예제 #1
int Date::test()
	unsigned long long gg = getDays(2008,12,31);
	gg = getHours(2008,12,31,12);
	gg = getMinutes(2008,12,31,12,56);
	gg = getSeconds(2008,12,31,12,56,56);
	Date d;
	//logger << d.toString() << endl;
	Date d1 = d.addYears(1);
	//logger << d1.toString() << endl;
	Date d2 = d.addMonths(23);
	//logger << d2.toString() << endl;
	Date d3 = d.addDays(17);
	//logger << d3.toString() << endl;
	Date d4 = d.addHours(25);
	//logger << d4.toString() << endl;
	Date d5 = d.addMinutes(61);
	//logger << d5.toString() << endl;
	Date d6 = d.addSeconds(61);
	//logger << d6.toString() << endl;
	return 0;
예제 #2
파일: Time.cpp 프로젝트: lukeyy33/OOP
ostream& Time::putDataInStream( ostream& os) const {
//put (semi-formatted) time (H:M:S) into an output stream
	os << getHours() << ":";
	os << getMinutes() << ":";
	os << getSeconds();
	return os;
예제 #3
파일: Homework5.c 프로젝트: kbaker4/C-Class
int main()
  struct Employee emps[SIZE] = { { 98401, 10.60 },
                             { 526488, 9.75 },
                             { 765349, 10.50 },
                             { 34645, 12.25 },
                             { 127615, 8.35 } };

  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i){
    emps[i].hours = getHours(emps[i]);
    emps[i].overtime = getOvertimeHours(emps[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime hours */
    emps[i].overtimePay = getOvertimePay(emps[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime pay, if necessary */
    emps[i].gross = getGross(emps[i]); /* Calculate gross pay */


  /* Calculate the total gross pay per employee 
  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    hours[i] = getHours(clockNumber[i]);
    overtime[i] = getOvertimeHours(hours[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime hours 
    overtimePay[i] = getOvertimePay(overtime[i], wage[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime pay, if necessary 
    gross[i] = getGross(hours[i], overtimePay[i], wage[i]); /* Calculate gross pay 

  printData(clockNumber, wage, hours, overtime, gross);
예제 #4
long Date::getMinutes(long y,long m,long d, long hh, long mi)
	long g = getHours(y,m,d,hh);
	int mfh = mi/60;
	mi = mi%60;
	return (g+mfh)*60 + mi;
예제 #5
 * Die Uhrzeit auslesen und in den Variablen ablegen
void MyRTC::readTime() {
    byte returnStatus, count, result, retries = 0;
    do {
        // Reset the register pointer
        Wire.write((uint8_t) 0x00);
        result = Wire.endTransmission(false); // false, damit der Bus nicht freigegeben wird und eventuell andere dazwischen kommen (in Multi-MCU-Umgebungen)
        DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.endTransmission(false) = "));

        count = Wire.requestFrom(_address, 7);
        DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.requestFrom(_address, 7) = "));

        if (count == 7) {
            // Success
            // A few of these need masks because certain bits are control bits
            _seconds = bcdToDec(Wire.read() & 0x7f);
            _minutes = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
            _hours = bcdToDec(Wire.read() & 0x3f); // Need to change this if 12 hour am/pm
            _dayOfWeek = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
            _date = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
            _month = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
            _year = bcdToDec(Wire.read());
        } else {
            // Fail
            // keine 7 Byte zurueck gekommen? Buffer verwerfen...
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        result = Wire.endTransmission(true); // true, jetzt den Bus freigeben.
        DEBUG_PRINT(F("Wire.endTransmission(true) = "));
    } while ((count != 7) && (retries < 8));

    if (retries == 8) {
        // Es konnte nichts gelesen werden
        _seconds = 11;
        _minutes = 11;
        _hours = 11;
        _dayOfWeek = 1;
        _date = 1;
        _month = 1;
        _year = 2014;

