예제 #1
파일: GridDims.cpp 프로젝트: OPM/opm-parser
 const std::array<int, 3> GridDims::getIJK(size_t globalIndex) const {
     std::array<int, 3> r = { { 0, 0, 0 } };
     int k = globalIndex / (getNX() * getNY());
     globalIndex -= k * (getNX() * getNY());
     int j = globalIndex / getNX();
     globalIndex -= j * getNX();
     int i = globalIndex;
     r[0] = i;
     r[1] = j;
     r[2] = k;
     return r;
예제 #2
uint CondensingExport::getNumQPvars( ) const
	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_TRUE )
		return getNU()*getN();
		return getNX() + getNU()*getN();
예제 #3
returnValue FeedforwardLaw::step(	double currentTime,
                                    const Vector& _x,
                                    const Vector& _p,
                                    const VariablesGrid& _yRef
    if ( getStatus( ) != BS_READY )

    if ( _x.getDim( ) != getNX( ) )

    // use reference control as control
    Vector uEv;
    //printf("FeedforwardLaw controllor outputs %d #.\n",uRef.getDim());
    //printf(" -- yref: %d samples of size (%d,%d) -- \n",_yRef.getNumPoints(),_yRef.getNumRows(),_yRef.getNumCols());

    u = uEv;
    p = _p;

    //printf(" -- u: [%.3e,%.3e,%.3e] -- \n",u(0),u(1),u(2));

예제 #4
returnValue ModelData::setNARXmodel( const uint _delay, const Matrix& _parms ) {

	if( rhs_name.isEmpty() && NX2 == 0 && NX3 == 0 ) {
		NX2 = _parms.getNumRows();
		delay = _delay;
		uint numParms = 1;
		uint n = delay*getNX();
		if( delay >= 1 ) {
			numParms = numParms + n;
		for( uint i = 1; i < delay; i++ ) {
			numParms = numParms + (n+1)*(uint)pow((double)n,(int)i)/2;
		if( _parms.getNumCols() == numParms ) {
			parms = _parms;
		else {

		model_dimensions_set = BT_TRUE;
		export_rhs = BT_TRUE;
	else {
예제 #5
uint ModelData::getNDX( ) const
	if( NDX > 0 ) {
		return getNX();
	return NDX;
예제 #6
Vector CondensingExport::getUpperBoundsX0( ) const
	if ( xBounds.isEmpty() == BT_FALSE )
		return xBounds.getUpperBounds(0);
		Vector tmp( getNX() );
		tmp.setAll( INFTY );
		return tmp;
예제 #7
void createEclipseWriter(const char *deckString)
    Opm::ParseContext parseContext;
    Opm::ParserConstPtr parser(new Opm::Parser());
    deck = parser->parseString(deckString, parseContext);

    Opm::parameter::ParameterGroup params;
    params.insertParameter("deck_filename", "foo.data");

    eclipseState.reset(new Opm::EclipseState(deck , parseContext));

    auto eclGrid = eclipseState->getEclipseGrid();
    BOOST_CHECK(eclGrid->getNX() == 3);
    BOOST_CHECK(eclGrid->getNY() == 3);
    BOOST_CHECK(eclGrid->getNZ() == 3);
    BOOST_CHECK(eclGrid->getCartesianSize() == 3*3*3);

    simTimer.reset(new Opm::SimulatorTimer());

    // also create an UnstructuredGrid (required to create a BlackoilState)
    Opm::EclipseGridConstPtr constEclGrid(eclGrid);
    ourFineGridManagerPtr.reset(new Opm::GridManager(constEclGrid));

    const UnstructuredGrid &ourFinerUnstructuredGrid = *ourFineGridManagerPtr->c_grid();
    BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.cartdims[0] == 3);
    BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.cartdims[1] == 3);
    BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.cartdims[2] == 3);

    BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.number_of_cells == 3*3*3);

    Opm::PhaseUsage phaseUsage = Opm::phaseUsageFromDeck(deck);
    eclWriter.reset(new Opm::EclipseWriter(params,

