예제 #1
int sendOrder(Parameters& params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price) {
  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
  double limPrice;
  if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, false);
  else if (direction.compare("sell") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, true);

  // signature
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "amount=" << quantity << "&api_key=" << params.okCoinApi << "&price=" << limPrice << "&symbol=btc_usd&type=" << direction << "&secret_key=" << params.okCoinSecret;
  std::string signature = oss.str();
  // content
  oss << "amount=" << quantity << "&api_key=" << params.okCoinApi << "&price=" << limPrice << "&symbol=btc_usd&type=" << direction;
  std::string content = oss.str();

  *params.logFile << "<OKCoin> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << "@$" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;
  json_t *root = authRequest(params, "https://www.okcoin.com/api/v1/trade.do", signature, content);
  int orderId = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "order_id"));
  *params.logFile << "<OKCoin> Done (order ID: " << orderId << ")\n" << std::endl;

  return orderId;
예제 #2
int sendOrder(Parameters& params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price) {
  double limPrice;  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
  if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, false);
  else if (direction.compare("sell") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, true);

  *params.logFile << "<Bitstamp> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << "@$" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "https://www.bitstamp.net/api/" << direction << "/";
  std::string url = oss.str();

  oss << "amount=" << quantity << "&price=" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << limPrice;
  std::string options = oss.str();
  json_t* root = authRequest(params, url, options);

  int orderId = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "id"));
  if (orderId == 0) {
    *params.logFile << "<Bitstamp> Order ID = 0. Message: " << json_dumps(root, 0) << std::endl;
  *params.logFile << "<Bitstamp> Done (order ID: " << orderId << ")\n" << std::endl;
  return orderId;
예제 #3
/*To send order to bitstamp - direction is buy or sell*/
int sendOrder(CURL *curl, Parameters params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price) {
  /*Before sending order to bitstamp API, first get limitprice of the buy or sell order for the specific quantity*/
  double limPrice;  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
  if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(curl, quantity, false);
  else if (direction.compare("sell") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(curl, quantity, true);

  std::cout << "<Bitstamp> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << "@$" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;
/*class std::ostringstream : Output stream class to operate on strings.
Objects of this class use a string buffer that contains a sequence of characters. This sequence of characters can be accessed directly as a string object, using member str.*/

  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "https://www.bitstamp.net/api/" << direction << "/";
public member function std::ostringstream::str 
1.string str() const;
2.void str (const string& s);
Get/set content
The first form (1) returns a string object with a copy of the current contents of the stream.
The second form (2) sets s as the contents of the stream, discarding any previous contents. The object preserves its open mode: if this includes ios_base::ate, the writing position is moved to the end of the new sequence.
  std::string url = oss.str();
  /*This operator (<<) applied to an output stream is known as insertion operator. It will insert objects into the output stream*/
  oss << "amount=" << quantity << "&price=" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << limPrice;
  std::string options = oss.str(); /*oss will return amount=&price=<limPrice value with precision = 2>*/
  /*url used as argument to function below stores the https://www.bitstamp.net/api/" << direction API address*/
  json_t *root = authRequest(curl, params, url, options);/*root will get assigned with this authRequest*/

/*"id" is a key in root JSON object. We are fetching its value*/ 
  int orderId = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "id"));
  if (orderId == 0) {
    std::cout << "<Bitstamp> Order ID = 0. Message: " << json_dumps(root, 0) /*json_dumps returns the JSON form of root. 0 is a used for indentation*/ << std::endl;
  std::cout << "<Bitstamp> Done (order ID: " << orderId << ")\n" << std::endl;
  return orderId;
예제 #4
int sendOrder(Parameters& params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price){
	double limPrice;  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
	if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
		limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, false);
	else if (direction.compare("sell") == 0) {
	  limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, true);

	*params.logFile << "<SevenNintySix> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << "@$" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;
	std::ostringstream oss;
	oss << "\"symbol\":\"btcusd\", \"amount\":\"" << quantity << "\", \"price\":\"" << limPrice << "\", \"exchange\":\"bitfinex\", \"side\":\"" << direction << "\", \"type\":\"limit\"";
	std::string options = oss.str();

	json_t* root= authRequest(params, "https://796.com/v2/weeklyfutures/orders", "order/new", options);
	int orderId = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "id"));
	*params.logFile << "<SevenNintySix> Done (order ID: " << orderId << ")\n" << std::endl;

	return orderId;
예제 #5
int sendOrder(Parameters& params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price) {

  if (direction.compare("buy") != 0 && direction.compare("sell") != 0) {
    *params.logFile  << "Error: Neither \"buy\" nor \"sell\" selected" << std::endl;
    return 0;

  double limPrice;  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
  if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, false);
  } else {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(params, quantity, true);

  *params.logFile << "<Kraken> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << " @ $" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;

  std::string pair = "XXBTZUSD";
  std::string type = direction;
  std::string ordertype = "limit";
  std::string pricelimit = patch::to_string(limPrice);
  std::string volume = patch::to_string(quantity);
  std::string options = "pair=" + pair + "&type=" + type + "&ordertype=" + ordertype + "&price=" + pricelimit + "&volume=" + volume;

  json_t* res = authRequest(params, "https://api.kraken.com", "/0/private/AddOrder", options);
  json_t* root = json_object_get(res, "result");
  if (json_is_object(root) == 0) {
    *params.logFile << json_dumps(res, 0) << std::endl;
  std::string txid = json_string_value(json_array_get(json_object_get(root, "txid"), 0));

  int max_id = id_to_transaction->size();
  (*id_to_transaction)[max_id] = txid;

  *params.logFile << "<Kraken> Done (transaction ID: " << txid << ")\n" << std::endl;

  return max_id;
예제 #6
int sendOrder(CURL *curl, Parameters params, std::string direction, double quantity, double price) {

  // define limit price to be sure to be executed
  double limPrice;
  if (direction.compare("buy") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(curl, quantity, false);
  else if (direction.compare("sell") == 0) {
    limPrice = getLimitPrice(curl, quantity, true);

  std::cout << "<Bitfinex> Trying to send a \"" << direction << "\" limit order: " << quantity << "@$" << limPrice << "..." << std::endl;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "\"symbol\":\"btcusd\", \"amount\":\"" << quantity << "\", \"price\":\"" << limPrice << "\", \"exchange\":\"bitfinex\", \"side\":\"" << direction << "\", \"type\":\"limit\"";
  std::string options = oss.str();

  json_t *root = authRequest(curl, params, "https://api.bitfinex.com/v1/order/new", "order/new", options);
  int orderId = json_integer_value(json_object_get(root, "order_id"));
  std::cout << "<Bitfinex> Done (order ID: " << orderId << ")\n" << std::endl;

  return orderId;