void createPropertyEditors (Project& project, PropertyListBuilder& props) const { props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST (project), "Build VST", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce a VST plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAU (project), "Build AudioUnit", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildRTAS (project), "Build RTAS", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an RTAS plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAAX (project), "Build AAX", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an AAX plugin."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginName (project), "Plugin Name", 128, false), "The name of your plugin (keep it short!)"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginDesc (project), "Plugin Description", 256, false), "A short description of your plugin."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturer (project), "Plugin Manufacturer", 256, false), "The name of your company (cannot be blank)."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturerCode (project), "Plugin Manufacturer Code", 4, false), "A four-character unique ID for your company. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginCode (project), "Plugin Code", 4, false), "A four-character unique ID for your plugin. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginChannelConfigs (project), "Plugin Channel Configurations", 256, false), "This is the set of input/output channel configurations that your plugin can handle. The list is a comma-separated set of pairs of values in the form { numInputs, numOutputs }, and each " "pair indicates a valid configuration that the plugin can handle. So for example, {1, 1}, {2, 2} means that the plugin can be used in just two configurations: either with 1 input " "and 1 output, or with 2 inputs and 2 outputs."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsSynth (project), "Plugin is a Synth", "Is a Synth"), "Enable this if you want your plugin to be treated as a synth or generator. It doesn't make much difference to the plugin itself, but some hosts treat synths differently to other plugins."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginWantsMidiInput (project), "Plugin Midi Input", "Plugin wants midi input"), "Enable this if you want your plugin to accept midi messages."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginProducesMidiOut (project), "Plugin Midi Output", "Plugin produces midi output"), "Enable this if your plugin is going to produce midi messages."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginSilenceInProducesSilenceOut (project), "Silence", "Silence in produces silence out"), "Enable this if your plugin has no tail - i.e. if passing a silent buffer to it will always result in a silent buffer being produced."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus (project), "Key Focus", "Plugin editor requires keyboard focus"), "Enable this if your plugin needs keyboard input - some hosts can be a bit funny about keyboard focus.."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUExportPrefix (project), "Plugin AU Export Prefix", 64, false), "A prefix for the names of exported entry-point functions that the component exposes - typically this will be a version of your plugin's name that can be used as part of a C++ token."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUMainType (project), "Plugin AU Main Type", 128, false), "In an AU, this is the value that is set as JucePlugin_AUMainType. Leave it blank unless you want to use a custom value."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginRTASCategory (project), "Plugin RTAS Category", 64, false), "(Leave this blank if your plugin is a synth). This is one of the RTAS categories from FicPluginEnums.h, such as: ePlugInCategory_None, ePlugInCategory_EQ, ePlugInCategory_Dynamics, " "ePlugInCategory_PitchShift, ePlugInCategory_Reverb, ePlugInCategory_Delay, " "ePlugInCategory_Modulation, ePlugInCategory_Harmonic, ePlugInCategory_NoiseReduction, " "ePlugInCategory_Dither, ePlugInCategory_SoundField"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAAXCategory (project), "Plugin AAX Category", 64, false), "This is one of the RTAS categories from the AAX_EPlugInCategory enum"); }
String Project::getAUMainTypeString() { String s (getPluginAUMainType().toString()); if (s.isEmpty()) { if (getPluginIsSynth().getValue()) s = "kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice"; else if (getPluginWantsMidiInput().getValue()) s = "kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect"; else s = "kAudioUnitType_Effect"; } return s; }
String Project::getAUMainTypeCode() { String s (getPluginAUMainType().toString()); if (s.isEmpty()) { if (getPluginIsMidiEffectPlugin().getValue()) s = "aumi"; else if (getPluginIsSynth().getValue()) s = "aumu"; else if (getPluginWantsMidiInput().getValue()) s = "aumf"; else s = "aufx"; } return s; }
String Project::getAUMainTypeString() { String s (getPluginAUMainType().toString()); if (s.isEmpty()) { // Unfortunately, Rez uses a header where kAudioUnitType_MIDIProcessor is undefined // Use aumi instead. if (getPluginIsMidiEffectPlugin().getValue()) s = "'aumi'"; else if (getPluginIsSynth().getValue()) s = "kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice"; else if (getPluginWantsMidiInput().getValue()) s = "kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect"; else s = "kAudioUnitType_Effect"; } return s; }
