void ai_getClosestOpponent(int player, int* opponent, float *distance) {
	int i;
	vec2 v_player;
	vec2 v_opponent;

	*opponent = -1;
	*distance = FLT_MAX;

	getPositionFromIndex(v_player.v + 0, v_player.v + 1, player);
	for(i = 0; i < game->players; i++) {
		if(i == player)
		if(game->player[i].data->speed > 0) {
			vec2 diff;
			float d;

			getPositionFromIndex(v_opponent.v + 0, v_opponent.v + 1, i);
			vec2_Sub(&diff, &v_player, &v_opponent);
			// use manhattan distance instead of euclidean distance
			d = (float) ( fabs(diff.v[0]) + fabs(diff.v[1]) );
			// d = vec2Length(&diff);
			if(d < *distance) {
				*opponent = i;
				*distance = d;
예제 #2
bool SpiralIterator::isInside(const Index index) const
  Eigen::Vector2d position;
  getPositionFromIndex(position, index, mapLength_, mapPosition_, resolution_, bufferSize_);
  double squareNorm = (position - center_).array().square().sum();
  return (squareNorm <= radiusSquare_);
예제 #3
bool EllipseIterator::isInside() const
  Position position;
  getPositionFromIndex(position, *(*internalIterator_), mapLength_, mapPosition_, resolution_, bufferSize_, bufferStartIndex_);
  double value = ((transformMatrix_ * (position - center_)).array().square() / semiAxisSquare_).sum();
  return (value <= 1);
예제 #4
파일: event.c 프로젝트: Zoxc/gltron
void createEvent(int player, event_type_e eventType) {
  GameEvent *e;
  List *p = &(game2->events);

  /* move to the end of the event list */
  while (p->next)
    p = p->next;

  /* TODO: handle failed malloc */
  e = (GameEvent*) malloc(sizeof(GameEvent));
  p->data = e;
  p->next = (List*) malloc(sizeof(List));
  p->next->next = NULL;
  e->type = eventType;
	getPositionFromIndex(&e->x, &e->y, player);
  e->player = player;
  e->timestamp = game2->time.current;
예제 #5
  void Audio_Idle(void) { 
    // iterate over all the players and update the engines
    if(sample_engine->IsPlaying()) {
      for(int i = 0; i < PLAYERS; i++) {
				Player *p;
				Sound::Source3D *p3d;
				float x, y;
				p3d = players[i];
				p = game->player + i;
				getPositionFromIndex(&x, &y, i);
				p3d->_location = Vector3(x, y, 0);
				float V = p->data->speed;

				int dt = game2->time.current - p->data->turn_time;
				if(dt < TURN_LENGTH) {
					float t = (float)dt / TURNLENGTH;

					float vx = (1 - t) * dirsX[p->data->last_dir] +
						t * dirsX[p->data->dir];
					float vy = (1 - t) * dirsY[p->data->last_dir] +
						t * dirsY[p->data->dir];
					p3d->_velocity = Vector3(V * vx, V * vy, 0);
				} else {
					p3d->_velocity = Vector3(V * dirsX[p->data->dir], 
																	 V * dirsY[p->data->dir], 
				if(i == 0) {
					if(p->data->boost_enabled) {
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_speedShift = 1.2f;
					} else {
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_speedShift = 1.0f;
					( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_pitchShift =
						p->data->speed / getSettingf("speed");
#if 0
				if(i == 0) {
					if( dt < TURNLENGTH ) {
						float t = (float)dt / TURNLENGTH;
						float speedShift = ( 1 - t ) * 0.4 + t * 0.3;
						float pitchShift = ( 1 - t ) * 0.9 + t * 1.0;
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_speedShift = speedShift;
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_pitchShift = pitchShift;
					} else {
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_speedShift = 0.3;
						( (Sound::SourceEngine*) p3d )->_pitchShift = 1.0;

    if(sample_recognizer->IsPlaying()) {
      if (gSettingsCache.show_recognizer) {
				vec2 p, v;
				getRecognizerPositionVelocity(&p, &v);
				// recognizerEngine->_location = Vector3(p.x, p.y, RECOGNIZER_HEIGHT);
				recognizerEngine->_location = Vector3(p.v[0], p.v[1], 10.0f);
				recognizerEngine->_velocity = Vector3(v.v[0], v.v[1], 0);

		if(music && !music->IsPlaying()) {
			// check if music is enabled. if it is, advance to
			// next song
			if(gSettingsCache.playMusic) {

