예제 #1
void PhysicsRecord::fillData(const TrackletCollection& tracklets,
		const HitCollection::tTrackList& mcTruth, const HitCollection& hits, uint nLayerTriplets) {

	LOG << "Evaluating event " << event << " layer triplet " << layerTriplet  << std::endl;

	//std::ofstream histo("ptCalc", std::ios::app);

	//uint cPt = 0; uint swPt = 0; uint rwPt = 0;

	std::set<uint> foundTracks;
	uint fakeTracks = 0;
	uint foundClones = 0;

	uint nFoundTracklets = tracklets.getTrackletOffsets()[event * nLayerTriplets + layerTriplet + 1] - tracklets.getTrackletOffsets()[event * nLayerTriplets + layerTriplet];

	LOG << "Found " << nFoundTracklets << " triplets:" << std::endl;
	for(uint i = tracklets.getTrackletOffsets()[event * nLayerTriplets + layerTriplet]; i < tracklets.getTrackletOffsets()[event * nLayerTriplets + layerTriplet + 1]; ++i){
		Tracklet tracklet(tracklets, i);

		float tEta = getEta(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
		float tPt = getPt(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()),  Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));

			//valid triplet

			if(mcTruth.find(tracklet.trackId(hits)) != mcTruth.end()){ //  ensure that it is a "findable track" otherwise efficiency greater one possible

				bool inserted = foundTracks.insert(tracklet.trackId(hits)).second;

				if(inserted){ //found for the first time

					/*double calculatedPt = getPt(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()),  Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
				double mcPt = mcTruth.at(tracklet.trackId(hits))[0].simtrackpt();

				histo << fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt << std::endl;

				if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.1)
				else if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.9)

					VLOG << zkr::cc::fore::green;
					VLOG << "Track " << tracklet.trackId(hits) << " : " << tracklet.hit1() << "-" << tracklet.hit2() << "-" << tracklet.hit3();
					VLOG << " TIP: " << getTIP(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
					VLOG << zkr::cc::console << std::endl;
				} else {


					/*double calculatedPt = getPt(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()),  Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
				double mcPt = mcTruth.at(tracklet.trackId(hits))[0].simtrackpt();

				histo << fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt << std::endl;

				if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.1)
				else if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.9)

					VLOG << zkr::cc::fore::yellow;
					VLOG << "Track " << tracklet.trackId(hits) << " : " << tracklet.hit1() << "-" << tracklet.hit2() << "-" << tracklet.hit3();
					VLOG << " TIP: " << getTIP(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
					VLOG << zkr::cc::console << std::endl;
			} else { //not in findable tracks definition but still valid
		else {
			//fake triplet


			VLOG << zkr::cc::fore::red;
			VLOG << "Fake: " << tracklet.hit1() << "[" << hits.getValue(HitId(),tracklet.hit1()) << "]";
			VLOG << "-" << tracklet.hit2() << "[" << hits.getValue(HitId(),tracklet.hit2()) << "]";
			VLOG << "-" << tracklet.hit3() << "[" << hits.getValue(HitId(),tracklet.hit3()) << "]";
			VLOG << " TIP: " << getTIP(Hit(hits,tracklet.hit1()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit2()), Hit(hits,tracklet.hit3()));
			VLOG << zkr::cc::console << std::endl;


	//std::cout << "\tINTERMEIDATE: correctly calculated: " << cPt << " slightly wrongly calculated: " << swPt << " really wrong " << rwPt << std::endl;

	//output not found tracks
	for(auto vTrack : mcTruth) {
		if( foundTracks.find(vTrack.first) == foundTracks.end()){
			VLOG << "Didn't find track " << vTrack.first << std::endl;

			PHitWrapper innerHit(vTrack.second[0]);
			PHitWrapper middleHit(vTrack.second[floor(vTrack.second.size()/2)]);
			PHitWrapper outerHit(vTrack.second[vTrack.second.size()-1]);

			/*double calculatedPt = getPt(innerHit,  middleHit, outerHit);
			double mcPt = vTrack.second[0].simtrackpt();

			histo << fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt << std::endl;

			if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.1)
			else if((fabs(calculatedPt - mcPt) / mcPt) < 0.9)

			eta[getEtaBin(getEta(innerHit, outerHit))].missed++;
			pt[getPtBin(getPt(innerHit,  middleHit, outerHit))].missed++;

	efficiencyMean = ((double) foundTracks.size()) / Utils::clamp(mcTruth.size());
	fakeRateMean = ((double) fakeTracks) / Utils::clamp(nFoundTracklets);
	cloneRateMean = ((double) foundClones) / Utils::clamp(nFoundTracklets);


