void btFluidHfBuoyantConvexShape::generateShape(btScalar collisionRadius, btScalar volumeEstimationRadius)
	btVoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver;
	btTransform voxelTransform = btTransform::getIdentity();
	btVector3 aabbMin, aabbMax;
	getAabb( btTransform::getIdentity(), aabbMin, aabbMax );	//AABB of the convex shape
	//Generate voxels for collision
		btSphereShape collisionShape(collisionRadius);
		const btScalar collisionDiameter = btScalar(2.0) * collisionRadius;
		btVector3 numVoxels = (aabbMax - aabbMin) / collisionDiameter;
		for(int i = 0; i < ceil( numVoxels.x() ); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < ceil( numVoxels.y() ); j++)
				for(int k = 0; k < ceil( numVoxels.z() ); k++)
					btVector3 voxelPosition = aabbMin + btVector3(i * collisionDiameter, j * collisionDiameter, k * collisionDiameter);

					if( intersect(&simplexSolver, btTransform::getIdentity(), voxelTransform, m_convexShape, &collisionShape) ) 
		const bool CENTER_VOXELS_AABB_ON_ORIGIN = true;
			btVector3 diameter(collisionDiameter, collisionDiameter, collisionDiameter);
			for(int i = 0; i < m_voxelPositions.size(); ++i)
				voxelAabbMin.setMin(m_voxelPositions[i] - diameter);
				voxelAabbMax.setMax(m_voxelPositions[i] + diameter);
			btVector3 offset = (voxelAabbMax - voxelAabbMin)*btScalar(0.5) - voxelAabbMax;
			for(int i = 0; i < m_voxelPositions.size(); ++i) m_voxelPositions[i] += offset;
	//Estimate volume with smaller spheres
	btScalar estimatedVolume;
		btSphereShape volumeEstimationShape(volumeEstimationRadius);	
		int numCollidingVoxels = 0;
		const btScalar estimationDiameter = btScalar(2.0) * volumeEstimationRadius;
		btVector3 numEstimationVoxels = (aabbMax - aabbMin) / estimationDiameter;
		for(int i = 0; i < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.x() ); i++)
			for(int j = 0; j < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.y() ); j++)
				for(int k = 0; k < ceil( numEstimationVoxels.z() ); k++)
					btVector3 voxelPosition = aabbMin + btVector3(i * estimationDiameter, j * estimationDiameter, k * estimationDiameter);

					if( intersect(&simplexSolver, btTransform::getIdentity(), voxelTransform, m_convexShape, &volumeEstimationShape) ) 

		//Although the voxels are spherical, it is better to use the volume of a cube
		//for volume estimation. Since convex shapes are completely solid and the voxels
		//are generated by moving along a cubic lattice, using the volume of a sphere
		//would result in gaps. Comparing the volume of a cube with edge length 2(8 m^3) 
		//and the volume of a sphere with diameter 2(~4 m^3), the estimated volume would
		//be off by about 1/2.
		btScalar volumePerEstimationVoxel = btPow( estimationDiameter, btScalar(3.0) );
		//btScalar volumePerEstimationVoxel =  btScalar(4.0/3.0) * SIMD_PI * btPow( volumeEstimationRadius, btScalar(3.0) );
		estimatedVolume = static_cast<btScalar>(numCollidingVoxels) * volumePerEstimationVoxel;
	m_volumePerVoxel = estimatedVolume / static_cast<btScalar>( getNumVoxels() );
	m_totalVolume = estimatedVolume;
	m_collisionRadius = collisionRadius;
예제 #2
// Returns the size (in bytes) of the data blob
int32_t RtExternalImageInfo::getDataSize() const {
  return getBytesPerPix()*getNumVoxels();