 0); } currentHeading = getHeading(fd); deltaHeading = wrap180(heading - currentHeading); } gpio_set_value(LEFT_FWD_GPIO, 0); gpio_set_value(LEFT_BCK_GPIO, 0); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_FWD_GPIO, 0); gpio_set_value(RIGHT_BCK_GPIO, 0); }
void Hero::shoot() { if (munitions[currentMunition] > 0) { Projectile *projectile = NULL; switch (currentMunition){ case 0: projectile = new Neutrophile(engine); projectile->setHeading(getHeading()); break; case 1: projectile = shootMonocyte(); break; case 2: projectile = new Lymphocyte(engine, lymphocyteTag); projectile->setHeading(getHeading()); break; default: return; break; } if (projectile != NULL) { engine->addObject(projectile); munitions[currentMunition]--; engine->getParentEngine()->getSoundEngine()->playSound(SoundEngine::TEST_SOUND_ID); } } }
void HMC5883L::calibrate() { int i = 0; float nSumMinX = 0.0f; float nSumMaxX = 0.0f; float nSumMinY = 0.0f; float nSumMaxY = 0.0f; const int nLoopCnt = 10; for(i=0 ; i<5 ; i++) { int16_t x, y, z; getHeading(&x, &y, &z); delay(20); } for(i=0 ; i<nLoopCnt ; i++) { float nMinX = 0.0f; float nMaxX = 0.0f; float nMinY = 0.0f; float nMaxY = 0.0f; int16_t x, y, z; getHeading(&x, &y, &z); // Determine Min / Max values if(x < nMinX) nMinX = x; if(x > nMaxX) nMaxX = x; if(y < nMinY) nMinY = y; if(y > nMaxY) nMaxY = y; nSumMinX += nMinX; nSumMaxX += nMaxX; nSumMinY += nMinY; nSumMaxY += nMaxY; delay(20); } // Calculate offsets magoffset[0] = (int16_t)((nSumMaxX + nSumMinX) / 2 / nLoopCnt); magoffset[1] = (int16_t)((nSumMaxY + nSumMinY) / 2 / nLoopCnt); }
/** Sets the pitch and the roll of this vector to follow the normal given. The * heading is taken from this vector. * \param normal The normal vector to which pitch and roll should be aligned. */ void Vec3::setPitchRoll(const Vec3 &normal) { const float X = sin(getHeading()); const float Z = cos(getHeading()); // Compute the angle between the normal of the plane and the line to // (x,0,z). (x,0,z) is normalised, so are the coordinates of the plane, // which simplifies the computation of the scalar product. float pitch = ( normal.getX()*X + normal.getZ()*Z ); // use ( x,0,z) float roll = (-normal.getX()*Z + normal.getZ()*X ); // use (-z,0,x) // The actual angle computed above is between the normal and the (x,y,0) // line, so to compute the actual angles 90 degrees must be subtracted. setPitch(-acosf(pitch) + NINETY_DEGREE_RAD); setRoll (-acosf(roll) + NINETY_DEGREE_RAD); } // setPitchRoll
inline void FileParse::getHead(std::ifstream& fin) { if (fin.eof()) return; // Create a new head node HeadNode *node = new HeadNode; // Look for the heading. Ends with ":", or "{". If "{" is encountered, body = true. bool body = false; getHeading(fin, node->heading, body); // Message message += (tabs() + "Level " + toStr(level) + ": Heading: [" + node->heading + "]\n"); // Set node as the current head node->parent = currentHead; currentHead = node; // Look for parameters bool newLine = passSpaces(fin); // Get the parameters - adds them to the current head node if (!fin.eof() && !newLine && !body) body = getParameters(fin); ++level; if (body && !fin.eof()) getBody(fin); --level; // Add this node to the parent node node->parent->subHeads.push_back(node); // Return to parent node currentHead = node->parent; }
void AISteering::turnTo(const Position &destination) { float uncorrectedAngleDifference = getAngleDifference(destination); float correctedAngleDifference = uncorrectedAngleDifference; //angle corrections while(correctedAngleDifference <= -M_PI) correctedAngleDifference += 2*M_PI; while(correctedAngleDifference >= M_PI) correctedAngleDifference -= 2*M_PI; //check the uncorrected angle to see if you're facing the target //if not, then steer accordingly if( abs(correctedAngleDifference) < getDt()*bot->type->getTurnSpeed() ) { botPosition->setR(getHeading(*botPosition, destination)); bot->turnLeft(false); bot->turnRight(false); } /* if(isFacing(destination)) { bot->turnLeft(false); bot->turnRight(false); }*/ else if(correctedAngleDifference > 0) { bot->turnLeft(false); bot->turnRight(true); } else { bot->turnLeft(true); bot->turnRight(false); } }