    DEBUG_PRINT(F("Time: "));
예제 #6
boolean RealTimeClockDS1307::isPM()
  //if in 12-hour mode, but 5 of the hour register indicates PM
  if(is12hour()) {
    return ((_reg2_hour & 0x20) == 0x20);
  //otherwise, let's consider any time with the hour >11 to be PM:
  return (getHours() > 11);
예제 #7
void printPrettyTime()
예제 #8
파일: Time.cpp 프로젝트: Kodah/Cashpoint
ostream& Time::putDataInStream( ostream& os) const {
//put digital clock formatted time ("HH:MM:SS") into an output stream
	os << setfill('0');
	os << setw(2) << getHours() << ":";
	os << setw(2) << getMinutes() << ":";
	os << setw(2) << getSeconds();
	os << setfill(' ');
	return os;
예제 #9
// Based on http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/i.html
// Equations by Wei-Hwa Huang (US), and Robert H. van Gent (EC)
int RTCDue::isSummertime (int select)
  int _sundaysommertime, _sundaywintertime, _begin_Month, _end_Month, _summertime;
  _summertime = 0;
  _hour  = getHours ();
  _day   = getDay ();
  _month = getMonth ();
  _year  = getYear (); //4 digits
  switch (select) {
    case EEC:
      // European Economic Community (EEC):
      // Begin DST: Sunday March
      _sundaysommertime = 31 - ( 4 + _year * 5 / 4 ) % 7;
      // End DST: Sunday October
      _sundaywintertime = 31 - ( 1 + _year * 5 / 4 ) % 7;
      _begin_Month =  3;
      _end_Month   = 10;
    case US:
      // For the United States (US):
      if ( _year < 2007 ) {
        // Valid for years 1900 to 2006, though DST wasn't adopted until the 1950s-1960s.
        // Begin DST: Sunday April
        _sundaysommertime = ( 2 + 6 * _year - _year / 4 ) % 7 + 1;
        // End DST: Sunday October
        _sundaywintertime = 31 - ( _year * 5 / 4 + 1 ) % 7;
        _begin_Month =  4;
        _end_Month   = 10;
      } else {
        // Valid for 2007 and after:
        // Begin DST: Sunday March
        _sundaysommertime = 14 - ( 1 + _year * 5 / 4 ) % 7;
        // End DST: Sunday November
        _sundaywintertime = 7 - ( 1 + _year * 5 / 4 ) % 7;
        _begin_Month =  3;
        _end_Month   = 11;
  if ( _month >= _begin_Month && _month <= _end_Month ) {
    _summertime = 1;
    if ( _month == _begin_Month && _day < _sundaysommertime ) {
      _summertime = 0;
    if ( _month == _end_Month && _day > _sundaywintertime ) {
      _summertime = 0;
  return _summertime;
예제 #10
파일: Time.cpp 프로젝트: Kodah/Cashpoint
const string Time::toFormattedString() const {
//return time formatted output ("HH:MM:SS")
	ostringstream os_time;
	os_time << setfill('0');
	os_time << setw(2) << getHours()   << ":";
	os_time << setw(2) << getMinutes() << ":";
	os_time << setw(2) << getSeconds();
	return ( os_time.str());
예제 #11
Duration *Period::toStandardDuration() {
    int64_t millis = getMillis();  // no overflow can happen, even with Integer.MAX_VALUEs
    millis += (((int64_t) getSeconds()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND));
    millis += (((int64_t) getMinutes()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE));
    millis += (((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR));
    millis += (((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY));
    millis += (((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_WEEK));
    return new Duration(millis);
예제 #12
파일: ds1307.cpp 프로젝트: onttoni/ds1307
char* DS1307::getTime(void)
	uint8_t seconds = getSeconds();
	uint8_t minutes = getMinutes();
	hours_t hours = getHours();

	snprintf(timeBuf, 10, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours.hours, minutes, seconds);

	return timeBuf;
예제 #13
Weeks *Period::toStandardWeeks() {
    int64_t millis = getMillis();  // assign to a int64_t
    millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    millis += ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    millis += ((int64_t) getHours()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
    millis += ((int64_t) getDays()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY;
    int64_t weeks = ((int64_t) getWeeks()) + millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_WEEK;
    return Weeks::weeks(FieldUtils::safeToInt(weeks));
예제 #14
Seconds *Period::toStandardSeconds() {
    int64_t seconds = getMillis() / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, (int64_t) getSeconds());
    seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE));
    seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_HOUR));
    seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_DAY));
    seconds = FieldUtils::safeAdd(seconds, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::SECONDS_PER_WEEK));
    return Seconds::seconds(FieldUtils::safeToInt(seconds));
예제 #15
Minutes *Period::toStandardMinutes() {
    int64_t millis = getMillis();  // assign to a int64_t
    millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    int64_t minutes = millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, (int64_t) getMinutes());
    minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getHours()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_HOUR));
    minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getDays()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_DAY));
    minutes = FieldUtils::safeAdd(minutes, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::MINUTES_PER_WEEK));
    return Minutes::minutes(FieldUtils::safeToInt(minutes));
예제 #16
void consoleService() {
  char ch ;

  ch = readKey();
  if ( ch < 1 ) {
    ch = readServer();
    if (ch < 1) return;