    Sound::Listener& listener = sound->GetListener();

    listener._location = Vector3(game->player[0].camera->cam);
		Vector3 v1 = Vector3(game->player[0].camera->target);
		Vector3 v2 = Vector3(game->player[0].camera->cam);
    listener._direction = v1 - v2;
    // listener._location = players[0]->_location;
    // listener._direction = players[0]->_velocity;
    listener._velocity = players[0]->_velocity;

    listener._up = Vector3(0, 0, 1);

예제 #6
파일: event.c 프로젝트: Zoxc/gltron
int applyWallAcceleration(int player, int dt) {
	// find distance to enemy walls left & right
	enum { eLeft, eRight, eMax };
	segment2 segments[eMax];

	Data *data = game->player[player].data;
	int dirLeft = (data->dir + 3) % 4;
	int dirRight = (data->dir + 1) % 4;

	float left, right;

	float x, y;
	vec2 vPos;

	int i, j;

	getPositionFromIndex(&x, &y, player);
	vPos.v[0] = x;
	vPos.v[1] = y;

	for(i = 0; i < eMax; i++) {
		vec2Copy(&segments[i].vStart, &vPos);

	segments[eLeft].vDirection.v[0] = dirsX[dirLeft];
	segments[eLeft].vDirection.v[1] = dirsY[dirLeft];
	segments[eRight].vDirection.v[0] = dirsX[dirRight];
	segments[eRight].vDirection.v[1] = dirsY[dirRight];

	left = FLT_MAX;
	right = FLT_MAX;

	for(i = 0; i < game->players; i++) {
		segment2 *wall = game->player[i].data->trails;

		if(i == player)
		if(game->player[i].data->trail_height < TRAIL_HEIGHT)
		for(j = 0; j < game->player[i].data->trailOffset + 1; j++) {
			float t1, t2;
			vec2 v;
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eLeft, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < left && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				left = t1;
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eRight, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < right && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				right = t1;

		float accell_limit = getSettingf("wall_accel_limit");
		if(left < accell_limit || right < accell_limit) {
			float boost = getSettingf("wall_accel_use") * dt / 1000.0f;
			data->speed += boost;
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;
예제 #7
bool PolygonIterator::isInside() const
  Position position;
  getPositionFromIndex(position, *(*internalIterator_), mapLength_, mapPosition_, resolution_, bufferSize_, bufferStartIndex_);
  return polygon_.isInside(position);
void ai_getDistances(int player, AI_Distances *distances) {
	enum { eFront = 0, eLeft, eRight, eBackleft, eMax };
	segment2 segments[eMax];
	vec2 v, vPos;
	Data *data = game->player[player].data;
	int dirLeft = (data->dir + 3) % 4;
	int dirRight = (data->dir + 1) % 4;
	int i, j;
	float *front = &distances->front;
	float *right = &distances->right;
	float *left = &distances->left;
	float *backleft = &distances->backleft;

	getPositionFromIndex(vPos.v + 0, vPos.v + 1, player);

	for(i = 0; i < eMax; i++) {
		vec2_Copy(&segments[i].vStart, &vPos);

	segments[eFront].vDirection.v[0] = (float) dirsX[data->dir];
	segments[eFront].vDirection.v[1] = (float) dirsY[data->dir];
	segments[eLeft].vDirection.v[0] = (float) dirsX[dirLeft];
	segments[eLeft].vDirection.v[1] = (float) dirsY[dirLeft];
	segments[eRight].vDirection.v[0] = (float) dirsX[dirRight];
	segments[eRight].vDirection.v[1] = (float) dirsY[dirRight];
	segments[eBackleft].vDirection.v[0] = (float) dirsX[dirLeft] - dirsX[data->dir];
	segments[eBackleft].vDirection.v[1] = (float) dirsY[dirLeft] - dirsY[data->dir];
	*front = FLT_MAX;
	*left = FLT_MAX;
	*right = FLT_MAX;
	*backleft = FLT_MAX;

