string CElement::getPath() const { // Take out root element from the path if (_pParent && _pParent->_pParent) { return _pParent->getPath() + "/" + getPathName(); } return "/" + getPathName(); }
bool Directory::cp(File* obje) { v.push_back(obje); obje->setPathName(getPathName()+ obje->getPathName()); Directory* d = dynamic_cast<Directory*>(obje); if(d != NULL){ for(int i=0; i < d->v.size(); ++i){ d->v[i]->setPathName(getPathName()+ d->v[i]->getPathName()); } } return true; }
void mv(char *pathSource, char *destinyPath) { char *copyName = (char*)mallocFS(mystrlen(getData(pathSource))); copyName = getData(getPathName(getData(pathSource), 2)); cpy(pathSource, destinyPath, copyName); rm(pathSource); }
void DirectoryIterator::next() { if (!m_dir.same(false)) { m_dirEntry = f_readdir(m_dir); m_index++; m_fileName = getPathName(); } }
bool CExtUpdate::applySettings(std::string & filename, int mode) { if(!FileHelpers) FileHelpers = new CFileHelpers(); if (mode == MODE_EXPERT) imgFilename = (std::string)g_settings.update_dir + "/" + FILESYSTEM_ENCODING_TO_UTF8_STRING(filename); else imgFilename = FILESYSTEM_ENCODING_TO_UTF8_STRING(filename); DBG_TIMER_START() std::string oldFilename = imgFilename; std::string hostName = netGetHostname(); std::string orgPath = getPathName(imgFilename); std::string orgName = getBaseName(imgFilename); orgName = getFileName(orgName); std::string orgExt = "." + getFileExt(imgFilename); std::string timeStr = getNowTimeStr("_%Y%m%d_%H%M"); std::string settingsStr = "+settings"; if (orgPath != "/tmp") { if (g_settings.softupdate_name_mode_apply == CExtUpdate::SOFTUPDATE_NAME_HOSTNAME_TIME) imgFilename = orgPath + "/" + hostName + timeStr + settingsStr + orgExt; else if (g_settings.softupdate_name_mode_apply == CExtUpdate::SOFTUPDATE_NAME_ORGNAME_TIME) imgFilename = orgPath + "/" + orgName + timeStr + settingsStr + orgExt; else imgFilename = orgPath + "/" + orgName + settingsStr + orgExt; FileHelpers->copyFile(oldFilename.c_str(), imgFilename.c_str(), 0644); } else imgFilename = oldFilename; filename = imgFilename; bool ret = applySettings(); DBG_TIMER_STOP("Image editing") if (!ret) { if ((mtdRamError != "") && (!flashErrorFlag)) DisplayErrorMessage(mtdRamError.c_str()); // error, delete image file unlink(imgFilename.c_str()); } else { if (mode == MODE_EXPERT) { if ((mtdNumber < 3) || (mtdNumber > 4)) { const char *err = "invalid mtdNumber\n"; printf(err); DisplayErrorMessage(err); WRITE_UPDATE_LOG("ERROR: %s", err); return false; } } WRITE_UPDATE_LOG("\n"); WRITE_UPDATE_LOG("##### Settings taken. #####\n"); if (mode == MODE_EXPERT) CFlashExpert::getInstance()->writemtd(filename, mtdNumber); } return ret; }
bool File::operator== ( File const & file ) const { return getPathName() == file.getPathName(); }
void DirectoryIterator::rewind() { if (!m_dir.same(false)) { f_rewinddir(m_dir); m_dirEntry = f_readdir(m_dir); m_index = 0; m_fileName = getPathName(); } }
DirectoryIterator::DirectoryIterator(CStrRef path) : m_path(path), m_index(0) { Variant dir = f_opendir(m_path); if (!dir.same(false)) { m_dir = dir; m_dirEntry = f_readdir(m_dir); m_fileName = getPathName(); } }
bool File::remove() { CharString longpath = "\\\\?\\" + getPathName(); if (isDirectory()) return (RemoveDirectory( longpath.buffer() ) == TRUE); else return (DeleteFile( longpath.buffer() ) == TRUE); }
void rm(char * path) { int y, z, dirStart, dirSize,blockEntryToRemove,blockToRemove; directoryBlock erasedBlock; char *destinyBlock,*dirRm; destinyBlock = getPathName(path, 1); dirRm = getPathName(path, 2); blockToRemove = findFileBlockInPath(destinyBlock); readsector(blockToRemove, (char*)&erasedBlock); blockEntryToRemove = findFileInDirectory(erasedBlock, dirRm); if (blockEntryToRemove == -1) { printstring("Directory does not exist\n"); return; } if (erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileType == IS_FILE) { dirStart = erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockStart; dirSize = erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockSize; z = dirStart; while (z < dirSize) { setFreeBlock(z); z++; } } else if (erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileType == IS_DIRECTORY) { rmDir(erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockStart); setFreeBlock(erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockStart); } y = 0; while (y < sizeof(erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileName)) { erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileName[y] = '\0'; } erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockSize = 0; erasedBlock.entries[blockEntryToRemove].fileBlockStart = 0; writesector(blockToRemove, (char*)&erasedBlock); }
void rn(char *dirPath, char *newDirName) { directoryBlock dir; int dirBlockPos,entryNumber, pathLenght,y; char *path,*previousDirName,*tempDirName; pathLenght = mystrlen(getData(dirPath)); path= (char*)mallocFS(pathLenght); path = getPathName(getData(dirPath), 1); previousDirName = getPathName(getData(dirPath), 2); dirBlockPos = findFileBlockInPath(path); if (dirBlockPos == -1) { printstring("Directory does not exists"); return; } readsector(dirBlockPos, &dir); entryNumber = findFileInDirectory(dir, previousDirName); if (entryNumber == -1) { printstring("Directory does not exists"); return; } tempDirName = (char*)mallocFS(mystrlen(getData(dirPath))); tempDirName = getData(dir.entries[entryNumber].fileName); if (strCmp(tempDirName, previousDirName) == 1) { y = 0; while( y < mystrlen(dir.entries[entryNumber].fileName)) { dir.entries[entryNumber].fileName[y] = ' '; y++; } strcpy(dir.entries[entryNumber].fileName, getData(newDirName)); dir.entries[entryNumber].fileType = IS_DIRECTORY; writesector(dirBlockPos, (char*)&dir); } }
bool File::rename (const String &name) { close(); File newfile( name ); CharString oldlongpath = "\\\\?\\" + getPathName(); CharString newlongpath = "\\\\?\\" + newfile.getPathName(); if (MoveFile( oldlongpath.buffer(), newlongpath.buffer() ) == TRUE) { this->path = newfile.path; this->name =; return true; } else return false; }
void MapData::load() { m_Layer.clear(); auto pMap = m_DBMgr.getMapDatabase().getPrototype(m_MapID); if (!pMap) return; m_Layer.resize(pMap->getSize(), pMap->getLayerCount(MAP::LayerType::LAYER_FOREGROUND), pMap->getLayerCount(MAP::LayerType::LAYER_BACKGROUND)); try { INPUT::MapBinaryReader reader; reader.readFile(Config::get()->getProjectDirectory() + "/maps/" + pMap->getPathName(), *this); } catch (const std::ios::failure&) {} }
void cpy(char *pathSource, char *destinyPath, char *copyName) { directoryBlock source, destiny; int sourceBlock, destinyBlock, newBlockDir, z; char *sourcePathName,*dirName; sourceBlock = findFileBlockInPath(getData(pathSource)); destinyBlock = findFileBlockInPath(getData(destinyPath)); if (sourceBlock == 0 || destinyBlock == 0) { return; } sourcePathName = getPathName(getData(pathSource), 2); readsector(sourceBlock, (char *)&source); readsector(destinyBlock, (char *)&destiny); { newBlockDir = mkdir(getData(destinyPath), getData(copyName)); if (strCmp(getData(getData(destinyPath)), "/") != 1) { dirName = mistrcat(getData(destinyPath), "/"); dirName = mistrcat(getData(dirName), getData(copyName)); dirName = getData(dirName); } else dirName = getData(getData(destinyPath)); z = 0; while(z < DIRECTORYENTRYCOUNT) { if (destiny.entries[z].fileBlockStart == 0) { destiny.entries[z].fileName[0] = '\0'; strcpy(getData(copyName), destiny.entries[z].fileName); destiny.entries[z].fileType = IS_DIRECTORY; destiny.entries[z].fileBlockStart = newBlockDir; destiny.entries[z].fileBlockSize = 1; break; } z++; } writesector(destinyBlock, (char *)&destiny); cpyDir(sourceBlock, newBlockDir, dirName); } }