    // this check is disabled so far, because UnstructuredGrid uses some weird definition
    // of the term "face". For this grid, "number_of_faces" is 108 which is
    // 2*6*numCells...
    //BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.number_of_faces == 4*4*4);

    int numCells = ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.number_of_cells;
    for (int cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < numCells; ++cellIdx)
        BOOST_CHECK(ourFinerUnstructuredGrid.global_cell[cellIdx] == cellIdx);
예제 #8
std::vector<Matrix> ModelData::getOutputDependencies( ) const {
	std::vector<Matrix> outputDependencies;
	if( hasCompressedStorage() ) {
		for( uint i = 0; i < outputNames.size(); i++ ) {
			Vector colIndV = colInd_outputs[i];
			Vector rowPtrV = rowPtr_outputs[i];

			Matrix dependencyMat = zeros( dim_outputs[i],getNX()+NXA+NU+NDX );
			int index = 1;
			for( uint j = 0; j < dim_outputs[i]; j++ ) {
				uint upper = (uint)rowPtrV(j+1);
				for( uint k = (uint)rowPtrV(j); k < upper; k++ ) {
					dependencyMat(j,(uint)colIndV(k-1)-1) = index++;

			outputDependencies.push_back( dependencyMat );
	return outputDependencies;
예제 #9
returnValue SIMexport::exportAcadoHeader(	const String& _dirName,
											const String& _fileName,
											const String& _realString,
											const String& _intString,
											int _precision
											) const
	int qpSolver;
	get( QP_SOLVER,qpSolver );

	int operatingSystem;
	get( OPERATING_SYSTEM,operatingSystem );

	int useSinglePrecision;
	get( USE_SINGLE_PRECISION,useSinglePrecision );

	int fixInitialState;
	get( FIX_INITIAL_STATE,fixInitialState );

	String fileName( _dirName );
	fileName << "/" << _fileName;
	ExportFile acadoHeader( fileName,"", _realString,_intString,_precision );

	acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <stdio.h>\n" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <math.h>\n" );

	if ( (OperatingSystem)operatingSystem == OS_WINDOWS )
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <windows.h>\n" );
		// OS_UNIX
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <time.h>\n" );
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <sys/stat.h>\n" );
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include <sys/time.h>\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );

	acadoHeader.addStatement( "#ifndef ACADO_H\n" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "#define ACADO_H\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );

	switch ( (QPSolverName)qpSolver )
		case QP_CVXGEN:
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#define USE_CVXGEN\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include \"cvxgen/solver.h\"\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

			if ( (BooleanType)useSinglePrecision == BT_TRUE )
				acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef float real_t;\n" );
				acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef double real_t;\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

		case QP_QPOASES:
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#ifndef __MATLAB__\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "extern \"C\"\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "{\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#endif\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#endif\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include \"qpoases/solver.hpp\"\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

		case QP_QPOASES3:
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#include \"qpoases3/solver.h\"\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

		case QP_NONE:
			if ( (BooleanType)useSinglePrecision == BT_TRUE )
				acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef float real_t;\n" );
				acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef double real_t;\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );


	Vector nMeasV = getNumMeas();
	Vector nOutV = getDimOutputs();
	if( nMeasV.getDim() != nOutV.getDim() ) return ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_OPTION );

	// Some common defines
	acadoHeader.addComment( "COMMON DEFINITIONS:             " );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "--------------------------------" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );
	if( (uint)nOutV.getDim() > 0 ) {
		acadoHeader.addComment( "Dimension of the output functions" );
		acadoHeader.addDeclaration( ExportVariable( "NOUT",nOutV,STATIC_CONST_INT ) );
		acadoHeader.addComment( "Measurements of the output functions per shooting interval" );
		acadoHeader.addDeclaration( ExportVariable( "NMEAS",nMeasV,STATIC_CONST_INT ) );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of control intervals" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_N   " << getN() << "\n");
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of differential states" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_NX  " << getNX() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of differential state derivatives" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_NDX  " << getNDX() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of algebraic states" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_NXA  " << getNXA() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of controls" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_NU  " << getNU() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of parameters" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define ACADO_NP  " << getNP() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "Number of output functions" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( (String)"#define NUM_OUTPUTS  " << (uint)nOutV.getDim() << "\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