bool ai_agent::LOSCheck(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2) { //Must supply tile coordinates if (x1 == x2) { int aaaaaa = 0; } float heading = getHeading(x1*ts+(ts/2),y1*ts+(ts/2),x2*ts+(ts/2),y2*ts+(ts/2)); float distance = getDistance(x1*ts+(ts/2),y1*ts+(ts/2),x2*ts+(ts/2),y2*ts+(ts/2)); //heading += 0.00000001f; if (distance <= ts) { return true; } for (float tempDist = 0; tempDist < distance; tempDist += ts/4) { //long tile = getRelX(physPtr1,heading,tempDist); long xx2 = (x1*ts)+(ts/2); long yy2 = (y1*ts)+(ts/2); int xx1 = (int)(this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelX(xx2,heading,tempDist)/ts); int yy1 = (int)(this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelY(yy2,heading,tempDist)/ts); BLKSTR* blockTemp = this->ptrWorld->Map->MapSource->MapGetBlock(xx1,yy1); if (blockTemp->tl) { return false; } } return true; }
bool ai_agent::LOSCheck(nodeInfo* node1, nodeInfo* node2) { //float ts = ptrWorld->Map->WorldInfo.tile_size; float heading = getHeading(node1->x*ts+(ts/2),node1->y*ts+(ts/2),node2->x*ts+(ts/2),node2->y*ts+(ts/2)); float distance = getDistance(node1->x*ts+(ts/2),node1->y*ts+(ts/2),node2->x*ts+(ts/2),node2->y*ts+(ts/2)); //heading += 0.00000001f; if (distance <= ts) { return true; } for (float tempDist = 0; tempDist < distance; tempDist += ts/4) { //long tile = getRelX(physPtr1,heading,tempDist); long x2 = (node1->x*ts)+(ts/2); long y2 = (node1->y*ts)+(ts/2); int x1 = (int)(this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelX(x2,heading,tempDist)/ts); int y1 = (int)(this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelY(y2,heading,tempDist)/ts); BLKSTR* blockTemp = this->ptrWorld->Map->MapSource->MapGetBlock(x1,y1); if (blockTemp->tl) { return false; } } return true; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // atReleaseInit() -- Init weapon data at release //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Missile::atReleaseInit() { // First the base class will setup the initial conditions BaseClass::atReleaseInit(); if (getDynamicsModel() == 0) { // set initial commands cmdPitch = (LCreal) getPitch(); cmdHeading = (LCreal) getHeading(); cmdVelocity = vpMax; if (getTargetTrack() != 0) { // Set initial range and range dot osg::Vec3 los = getTargetTrack()->getPosition(); trng = los.length(); trngT = trng; } else if (getTargetPlayer() != 0) { // Set initial range and range dot osg::Vec3 los = getTargetPosition(); trng = los.length(); trngT = trng; } else { trng = 0; } // Range dot trdot = 0; trdotT = 0; } }
//returns a vector with 9 doubles representing the sensory //input to the network.. boost::dynamic_bitset<> * GTPWrapper::sqlook(int * pos, bool first) { //int * pos = getPos(first); // cout << "in eye: pos0(height): " << pos[0] << " pos1: " << pos[1] << endl; boost::dynamic_bitset<> * ret = new boost::dynamic_bitset<>((int)pow(eyesize,2)*2); // cout << "creating addr: " << ret << endl; // ret.insert(ret.begin(),); int ah = 0, aw = 0; int d = (int)floor(eyesize/2); // cout << "======= sqlook start ========= " << endl; for(int i=0;i<eyesize;i++){ for(int i2=0;i2<eyesize;i2++){ ah = pos[0]+i-d-1; aw = pos[1]+i2-d-1; if( ah<0 || aw<0 || ah==bsize || aw==bsize)//(((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(2*aw))<0 || (unsigned int)(((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)+1)>=board.size() || ((2*aw)+1)>=(bsize*2) ) { // cout << "adding ovalue: i:"<<i<<" i2:"<<i2<<" pos0: " // << pos[0] << " pos1: " << pos[1] // << " ah: " << ah << " aw: " << aw // << " bsize: " << bsize << " the calc to coord " << (i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2) << "," << (i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2)+1 << endl; (*ret)[(i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2)] = 1; (*ret)[(i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2)+1] = 1; // cout << "ret now: " << *ret<<endl; } else { // cout << "adding goodvalue: i:"<<i<<" i2:"<<i2<<" pos0: " // << pos[0] << " pos1: " << pos[1] // << " ah: " << ah << " aw: " << aw << " the calc: " << ((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2) << "," << ((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)+1 // << " value: " << board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)] << "," << board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)+1] // << " at coords: " << (i*2*eyesize)+(i2*2) << "," << (i*2*eyesize)+(i2*2)+1 << endl; // cout << "adding value ("<<ah<<"," // <<aw<<"): " <<*bsize)+aw) << endl; (*ret)[(i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2)] = board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize*2)+(aw*2)]; (*ret)[(i*eyesize*2)+(i2*2)+1] = board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize*2)+(aw*2)+1]; // if(board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)]||board[((bsize-(ah+1))*bsize)+(aw*2)+1]) // cout << "one of them over 0 printing: " << ret << endl; } } } int * heading = getHeading(first); // cout << "before:" <<endl << printvector(ret,eyesize); // if(headingsupport){ if(*heading!=0){ boost::dynamic_bitset<> * tmp = ret; if(*heading==1) ret = twistit(ret,*heading,eyesize); else if(*heading==2) ret = twistit(ret,*heading,eyesize); else if(*heading==3) ret = twistit(ret,*heading,eyesize); delete tmp; } // else // cout << "not twisting.. " << endl; // cout << "returning addr: " << ret << " print: " << *ret << endl; return ret; }
void ai_agent::UpdateTarget() { //this->ptrWorld->los_checks++; if (EntMemory->targetList.size() > 0) { Ent_Target = EntMemory->targetList.front(); if (Ent_Target->ID > -2) { if ((Ent_Target->phys_state == -1) || (Ent->ID == Ent_Target->ID)) { AttackStop(); EntMemory->targetList.pop_front(); } else { //Ent->target.x = EntMemory->ptrTarget->position.x; //Ent->target.y = EntMemory->ptrTarget->position.y; Ent->target.x = Ent_Target->position.x; Ent->target.y = Ent_Target->position.y; Ent->target.distance = getDistance(Ent->position.x,Ent->position.y,Ent->target.x,Ent->target.y); Ent->target.angle = getHeading(Ent->position.x,Ent->position.y,Ent->target.x,Ent->target.y); } } else { EntMemory->targetList.pop_front(); } } else { if (EntMemory->hasTargetToGuard) { Ent_Target = EntMemory->targetGuard; if (Ent_Target->ID > -2) { if ((Ent_Target->phys_state == -1) || (Ent->ID == Ent_Target->ID)) { AttackStop(); //EntMemory->targetList.pop_front(); } else { //Ent->target.x = EntMemory->ptrTarget->position.x; //Ent->target.y = EntMemory->ptrTarget->position.y; Ent->target.x = Ent_Target->position.x; Ent->target.y = Ent_Target->position.y; Ent->target.distance = getDistance(Ent->position.x,Ent->position.y,Ent->target.x,Ent->target.y); Ent->target.angle = getHeading(Ent->position.x,Ent->position.y,Ent->target.x,Ent->target.y); } } } } }
int newHeading(int a){ //(+) rep to the right, (-) rep to the left int new_heading = getHeading()+a; if(new_heading<0) new_heading+=360; else if(new_heading>360) new_heading-=360; return new_heading; }
bool CFootballPlayer::isBallKickable() const { btVector3 ballPos = m_simulationManager->getBallPosition(); btVector3 toBall = ballPos - getPosition(); btScalar dot = getHeading().dot(toBall.normalized()); bool canKick = false; if(dot > 0 && (getPosition().distance(ballPos) < 2)) { canKick = true; } return canKick; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { initTruck(); int start_time = timeInSecs(); long double start_lat = getLatitude(); long double start_lon = getLongitude(); int start_heading = getHeading(); int phase = 0; setSteering(0); setThrottle(50); while(TRUE){ int target_heading; if(phase == 0){ if(distance(start_lat, getLatitude(), start_lon, getLongitude())>5){ setThrottle(30); setSteering(60); phase = 1; target_heading = newHeading(90); } } else if (phase == 1){ if(getHeading()==target_heading){ setSteering(-60); target_heading=start_heading; phase = 2; } } else if (phase == 2){ if(getHeading()==target_heading){ setSteering(0); setThrottle(0); while(TRUE); } } background(); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
const NAString ElemDDLColViewDef::displayLabel2() const { if (isHeadingSpecified()) { return NAString("Heading: ") + getHeading(); } else { return NAString("Heading not spec."); } }