bool File::open (FileAccess::Enum access, FileCondition::Enum condition) { DWORD winAccess = 0; DWORD winCondition = 0; //Setup access permissions switch (access) { case FileAccess::Read: winAccess = GENERIC_READ; break; case FileAccess::Write: winAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; break; case FileAccess::ReadWrite: winAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; } //Setup creation disposition if (condition & FileCondition::MustNotExist) { winCondition = CREATE_NEW; } else if (condition & FileCondition::MustExist) { if (condition & FileCondition::Truncate) winCondition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; else winCondition = OPEN_EXISTING; } else { if (condition & FileCondition::Truncate) winCondition = CREATE_ALWAYS; else winCondition = OPEN_ALWAYS; } //Create the file CharString longpath = "\\\\?\\" + getPathName(); handle = CreateFile( longpath.buffer(), winAccess, 0, NULL, winCondition, 0, NULL ); return (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
/* * Scans the specified directory and its subdirectories to find a * zoneinfo file which has the same content as /etc/localtime on Linux * or /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/localtime on Solaris given in 'buf'. * If file is symbolic link, then the contents it points to are in buf. * Returns a zone ID if found, otherwise, NULL is returned. */ static char * findZoneinfoFile(char *buf, size_t size, const char *dir) { DIR *dirp = NULL; struct stat statbuf; struct dirent64 *dp = NULL; struct dirent64 *entry = NULL; char *pathname = NULL; int fd = -1; char *dbuf = NULL; char *tz = NULL; dirp = opendir(dir); if (dirp == NULL) { return NULL; } entry = (struct dirent64 *) malloc((size_t) pathconf(dir, _PC_NAME_MAX)); if (entry == NULL) { (void) closedir(dirp); return NULL; } while (readdir64_r(dirp, entry, &dp) == 0 && dp != NULL) { /* * Skip '.' and '..' (and possibly other .* files) */ if (dp->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } /* * Skip "ROC", "posixrules", and "localtime". */ if ((strcmp(dp->d_name, "ROC") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "posixrules") == 0) #if defined(__solaris__) /* * Skip the "src" and "tab" directories on Solaris. */ || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "src") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "tab") == 0) #endif || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "localtime") == 0)) { continue; } pathname = getPathName(dir, dp->d_name); if (pathname == NULL) { break; } if (stat(pathname, &statbuf) == -1) { break; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { tz = findZoneinfoFile(buf, size, pathname); if (tz != NULL) { break; } } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && (size_t)statbuf.st_size == size) { dbuf = (char *) malloc(size); if (dbuf == NULL) { break; } if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { break; } if (read(fd, dbuf, size) != (ssize_t) size) { break; } if (memcmp(buf, dbuf, size) == 0) { tz = getZoneName(pathname); if (tz != NULL) { tz = strdup(tz); } break; } free((void *) dbuf); dbuf = NULL; (void) close(fd); fd = -1; } free((void *) pathname); pathname = NULL; } if (entry != NULL) { free((void *) entry); } if (dirp != NULL) { (void) closedir(dirp); } if (pathname != NULL) { free((void *) pathname); } if (fd != -1) { (void) close(fd); } if (dbuf != NULL) { free((void *) dbuf); } return tz; }
/* * Scans the specified directory and its subdirectories to find a * zoneinfo file which has the same content as /etc/localtime on Linux * or /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/localtime on Solaris given in 'buf'. * If file is symbolic link, then the contents it points to are in buf. * Returns a zone ID if found, otherwise, NULL is returned. */ static char * findZoneinfoFile(char *buf, size_t size, const char *dir) { DIR *dirp = NULL; struct stat statbuf; struct dirent *dp = NULL; struct dirent *entry = NULL; char *pathname = NULL; int fd = -1; char *dbuf = NULL; char *tz = NULL; dirp = opendir(dir); if (dirp == NULL) { return NULL; } entry = (struct dirent *) malloc((size_t) pathconf(dir, _PC_NAME_MAX)); if (entry == NULL) { (void) closedir(dirp); return NULL; } #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX) || (defined(__solaris__) \ && (defined(_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS) || defined(_LP64))) while (readdir_r(dirp, entry, &dp) == 0 && dp != NULL) { #else while ((dp = readdir_r(dirp, entry)) != NULL) { #endif /* * Skip '.' and '..' (and possibly other .