예제 #1
Font::TextSize Font::process(int x, int y, text_iterator start, text_iterator end, Color color) {
	Vec2f pen(x, y);
	int startX = 0;
	int endX = 0;
	if(DoDraw) {
		// Subtract one line height (since we flipped the Y origin to be like GDI)
		pen.y += face->size->metrics.ascender >> 6;
	FT_UInt prevGlyphIndex = 0;
	FT_Pos prevRsbDelta = 0;

	typedef std::map< unsigned int, std::vector<TexturedVertex> > MapTextureVertices;
	MapTextureVertices mapTextureVertices;
	for(text_iterator it = start; it != end; ) {
		// Get glyph in glyph map
		glyph_iterator itGlyph = getNextGlyph(it, end);
		if(itGlyph == glyphs.end()) {
		const Glyph & glyph = itGlyph->second;
		// Kerning
		if(FT_HAS_KERNING(face)) {
			if(prevGlyphIndex != 0) {
				FT_Vector delta;
				FT_Get_Kerning(face, prevGlyphIndex, glyph.index, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &delta);
				pen.x += delta.x >> 6;
			prevGlyphIndex = glyph.index;
		// Auto hinting adjustments
		if(prevRsbDelta - glyph.lsb_delta >= 32) {
		} else if(prevRsbDelta - glyph.lsb_delta < -32) {
		prevRsbDelta = glyph.rsb_delta;
		// Draw
		if(DoDraw && glyph.size.x != 0 && glyph.size.y != 0) {
			addGlyphVertices(mapTextureVertices[glyph.texture], glyph, pen, color);
		} else {
			ARX_UNUSED(pen), ARX_UNUSED(color);
		// If this is the first drawn char, note the start position
		if(startX == endX) {
			startX = glyph.draw_offset.x;
		endX = pen.x + glyph.draw_offset.x + glyph.size.x;
		// Advance
		pen.x += glyph.advance.x;
예제 #2
Vec2i Font::process(int x, int y, text_iterator start, text_iterator end, Color color) {
	if(DoDraw) {
		GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::Lighting, false);
		GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::AlphaBlending, true);
		GRenderer->SetBlendFunc(Renderer::BlendSrcAlpha, Renderer::BlendInvSrcAlpha);
		GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthTest, false);
		GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthWrite, false);
		// 2D projection setup... Put origin (0,0) in the top left corner like GDI...
		Rect viewport = GRenderer->GetViewport();
		GRenderer->Begin2DProjection(viewport.left, viewport.right,
		                             viewport.bottom, viewport.top, -1.f, 1.f);
		// Fixed pipeline texture stage operation
	float penX = x;
	float penY = y;
	int startX = 0;
	int endX = 0;
	if(DoDraw) {
		// Subtract one line height (since we flipped the Y origin to be like GDI)
		penY += face->size->metrics.ascender >> 6;
	FT_UInt prevGlyphIndex = 0;
	FT_Pos prevRsbDelta = 0;
	for(text_iterator it = start; it != end; ) {
		// Get glyph in glyph map
		glyph_iterator itGlyph = getNextGlyph(it, end);
		if(itGlyph == glyphs.end()) {
		const Glyph & glyph = itGlyph->second;
		// Kerning
		if(FT_HAS_KERNING(face)) {
			if(prevGlyphIndex != 0) {
				FT_Vector delta;
				FT_Get_Kerning(face, prevGlyphIndex, glyph.index, FT_KERNING_DEFAULT, &delta);
				penX += delta.x >> 6;
			prevGlyphIndex = glyph.index;
		// Auto hinting adjustments
		if(prevRsbDelta - glyph.lsb_delta >= 32) {
		} else if( prevRsbDelta - glyph.lsb_delta < -32) {
		prevRsbDelta = glyph.rsb_delta;
		// Draw
		if(DoDraw && glyph.size.x != 0 && glyph.size.y != 0) {
			GRenderer->SetTexture(0, &textures->getTexture(glyph.texture));
				((int)penX) + glyph.draw_offset.x, ((int)penY) - glyph.draw_offset.y,
				glyph.size.x, -glyph.size.y, glyph.uv_start.x, glyph.uv_end.y, glyph.uv_end.x,
				glyph.uv_start.y, color
		} else {
			ARX_UNUSED(penY), ARX_UNUSED(color);
		// If this is the first drawn char, note the start position
		if(startX == endX) {
			startX = glyph.draw_offset.x;
		endX = penX + glyph.draw_offset.x + glyph.size.x;
		// Advance
		penX += glyph.advance.x;