예제 #1
    Conductor(const PropertyList &propList) {
        materialName = propList.getString("materialName", "");

        if(materialName != "") {
            // load the specific material properties
            if(!getMaterialProperties(materialName, m_eta, m_k)){
                std::cout << "Material " << materialName << " not found!" << std::endl;
        } else {
            m_eta = propList.getColor("eta");
            m_k = propList.getColor("k");
예제 #2
    RoughConductor(const PropertyList &propList) {
        materialName = propList.getString("materialName", "");

        if(materialName != "") {
            // load the specific material properties
            if(!getMaterialProperties(materialName, m_eta, m_k)){
                std::cout << "Material " << materialName << " not found!" << std::endl;
        } else {
            m_eta = propList.getColor("eta");
            m_k = propList.getColor("k");

        /* RMS surface roughness */
        m_alpha = propList.getFloat("alpha", 0.1f);
예제 #3
    bool Triangle::hit(const Ray& r, const real_t t0, const real_t t1, hitRecord& hR, bool fullRecord) const
        Ray tRay = r.transform(invMat);

        real_t mult[3];

        Vector3 a_minus_b = vertices[0].position - vertices[1].position;
        Vector3 a_minus_c = vertices[0].position - vertices[2].position;
        Vector3 a_minus_e = vertices[0].position - tRay.e;

        real_t a = a_minus_b.x;
        real_t b = a_minus_b.y;
        real_t c = a_minus_b.z;
        real_t d = a_minus_c.x;
        real_t e = a_minus_c.y;
        real_t f = a_minus_c.z;
        real_t g = tRay.d.x;
        real_t h = tRay.d.y;
        real_t i = tRay.d.z;
        real_t j = a_minus_e.x;
        real_t k = a_minus_e.y;
        real_t l = a_minus_e.z;

        real_t ei_minus_hf = e * i - h * f;
        real_t gf_minus_di = g * f - d * i;
        real_t dh_minus_eg = d * h - e * g;
        real_t ak_minus_jb = a * k - j * b;
        real_t jc_minus_al = j * c - a * l;
        real_t bl_minus_kc = b * l - k * c;

        real_t M = a * ei_minus_hf + b * gf_minus_di + c * dh_minus_eg;
        real_t time = (f * ak_minus_jb + e * jc_minus_al + d * bl_minus_kc) / -M;
        if (time <= t0 || time >= t1) {
            return false;

        real_t beta = (j * ei_minus_hf + k * gf_minus_di + l * dh_minus_eg) / M;
        if (beta < 0 || beta > 1)
            return false;

        real_t gamma = (i * ak_minus_jb + h * jc_minus_al + g * bl_minus_kc) / M;
        if (gamma < 0 || gamma > 1 - beta)
            return false;

        hR.t = time;
		hR.shape_ptr = (Geometry*)this;

        if (!fullRecord)
            return true;

        mult[0] = 1-beta-gamma;
        mult[1] = beta;
        mult[2] = gamma;

        Vector2 texCoord(0,0);
        for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
            texCoord += mult[i]*vertices[i].tex_coord;

        texCoord[0] = fmod(texCoord[0],1.0);
        texCoord[1] = fmod(texCoord[1],1.0);
        if(texCoord[0]<0) texCoord[0]+=1;
        if(texCoord[1]<0) texCoord[0]+=1;

        const Material* materials[] = { vertices[0].material,vertices[1].material,vertices[2].material };
            getMaterialProperties(hR.mp, mult, texCoord, materials);
            getMaterialProperties(hR.mp,texCoord, materials[0]);

        hR.n = Vector3(0,0,0);
        for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
            hR.n += mult[i]*vertices[i].normal;
        hR.n = normalize( normMat*hR.n);

		if (materials[0])
			hR.bsdf_ptr = (BSDF*)&(materials[0]->bsdf);
		Vector3 x, y, z = hR.n;
		coordinate_system(z, &x, &y);
		hR.shading_trans = Matrix3(x, y, z);
		inverse(&hR.inv_shading_trans, hR.shading_trans);
		hR.p = r.d * time + r.e;

        return true;
예제 #4
    void Triangle::hitPacket(const Packet& packet, int start, int end, real_t t0, real_t *t1Ptr, std::vector<hitRecord>& hs, bool fullRecord) const {
        /*Matrix4 nm = this->invMat;

        Ray rays[256];
        for(int i=start;i<end;i++)
            rays[i] = packet.rays[i];
        // TODO: static
        float *texCoord_x, *texCoord_y, 
            *norm_x, *norm_y, *norm_z;

        texCoord_x = new float[end - start];
        texCoord_y = new float[end - start];
        norm_x = new float[end - start];
        norm_y = new float[end - start];
        norm_z = new float[end - start];

        int *hit_flag = new int[end - start];

        ispc::hit_triangle(packet.e_x, packet.e_y, packet.e_z, packet.d_x, packet.d_y, packet.d_z,
            t0, t1Ptr, 
            (double*)&vertices[0],(double*)&vertices[1],(double*)&vertices[2], (this->invMat._m),
            start, end, (int)fullRecord, 
            hit_flag, texCoord_x, texCoord_y, norm_x, norm_y, norm_z);
        const Material* materials[] = { vertices[0].material,vertices[1].material,vertices[2].material };

        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            if (hit_flag[i - start]) {
                hs[i].t = t1Ptr[i];
                Vector2 texCoord(texCoord_x[i - start], texCoord_y[i - start]);

                // TODO: interpolation
                //getMaterialProperties(hs[i].mp, mult, texCoord, materials);
                getMaterialProperties(hs[i].mp,texCoord, materials[0]);
                hs[i].n = Vector3(norm_x[i - start], norm_y[i - start], norm_z[i - start]);
				if (materials[0])
					hs[i].bsdf_ptr = (BSDF*)&(materials[0]->bsdf);
				Vector3 x, y, z = hs[i].n;
				coordinate_system(z, &x, &y);
				hs[i].shading_trans = Matrix3(x, y, z);
				inverse(&hs[i].inv_shading_trans, hs[i].shading_trans);
				hs[i].shape_ptr = (Geometry*)this;
				hs[i].p = packet.rays[i].d * hs[i].t + packet.rays[i].e;

        /*for(int i=start;i<end;i++)
             packet.rays[i]= rays[i];*/

        delete[] texCoord_x;
        delete[] texCoord_y;
        delete[] norm_x;
        delete[] norm_y;
        delete[] norm_z;