예제 #1
addQueryToCache(Client c)
	MalBlkPtr mb;
	backend *be;
	str msg = 0, pipe;

	be = (backend *) c->sqlcontext;
	assert(be && be->mvc);	/* SQL clients should always have their state set */
	pipe = getSQLoptimizer(be->mvc);

	insertSymbol(c->nspace, c->curprg);
	c->blkmode = 0;
	mb = c->curprg->def;
	chkProgram(c->fdout, c->nspace, mb);
	mnstr_printf(GDKout, "ADD QUERY TO CACHE\n");
	printFunction(GDKout, mb, 0, LIST_MAL_ALL);
	 * An error in the compilation should be reported to the user.
	 * And if the debugging option is set, the debugger is called
	 * to allow inspection.
	if (mb->errors) {

		if (c->listing)
			printFunction(c->fdout, mb, 0, c->listing);
		if (be->mvc->debug) {
			msg = runMALDebugger(c, c->curprg);
			if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED)
				GDKfree(msg); /* ignore error */
	addOptimizers(c, mb, pipe);
	msg = optimizeMALBlock(c, mb);
	if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED) {
		showScriptException(c->fdout, mb, 0, MAL, "%s", msg);

	/* time to execute the optimizers */
	if (c->debug)
		optimizerCheck(c, mb, "sql.baseline", -1, 0);
	mnstr_printf(GDKout, "ADD optimized QUERY TO CACHE\n");
	printFunction(GDKout, mb, 0, LIST_MAL_ALL);
예제 #2
SQLoptimizeFunction(Client c, MalBlkPtr mb)
	str msg;
	str pipe;
	backend *be = (backend *) c->sqlcontext;
	assert(be && be->mvc);	/* SQL clients should always have their state set */

	pipe = getSQLoptimizer(be->mvc);
	msg = addOptimizers(c, mb, pipe, TRUE);
	if (msg)
		return msg;
	mb->keephistory |= be->mvc->emod & mod_debug;
	msg = optimizeMALBlock(c, mb);
	mb->keephistory = FALSE;
	return msg;
예제 #3
SQLoptimizeQuery(Client c, MalBlkPtr mb)
	backend *be;
	str msg = 0;
	str pipe;

	if (mb->stop > 0 &&
	    mb->stmt[mb->stop-1]->token == REMsymbol &&
	    mb->stmt[mb->stop-1]->argc > 0 &&
	    mb->var[mb->stmt[mb->stop-1]->argv[0]].value.vtype == TYPE_str &&
	    mb->var[mb->stmt[mb->stop-1]->argv[0]].value.val.sval &&
	    strncmp(mb->var[mb->stmt[mb->stop-1]->argv[0]].value.val.sval, "total", 5) == 0)
		return MAL_SUCCEED; /* already optimized */

	be = (backend *) c->sqlcontext;
	assert(be && be->mvc);	/* SQL clients should always have their state set */

	c->blkmode = 0;
	chkProgram(c->usermodule, mb);

	 * An error in the compilation should be reported to the user.
	 * And if the debugging option is set, the debugger is called
	 * to allow inspection.
	if (mb->errors) {
		if (c->listing)
			printFunction(c->fdout, mb, 0, c->listing);
		if (be->mvc->debug) {
			msg = runMALDebugger(c, c->curprg->def);
			if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED)
				freeException(msg); /* ignore error */
		return NULL;

	pipe = getSQLoptimizer(be->mvc);
	msg = addOptimizers(c, mb, pipe, FALSE);
	if (msg)
		return msg;
	mb->keephistory |= be->mvc->emod & mod_debug;
	msg = optimizeMALBlock(c, mb);
	return msg;
예제 #4
optimizeQuery(Client c)
	MalBlkPtr mb;
	backend *be;
	str msg = 0, pipe;

	be = (backend *) c->sqlcontext;
	assert(be && be->mvc);	/* SQL clients should always have their state set */
	pipe = getSQLoptimizer(be->mvc);

	c->blkmode = 0;
	mb = c->curprg->def;
	chkProgram(c->fdout, c->nspace, mb);
	mnstr_printf(GDKout, "Optimize query\n");
	printFunction(GDKout, mb, 0, LIST_MAL_ALL);
	 * An error in the compilation should be reported to the user.
	 * And if the debugging option is set, the debugger is called
	 * to allow inspection.
	if (mb->errors) {

		if (c->listing)
			printFunction(c->fdout, mb, 0, c->listing);
		return NULL;
	addOptimizers(c, mb, pipe);
	msg = optimizeMALBlock(c, mb);
	if (msg)
		return msg;

	/* time to execute the optimizers */
	if (c->debug)
		optimizerCheck(c, mb, "sql.baseline", -1, 0);
	mnstr_printf(GDKout, "End Optimize Query\n");
	printFunction(GDKout, mb, 0, LIST_MAL_ALL);
	return NULL;