예제 #1
void FastCGITransport::onHeadersComplete() {
  m_requestURI = getRawHeader(s_requestURI);
  m_remoteHost = getRawHeader(s_remoteHost);
  m_remoteAddr = getRawHeader(s_remoteAddr);
  m_serverName = getRawHeader(s_serverName);
  m_serverAddr = getRawHeader(s_serverAddr);
  m_serverSoftware = getRawHeader(s_serverSoftware);
  m_extendedMethod = getRawHeader(s_extendedMethod);
  m_httpVersion = getRawHeader(s_httpVersion);
  m_serverObject = getRawHeader(s_scriptName);
  m_scriptFilename = getRawHeader(s_scriptFilename);
  m_pathTranslated = getRawHeader(s_pathTranslated);
  if (getRawHeaderPtr(s_pathInfo) != nullptr) {
    m_pathInfoSet = true;
  m_pathInfo = getRawHeader(s_pathInfo);
  m_documentRoot = getRawHeader(s_documentRoot);
  if (!m_documentRoot.empty() &&
      m_documentRoot[m_documentRoot.length() - 1] != '/') {
    m_documentRoot += '/';

  m_serverPort = getIntHeader(s_serverPort);
  m_requestSize = getIntHeader(s_contentLength);
  int port = getIntHeader(s_remotePort);
  if (port < std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_remotePort)>::min() ||
      port > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_remotePort)>::max()) {
    port = 0;
  m_remotePort = port;

  auto* value = getRawHeaderPtr(s_https);
  if (value != nullptr && !value->empty()) {
    auto lValue = std::string{*value};
    for (auto& c : lValue) {
      c = std::toupper(c);
    // IIS sets this value but sets it to off when SSL is off.
    if (lValue != "OFF") {

  // Treat everything apart from GET and HEAD as a post to be like php-src.
  if (m_extendedMethod == "GET") {
    m_method = Method::GET;
  } else if (m_extendedMethod == "HEAD") {
    m_method = Method::HEAD;
  } else {
    m_method = Method::POST;

  if (m_httpVersion.empty()) {
    // If we didn't receive a version, assume default transport version.
    // Flushing the request early requires HTTP_VERSION to be 1.1.
    m_httpVersion = Transport::getHTTPVersion();

  if (m_scriptFilename.empty() || RuntimeOption::ServerFixPathInfo) {
    // According to php-fpm, some servers don't set SCRIPT_FILENAME. In
    // this case, it uses PATH_TRANSLATED.
    // Added runtime option to change m_scriptFilename to s_pathTranslated
    // which will allow mod_fastcgi and mod_action to work correctly.
    m_scriptFilename = getRawHeader(s_pathTranslated);

  // do a check for mod_proxy_fcgi and remove the extra portions of the string
  if (m_scriptFilename.find(s_modProxy) == 0) {
    // remove the proxy:type + :// from the start.
    int proxyPos = m_scriptFilename.find(s_modProxySearch);
    if (proxyPos != String::npos) {
      m_scriptFilename = m_scriptFilename.substr(proxyPos + s_modProxySearch.size());
    // remove everything before the first / which is host:port
    int slashPos = m_scriptFilename.find(s_slash);
    if (slashPos != String::npos) {
      m_scriptFilename = m_scriptFilename.substr(slashPos);
    // remove everything after the first ?
    int questionPos = m_scriptFilename.find(s_questionMark);
    if (questionPos != String::npos) {
      m_scriptFilename = m_scriptFilename.substr(0, questionPos);

  // RequestURI needs script_filename and path_translated to not include
  // the document root
  if (!m_pathTranslated.empty()) {
    if (m_pathTranslated.find(m_documentRoot) == 0) {
      m_pathTranslated = m_pathTranslated.substr(m_documentRoot.length());
  if (!m_scriptFilename.empty()) {
    if (m_scriptFilename.find(m_documentRoot) == 0) {
      m_scriptFilename = m_scriptFilename.substr(m_documentRoot.length());
    } else {
      // if the document root isn't in the url set document root to /
      m_documentRoot = "/";

  auto* queryString = getRawHeaderPtr(s_queryString);
  if (queryString != nullptr && !queryString->empty()) {
    m_serverObject += "?" + *queryString;

예제 #2
void FastCGITransport::onHeadersComplete() {
  m_requestURI = getRawHeader(s_requestURI);
  m_remoteHost = getRawHeader(s_remoteHost);
  m_remoteAddr = getRawHeader(s_remoteAddr);
  m_serverName = getRawHeader(s_serverName);
  m_serverAddr = getRawHeader(s_serverAddr);
  m_extendedMethod = getRawHeader(s_extendedMethod);
  m_httpVersion = getRawHeader(s_httpVersion);
  m_serverObject = getRawHeader(s_scriptName);
  m_pathTranslated = getRawHeader(s_pathTranslated);
  m_documentRoot = getRawHeader(s_documentRoot) + "/";

  m_serverPort = getIntHeader(s_serverPort);
  m_requestSize = getIntHeader(s_contentLength);
  int port = getIntHeader(s_remotePort);
  if (port < std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_remotePort)>::min() ||
      port > std::numeric_limits<decltype(m_remotePort)>::max()) {
    port = 0;
  m_remotePort = port;

  auto* value = getRawHeaderPtr(s_https);
  if (value != nullptr && !value->empty()) {
    auto lValue = std::string{*value};
    for (auto& c : lValue) {
      c = std::toupper(c);
    // IIS sets this value but sets it to off when SSL is off.
    if (lValue != "OFF") {

  if (m_extendedMethod == "GET") {
    m_method = Method::GET;
  } else if (m_extendedMethod == "POST") {
    m_method = Method::POST;
  } else if (m_extendedMethod == "HEAD") {
    m_method = Method::HEAD;
  } else {
    m_method = Method::Unknown;

  if (m_pathTranslated.empty()) {
    // If someone follows http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpFastcgiModule they won't
    // pass in PATH_TRANSLATED and instead will just send SCRIPT_FILENAME
    m_pathTranslated = getRawHeader(s_scriptFilename);

  // do a check for mod_proxy_cgi and remove the start portion of the string
  const std::string modProxy = "proxy:fcgi://";
  if (m_pathTranslated.find(modProxy) == 0) {
    m_pathTranslated = m_pathTranslated.substr(modProxy.length());
    // remove everything before the first / which is host:port
    int slashPos = m_pathTranslated.find('/');
    if (slashPos != String::npos) {
      m_pathTranslated = m_pathTranslated.substr(slashPos);

  // RequestURI needs path_translated to not include the document root
  if (!m_pathTranslated.empty()) {
    if (m_pathTranslated.find(m_documentRoot) == 0) {
      m_pathTranslated = m_pathTranslated.substr(m_documentRoot.length());
    } else {
      // if the document root isn't in the url set document root to /
      m_documentRoot = "/";

  auto* queryString = getRawHeaderPtr(s_queryString);
  if (queryString != nullptr && !queryString->empty()) {
    m_serverObject += "?" + *queryString;
