예제 #1
void Story::returnFromCall(Word result)
	// First up, put the stack and PC back to what they should be
	auto returnFrame = m_Frames.top();


	// The result goes back into a variable...
	auto resultVariableID = returnFrame.getResultVariable();
	if(resultVariableID != DiscardResultsVariable)
		storeVariable(static_cast<Byte>(resultVariableID), result);
예제 #2
int CMD_check( int argc, char **argv, int kind ) {
  int result;
  char *logName;
  envelope *anEnvelope;
  char* forecastName;
  char* returnAddress;
  char* raceName;
  char* password;
  char* final_orders;
  game* aGame;
  FILE* forecast;
  player* aPlayer;
  int resNumber, theTurnNumber;
  result = FALSE;
  logName = createString( "%s/log/orders_processed.txt", galaxynghome );
  openLog( logName, "a" );
  free( logName );
  plogtime( LBRIEF );
  if ( argc >= 2 ) {
    anEnvelope = createEnvelope(  );
    returnAddress = getReturnAddress( stdin );
    raceName = NULL;
    password = NULL;
    final_orders = NULL;
    aGame = NULL;
    resNumber = areValidOrders( stdin, &aGame, &raceName,
				&password, &final_orders, &theTurnNumber );
    plog( LBRIEF, "game %s\n", aGame->name );
    setHeader(anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_FROM, "%s", aGame->serverOptions.SERVERemail);
    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_TO, "%s", returnAddress );
    setHeader(anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_REPLYTO, aGame->serverOptions.ReplyTo);
    anEnvelope->from_name = strdup(aGame->serverOptions.SERVERname);
    anEnvelope->from_address = strdup(aGame->serverOptions.SERVERemail);