	acadoHeader.addComment( "GLOBAL VARIABLES:               " );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "--------------------------------" );
	ExportStatementBlock tempHeader;
	if ( collectDataDeclarations( tempHeader,ACADO_VARIABLES ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN )
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef struct ACADOvariables_ {\n" );
		acadoHeader.addStatement( tempHeader );
#ifdef WIN32
		if( tempHeader.getNumStatements() == 0 ) {
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "int dummy; \n" );
		acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );
		acadoHeader.addStatement( "} ACADOvariables;\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

	acadoHeader.addComment( "GLOBAL WORKSPACE:               " );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "--------------------------------" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "typedef struct ACADOworkspace_ {\n" );

	if ( collectDataDeclarations( acadoHeader,ACADO_WORKSPACE ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN )

	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "} ACADOworkspace;\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

	acadoHeader.addComment( "GLOBAL FORWARD DECLARATIONS:         " );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "-------------------------------------" );

	if ( collectFunctionDeclarations( acadoHeader ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN )

	acadoHeader.addComment( "-------------------------------------" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( 2 );

	acadoHeader.addComment( "EXTERN DECLARATIONS:                 " );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "-------------------------------------" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "extern ACADOworkspace acadoWorkspace;\n" );
	acadoHeader.addStatement( "extern ACADOvariables acadoVariables;\n" );
	acadoHeader.addComment( "-------------------------------------" );

	switch ( (QPSolverName) qpSolver )
		case QP_CVXGEN:

		case QP_QPOASES:
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#ifndef __MATLAB__\n");
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" );
			acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "} /* extern \"C\" */\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#endif\n" );
			acadoHeader.addStatement( "#endif\n" );

		case QP_QPOASES3:

		case QP_NONE:


	acadoHeader.addStatement( "#endif\n" );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );
    acadoHeader.addComment( "END OF FILE." );
	acadoHeader.addLinebreak( );

	return acadoHeader.exportCode( );
예제 #10
uint FeedforwardLaw::getNY( ) const
    return getNX( );
예제 #11
returnValue FunctionEvaluationTree::exportCode(	FILE *file,
												const char *fcnName,
												const char *realString,
												int         precision,
												uint        _numX,
												uint		_numXA,
												uint		_numU
												) const{

    int run1;
    int nni = 0;

    for( run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++ )
        if( lhs_comp[run1]+1 > nni )
            nni = lhs_comp[run1]+1;
	uint numX;
	if( _numX > 0 ) {
		numX = _numX;
	else {
		numX = getNX();
	uint numXA;
	if( _numXA > 0 ) {
		numXA = _numXA;
	else {
		numXA = getNXA();
	uint numU;
	if( _numU > 0 ) {
		numU = _numU;
	else {
		numU = getNU();

    acadoFPrintf(file,"void %s( const %s* acado_x, %s* acado_f ){\n", fcnName,realString,realString );
    if( numX > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_xd = acado_x;\n", realString );
    if( numXA > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_xa = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX );
    if( getNU() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_u  = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA );
    if( getNUI() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_v  = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU );
    if( getNP() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_p  = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI() );
    if( getNPI() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_q  = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+getNP() );
    if( getNW() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_w  = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+getNP()+getNPI() );
    if( getNDX() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* acado_dx = acado_x + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+getNP()+getNPI()+getNW() );
    acadoFPrintf(file,"/* COMPUTE INTERMEDIATE STATES: */\n");
    acadoFPrintf(file,"/* ---------------------------- */\n");

    // This is a (not so quick) hack to have a flexible name for interm.
    // quantities, but helps. It general case it should be done with
    // ExportVariable -- to be able to set a working structure, too. So:
    // TODO: setGlobalExportvariable should set the full name once....