	//std::cout << "correctly calculated: " << cPt << " slightly wrongly calculated: " << swPt << " really wrong " << rwPt << std::endl;

	LOG << "Efficiency: " << efficiencyMean  << " FakeRate: " << fakeRateMean << " CloneRate: " << cloneRateMean << std::endl;


예제 #2
void readTree(TString filelist="/global/project/projectdirs/star/pwg/starhf/zamiller/minBiasTemplates101015/Trees.list",TString outFile="/global/project/projectdirs/star/pwg/starhf/zamiller/minBiasTemplates101015/readTreeOutSubmitTEST.root")

  //TString filelist=Form("%s/%s",localDir,fileIn);
  //TString outFile=Form("%s/%s",outDir,fileOut);

  TFile fout(outFile,"RECREATE");

  for(Int_t c=0; c< numPtBins; c++)
    lowpt[c] = anaConst::lpt[c];
    highpt[c] = anaConst::hpt[c];
  for(Int_t ptbin = 0; ptbin < numPtBins; ptbin++)
    hdEtaRawce[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hdEtaRawce_%i",ptbin),"hdEtaRawce",100, -5,5);
    hdEtaRawbe[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hdEtaRawbe_%i",ptbin),"hdEtaRawbe",100, -5,5);
    hEventTallyce[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("ceEventTally_%i",ptbin),"ceEvent Tally",1,0,1);
    hEventTallybe[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("beEventTally_%i",ptbin),"beEvent Tally",1,0,1);
    hEventTallybce[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("bceEventTally_%i",ptbin),"bceEvent Tally",1,0,1);
    hdPhiRawce[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hdPhiRawce_%i",ptbin),"hdPhiRawce",Phibin, -10,10);
    hdPhiRawbe[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hdPhiRawbe_%i",ptbin),"hdPhiRawbe",Phibin, -10,10);
    hdPhiRawbce[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hdPhiRawbce_%i",ptbin),"hdPhiRawbce",Phibin, -10,10);
    hept[ptbin] = new TH1D(Form("hept_%i",ptbin),"hept",200,0.,20.);

  // Make Chain
  TChain* chain = new TChain("tree");
  int nfile = 0;
  /*  nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set13/pythia_tree_Oct30_13.root");
      nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set14/pythia_tree_Oct30_14.root");
      nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set15/pythia_tree_Oct30_15.root");
      nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set16/pythia_tree_Oct30_16.root");
      nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set17/pythia_tree_Oct30_17.root");
  //  nfile += chain->Add("Oct30_set12/pythia_tree_Oct30_12.root");
  //  nfile += chain->Add("Oct26_set3/pythia_tree_Oct26_3.root");
  // nfile += chain->Add("Oct18_set4/pythia_tree_Oct18_4.root");
  //nfile += chain->Add("liweiTemplate_part2.root");*/
  char filename[1000];
  ifstream fstream(filelist.Data());
  int ifile = 0;
  while (fstream >> filename)
    nfile+= chain->Add(filename);
    std::cout << "Got File: " << filename << std::endl;

  std::cout <<"Added "<<nfile<<" files"<<std::endl;
  std::cout<<"# entries in chain: "<<chain->GetEntries()<<std::endl;
  if (chain == 0) return;

  int ceNtrigger=0;
  int beNtrigger=0;
  int bceNtrigger=0;
  int ptbin,maxptbin;

  //define variables
  Int_t   Event, numberofcElectrons, numberofbElectrons,numberofbcElectrons, numberofHadrons, noTracks;   //
  Float_t celectron_id,celectron_status,celectron_pt,celectron_pz,celectron_phi,celectron_eta,celectron_y;                //track info
  Float_t belectron_id,belectron_status,belectron_pt,belectron_pz,belectron_phi,belectron_eta,belectron_y;
  Float_t bcelectron_id,bcelectron_status,bcelectron_pt,bcelectron_pz,bcelectron_phi,bcelectron_eta,bcelectron_y;
  Float_t assoh_id,assoh_status,assoh_pt,assoh_pz,assoh_phi,assoh_eta,assoh_y;

  int goodEvent = 0;

  Long64_t nentries = chain->GetEntriesFast();
  int x = 0; int n = nentries; int w = 25;

  for(int i = 0; i < nentries; i++){
    Long64_t ientry = chain->LoadTree(i);
    if (ientry < 0) break;
    TBranch *b_destep = chain->GetBranch("hf2eDecay");