void Project::createAudioPluginPropertyEditors (PropertyListBuilder& props) { props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST(), "Build VST", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce a VST plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildVST3(), "Build VST3", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce a VST3 plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAU(), "Build AudioUnit", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAUv3(), "Build AudioUnit v3", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an AudioUnit version 3 plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildRTAS(), "Build RTAS", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an RTAS plugin."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildAAX(), "Build AAX", "Enabled"), "Whether the project should produce an AAX plugin."); /* TODO: this property editor is temporarily disabled because right now we build standalone if and only if we also build AUv3. However as soon as targets are supported on non-Xcode exporters as well, we should re-enable this option and allow to build the standalone plug-in independently from AUv3. */ // props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (shouldBuildStandalone(), "Build Standalone", "Enabled"), // "Whether the project should produce a standalone version of the plugin. Required for AUv3."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginName(), "Plugin Name", 128, false), "The name of your plugin (keep it short!)"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginDesc(), "Plugin Description", 256, false), "A short description of your plugin."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturer(), "Plugin Manufacturer", 256, false), "The name of your company (cannot be blank)."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginManufacturerCode(), "Plugin Manufacturer Code", 4, false), "A four-character unique ID for your company. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginCode(), "Plugin Code", 4, false), "A four-character unique ID for your plugin. Note that for AU compatibility, this must contain at least one upper-case letter!"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginChannelConfigs(), "Plugin Channel Configurations", 1024, false), "This list is a comma-separated set list in the form {numIns, numOuts} and each pair indicates a valid plug-in " "configuration. For example {1, 1}, {2, 2} means that the plugin can be used either with 1 input and 1 output, " "or with 2 inputs and 2 outputs. If your plug-in requires side-chains, aux output buses etc., then you must leave " "this field empty and override the setPreferredBusArrangement method in your AudioProcessor."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsSynth(), "Plugin is a Synth", "Is a Synth"), "Enable this if you want your plugin to be treated as a synth or generator. It doesn't make much difference to the plugin itself, but some hosts treat synths differently to other plugins."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginWantsMidiInput(), "Plugin Midi Input", "Plugin wants midi input"), "Enable this if you want your plugin to accept midi messages."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginProducesMidiOut(), "Plugin Midi Output", "Plugin produces midi output"), "Enable this if your plugin is going to produce midi messages."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginIsMidiEffectPlugin(), "Midi Effect Plugin", "Plugin is a midi effect plugin"), "Enable this if your plugin only processes midi and no audio."); props.add (new BooleanPropertyComponent (getPluginEditorNeedsKeyFocus(), "Key Focus", "Plugin editor requires keyboard focus"), "Enable this if your plugin needs keyboard input - some hosts can be a bit funny about keyboard focus.."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUExportPrefix(), "Plugin AU Export Prefix", 64, false), "A prefix for the names of exported entry-point functions that the component exposes - typically this will be a version of your plugin's name that can be used as part of a C++ token."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAUMainType(), "Plugin AU Main Type", 128, false), "In an AU, this is the value that is set as JucePlugin_AUMainType. Leave it blank unless you want to use a custom value."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginVSTCategory(), "VST Category", 64, false), "In a VST, this is the value that is set as JucePlugin_VSTCategory. Leave it blank unless you want to use a custom value."); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginRTASCategory(), "Plugin RTAS Category", 64, false), "(Leave this blank if your plugin is a synth). This is one of the RTAS categories from FicPluginEnums.h, such as: ePlugInCategory_None, ePlugInCategory_EQ, ePlugInCategory_Dynamics, " "ePlugInCategory_PitchShift, ePlugInCategory_Reverb, ePlugInCategory_Delay, " "ePlugInCategory_Modulation, ePlugInCategory_Harmonic, ePlugInCategory_NoiseReduction, " "ePlugInCategory_Dither, ePlugInCategory_SoundField"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getPluginAAXCategory(), "Plugin AAX Category", 64, false), "This is one of the categories from the AAX_EPlugInCategory enum"); props.add (new TextPropertyComponent (getAAXIdentifier(), "Plugin AAX Identifier", 256, false), "The value to use for the JucePlugin_AAXIdentifier setting"); }