예제 #1
ItemPtr getClosestItem(Ray ray) {
	ItemPtr closestItem = NULL;
	real distance2 = 1e300;
	for(int i=0;i<itemNumber;i++) {
		Vector intersection = getIntersectPoint(&items[i], ray);
		real cur2 = length2(intersection);
		if(cur2 != 0 && cur2 < distance2) {
			distance2 = cur2;
			closestItem = &items[i];
	return closestItem;
예제 #2
Vector getPixel(Ray ray, Stack * stack, real magnitude, real refractiveIndex, int depth, ulong *seed) {
	ItemPtr item = getClosestItem(ray);

	if(item==NULL) {
		return ZERO;

	Vector point = getIntersectPoint(item, ray) + ray.from;
	int specularRoughness = getSpecularRoughness(item, point);
	Vector normal = getNormal(item, ray, point);

	Vector diffuseColor = ZERO;
	Vector specularColor = ZERO;

	Ray reflection;
	reflection.ray = reflect(ray.ray, normal);
	reflection.from = point+(reflection.ray*.001f);

	if(length2(getDiffuse(item, point))>0 || length2(getSpecular(item, point))>0) {
		for(int i=0;i<lightNumber;i++) {
			ItemPtr light = &lights[i];
			Vector lightVector = light->center-point;
			Vector lightPixel = fast_normalize(lightVector);

			real diffuseFactor = dot(normal, lightPixel);
			real specularFactor = dot(reflection.ray, lightPixel);

			if(diffuseFactor>0 || specularFactor>0) {
				int hitLight=0;
				Ray movedLightRay;
				Vector right = getRight(lightPixel);
				Vector up = getUp(lightPixel, right);
				for(int i=0;i<SHADOW_RUNS;i++) {
					//TODO:  this can be much faster methinks
					real r = random(seed)*2-1;
					real u = random(seed)*sqrt(1-r*r);
					movedLightRay.ray = fast_normalize(lightVector+right*r*light->radius+up*u*light->radius);

					ItemPtr closestItem = getClosestItem(movedLightRay);
					if(closestItem!=NULL && closestItem->type==LIGHT) {
				if(hitLight > 0) {
					real lightValue = ((real)hitLight) / SHADOW_RUNS;
					if(diffuseFactor>0) {
						diffuseFactor *= lightValue;
						diffuseColor = diffuseColor+light->light*diffuseFactor;
					if(specularFactor>0) {
						specularFactor = lightValue * pow(specularFactor, specularRoughness);
						specularColor = specularColor+light->light*specularFactor;

	Vector color = (diffuseColor*getDiffuse(item, point)+specularColor*getSpecular(item, point)) * magnitude;

	if(depth > 0) {
		Ray refraction;
		if(getRefraction(item, point)) {
			refraction.ray = refract(ray.ray, normal, item, refractiveIndex);
			refraction.from = point+(refraction.ray*.001f);
			if(length2(refraction.ray)>0) {
				push(stack, depth-1, refraction, magnitude, getRefraction(item, point));

		if(getReflection(item, point) > 0) {
			push(stack, depth-1, reflection, magnitude * getReflection(item, point), refractiveIndex);

	return color;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	printf("Argument count: %d\n", argc);
	for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
		printf("Argument vector values:%s at %p memory\n", argv[i], argv[i]);
		for (char *j=argv[i]; *j!='\0'; j++) {
			printf("Another way to print argument vector values: "
                               "%c at %p memory\n", *j, j);

	struct Line line1;
	double m,c;

	m = -1.00;
	c = 6.00;
	printf("Line1 has slope: %f and y-intercept: %f\n",line1.slope,line1.yintercept);

	struct Line line2;
	m = 1.00;
	c = 6.00;
	printf("Line2 has slope: %f and y-intercept: %f\n",line2.slope,line2.yintercept);

	struct Point p1;
	double xval,yval;

	xval = 2;
	yval = 1;
	printf("Point1 has x: %f and y: %f\n",p1.x,p1.y);

	struct Point p2;
	xval = 2;
	yval = 1;
	printf("Point2 has x: %f and y: %f\n",p2.x,p2.y);

	m = getSlope(p1,p2);
	printf("Slope of Line joining p1 and p2: %f\n",m);

	p2 = getIntersectPoint(line1,line2);
	printf("Intersection Point of Line1 and Line2 has x: %f and y: %f\n",p2.x,p2.y);

	struct Square sq1;
	double xl,xr,yt,yb;

	xl = 2.00;
	xr = 4.00;
	yt = 4.00;
	yb = 2.00;
	setSquare(&sq1, xl, xr, yt, yb);
	printf("Sqaure1 has xleft: %f, xright: %f and ytop: %f, ybottom: %f\n",sq1.xleft,sq1.xright,sq1.ytop,sq1.ybottom);

	struct Point sqCentre1;
	sqCentre1 = getSquareCentre(sq1);
	printf("Centre Point of Square1 has x: %f and y: %f\n",sqCentre1.x,sqCentre1.y);

	struct Square sq2;
	xl = 4.00;
	xr = 6.00;
	yt = 6.00;
	yb = 4.00;
	setSquare(&sq2, xl, xr, yt, yb);
	printf("Sqaure2 has xleft: %f, xright: %f and ytop: %f, ybottom: %f\n",sq2.xleft,sq2.xright,sq2.ytop,sq2.ybottom);

	struct Point sqCentre2;
	sqCentre2 = getSquareCentre(sq2);
	printf("Centre Point of Square2 has x: %f and y: %f\n",sqCentre2.x,sqCentre2.y);

	m = getSlope(sqCentre1,sqCentre2);
	printf("Slope of Line joining Square 1 Centre and Square 2 Centre: %f\n",m);

	return 0;