	// loop over all segment
	for(i = 0; i < game->players; i++) {
		segment2 *wall = game->player[i].data->trails;
		if(game->player[i].data->trail_height < TRAIL_HEIGHT)

		for(j = 0; j < game->player[i].data->trailOffset + 1; j++) {
			float t1, t2;
			if(i == player && j == game->player[i].data->trailOffset)
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eFront, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < *front && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				*front = t1;
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eLeft, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < *left && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				*left = t1;
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eRight, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < *right && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				*right = t1;
			if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eBackleft, wall) &&
				 t1 > 0 && t1 < *backleft && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
				*backleft = t1;
	for(i = 0; i < game2->level->nBoundaries; i++) {
		float t1, t2;
		segment2* wall = game2->level->boundaries + i;
		if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eFront, wall) &&
			 t1 > 0 && t1 < *front && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
			*front = t1;
		if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eLeft, wall) &&
			 t1 > 0 && t1 < *left && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
			*left = t1;
		if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eRight, wall) &&
			 t1 > 0 && t1 < *right && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
			*right = t1;
		if(segment2_Intersect(&v, &t1, &t2, segments + eBackleft, wall) &&
			 t1 > 0 && t1 < *backleft && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1)
			*backleft = t1;
	// update debug render segments
		AI *ai = game->player[player].ai;
		vec2_Copy(&ai->front.vStart, &vPos);
		vec2_Copy(&ai->left.vStart, &vPos);
		vec2_Copy(&ai->right.vStart, &vPos);
		vec2_Copy(&ai->backleft.vStart, &vPos);
		ai->front.vDirection.v[0] = *front * dirsX[data->dir];
		ai->front.vDirection.v[1] = *front * dirsY[data->dir];
		ai->left.vDirection.v[0] = *left * dirsX[dirLeft];
		ai->left.vDirection.v[1] = *left * dirsY[dirLeft];
		ai->right.vDirection.v[0] = *right * dirsX[dirRight];
		ai->right.vDirection.v[1] = *right * dirsY[dirRight];
		ai->backleft.vDirection.v[0] = (float) (dirsX[dirLeft] - dirsX[data->dir]);
		ai->backleft.vDirection.v[1] = (float) (dirsY[dirLeft] - dirsY[data->dir]);
	// printf("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n", *front, *right, *left);
void ai_getConfig(int player, int target,
										AI_Configuration *config) {

	Data *data;
	getPositionFromIndex(config->player.vStart.v + 0,
											 config->player.vStart.v + 1,
	getPositionFromIndex(config->opponent.vStart.v + 0,
											 config->opponent.vStart.v + 1,
	data = game->player[player].data;
	config->player.vDirection.v[0] = dirsX[ data->dir ] * data->speed;
	config->player.vDirection.v[1] = dirsY[ data->dir ] * data->speed;

	data = game->player[target].data;
	config->opponent.vDirection.v[0] = dirsX[ data->dir ] * data->speed;
	config->opponent.vDirection.v[1] = dirsY[ data->dir ] * data->speed;
	// compute sector
		vec2 diff;
		vec3 v1, v2, v3;
		vec3 up = { { 0, 0, 1 } };
		float cosphi;
		float phi;
		int i;

		vec2_Sub(&diff, &config->player.vStart, &config->opponent.vStart);
		v1.v[0] = diff.v[0];
		v1.v[1] = diff.v[1];
		v1.v[2] = 0;

		v2.v[0] = config->opponent.vDirection.v[0];
		v2.v[1] = config->opponent.vDirection.v[1];
		v2.v[2] = 0;

		vec3_Normalize(&v1, &v1);
		vec3_Normalize(&v2, &v2);

		vec3_Cross(&v3, &v1, &v2);
		vec3_Normalize(&v3, &v3);
		cosphi = vec3_Dot(&v1, &v2);
		nebu_Clamp(&cosphi, -1, 1);
		phi = (float) acos(cosphi);
		if(vec3_Dot(&v3, &up) > 0)
			phi = 2 * (float) M_PI - phi;
		for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
			phi -= (float) M_PI / 4;
			if(phi < 0) {
				config->location = i;
	// compute intersection
		segment2 seg1;
		segment2 seg2;
		seg1.vStart = config->opponent.vStart;
		seg1.vDirection = config->opponent.vDirection;
		seg2.vStart = config->player.vStart;
		vec2_Orthogonal( &seg2.vDirection, &config->opponent.vDirection );
		vec2_Normalize( &seg2.vDirection, &seg2.vDirection );
		vec2_Scale( &seg2.vDirection, 
							 vec2_Length( &config->player.vDirection )
		segment2_Intersect( &config->intersection, 
												&config->t_opponent, &config->t_player,
												&seg1, &seg2 );
		if(config->t_player < 0)
			config->t_player *= -1;
bool GridMap::getPosition(const Eigen::Array2i& index, Eigen::Vector2d& position) const
  return getPositionFromIndex(position, index, length_, position_, resolution_, bufferSize_, bufferStartIndex_);