    if ( resNumber == RES_OK) {
      aPlayer = findElement( player, aGame->players, raceName );
      aPlayer->orders = NULL;
      plog( LBRIEF, "Orders from %s\n", returnAddress );
      /* produce an XML forecast */
      if ( aPlayer->flags & F_XMLREPORT ) {
	if ( ( theTurnNumber == LG_CURRENT_TURN ) ||
	     ( theTurnNumber == ( aGame->turn ) + 1 ) ) {
	  forecastName = createString( "%s/NG_XML_%d_forecast",
				       tempdir, getpid(  ) );
	  copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, final_orders,
		      aGame->turn + 1 );
	  if ( ( forecast =
		 GOS_fopen( forecastName, "w" ) ) == NULL ) {
	    plog( LBRIEF, "Could not open %s for forecasting\n",
		  forecastName );
	    fprintf( stderr,
		     "Could not open %s for forecasting\n",
		     forecastName );
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  if (final_orders)
	    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		       "[GNG] %s turn %d XML finalorders forecast for %s",
		       aGame->name, ( aGame->turn ) + 1, raceName );
	    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		       "[GNG] %s turn %d XML forecast for %s",
		       aGame->name, ( aGame->turn ) + 1, raceName );
	  checkOrders( aGame, raceName, forecast, F_XMLREPORT );
	  fclose( forecast );
	  if ( kind == CMD_CHECK_REAL ) {
	    plog( LBRIEF, "mailing XML report %s to %s\n",
		  forecastName, anEnvelope->to );
	    fprintf( stderr, "mailing XML report %s to %s\n",
		     forecastName, anEnvelope->to );
	    result |= eMail( aGame, anEnvelope, forecastName );
	  } else {
	    char *forecastFile;
	    forecastFile =
	      createString( "%s/forecasts/%s/%s_XML",
			    galaxynghome, argv[2],
			    returnAddress );
	    GOS_copy( forecastName, forecastFile );
	  result |= GOS_delete( forecastName );
	  free( forecastName );
      /* produce a text forecast */
      if ( aPlayer->flags & F_TXTREPORT ) {
	if ( ( theTurnNumber == LG_CURRENT_TURN ) ||
	     ( theTurnNumber == ( aGame->turn ) + 1 ) ) {
	  forecastName = createString( "%s/NG_TXT_%d_forecast",
				       tempdir, getpid(  ) );
	  if ( ( forecast =
		 GOS_fopen( forecastName, "w" ) ) == NULL ) {
	    plog( LBRIEF, "Could not open %s for forecasting\n",
		  forecastName );
	    return EXIT_FAILURE;
	  if ( aPlayer->orders == NULL )
	    copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, final_orders,
			aGame->turn + 1 );
	  if (final_orders)
	    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		       "[GNG] %s turn %d text finalorders forecast for %s",
		       aGame->name, ( aGame->turn ) + 1, raceName );
	    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		       "[GNG] %s turn %d text forecast for %s",
		       aGame->name, ( aGame->turn ) + 1, raceName );
	  checkOrders( aGame, raceName, forecast, F_TXTREPORT );
	  fclose( forecast );
	  if ( kind == CMD_CHECK_REAL ) {
	    plog( LBRIEF, "mailing TXT report %s to %s\n",
		  forecastName, anEnvelope->to );
	    fprintf( stderr, "mailing TXT report %s to %s\n",
		     forecastName, anEnvelope->to );
	    result |= eMail( aGame, anEnvelope, forecastName );
	  } else {
	    char *forecastFile;
	    forecastFile =
	      createString( "%s/forecasts/%s/%s_TXT",
			    galaxynghome, argv[2],
			    returnAddress );
	    GOS_copy( forecastName, forecastFile );
	  result |= GOS_delete( forecastName );
	  free( forecastName );
    } else {
      forecastName = createString( "%s/NG_TXT_%d_errors",
				   tempdir, getpid(  ) );
      forecast = GOS_fopen( forecastName, "w" );
      setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		 "[GNG] Major Trouble" );
      plog( LBRIEF, "Major Trouble %d\n", resNumber );
      generateErrorMessage( resNumber, aGame, raceName,
			    theTurnNumber, forecast );
      fclose( forecast );
      if ( kind == CMD_CHECK_REAL ) {
	plog( LBRIEF, "mailing error report %s to %s\n", forecastName,
	      anEnvelope->to );
	result |= eMail( aGame, anEnvelope, forecastName );
      } else {
	char *forecastFile;
	forecastFile =
	  createString( "%s/forecasts/%s/%s_ERR",
			galaxynghome, argv[2], returnAddress );
	GOS_copy( forecastName, forecastFile );
      result |= GOS_delete( forecastName );
      free( forecastName );
    /* code here for advanced orders, we need to see how to determine this */
    if ( theTurnNumber > (aGame->turn+1)) {
      if ( aPlayer->orders == NULL )
	copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, final_orders,
		    theTurnNumber );
      if (final_orders) {
	setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		   "[GNG] %s turn %d advance finalorders received for %s.",
		   aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
	plog( LBRIEF, "%s turn %d advance finalorders received for %s.\n",
	      aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
      else {
	setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		   "[GNG] %s turn %d advance orders received for %s.",
		   aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
	plog( LBRIEF, "%s turn %d advance orders received for %s.\n",
	      aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
      if ( aPlayer->flags & F_XMLREPORT ) {
	forecastName = createString( "%s/NG_XML_forecast", tempdir );
	forecast = GOS_fopen( forecastName, "w" );
	fprintf( forecast,
		 "<galaxy>\n  <variant>GalaxyNG</variant>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "  <version>%d.%d.%d</version>\n",
	fprintf( forecast, "  <game name=\"%s\">\n", aGame->name );
	fprintf( forecast, "    <turn num=\"%d\">\n", theTurnNumber );
	fprintf( forecast, "      <race name=\"%s\">\n", raceName );
	fprintf( forecast, "        <message>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "          <line num=\"1\">"
		 "O wise leader, your orders for turn %d</line>",
		 theTurnNumber );
	fprintf( forecast, "          <line num=\"2\">"
		 "have been received and stored.</line>" );
	fprintf( forecast, "        </message>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "      </race>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "    </turn>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "  </game>\n" );
	fprintf( forecast, "</galaxy>\n" );
	fclose( forecast );
	if ( kind == CMD_CHECK_REAL ) {
	  result |= eMail( aGame, anEnvelope, forecastName );
	} else {
	  char *forecastFile;
	  forecastFile =
	    createString( "%s/forecasts/%s/%s_XML",
			  galaxynghome, argv[2], returnAddress );
	  GOS_copy( forecastName, forecastFile );
	result |= GOS_delete( forecastName );
	free( forecastName );
      if ( aPlayer->flags & F_TXTREPORT ) {
	if ( aPlayer->orders == NULL )
	  copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, final_orders,
		      theTurnNumber );
	forecastName = createString( "%s/NG_TXT_forecast", tempdir );
	forecast = GOS_fopen( forecastName, "w" );
	fprintf( forecast, "O wise leader your orders for turn %d "
		 "have been received and stored.\n", theTurnNumber );
	fclose( forecast );
	if ( kind == CMD_CHECK_REAL ) {
	  result |= eMail( aGame, anEnvelope, forecastName );
	} else {
	  char *forecastFile;
	  forecastFile =
	    createString( "%s/forecasts/%s/%s_TXT",
			  galaxynghome, argv[2], returnAddress );
	  GOS_copy( forecastName, forecastFile );
	result |= GOS_delete( forecastName );
	free( forecastName );
  if ( raceName )
    free( raceName );
  if ( password )
    free( password );
  destroyEnvelope( anEnvelope );
  result = ( result ) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
  return result;
예제 #3
int CMD_check( int argc, char **argv, int kind ) {
  char *logName;
  int result = FALSE;
  logName = createString( "%s/log/orders_processed.txt", galaxynghome );
  openLog( logName, "a" );
  free( logName );
  plogtime( LBRIEF );
  if ( argc < 2 ) {
    result = TRUE;
  else {
    envelope *anEnvelope = createEnvelope(  );
    char* returnAddress = getReturnAddress( stdin );
    int   theTurnNumber = getTurnNumber( stdin );
    char* raceName = NULL;
    char* password = NULL;
    char* final_orders = NULL;
    game *aGame = NULL;
    int resNumber = areValidOrders( stdin, &aGame, &raceName,
				    &password, &final_orders, &theTurnNumber );
    plog( LBRIEF, "game %s\n", aGame->name );