    String auxVarName;
    if ( auxVariableStructName.isEmpty() )
    	auxVarName = auxVariableName;
    	auxVarName = auxVariableStructName;
    	auxVarName += ".";
    	auxVarName += auxVariableName;

    Stream *auxVarIndividualNames = new Stream[nni];
	for( run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++ )
		auxVarIndividualNames[lhs_comp[run1]] << auxVarName << "[" << run1 << "]";

    // Export intermediate quantities
    for( run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++ )
    	// Convert the name for intermediate variables for subexpressions
    	sub[ run1 ]->setVariableExportName(VT_INTERMEDIATE_STATE, auxVarIndividualNames );

        acadoFPrintf(file,"%s[%d] = ", auxVarName.getName(), run1 );
        file << *sub[run1];

    acadoFPrintf(file,"/* COMPUTE OUTPUT: */\n");
    acadoFPrintf(file,"/* --------------- */\n");

    // Export output quantities
    for( run1 = 0; run1 < dim; run1++ )
    	// Convert names for interm. quantities for output expressions
    	f[ run1 ]->setVariableExportName(VT_INTERMEDIATE_STATE, auxVarIndividualNames );

    	acadoFPrintf(file,"acado_f[%d] = ", run1 );
        file << *f[run1];


    delete [] auxVarIndividualNames;

예제 #12
returnValue CondensingExport::setupEvaluation( )
	x.setup( "x",        (getN()+1), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	u.setup( "u",        getN(), getNU(),     REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	p.setup( "p",        1, getNP(),          REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );

	state.setup   ( "state",    1,getNX()*(getNX()+getNU()+1) + getNU() +getNP(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
		x0Ref.setup ( "x0Ref",  1, getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
		x0Ref2.setup( "x0Ref2", 1, getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );

	E.setup  ( "E",   getN()*getNX(), getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	lbA.setup( "lbA", getNumStateBounds(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	ubA.setup( "ubA", getNumStateBounds(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	Matrix zeroXU = zeros( getNX(),getNU() );
	Matrix idX    = eye( getNX() );

	// setupQP
	setupQP.setup( "setupQP" );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		setupQP.addStatement( state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) == x.getRow(0) );

	// TODO: this part should be preinitialized. More specifically, E & QE matrices should be preinitializes to 0.
	uint run1, run2;
	for( run1 = 0; run1 < getN()-1; run1++ )
		for( run2 = 1+run1; run2 < getN(); run2++ )
			setupQP.addStatement( E.getSubMatrix( run1*getNX(),(run1+1)*getNX(), run2*getNU(),(run2+1)*getNU() ) == zeroXU );

    // Write state bounds to the file
	// TODO: Since the bounds are fixed in this case, they should be preinitialized
	if( getNumStateBounds( ) > 0 )
		Vector xLowerBounds(nxBounds), xUpperBounds(nxBounds);
		for( run1 = 0; run1 < nxBounds; run1++ )
			xLowerBounds(run1) = xBounds.getLowerBound( xBoundsIdx[run1]/getNX(),xBoundsIdx[run1]%getNX() );
			xUpperBounds(run1) = xBounds.getUpperBound( xBoundsIdx[run1]/getNX(),xBoundsIdx[run1]%getNX() );
		setupQP.addStatement( lbA == xLowerBounds );
		setupQP.addStatement( ubA == xUpperBounds );
	setupQP.addLinebreak( );

	if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
		setupQP.addStatement( Dx0  == x.getRow(0) - x0Ref );
		setupQP.addStatement( Dx0b == x.getRow(0) - x0Ref2 );
		setupQP.addLinebreak( );
	// compute QQF if necessary
	if ( QQF.isGiven( ) == BT_FALSE )
		setupQP.addStatement( QQF == Q + QF );

	ExportIndex reset( String("reset") );
	setupQP.addIndex( reset );
	setupQP.addStatement( reset == 1 );

	ExportIndex run( String("run1") );
	ExportForLoop loop( run, 0,getN() );
	setupQP.addIndex( run );

