예제 #1
template <typename VoxelT, typename WeightT> bool
pcl::TSDFVolume<VoxelT, WeightT>::extractNeighborhood (const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_coord, int neighborhood_size,
                                                                       VoxelTVec &neighborhood) const
  // point_index is at the center of a cube of scale_ x scale_ x scale_ voxels
  int shift = (neighborhood_size - 1) / 2;
  Eigen::Vector3i min_index = voxel_coord.array() - shift;
  Eigen::Vector3i max_index = voxel_coord.array() + shift;

  // check that index is within range
  if (getLinearVoxelIndex(min_index) < 0 || getLinearVoxelIndex(max_index) >= (int)size())
    pcl::console::print_info ("[extractNeighborhood] Skipping voxel with coord (%d, %d, %d).\n", voxel_coord(0), voxel_coord(1), voxel_coord(2));
    return false;

  static const int descriptor_size = neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size;
  neighborhood.resize (descriptor_size);

  const Eigen::RowVector3i offset_vector (1, neighborhood_size, neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size);

  // loop over all voxels in 3D neighborhood
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int z = min_index(2); z <= max_index(2); ++z)
    for (int y = min_index(1); y <= max_index(1); ++y)
      for (int x = min_index(0); x <= max_index(0); ++x)
        // linear voxel index in volume and index in descriptor vector
        Eigen::Vector3i point (x,y,z);
        int volume_idx = getLinearVoxelIndex (point);
        int descr_idx  = offset_vector * (point - min_index);

/*        std::cout << "linear index " << volume_idx << std::endl;
        std::cout << "weight " << weights_->at (volume_idx) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "volume " << volume_->at (volume_idx) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "descr  " << neighborhood.rows() << "x" << neighborhood.cols() << ", val = " << neighborhood << std::endl;
        std::cout << "descr index = " << descr_idx << std::endl;
        // get the TSDF value and store as descriptor entry
        if (weights_->at (volume_idx) != 0)
          neighborhood (descr_idx) = volume_->at (volume_idx);
          neighborhood (descr_idx) = -1.0; // if never visited we assume inside of object (outside captured and thus filled with positive values)

  return true;
예제 #2
template <typename VoxelT, typename WeightT> bool
pcl::TSDFVolume<VoxelT, WeightT>::addNeighborhood (const Eigen::Vector3i &voxel_coord, int neighborhood_size,
                                                                   const VoxelTVec &neighborhood, WeightT voxel_weight)
  // point_index is at the center of a cube of scale_ x scale_ x scale_ voxels
  int shift = (neighborhood_size - 1) / 2;
  Eigen::Vector3i min_index = voxel_coord.array() - shift;
  Eigen::Vector3i max_index = voxel_coord.array() + shift;

  // check that index is within range
  if (getLinearVoxelIndex(min_index) < 0 || getLinearVoxelIndex(max_index) >= (int)size())
    pcl::console::print_info ("[addNeighborhood] Skipping voxel with coord (%d, %d, %d).\n", voxel_coord(0), voxel_coord(1), voxel_coord(2));
    return false;

  // static const int descriptor_size = neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size;
  const Eigen::RowVector3i offset_vector (1, neighborhood_size, neighborhood_size*neighborhood_size);

  Eigen::Vector3i index = min_index;
  // loop over all voxels in 3D neighborhood
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int z = min_index(2); z <= max_index(2); ++z)
    for (int y = min_index(1); y <= max_index(1); ++y)
      for (int x = min_index(0); x <= max_index(0); ++x)
        // linear voxel index in volume and index in descriptor vector
        Eigen::Vector3i point (x,y,z);
        int volume_idx = getLinearVoxelIndex (point);
        int descr_idx  = offset_vector * (point - min_index);

        // add the descriptor entry to the volume
        VoxelT &voxel = volume_->at (volume_idx);
        WeightT &weight = weights_->at (volume_idx);

        // TODO check that this simple lock works correctly!!
        #pragma omp atomic
        voxel += neighborhood (descr_idx);

        #pragma omp atomic
        weight += voxel_weight;

  return true;
예제 #3
MUintArray *
	const gridPoint3<int>& index 
	//	Description:
	//		Returns list of triangles for given voxel.  Allocates the array
	//		if it doesn't exist already
	int linearIndex = getLinearVoxelIndex( index );
	if( fVoxels[linearIndex] == NULL )
		fVoxels[linearIndex] = new MUintArray;

	return fVoxels[linearIndex];