예제 #1
/// get a string representing all the values of this property
std::string OfxhProperty::getStringValue() const
    if(getDimension() == 1)
        return getStringValueAt(0);
    if(getDimension() == 0)
        return "";
    return boost::algorithm::join(getStringValues(), ", ");
예제 #2
void foundAssociateSpecificDummyNode( std::string& inputNode, const std::string& dummyNodeName, const std::string& dummyNodeFullName, const std::string& dummyNodeShortName, const std::vector<ttl::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin*>& nodeList, const std::vector<std::string>& nodeArgs )
	if( !std::strcmp( inputNode.c_str(), dummyNodeFullName.c_str() ) || !std::strcmp( inputNode.c_str(), dummyNodeName.c_str() ) || !std::strcmp( inputNode.c_str(), dummyNodeShortName.c_str() ) )
		if( nodeArgs.size() == 0 )
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( tuttle::exception::Value()
								   << tuttle::exception::user() + "specify and input name (file or sequence)." );
		boost::filesystem::path p( nodeArgs.at( 0 ) );
		std::string inputExtension = p.extension().string();
		boost::algorithm::to_lower( inputExtension );
		if( inputExtension.size() == 0 )
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( tuttle::exception::Value()
								   << tuttle::exception::user() + "invalid extension of input file/sequence." );
		inputExtension = inputExtension.substr( 1 ); // remove '.' at begining
		unsigned int numberOfSupportedExtension = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
		BOOST_FOREACH( ttl::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin* node, nodeList )
			const std::string pluginName = node->getRawIdentifier();
			if( boost::algorithm::find_first( pluginName, dummyNodeName ) )
				tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin* plugin = tuttle::host::Core::instance().getImageEffectPluginById( pluginName );
				const tuttle::host::ofx::imageEffect::OfxhImageEffectPlugin::ContextSet contexts = plugin->getContexts();
				const tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhSet& properties = plugin->getDescriptorInContext( *contexts.begin() ).getProperties();
				if( properties.hasProperty( kTuttleOfxImageEffectPropSupportedExtensions ) )
					const tuttle::host::ofx::property::OfxhProperty& prop = properties.fetchProperty( kTuttleOfxImageEffectPropSupportedExtensions );
					const std::vector<std::string> supportedExtensions = getStringValues( prop );
					BOOST_FOREACH( const std::string& ext, supportedExtensions )
//						TUTTLE_TCOUT_VAR2( ext, inputExtension );
						if( ext == inputExtension )
//							TUTTLE_TCOUT( pluginName << " [" << supportedExtensions.size() << "] can read " << ext );
							if( supportedExtensions.size() < numberOfSupportedExtension )
								// Arbitrary solution...
								// If we found multiple plugins that support the requested format,
								// we select the plugin which supports the lowest number of formats.
								// So by defaut, we select specialized plugin before
								// plugin using generic libraries with all formats.
								numberOfSupportedExtension = supportedExtensions.size();
								inputNode = pluginName;
		if( numberOfSupportedExtension == std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() )
			BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( tuttle::exception::Value()
								   << tuttle::exception::user() + "Unsupported extension \"" + inputExtension + "\"." );
		TUTTLE_COUT( _color._yellow << "Replace " << dummyNodeName << " with: " << inputNode << _color._std );