	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE ) {
		loop.addStatement( reset == 1 );
		loop.addStatement( state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) == x.getRow( run ) );
	// no free parameters implemented yet!
	uint uIdx = getNX() * ( 1+getNX() );
	uint pIdx = getNX() * ( 1+getNX()+getNU() );
	uIdx = pIdx;
	pIdx = pIdx + getNU();
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols( uIdx,pIdx ) == u.getRow( run ) );
	loop.addStatement( state.getCols( pIdx,pIdx+getNP() ) == p );
	loop.addLinebreak( );
	if ( integrator->equidistantControlGrid() )
		loop.addFunctionCall( "integrate", state, reset.makeArgument() );
		loop.addFunctionCall( "integrate", state, reset.makeArgument(), run.makeArgument() );
	if( performsSingleShooting() ) loop.addStatement( reset == 0 );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		loop.addStatement( x.getRow( run+1 ) == state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) );
		// Multiple shooting
		// TODO: Check the sign here
		loop.addStatement( residuum.getRow( run ) == state.getCols( 0,getNX() ) - x.getRow( run+1 ) );
	loop.addLinebreak( );
	loop.addFunctionCall( condense1, run.makeArgument(),state );

    setupQP.addStatement( loop );
	setupQP.addLinebreak( );
	setupQP.addFunctionCall( condense2 );

	// Get objective value

	ExportVariable tmp("tmp", 1, 1, REAL, ACADO_LOCAL, BT_TRUE);
	ExportVariable tmpDx("tmpDx", 1, getNX(), REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );
	ExportVariable tmpDu("tmpDu", 1, getNU(), REAL, ACADO_LOCAL );

	getObjectiveValue.setup( "getObjectiveValue" );
	getObjectiveValue.setReturnValue( tmp );

	getObjectiveValue.addVariable( tmpDx );
	getObjectiveValue.addVariable( tmpDu );

	getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp == 0.0 );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < getN(); ++i)
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmpDx == Dx.getRow( i ) * Q );
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp += Dx.getRow( i ) * tmpDx.getTranspose() );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < getN(); ++i)
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmpDu == Du.getRow( i ) * R );
		getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp += Du.getRow( i ) * tmpDu.getTranspose() );
	getObjectiveValue.addLinebreak( );

	getObjectiveValue.addStatement( tmp == tmp * Matrix( 0.5 ) );

예제 #13
uint PIDcontroller::getNY( ) const
	return getNX( );
예제 #14
returnValue CondensingExport::setupCondensing( )
    uint run1;

	x.setup(    "x",     getN()+1, getNX(), REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	xRef.setup( "xRef",  getN(), getNX(),   REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );
	uRef.setup( "uRef",  getN(), getNU(),   REAL,ACADO_VARIABLES );

	Gx.setup( "Gx",  getNX(), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	Gu.setup( "Gu",  getNX(), getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	ExportVariable yy( "yy", 1, getNX()*(getNX()+getNU()+1)+getNU() );

	ExportVariable Q0 = QS;
	ExportVariable Q0b = QS2;

	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE )
		residuum.setup( "residuum", getN(), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
		d.setup(        "d",        getN(), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	deltaX0.setup( "deltaX0", getNX(),       1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	C.setup   ( "C",    getN()*getNX(), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	QC.setup  ( "QC",   getN()*getNX(), getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	E.setup   ( "E",    getN()*getNX(), getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	QE.setup  ( "QE",   getN()*getNX(), getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
		Dx0.setup ( "Dx0",  1,              getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
		Dx0b.setup( "Dx0b", 1,              getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	Dx.setup  ( "Dx",   getN(),         getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	QDx.setup ( "QDx",  getN()*getNX(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	Du.setup  ( "Du",   getN(),         getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	RDu.setup ( "RDu",  getN(),         getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_FALSE )
		g0.setup  ( "g0",   getNX()       , 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
		H00.setup ( "H00",  getNX()       , getNX(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	g1.setup  ( "g1",   getN()*getNU(), 1, REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	H01.setup ( "H01",  getNX(),        getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );
	H11.setup ( "H11",  getN()*getNU(), getN()*getNU(), REAL,ACADO_WORKSPACE );

	deltaU.setup( "vars.x", getNumQPvars(),1 );

	ExportIndex index( String("index") );