  if ( controlMode(ch) ) { p(" -> %02d:%02d:%02d ", getHours(), getMinutes(), getSeconds() );  }
예제 #17
Days *Period::toStandardDays() {
    int64_t millis = getMillis();  // assign to a int64_t
    millis += ((int64_t) getSeconds()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    millis += ((int64_t) getMinutes()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    millis += ((int64_t) getHours()) * DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
    int64_t days = millis / DateTimeConstants::MILLIS_PER_DAY;
    days = FieldUtils::safeAdd(days, (int64_t) getDays());
    days = FieldUtils::safeAdd(days, ((int64_t) getWeeks()) * ((int64_t) DateTimeConstants::DAYS_PER_WEEK));
    return Days::days(FieldUtils::safeToInt(days));
예제 #18
파일: laptime.cpp 프로젝트: kbsx32/raftcomp
/* get time in string format
 * default format is:
 *		"hh:mm::ss'ddd",
 * where:
 *		hh - hour,
 *		mm - minures,
 *		ss - seconds,
 *		ddd - miliseconds.
rfc::String rfc::Time::getTimeString() const {
	if (isInfinity)
		return QString("infinity");

		String::toString(getHours())	+ QString(":")
	+	String::toString(getMinutes())	+ QString(":")
	+	String::toString(getSeconds())	+ QString("'")
	+	String::toString(getMilliSec());
} /* end of 'Time::getTimeString' function */
예제 #19
// Part 3
int addTimes( int start, int duration )
	/* This function returns the finishing time given a
	    starting time and the duration of time elapsed since.
		Pre: 'start' and 'duration' are specified in military time (ie 1400)
		Post: Finishing time is returned in military time */

	int mins;

	mins = getMins( start ) + getMins( duration );
	return getHours( mins );
예제 #20
void RealTimeClockDS1307::switchTo24h()
  if(!is12hour()) { return ; }
  int h = getHours();
  if(h==12) {//12 PM is just 12; 12 AM is 0 hours.
    h = 0;
  if (isPM())
  {//if it was 12 PM, then h=0 above and so we're back to 12:
    h = h+12;
예제 #21
파일: timezone.cpp 프로젝트: alyst/zorba
zstring TimeZone::toString() const {
  zstring result;
  if ( *this ) {
    if ( !gmtoff_ )
      result = 'Z';
    else {
      result += *this < 0 ? '-' : '+';
      result += zero_pad( std::abs( getHours() ), 2 );
      result += ':';
      result += zero_pad( std::abs( getMinutes() ), 2 );
  return result;
예제 #22
파일: clock.c 프로젝트: dek-an/Micro
// returns str of length 6 (with zero symbol)
const char* getTimeStrHoursMinutes(void)
	static char timeStrBuff[6];

	const uint08 hours = getHours();
	timeStrBuff[0] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(hours / 10);
	timeStrBuff[1] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(hours % 10);
	timeStrBuff[2] = ':';
	const uint08 minutes = getMinutes();
	timeStrBuff[3] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(minutes / 10);
	timeStrBuff[4] = GET_PROGMEM_DIGIT(minutes % 10);
	timeStrBuff[5] = '\0';

	return timeStrBuff;
예제 #23
void RealTimeClockDS1307::switchTo12h()
  if(is12hour()) { return; }
  int h = getHours();
  if (h < 12) {
  } else {
    h = h-12;
  if (h==0)
예제 #24
string Time::toString() {
	stringstream h;
	h << getHours();
	stringstream m;
	m << getMinutes();
	stringstream s;
	s << getSeconds();

	string output = "";
	output += h.str();
	output += ':';
	output += m.str();
	output += ':';
	output += s.str();

	return output;
예제 #25
// Print the current time and A/B signal levels on the console
void showTime() {
  unsigned int s = getSeconds();

  //-- Newline + whole time every minute
  if ( s == 0 )
    p("\r\n%02u%s:%02u:%02u ", getHours(), getDST() ? "D" : "", getMinutes(), s);
  else if ( (s % 10 ) == 0)
    p("%02u", s );