/** this method is used to return the current heading of the character, specified as an angle measured in radians */ double Character::getHeadingAngle(){ //first we need to get the current heading of the character. Also, note that q and -q represent the same rotation Quaternion q = getHeading(); if (q.s<0){ q.s = -q.s; q.v = -q.v; } double currentHeading = 2 * safeACOS(q.s); if (q.v.dotProductWith(PhysicsGlobals::up) < 0) currentHeading = -currentHeading; return currentHeading; }
void testCompass() { start = getuSecs(); float heading = getHeading(); end = getuSecs(); if(heading > maxF) maxF = heading; if(heading < minF || minF == 0) minF = heading; dif = (int)(end-start); if(dif > maxt) maxt = dif; if(dif < mint || mint == 0) mint = dif; printf("heading: %3.2f,\tmin:%3.2f,\tmax:%3.2f\n", heading, minF, maxF); printf("elapsed: %4dus, \tmin:%dus,\tmax:%dus\n", dif, mint, maxt); }
AREXPORT void ArActionDesired::log(void) const { // all those maxes and movement parameters if (getMaxVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tMaxTransVel %.0f", getMaxVel()); if (getMaxNegVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tMaxTransNegVel %.0f", getMaxNegVel()); if (getTransAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tTransAccel %.0f", getTransAccel()); if (getTransDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tTransDecel %.0f", getTransDecel()); if (getMaxRotVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tMaxRotVel %.0f", "", getMaxRotVel()); if (getRotAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotAccel %.0f", "", getRotAccel()); if (getRotDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotDecel %.0f", "", getRotDecel()); if (getMaxLeftLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tMaxLeftLatVel %.0f", "", getMaxLeftLatVel()); if (getMaxRightLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tMaxRightLatVel %.0f", "", getMaxRightLatVel()); if (getLatAccelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatAccel %.0f", "", getLatAccel()); if (getLatDecelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatDecel %.0f", "", getLatDecel()); // the actual movement part if (getVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "\tVel %.0f", getVel()); if (getHeadingStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tHeading %.0f", "", getHeading()); if (getDeltaHeadingStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tDeltaHeading %.0f", "", getDeltaHeading()); if (getRotVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%25s\tRotVel %.0f", "", getRotVel()); if (getLatVelStrength() >= ArActionDesired::MIN_STRENGTH) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%12s\tLatVel %.0f", "", getLatVel()); }
bool ai_agent::LOSCheck(phys_obj* physPtr1, phys_obj* physPtr2) { //this->ptrWorld->los_checks++; float heading = getHeading(physPtr1->position.x,physPtr1->position.y,physPtr2->position.x,physPtr2->position.y); float distance = getDistance(physPtr1->position.x,physPtr1->position.y,physPtr2->position.x,physPtr2->position.y); for (float tempDist = 0; tempDist < distance; tempDist += ptrWorld->Map->WorldInfo.tile_size/2) { //long tile = getRelX(physPtr1,heading,tempDist); BLKSTR* blockTemp = this->ptrWorld->Map->MapSource->MapGetBlock(this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelX(physPtr1->position.x,heading,tempDist)/ptrWorld->Map->WorldInfo.tile_size,this->ptrWorld->ptrPhysics->getRelY(physPtr1->position.y,heading,tempDist)/ptrWorld->Map->WorldInfo.tile_size); if (blockTemp->tl) { return false; } } return true; }
/* * send calculated heading to uart3 */ void sendHeading(void) { short b; char accl[20]; accl[19] = '\0'; b = usprintf(accl, "$HEAD,%i*\n", (int) getHeading()); //$HEAD,value* #ifndef wlan nrf24l01p_send(accl); #else for (int i = 0; i < b && accl[i] != '\0'; i++) { ROM_UARTCharPut(UART3_BASE, accl[i]); } #endif }
float HM55B::getStableHeading(int sample_size){ float sum = 0; int neg_count = 0; float heading = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++){ heading = getHeading(); if (heading < 0){ neg_count++; } sum = sum + fabs(heading); } if (neg_count < (sample_size / 2)){ return sum / sample_size; } else { return -1 * sum / sample_size; } }