	// First condensing routine
	condense1.setup( "condense1", index.makeArgument(),yy );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		condense1.addStatement( Dx.getRow(index) == yy.getCols( 0,getNX() ) - xRef.getRow(index) );
		condense1.addStatement( Dx.getRow(index) == x.getRow( index + 1 ) - xRef.getRow(index) );
	uint uIdx = getNX()*(getNX()+getNU()+1);
	condense1.addStatement( Du.getRow(index) == yy.getCols( uIdx,uIdx+getNU() ) - uRef.getRow(index) );
	condense1.addStatement( Gx.makeRowVector() == yy.getCols( getNX(),getNX()+getNX()*getNX() ) );

	uIdx = getNX()*(getNX()+1);
	condense1.addStatement( Gu.makeRowVector() == yy.getCols( uIdx,uIdx+getNX()*getNU() ) );

    condense1.addStatement( "if( index != 0 ){\n" );

	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE )
		condense1.addFunctionCall( multiplyCD1, Gx, d.getAddress(index - 1), d.getAddress(index) );
		// TODO: check this once again
//		condense1.addStatement( d.getRow( index ) += residuum.getRow( index-1 ) );
		condense1.addStatement( d.getRow( index ) += residuum.getRow( index ) );
	condense1.addFunctionCall( multiplyC, Gx,C.getAddress((index-1)*getNX(),0), C.getAddress(index*getNX(),0) );
	condense1.addFunctionCall( multiplyE, Gx,E.getAddress((index-1)*getNX(),0), E.getAddress(index*getNX(),0) );
	condense1.addStatement( "}\nelse{\n" );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE )
		condense1.addStatement( d.getRow( 0 ) == residuum.getRow( 0 ) );
	condense1.addStatement( C.getRows( 0,getNX() ) == Gx );

	condense1.addStatement( "}\n" );

	condense1.addStatement( E.getSubMatrix( index*getNX(),(index+1)*getNX(), index*getNU(),(index+1)*getNU() ) == Gu );

	// Second condensing routine
	condense2.setup( "condense2" );

	// Create matrices QC and QE, vectors QDx, RDu
    for( run1 = 0; run1 < getN()-1; run1++ )
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQC1, Q, C.getAddress(run1*getNX(),0),  QC.getAddress(run1*getNX(),0)  );
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQE1, Q, E.getAddress(run1*getNX(),0),  QE.getAddress(run1*getNX(),0)  );
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQDX1, Q, Dx.getAddress(run1), QDx.getAddress(run1*getNX()) );
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyRDU1, R, Du.getAddress(run1), RDu.getAddress(run1) );

	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQC2, QQF, C.getAddress((getN()-1)*getNX(),0),  QC.getAddress((getN()-1)*getNX(),0)  );
	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQE2, QQF, E.getAddress((getN()-1)*getNX(),0),  QE.getAddress((getN()-1)*getNX(),0)  );
	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyQDX2, QQF, Dx.getAddress(getN()-1), QDx.getAddress((getN()-1)*getNX()) );
	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyRDU1, R,  Du.getAddress(getN()-1), RDu.getAddress(getN()-1) );

	// Condense gradient
	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_FALSE )
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyG0, C, QDx, g0 );
		if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
			condense2.addStatement( g0 += Q0 * Dx0.makeColVector() );
		if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
			condense2.addStatement( g0 += Q0b * Dx0b.makeColVector() );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_TRUE )
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyG1,  E, QDx, g1 );
		condense2.addStatement( Dx == Dx + d );
		condense2.addFunctionCall(multiplyG1, QE, Dx, g1 );

	condense2.addStatement( g1 += RDu.makeColVector() );

	// Condense Hessian
	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_FALSE )
		condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyH00, C,QC,H00 );

		Matrix regH = eye( getNX() );
		regH *= levenbergMarquardt;

		if ( isInitialStateFixed( ) == BT_FALSE )
			condense2.addStatement( H00 += Q0 + regH );
			condense2.addStatement( H00 += Q0b );
			condense2.addStatement( H00 += regH );
	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyH01, C, QE, H01 );
	condense2.addFunctionCall( multiplyH11, E, QE, H11 );

	Matrix regH = eye( getNU() );
	regH *= levenbergMarquardt;

	for( run1 = 0; run1 < getN(); run1++ )
		condense2.addStatement( H11.getSubMatrix( run1*getNU(),(run1+1)*getNU(), run1*getNU(),(run1+1)*getNU() ) += R + regH );

