예제 #1
파일: rpmgensig.c 프로젝트: jwakely/rpm
static int sameSignature(rpmTagVal sigtag, Header h1, Header h2)
    pgpDigParams sig1 = getSig(h1, sigtag);
    pgpDigParams sig2 = getSig(h2, sigtag);;

    int rc = pgpDigParamsCmp(sig1, sig2);

    return (rc == 0);
 void optimizeFunctionTypes(Module* module) {
   FunctionTypeAnalyzer analyzer;
   // maps each string signature to a single canonical function type
   std::unordered_map<std::string, FunctionType*> canonicals;
   std::unordered_set<FunctionType*> needed;
   auto canonicalize = [&](Name name) {
     if (!name.is()) return name;
     FunctionType* type = module->getFunctionType(name);
     auto sig = getSig(type);
     auto iter = canonicals.find(sig);
     if (iter == canonicals.end()) {
       canonicals[sig] = type;
       return type->name;
     } else {
       return iter->second->name;
   // canonicalize all uses of function types
   for (auto* import : analyzer.functionImports) {
     import->type = canonicalize(import->type);
   for (auto* func : analyzer.functions) {
     func->type = canonicalize(func->type);
   for (auto* call : analyzer.indirectCalls) {
     call->fullType = canonicalize(call->fullType);
   // remove no-longer used types
   module->functionTypes.erase(std::remove_if(module->functionTypes.begin(), module->functionTypes.end(), [&needed](std::unique_ptr<FunctionType>& type) {
     return needed.count(type.get()) == 0;
   }), module->functionTypes.end());
std::vector<Function*> makeDynCallThunks(Module& wasm, std::vector<Name> const& tableSegmentData) {
  wasm.removeImport(EMSCRIPTEN_ASM_CONST); // we create _sig versions

  std::vector<Function*> generatedFunctions;
  std::unordered_set<std::string> sigs;
  Builder wasmBuilder(wasm);
  for (const auto& indirectFunc : tableSegmentData) {
    std::string sig(getSig(wasm.getFunction(indirectFunc)));
    auto* funcType = ensureFunctionType(sig, &wasm);
    if (hasI64ResultOrParam(funcType)) continue; // Can't export i64s on the web.
    if (!sigs.insert(sig).second) continue; // Sig is already in the set
    std::vector<NameType> params;
    params.emplace_back("fptr", i32); // function pointer param
    int p = 0;
    for (const auto& ty : funcType->params) params.emplace_back(std::to_string(p++), ty);
    Function* f = wasmBuilder.makeFunction(std::string("dynCall_") + sig, std::move(params), funcType->result, {});
    Expression* fptr = wasmBuilder.makeGetLocal(0, i32);
    std::vector<Expression*> args;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < funcType->params.size(); ++i) {
      args.push_back(wasmBuilder.makeGetLocal(i + 1, funcType->params[i]));
    Expression* call = wasmBuilder.makeCallIndirect(funcType, fptr, args);
    f->body = call;
  return generatedFunctions;
 LogProb getProb(const F& f, const X& x) const {
   if (!mU.contains(x)) const_cast<SimpleMap<X,X>&>(mU).set(x) = getSig(f,x);
   X unkx = mU.get(x);
   if(!get(f).contains(x)) {
     return get(f).get(unkx);
   } else {
     return get(f).get(x) + get(f).get(unkx);
예제 #5
파일: permutations.cpp 프로젝트: 2080/HElib
// Get multiple layers of a Benes permutation network. Returns in out[i][j]
// the shift amount to move item j in the i'th layer. Also isID[i]=true if
// the i'th layer is the identity (i.e., contains only 0 shift amounts).
void ColPerm::getBenesShiftAmounts(Vec<Permut>& out, Vec<bool>& isID,
				   const Vec<long>& benesLvls) const
  // Go over the columns one by one. For each column extract the columns
  // permutation, prepare a Benes network for it, and then for every layer
  // compute the shift amounts for this columns.

  long n = getDim(dim);     // the permutations are over [0,n-1]

  // Allocate space
  for (long k=0; k<benesLvls.length(); k++) {
    isID[k] = true;

  Vec<long> col;

  for (long slice_index = 0; slice_index < numSlices(dim); slice_index++) {
    ConstCubeSlice<long> slice(*this, slice_index, dim);
    for (long col_index = 0; col_index < slice.numCols(); col_index++) {
      getHyperColumn(col, slice, col_index);

      GeneralBenesNetwork net(col); // build a Benes network for this column

      // Sanity checks: width of network == n,
      //                and sum of benesLvls entries == # of levels
      {long sum=0;
       for (long k=0; k<benesLvls.length(); k++) sum+=benesLvls[k];

      // Compute the layers of the collapased network for this column
      for (long lvl=0,k=0; k<benesLvls.length(); lvl += benesLvls[k], k++) {

	// Returns in col the shift amounts for this layer in the network,
	// restricted to this column. Also returns true if the returned
	// permutation is the idendity, false otherwise.
	bool id = collapseBenesLevels(col, net, lvl, benesLvls[k]);
	isID[k] = isID[k] && id;

        CubeSlice<long> oslice(out[k], getSig());
        CubeSlice<long> osubslice(oslice, slice_index, dim);
        setHyperColumn(col, osubslice, col_index);
      }  // next collapsed layer
    }  // next column
  } // next slice
void AsmConstWalker::visitCallImport(CallImport* curr) {
  if (curr->target == EMSCRIPTEN_ASM_CONST) {
    auto arg = curr->operands[0]->cast<Const>();
    auto address = arg->value.geti32();
    auto segmentIterator = segmentsByAddress.find(address);
    std::string code;
    if (segmentIterator != segmentsByAddress.end()) {
      Address segmentIndex = segmentsByAddress[address];
      code = escape(&wasm.memory.segments[segmentIndex].data[0]);
    } else {
      // If we can't find the segment corresponding with the address, then we omitted the segment and the address points to an empty string.
      code = escape("");
    int32_t id;
    if (ids.count(code) == 0) {
      id = ids.size();
      ids[code] = id;
    } else {
      id = ids[code];
    std::string sig = getSig(curr);
    std::string fixedTarget = EMSCRIPTEN_ASM_CONST.str + std::string("_") + sig;
    curr->target = cashew::IString(fixedTarget.c_str(), false);
    arg->value = Literal(id);
    // add import, if necessary
    if (allSigs.count(sig) == 0) {
      auto import = new Import;
      import->name = import->base = curr->target;
      import->module = ENV;
      import->functionType = ensureFunctionType(getSig(curr), &wasm);
      import->kind = ExternalKind::Function;