  //-- Show the A/B/D/E pulse status, F level
  if (getA()) p("A");
  if (getB()) p("B");
  if (getD()) p("D");
  if (getE()) p("E");
  if (getF()) p("F");
예제 #26
int main() 
    long  int clockNumber[NUM_EMPL] = {98401,526488,765349,34645,127615}; /* unique ID */
    float gross[NUM_EMPL];     /* Gross pay */
    float hours[NUM_EMPL];     /* Hours worked in a given week */    
    float overtime[NUM_EMPL];  /* Overtime hours */
    float wageRate[NUM_EMPL] = {10.60,9.75,10.50,12.25,8.35}; /* hourly wage rate */	
	float sumWages;            /* Sum of wages per hour */
	float sumHours;            /* Sum of Hours worked in a given week */
	float sumOver;             /* Sum of overtime hours */
	float sumGross;            /* Sum of gross pay in a given week */
	float avgWages;            /* Average of wage rates */
	float avgHours;            /* Average hours worked */
	float avgOver;             /* Average overtime hours worked */
	float avgGross;	           /* Average gross pay for the week */
	int   i;                   /* Loop and array index */

    for (i = 0; i < NUM_EMPL; ++i)
        hours[i] = getHours (clockNumber[i]); /* Calls user's input */        
		overtime[i] = calcOvertime (hours[i]); /* Calculates overtime */         
        gross[i] = calcGross (overtime[i], hours[i], wageRate[i]); /* calculates gross */ 
		sumWages = sumWageRate (wageRate[i]); /* Sums all wages */ 
		sumHours = sumHoursWorked (hours[i]); /* Sums all hours */ 
		sumOver = sumOvertime (overtime[i]); /* Sums overtime */ 
		sumGross = sumGrossPay (gross[i]); /* Sums gross pay*/ 
	avgWages = avgWageRate (sumWages); /* Calculates avg wage */ 
    avgHours = avgHoursWorked (sumHours); /* Calculates avg hours */ 
    avgOver = avgOvertime (sumOver); /* Calculates avg overtime */ 
    avgGross = avgGrossPay (sumGross); /* Calculates avg gross */ 
	printf ("\n"); /* New line for output */
	printf ("Clock# \tWages \tHours \tOvTime \tGross\n"); /* Display table headings */
	printf ("------ \t------ \t------ \t------ \t------ \n"); /* Format display header */
    printData (clockNumber, wageRate, hours, overtime, gross, NUM_EMPL);  /* Prints by reference */
	printf ("------ \t------ \t------ \t------ \t------ \n"); /* Format display header*/
	printTotals (sumWages, sumHours, sumOver, sumGross); /* Function prints totals */
    printAvgs (avgWages, avgHours, avgOver, avgGross); /* Function prints averages */
    return (0); 
예제 #27
uint32_t RTCDue::unixtime ()
  uint32_t _ticks;
  uint16_t _days;
  _hour   = getHours ();
  _minute = getMinutes ();
  _second = getSeconds ();
  _day    = getDay ();
  _month  = getMonth ();
  _year   = getYear (); //4 digits
  // Based on https://github.com/punkiller/workspace/blob/master/string2UnixTimeStamp.cpp
  // days of the years between start of unixtime and now
  _days = 365 * (_year - 1970);
  // add days from switch years in between except year from date
  for( int i = 1970; i < _year; i++ ){
    if( switch_years (i) ) {
  // Based on https://github.com/adafruit/RTClib/blob/master/RTClib.cpp
  // add switch day from actuall year if necessary
  for ( int i = 1; i < _month; ++i )
    _days += daysInMonth[i - 1];
  if ( _month > 2 && switch_years (_year) )
  _days += _day - 1;
  _ticks = ((_days * 24 + _hour) * 60 + _minute) * 60 + _second;
  return _ticks;
예제 #28
파일: Homework4.c 프로젝트: kbaker4/C-Class
int main()
  /* declaring variables needed for program       */
  long  int clockNumber[SIZE] = { 98401, 526488, 765349, 34645, 127615 }; /* form of worker identification */
  float gross[SIZE];                                                      /* Gross pay for the employee */
  float hours[SIZE];                                                      /* Number of hours worked */
  int i;                                                                   /* loop index */
  float overtime[SIZE]  {};                                                   /* Number of overtime hours */
  float overtimePay[SIZE] {};                                               /* Number of overtime pay */
  float wage[SIZE] = { 10.6, 9.75, 10.5, 12.25, 8.35 };              /* money earned per hour of work */

  /* Calculate the total gross pay per employee */
  for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    hours[i] = getHours(clockNumber[i]); 
    overtime[i] = getOvertimeHours(hours[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime hours */
    overtimePay[i] = getOvertimePay(overtime[i], wage[i]);  /* Calculate total amount of overtime pay, if necessary */
    gross[i] = getGross(hours[i], overtimePay[i], wage[i]); /* Calculate gross pay */

  printData(clockNumber, wage, hours, overtime, gross);

예제 #29
파일: clock.c 프로젝트: dek-an/Micro
void setSeconds(const uint08 seconds)
	setClock(getHours(), getMinutes(), seconds);
예제 #30
파일: clock.c 프로젝트: dek-an/Micro
void setMinutes(const uint08 minutes)
	setClock(getHours(), minutes, getSeconds());