	// Expanding routine
	// TODO: create multiplication routines maybe...
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE )
		expand.setup( "expand" );

		if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_TRUE )
			// d += C * deltaX0
			expand.addStatement( d.makeColVector() += C * deltaX0 );
			// d += E * deltaU
			expand.addStatement( d.makeColVector() += E * deltaU );
			// d += C * deltaX0
			expand.addStatement( d.makeColVector() += C * deltaU.getRows(0, getNX()) );
			// d += E * deltaU
			expand.addStatement( d.makeColVector() += E * deltaU.getRows(getNX(), getNumQPvars()) );

		// x(:, 1: N + 1) += d
		expand.addStatement( x.getRows(1, getN() + 1) += d );

예제 #15
returnValue CondensingExport::setupMultiplicationRoutines( )
	ExportVariable QQ = deepcopy( Q );
	QQ.setDataStruct( ACADO_LOCAL );

	ExportVariable QC1( "QC1",  getNX(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable QE1( "QE1",  getNX(),getNU()*getN() );
	ExportVariable Dx1( "Dx1",  getNX(),1 );
	ExportVariable QDx1("QDx1", getNX(),1 );
	ExportVariable Du1( "Du1",  getNU(),1 );
	ExportVariable RDu1("RDu1", getNU(),1 );
	ExportVariable Gx ( "Gx",   getNX(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable Gu ( "Gu",   getNX(),getNU() );
	ExportVariable C1 ( "C1",   getNX(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable E1 ( "E1",   getNX(),getNU()*getN() );
	ExportVariable d1 ( "d1",   getNX(),1 );
	ExportVariable u1 ( "u1",   getNU(),1 );
	ExportVariable C  ( "C",    getNX()*getN(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable QC ( "QC",   getNX()*getN(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable E  ( "E",    getNX()*getN(),getNU()*getN() );
	ExportVariable QE ( "QE",   getNX()*getN(),getNU()*getN() );
	ExportVariable QDx( "QDx",  getNX()*getN(),1 );
	ExportVariable g0 ( "g0",   getNX(),1 );
	ExportVariable g1 ( "g1",   getNU()*getN(),1 );
	ExportVariable H00( "H00",  getNX(),getNX() );
	ExportVariable H01( "H01",  getNX(),getNU()*getN() );
	ExportVariable H11( "H11",  getNU()*getN(),getNU()*getN() );

	multiplyQC1.setup( "multiplyQC1", QQ,C1,QC1 );
	multiplyQC1.addStatement( QC1 == QQ*C1 );

	multiplyQE1.setup( "multiplyQE1", QQ,E1,QE1 );
	multiplyQE1.addStatement( QE1 == QQ*E1 );

	multiplyQDX1.setup( "multiplyQDX1", QQ,Dx1,QDx1 );
	multiplyQDX1.addStatement( QDx1 == QQ*Dx1 );

	multiplyRDU1.setup( "multiplyRDU1", R,Du1,RDu1 );
	multiplyRDU1.addStatement( RDu1 == R*Du1 );

	multiplyQC2.setup( "multiplyQC2", QQF,C1,QC1 );
	multiplyQC2.addStatement( QC1 == QQF*C1 );

	multiplyQE2.setup( "multiplyQE2", QQF,E1,QE1 );
	multiplyQE2.addStatement( QE1 == QQF*E1 );

	multiplyQDX2.setup( "multiplyQDX2", QQF,Dx1,QDx1 );
	multiplyQDX2.addStatement( QDx1 == QQF*Dx1 );

	multiplyC.setup( "multiplyC", Gx,C1,C1("C1_new") );
	multiplyC.addStatement( C1("C1_new") == Gx*C1 );

	multiplyE.setup( "multiplyE", Gx,E1,E1("E1_new") );
	multiplyE.addStatement( E1("E1_new") == Gx*E1 );
	if ( performsSingleShooting() == BT_FALSE )
		multiplyCD1.setup( "multiplyCD1", Gx,d1,d1("d1_new") );
		multiplyCD1.addStatement( d1("d1_new") == Gx*d1 );

		multiplyEU1.setup( "multiplyEU1", Gu,u1,d1("d1_new") );
		multiplyEU1.addStatement( d1("d1_new") += Gu*u1 );