    TLeaf* leaf_Event_id            = b_destep->GetLeaf("Event_id");
    TLeaf* leaf_refMult             = b_destep->GetLeaf("refMult");
    TLeaf* leaf_numberofcElectrons  = b_destep->GetLeaf("numberofcElectrons");
    TLeaf* leaf_numberofbElectrons  = b_destep->GetLeaf("numberofbElectrons");
    TLeaf* leaf_numberofbcElectrons = b_destep->GetLeaf("numberofbcElectrons");
    TLeaf* leaf_numberofHadrons     = b_destep->GetLeaf("numberofHadrons");
    TLeaf* leaf_noTracks            = b_destep->GetLeaf("noTracks");

    TLeaf* leaf_ce_id               = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_id");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_status           = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_status");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_pt               = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_pt");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_pz               = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_pz");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_phi              = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_phi");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_eta              = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_eta");
    TLeaf* leaf_ce_y                = b_destep->GetLeaf("ce_y");

    TLeaf* leaf_be_id               = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_id");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_status           = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_status");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_pt               = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_pt");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_pz               = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_pz");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_phi              = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_phi");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_eta              = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_eta");
    TLeaf* leaf_be_y                = b_destep->GetLeaf("be_y");

    TLeaf* leaf_bce_id              = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_id");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_status          = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_status");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_pt              = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_pt");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_pz              = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_pz");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_phi             = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_phi");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_eta             = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_eta");
    TLeaf* leaf_bce_y               = b_destep->GetLeaf("bce_y");

    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_id           = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_id");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_status       = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_status");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_pt           = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_pt");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_pz           = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_pz");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_phi          = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_phi");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_eta          = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_eta");
    TLeaf* leaf_hadron_y            = b_destep->GetLeaf("hadron_y");

    x = i+1;
    // Process Completion bar
    if ( (x != n) && (x % (n/100) == 0) )
      float ratio  =  (float)x/(float)n;
      int   c      =  ratio * w;

      if(ratio < 1){
        std::cout << (int)(ratio*100) << "% [";
        for (int x=0; x<c; x++) std::cout << "=";
        for (int x=c; x<w; x++) std::cout << " ";
        std::cout << "]\r" << std::flush ;

    // if(i%10000 == 0)
    //   std::cout <<"Entry: "<< i << std::endl;

    Event   = (int)leaf_Event_id->GetValue(0);
    numberofcElectrons = (int)leaf_numberofcElectrons->GetValue(0);
    // std::cout << numberofcElectrons << " ";
    numberofbElectrons = (int)leaf_numberofbElectrons->GetValue(0);
    numberofbcElectrons = (int)leaf_numberofbcElectrons->GetValue(0);
    numberofHadrons = (int)leaf_numberofHadrons->GetValue(0);
    // std::cout << "numHad: " << numberofHadrons << std::endl;
    noTracks        = leaf_noTracks->GetValue(0);
    hrefmult -> Fill(noTracks);

    //loop through matched primary tracks electron find c decayed electron
    int ceNtrigcount=0;
    maxptbin = 0;
    for(int trki = 0; trki < numberofcElectrons; trki++){
      celectron_id      = (int)leaf_ce_id->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_status  = (int)leaf_ce_status->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_pt      = leaf_ce_pt->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_pz      = leaf_ce_pz->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_phi     = leaf_ce_phi->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_eta     = leaf_ce_eta->GetValue(trki);
      celectron_y       = leaf_ce_y->GetValue(trki);
      if(celectron_eta > EtaCut || celectron_eta < -EtaCut) continue;
      ptbin = getPtBin(celectron_pt);
      if(ptbin == -99) continue;
      if(ptbin > maxptbin)
        maxptbin = ptbin;
      hEventTallyce[maxptbin]->Fill(0.5); //fill for each NPE

      for(int trkj = 0; trkj < numberofHadrons; trkj++){

        assoh_id = (int)leaf_hadron_id->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_status  = (int)leaf_hadron_status->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pt      = leaf_hadron_pt->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pz      = leaf_hadron_pz->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_phi     = leaf_hadron_phi->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_eta     = leaf_hadron_eta->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_y       = leaf_hadron_y->GetValue(trkj);
        if(assoh_eta > hEtaCut || assoh_eta < -hEtaCut) continue;

        float deltPhi = assoh_phi - celectron_phi;
        float deltEta = assoh_eta - celectron_eta;
        if(deltPhi < -PI)  deltPhi += 2*PI;
        if(deltPhi >  PI) deltPhi -= 2*PI;
        if(abs(deltEta) > deletacut) continue;