* files) */ if (dp->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } /* * Skip "ROC", "posixrules", and "localtime". */ if ((strcmp(dp->d_name, "ROC") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "posixrules") == 0) #ifdef __solaris__ /* * Skip the "src" and "tab" directories on Solaris. */ || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "src") == 0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "tab") == 0) #endif || (strcmp(dp->d_name, "localtime") == 0)) { continue; } pathname = getPathName(dir, dp->d_name); if (pathname == NULL) { break; } if (stat(pathname, &statbuf) == -1) { break; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { tz = findZoneinfoFile(buf, size, pathname); if (tz != NULL) { break; } } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && (size_t)statbuf.st_size == size) { dbuf = (char *) malloc(size); if (dbuf == NULL) { break; } if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { fd = 0; break; } if (read(fd, dbuf, size) != (ssize_t) size) { break; } if (memcmp(buf, dbuf, size) == 0) { tz = getZoneName(pathname); if (tz != NULL) { tz = strdup(tz); } break; } free((void *) dbuf); dbuf = NULL; (void) close(fd); fd = 0; } free((void *) pathname); pathname = NULL; } if (entry != NULL) { free((void *) entry); } if (dirp != NULL) { (void) closedir(dirp); } if (pathname != NULL) { free((void *) pathname); } if (fd != 0) { (void) close(fd); } if (dbuf != NULL) { free((void *) dbuf); } return tz; } #if defined(__linux__) || defined(MACOSX) /* * Performs Linux specific mapping and returns a zone ID * if found. Otherwise, NULL is returned. */ static char * getPlatformTimeZoneID() { struct stat statbuf; char *tz = NULL; FILE *fp; int fd; char *buf; size_t size; #ifdef __linux__ /* * Try reading the /etc/timezone file for Debian distros. There's * no spec of the file format available. This parsing assumes that * there's one line of an Olson tzid followed by a '\n', no * leading or trailing spaces, no comments. */ if ((fp = fopen(ETC_TIMEZONE_FILE, "r")) != NULL) { char line[256]; if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { char *p = strchr(line, '\n'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } if (strlen(line) > 0) { tz = strdup(line); } } (void) fclose(fp); if (tz != NULL) { return tz; } } #endif /* __linux__ */ /* * Next, try /etc/localtime to find the zone ID. */ if (lstat(DEFAULT_ZONEINFO_FILE, &statbuf) == -1) { return NULL; } /* * If it's a symlink, get the link name and its zone ID part. (The * older versions of timeconfig created a symlink as described in * the Red Hat man page. It was changed in 1999 to create a copy * of a zoneinfo file. It's no longer possible to get the zone ID * from /etc/localtime.) */ if (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode)) { char linkbuf[PATH_MAX+1]; int len; if ((len = readlink(DEFAULT_ZONEINFO_FILE, linkbuf, sizeof(linkbuf)-1)) == -1) { jio_fprintf(stderr, (const char *) "can't get a symlink of %s\n", DEFAULT_ZONEINFO_FILE); return NULL; } linkbuf[len] = '\0'; tz = getZoneName(linkbuf); if (tz != NULL) { tz = strdup(tz); return tz; } } /* * If it's a regular file, we need to find out the same zoneinfo file * that has been copied as /etc/localtime. * If initial symbolic link resolution failed, we should treat target * file as a regular file. */ if ((fd = open(DEFAULT_ZONEINFO_FILE, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { return NULL; } if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == -1) { (void) close(fd); return NULL; } size = (size_t) statbuf.st_size; buf = (char *) malloc(size); if (buf == NULL) { (void) close(fd); return NULL; } if (read(fd, buf, size) != (ssize_t) size) { (void) close(fd); free((void *) buf); return NULL; } (void) close(fd); tz = findZoneinfoFile(buf, size, ZONEINFO_DIR); free((void *) buf); return tz; } #else #ifdef __solaris__ #if !defined(__sparcv9) && !defined(amd64) /* * Those file* functions mimic the UNIX stream io functions. This is * because of the limitation of the number of open files on Solaris * (32-bit mode only) due to the System V ABI. */ #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static struct iobuffer { int magic; /* -1 to distinguish from the real FILE */ int fd; /* file descriptor */ char *buffer; /* pointer to buffer */ char *ptr; /* current read pointer */ char *endptr; /* end pointer */ }; static int fileclose(FILE *stream) { struct iobuffer *iop = (struct iobuffer *) stream; if (iop->magic != -1) { return fclose(stream); } if (iop == NULL) { return 0; } close(iop->fd); free((void *)iop->buffer); free((void *)iop); return 0; } static FILE * fileopen(const char *fname, const char *fmode) { FILE *fp; int fd; struct iobuffer *iop; if ((fp = fopen(fname, fmode)) != NULL) { return fp; } /* * It assumes read open. */ if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { return NULL; } /* * Allocate struct iobuffer and its buffer */ iop = malloc(sizeof(struct iobuffer)); if (iop == NULL) { (void) close(fd); errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } iop->magic = -1; iop->fd = fd; iop->buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (iop->buffer == NULL) { (void) close(fd); free((void *) iop); errno = ENOMEM; return NULL; } iop->ptr = iop->buffer; iop->endptr = iop->buffer; return (FILE *)iop; }
/* * Scans the specified directory and its subdirectories to find a * zoneinfo file which has the same content as /etc/localtime given in * 'buf'. Returns a zone ID if found, otherwise, NULL is returned. */ static char * findZoneinfoFile(char *buf, size_t size, const char *dir) { DIR *dirp = NULL; struct stat statbuf; struct dirent *dp; char *pathname = NULL; int fd = -1; char *dbuf = NULL; char *tz = NULL; dirp = opendir(dir); if (dirp == NULL) { return NULL; } while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { /* * Skip '.' and '..' (and possibly other .* files) */ if (dp->d_name[0] == '.') { continue; } pathname = getPathName(dir, dp->d_name); if (pathname == NULL) { break; } if (stat(pathname, &statbuf) == -1) { break; } if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { tz = findZoneinfoFile(buf, size, pathname); if (tz != NULL) { break; } } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && (size_t)statbuf.st_size == size) { dbuf = (char *) malloc(size); if (dbuf == NULL) { break; } if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { fd = 0; break; } if (read(fd, dbuf, size) != (ssize_t) size) { break; } if (memcmp(buf, dbuf, size) == 0) { tz = getZoneName(pathname); if (tz != NULL) { tz = strdup(tz); } break; } free((void *) dbuf); dbuf = NULL; (void) close(fd); fd = 0; } free((void *) pathname); pathname = NULL; } if (dirp != NULL) { (void) closedir(dirp); } if (pathname != NULL) { free((void *) pathname); } if (fd != 0) { (void) close(fd); } if (dbuf != NULL) { free((void *) dbuf); } return tz; }
bool File::exists() const { CharString longpath = "\\\\?\\" + getPathName(); DWORD atts = GetFileAttributes( longpath.buffer() ); return atts != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; }
bool File::isDirectory() const { CharString longpath = "\\\\?\\" + getPathName(); DWORD atts = GetFileAttributes( longpath.buffer() ); return (atts & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; }