/** * \par Function * getAngle * \par Description * Calculate the yaw angle by the calibrated sensor value. * \param[in] * None * \par Output * None * \return * The angle value from 0 to 360 degrees. If not success, return an error code. * \par Others * Will return a correct angle when you keep the MeCompass working in the plane which have calibrated. */ double MeCompass::getAngle(void) { int16_t cx,cy,cz; double compass_angle; int8_t return_value = 0; deviceCalibration(); return_value = getHeading(&cx, &cy, &cz); if(return_value != 0) { return (double)return_value; } if(Calibration_Flag == true) { cx = (cx + Cal_parameter.X_excursion) * Cal_parameter.X_gain; cy = (cy + Cal_parameter.Y_excursion) * Cal_parameter.Y_gain; cz = (cz + Cal_parameter.Z_excursion) * Cal_parameter.Z_gain; if(Cal_parameter.Rotation_Axis == 1) //X_Axis { compass_angle = atan2( (double)cy, (double)cz ); } else if(Cal_parameter.Rotation_Axis == 2) //Y_Axis { compass_angle = atan2( (double)cx, (double)cz ); } else if(Cal_parameter.Rotation_Axis == 3) //Z_Axis { compass_angle = atan2( (double)cy, (double)cx ); } } else { compass_angle = atan2( (double)cy, (double)cx ); } if(compass_angle < 0) { compass_angle = (compass_angle + 2 * COMPASS_PI) * 180 / COMPASS_PI; } else { compass_angle = compass_angle * 180 / COMPASS_PI; } return compass_angle; }
int writeDatalink(float frequency){ if (time - lastTime > frequency) { lastTime = time; struct telem_block* statusData = getDebugTelemetryBlock();//createTelemetryBlock(); if (statusData == 0){ return 0; } statusData->lat = getLatitude(); statusData->lon = getLongitude(); statusData->millis = getUTCTime(); statusData->groundSpeed = getSpeed(); statusData->heading = getHeading(); statusData->lastCommandSent = lastCommandSentCode; statusData->errorCodes = getErrorCodes(); statusData->gpsStatus = (char)(getSatellites() + (isGPSLocked() << 4)); statusData->steeringSetpoint = getPWM(1); statusData->throttleSetpoint = getPWM(2); statusData->steeringOutput = sData; statusData->throttleOutput = tData; statusData->debugChar = debugChar; statusData->debugInt = debugInt; statusData->debugFloat = debugFloat; if (BLOCKING_MODE) { sendTelemetryBlock(statusData); destroyTelemetryBlock(statusData); } else { return pushOutboundTelemetryQueue(statusData); } } else if (time < lastTime){ lastTime = time; return 0; } return 0; }
void HMC5883L::Calibration(int count) { //평균 계산을 위한 변수 float average_offset = 0; int16_t tmp_x = 0, tmp_y = 0, tmp_z = 0; //현재 offset 초기화 Heading_offset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { float tmp_yaw; getHeading(&tmp_x, &tmp_y, &tmp_z); getYaw(tmp_x, tmp_y, &tmp_yaw); if(tmp_yaw < 0) tmp_yaw *= -1; average_offset += tmp_yaw; } //새로운 offset 적용 Heading_offset = average_offset / count; }
task CalcHeading() { prevTime =currTime = nPgmTime; while(true) { eraseDisplay(); getHeading() ; nxtDisplayTextLine(6, "heading %1.4f", heading); if(heading > -5) gPwr = 20; else if(heading < 5) gPwr = -20; else { gPwr = 0; } wait1Msec(10); } }
// // Vector getRelationship(target) // Last modified: 03Sep2006 // // Returns the relationship from this robot // to the parameterized target vector. // // Returns: the relationship from this robot to the target vector // Parameters: // target in/out the target vector being related to // Vector Robot::getRelationship(Vector &target) const { Vector temp = target - *this; temp.rotateRelative(-getHeading()); return temp; } // getRelationship(Vector &) const
// // void translateRelative(v) // Last modified: 03Sep2006 // // Translates the robot relative to itself based // on the parameterized translation vector. // // Returns: <none> // Parameters: // v in the translation vector // void Robot::translateRelative(Vector v) { v.rotateRelative(getHeading()); x += v.x; y += v.y; } // rotateRelative(const Vector)
float getCompassHeading(void){ return getHeading(fd); }
void Spherical::setLocation(double lat, double lon) { set(lat, lon, getHeading()); }
// Function called when timer expires void SysTick_Handler(void) { int currentHeading = 0; currentHeading = getHeading(); printf("Heading: %d\n", currentHeading); }