    setHeader(anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_FROM, "%s", aGame->serverOptions.SERVERemail);
    setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_TO, "%s", returnAddress );
    setHeader(anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_REPLYTO, aGame->serverOptions.ReplyTo);
    anEnvelope->from_address = strdup(aGame->serverOptions.SERVERemail);
    anEnvelope->from_name = strdup(aGame->serverOptions.SERVERname);

    if ( resNumber == RES_OK ) {
      player *aPlayer = findElement( player, aGame->players, raceName );
      assert( aPlayer);
      aPlayer->orders = NULL;
      plog( LBRIEF, "Orders from %s\n", returnAddress );
      if ( ( theTurnNumber == LG_CURRENT_TURN ) ||
	   ( theTurnNumber == ( aGame->turn ) + 1 ) ) {
	/* They are orders for the coming turn, copy them. */
	copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, aGame->turn + 1 );
	/* Check them */
	checkOrders( aGame, raceName );
	/* Now mail the result */
	if ( aPlayer->flags & F_XMLREPORT ) {
	  result = mail_Forecast( aGame, aPlayer, anEnvelope, raceName,
				  kind, REP_XML );
	if ( aPlayer->flags & F_TXTREPORT ) {
	  result = mail_Forecast( aGame, aPlayer, anEnvelope, raceName,
				  kind, REP_TXT );
      } else if ( theTurnNumber > ( aGame->turn ) + 1 ) {
	/* They are advance orders */
	copyOrders( aGame, stdin, raceName, password, theTurnNumber );
	setHeader( anEnvelope, MAILHEADER_SUBJECT,
		   "[GNG] %s turn %d advance orders received for %s.",
		   aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
	plog( LBRIEF, "%s turn %d advance orders received for %s.\n",
	      aGame->name, theTurnNumber, raceName );
	if ( aPlayer->flags & F_XMLREPORT ) {
	  result = mail_AdvanceReport( aGame, aPlayer, anEnvelope, raceName,
				       kind, REP_XML );
	if ( aPlayer->flags & F_TXTREPORT ) {
	  result = mail_AdvanceReport( aGame, aPlayer, anEnvelope, raceName,
				       kind, REP_TXT );
      else {
	/* Orders for a turn that already ran. 
	 * Should be handled by areValidOrders() 
	assert( 0 );
    else {
      /* Some major error */
      result |= mail_TXT_Error( aGame, anEnvelope, 
				raceName, kind, resNumber, theTurnNumber );
  result = ( result ) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;
  return result;
예제 #4
파일: are.c 프로젝트: scumola/GalaxyNG
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int errorCode;
  char *value;

  if ((value = getenv("GALAXYNGHOME"))) {
    galaxynghome = strdup(value);
  } else if ((value = getenv("HOME"))) {
    sprintf(lineBuffer, "%s/Games", value);
    galaxynghome = strdup(lineBuffer);
  } else {
    galaxynghome = strdup("/please/set/your/HOME/or/GALAXYNGHOME/variable");

  errorCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
  if (argc eq 6) {
    int maxNumberOfPlayers, curNumberOfPlayers, maxNumberOfPlanets;
    double totalPlanetSize, maxPlanetSize;
    int ret;
    char sys_string[2000];
    curNumberOfPlayers   = countPlayersRegistered(argv[1]);
    maxNumberOfPlayers   = atoi(argv[2]);
    totalPlanetSize      = atof(argv[3]);
    maxPlanetSize        = atof(argv[4]);
    maxNumberOfPlanets   = atoi(argv[5]);
    if (curNumberOfPlayers >= 0) {
      char *address; 
      if ((address = getReturnAddress(stdin))) {
	char *planets;

	printf("To: %s\n%s%s%s%s", address, FROMHEADER, CCHEADER, 
	  "\n\nMessage from A.R.E (Automatic Registration Engine)\n"
	sprintf(sys_string,"/bin/grep %s %s/%s.players > /dev/null",address,galaxynghome,argv[1]);
	ret = system(sys_string);
	if (ret==0) {
		     "You are already registered for this game\n");
	if (getPlanetSizes(stdin, &planets, totalPlanetSize, maxNumberOfPlanets, maxPlanetSize)) {
	  errorCode =  registerPlayer(
	    address, planets, argv[1], 
	    (curNumberOfPlayers < maxNumberOfPlayers) ? T_PLAYER : T_STANDBY);
	  if (errorCode == EXIT_SUCCESS) { 
	    if (curNumberOfPlayers < maxNumberOfPlayers) {
	      playerMessage(argv[1], address, planets);
	    } else {
	} else { /* Player made a mistake in planet sizes */
	if (planets) free(planets);
	if (address) free(address);
      } else {
		"ARE: Can't determine return address.\n");
    } else {
	      "ARE: Can't determine the number players that enrolled.\n");
  } else {
	    "ARE: Incorrect number of parameters.\n"
	    "ARE: Correct usage: are <gamename> <limit>\n"
	    "     <total planet size> <maximum planet size>\n"
	    "     <maximum number of planets>\n"
  return errorCode;