/// Generic object access, given a path from the current context /// /// Note that the template wrapper method should generally be used to have the correct return type, void* GNode::getObject(const sofa::core::objectmodel::ClassInfo& class_info, const std::string& path) const { if (path.empty()) { return Node::getObject(class_info, Local); } else if (path[0] == '/') { if (parent()) return parent()->getObject(class_info, path); else return getObject(class_info,std::string(path,1)); } else if (std::string(path,0,2)==std::string("./")) { std::string newpath = std::string(path, 2); while (!newpath.empty() && path[0] == '/') newpath.erase(0); return getObject(class_info,newpath); } else if (std::string(path,0,3)==std::string("../")) { std::string newpath = std::string(path, 3); while (!newpath.empty() && path[0] == '/') newpath.erase(0); if (parent()) return parent()->getObject(class_info,newpath); else return getObject(class_info,newpath); } else { std::string::size_type pend = path.find('/'); if (pend == std::string::npos) pend = path.length(); std::string name ( path, 0, pend ); Node* child = getChild(name); if (child) { while (pend < path.length() && path[pend] == '/') ++pend; return child->getObject(class_info, std::string(path, pend)); } else if (pend < path.length()) { //std::cerr << "ERROR: child node "<<name<<" not found in "<<getPathName()<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { core::objectmodel::BaseObject* obj = simulation::Node::getObject(name); if (obj == NULL) { //std::cerr << "ERROR: object "<<name<<" not found in "<<getPathName()<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { void* result = class_info.dynamicCast(obj); if (result == NULL) { std::cerr << "ERROR: object "<<name<<" in "<<getPathName()<<" does not implement class "<<<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { return result; } } } } }
/// Generic object access, given a path from the current context /// /// Note that the template wrapper method should generally be used to have the correct return type, void* DAGNode::getObject(const sofa::core::objectmodel::ClassInfo& class_info, const std::string& path) const { if (path.empty()) { // local object return Node::getObject(class_info, Local); } else if (path[0] == '/') { // absolute path; let's start from root Parents parents = getParents(); if (parents.empty()) return getObject(class_info,std::string(path,1)); else return getRootContext()->getObject(class_info,path); } else if (std::string(path,0,2)==std::string("./")) { std::string newpath = std::string(path, 2); while (!newpath.empty() && path[0] == '/') newpath.erase(0); return getObject(class_info,newpath); } else if (std::string(path,0,3)==std::string("../")) { // tricky case: // let's test EACH parent and return the first object found (if any) std::string newpath = std::string(path, 3); while (!newpath.empty() && path[0] == '/') newpath.erase(0); Parents parents = getParents(); if (!parents.empty()) { for (Parents::iterator it = parents.begin(); it!=parents.end(); it++) { void* obj = dynamic_cast<Node*>(*it)->getObject(class_info,newpath); if (obj) return obj; } return 0; // not found in any parent node at all } else return getObject(class_info,newpath); } else { std::string::size_type pend = path.find('/'); if (pend == std::string::npos) pend = path.length(); std::string name ( path, 0, pend ); Node* child = getChild(name); if (child) { while (pend < path.length() && path[pend] == '/') ++pend; return child->getObject(class_info, std::string(path, pend)); } else if (pend < path.length()) { //std::cerr << "ERROR: child node "<<name<<" not found in "<<getPathName()<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { core::objectmodel::BaseObject* obj = simulation::Node::getObject(name); if (obj == NULL) { //std::cerr << "ERROR: object "<<name<<" not found in "<<getPathName()<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { void* result = class_info.dynamicCast(obj); if (result == NULL) { std::cerr << "ERROR: object "<<name<<" in "<<getPathName()<<" does not implement class "<<<<std::endl; return NULL; } else { return result; } } } } }
string Directory::path() { return getPathName(); }