    //b decayed electron-------------------------------------------------- 
    int beNtrigcount=0;
    maxptbin = 0;
    for(int trki = 0; trki < numberofbElectrons; trki++){
      belectron_id = (int)leaf_be_id->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_status  = (int)leaf_be_status->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_pt      = leaf_be_pt->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_pz      = leaf_be_pz->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_phi     = leaf_be_phi->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_eta     = leaf_be_eta->GetValue(trki);
      belectron_y        = leaf_be_y->GetValue(trki);
      if(belectron_eta > EtaCut || belectron_eta < -EtaCut) continue;
      ptbin = getPtBin(belectron_pt);
      if(ptbin == -99) continue;
      if(ptbin > maxptbin)
        maxptbin = ptbin;
      hEventTallybe[maxptbin]->Fill(0.5); //fill for each NPE
      for(int trkj = 0; trkj < numberofHadrons; trkj++){

        assoh_id = (int)leaf_hadron_id->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_status  = (int)leaf_hadron_status->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pt      = leaf_hadron_pt->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pz      = leaf_hadron_pz->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_phi     = leaf_hadron_phi->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_eta     = leaf_hadron_eta->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_y       = leaf_hadron_y->GetValue(trkj);
        if(assoh_eta > hEtaCut || assoh_eta < -hEtaCut) continue;

        float deltPhi = assoh_phi - belectron_phi;
        float deltEta = assoh_eta - belectron_eta;
        if(deltPhi < -PI)  deltPhi += 2*PI;
        if(deltPhi >  PI) deltPhi -= 2*PI;
        if(abs(deltEta) > deletacut) continue;
    //    if(beNtrigcount>0)hEventTallybe[maxptbin]->Fill("be non photonic electron",1);
    //    if(beNtrigcount>0)beNtrigger++;
    //bce decayed electron-----------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                           
    int bceNtrigcount=0;
    maxptbin = 0;
    for(int trki = 0; trki < numberofbcElectrons; trki++){
      bcelectron_id = (int)leaf_bce_id->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_status  = (int)leaf_bce_status->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_pt      = leaf_bce_pt->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_pz      = leaf_bce_pz->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_phi     = leaf_bce_phi->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_eta     = leaf_bce_eta->GetValue(trki);
      bcelectron_y       = leaf_bce_y->GetValue(trki);
      if(bcelectron_eta > EtaCut || bcelectron_eta < -EtaCut) continue;
      ptbin = getPtBin(bcelectron_pt);
      if(ptbin == -99) continue;
      if(ptbin > maxptbin)
        maxptbin = ptbin;
      hEventTallybe[maxptbin]->Fill(0.5); //fill for each NPE
      for(int trkj = 0; trkj < numberofHadrons; trkj++){

        assoh_id = (int)leaf_hadron_id->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_status  = (int)leaf_hadron_status->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pt      = leaf_hadron_pt->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_pz      = leaf_hadron_pz->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_phi     = leaf_hadron_phi->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_eta     = leaf_hadron_eta->GetValue(trkj);
        assoh_y       = leaf_hadron_y->GetValue(trkj);
        if(assoh_eta > hEtaCut || assoh_eta < -hEtaCut) continue;

        float deltPhi = assoh_phi - bcelectron_phi;
        float deltEta = assoh_eta - celectron_eta;
        if(deltPhi < -PI)  deltPhi += 2*PI;
        if(deltPhi >  PI) deltPhi -= 2*PI;
        if(abs(deltEta) > deletacut) continue;
    //    if(bceNtrigcount>0)hEventTallybe[maxptbin]->Fill("be non photonic electron",1);
    //    if(bceNtrigcount>0)beNtrigger++;

    /* if(ceNtrigger+bceNtrigger+beNtrigger > 0){
       std::cout<<"ce Trigger electron number = "<<ceNtrigger<<std::endl;
       std::cout<<"be Trigger electron number = "<<beNtrigger<<std::endl;
       std::cout<<"bce Trigger electron number = "<<bceNtrigger<<std::endl;

  // After Fill Manipulations
  for(int qq = 0; qq < numPtBins; qq++)
    hdPhiRawceN[qq] = (TH1D*)hdPhiRawce[qq]->Clone();
    hdPhiRawceN[qq] -> SetName(Form("hdPhiRawceN_%i",qq));
    hdPhiRawceN[qq] -> Sumw2();
    hdPhiRawceN[qq] -> Scale(1./(Double_t)hEventTallyce[qq]->GetBinContent(1));
    hdPhiRawbeN[qq] = (TH1D*)hdPhiRawbe[qq]->Clone();
    hdPhiRawbeN[qq] -> SetName(Form("hdPhiRawbeN_%i",qq));
    hdPhiRawbeN[qq] -> Sumw2();
    hdPhiRawbeN[qq] -> Scale(1./(Double_t)hEventTallybe[qq]->GetBinContent(1));

  std::cout << "100% [";
  for (int x=0; x<w; x++) std::cout << "=";
  std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
  delete chain;