	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_FALSE )
		multiplyG0.setup( "multiplyG0", C,QDx,g0 );
		multiplyG0.addStatement( g0 == (C^QDx) );
	multiplyG1.setup( "multiplyG1", E,QDx,g1 );
	multiplyG1.addStatement( g1 == (E^QDx) );

	if ( performsFullCondensing() == BT_FALSE )
		multiplyH00.setup( "multiplyH00", C,QC,H00 );
		multiplyH00.addStatement( H00 == (C^QC) );

	multiplyH01.setup( "multiplyH01", C,QE,H01 );
	multiplyH01.addStatement( H01 == (C^QE) );

	multiplyH11.setup( "multiplyH11", E,QE,H11 );
	multiplyH11.addStatement( (H11 == (E^QE)) );

returnValue FunctionEvaluationTree::exportCode(	FILE *file,
												const char *fcnName,
												const char *realString,
												int         precision,
												uint        _numX,
												uint		_numXA,
												uint		_numU,
												uint		_numP,
												uint		_numDX
												) const{

    int run1;
    int nni = 0;

	for (run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++)
		if (lhs_comp[run1] + 1 > nni)
			nni = lhs_comp[run1] + 1;
	unsigned numX = _numX > 0 ? _numX : getNX();
	unsigned numXA = _numXA > 0 ? _numXA : getNXA();
	unsigned numU = _numU > 0 ? _numU : getNU();
	unsigned numP = _numP > 0 ? _numP : getNP();
	unsigned numDX = _numDX > 0 ? _numDX : getNDX();

	acadoFPrintf(file, "void %s(const %s* in, %s* out)\n{\n", fcnName,
			realString, realString);
    if( numX > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* xd = in;\n", realString );
    if( numXA > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* xa = in + %d;\n", realString,numX );
    if( getNU() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* u  = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA );
    if( getNUI() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* v  = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU );
    if( numP > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* p  = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI() );
    if( getNPI() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* q  = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+numP );
    if( getNW() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* w  = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+numP+getNPI() );
    if( numDX > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* dx = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+numP+getNPI()+getNW() );
    if( getNT() > 0 ){
        acadoFPrintf(file,"const %s* t = in + %d;\n", realString,numX+numXA+numU+getNUI()+numP+getNPI()+getNW()+numDX );
    if (n > 0)
    	acadoFPrintf(file, "/* Vector of auxiliary variables; number of elements: %d. */\n", n);
    	acadoFPrintf(file, "%s* a = %s;\n", realString, globalExportVariableName.getName() );
    	acadoFPrintf(file, "\n/* Compute intermediate quantities; */\n");

    Stream *auxVarIndividualNames = new Stream[nni];
	for( run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++ )
		auxVarIndividualNames[lhs_comp[run1]] << "a" << "[" << run1 << "]";

	// Export intermediate quantities
	for (run1 = 0; run1 < n; run1++)
		// Convert the name for intermediate variables for subexpressions
		sub[run1]->setVariableExportName(VT_INTERMEDIATE_STATE, auxVarIndividualNames);

		acadoFPrintf(file, "%s[%d] = ", "a", run1);
		file << *sub[run1];
		acadoFPrintf(file, ";\n");

    acadoFPrintf(file,"\n/* Compute outputs: */\n");

	// Export output quantities
	for (run1 = 0; run1 < dim; run1++)
		// Convert names for interm. quantities for output expressions
		f[run1]->setVariableExportName(VT_INTERMEDIATE_STATE, auxVarIndividualNames);

		acadoFPrintf(file, "out[%d] = ", run1);
		file << *f[run1];
		acadoFPrintf(file, ";\n");


    delete [] auxVarIndividualNames;

예제 #17
파일: GridDims.cpp 프로젝트: OPM/opm-parser
 size_t GridDims::getGlobalIndex(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
     return (i + j * getNX() + k * getNX() * getNY());
예제 #18
파일: GridDims.cpp 프로젝트: OPM/opm-parser
 void GridDims::assertIJK(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
     if (i >= getNX() || j >= getNY() || k >= getNZ())
         throw std::invalid_argument("input index above valid range");