StoragePtr TableFunctionShardByHash::execute(ASTPtr ast_function, Context & context) const
	ASTs & args_func = typeid_cast<ASTFunction &>(*ast_function).children;

	const char * err = "Table function 'shardByHash' requires 4 parameters: "
		"cluster name, key string to hash, name of remote database, name of remote table.";

	if (args_func.size() != 1)
		throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

	ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*;

	if (args.size() != 4)
		throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

	String cluster_name;
	String key;
	String remote_database;
	String remote_table;

	auto getStringLiteral = [](const IAST & node, const char * description)
		const ASTLiteral * lit = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&node);
		if (!lit)
			throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

		if (lit->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
			throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

		return safeGet<const String &>(lit->value);

	cluster_name = getClusterName(*args[0]);
	key = getStringLiteral(*args[1], "Key to hash");

	args[2] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentidierAsLiteral(args[2], context);
	args[3] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentidierAsLiteral(args[3], context);

	remote_database = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[2]).value.safeGet<String>();
	remote_table = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[3]).value.safeGet<String>();

	/// Аналогично другим TableFunctions.
	for (auto & arg : args)
		if (ASTIdentifier * id = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(arg.get()))
			id->kind = ASTIdentifier::Table;

	const Cluster & cluster = context.getCluster(cluster_name);
	size_t shard_index = sipHash64(key) % cluster.getShardCount();

	std::shared_ptr<Cluster> shard(cluster.getClusterWithSingleShard(shard_index).release());

	return StorageDistributed::create(
		std::make_shared<NamesAndTypesList>(getStructureOfRemoteTable(*shard, remote_database, remote_table, context)),
예제 #2
void FunctionHasColumnInTable::executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t input_rows_count)
    auto get_string_from_block = [&](size_t column_pos) -> String
        ColumnPtr column = block.getByPosition(column_pos).column;
        const ColumnConst * const_column = checkAndGetColumnConst<ColumnString>(column.get());
        return const_column->getValue<String>();

    size_t arg = 0;
    String host_name;
    String user_name;
    String password;

    if (arguments.size() > 3)
        host_name = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);

    if (arguments.size() > 4)
        user_name = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);

    if (arguments.size() > 5)
        password = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);

    String database_name = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);
    String table_name = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);
    String column_name = get_string_from_block(arguments[arg++]);

    bool has_column;
    if (host_name.empty())
        const StoragePtr & table = global_context.getTable(database_name, table_name);
        has_column = table->hasColumn(column_name);
        std::vector<std::vector<String>> host_names = {{ host_name }};

        auto cluster = std::make_shared<Cluster>(
            !user_name.empty() ? user_name : "default",

        auto remote_columns = getStructureOfRemoteTable(*cluster, database_name, table_name, global_context);
        has_column = remote_columns.hasPhysical(column_name);

    block.getByPosition(result).column = DataTypeUInt8().createColumnConst(input_rows_count, has_column);
예제 #3
StoragePtr TableFunctionRemote::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
    ASTs & args_func = typeid_cast<ASTFunction &>(*ast_function).children;

    if (args_func.size() != 1)
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*;

    const size_t max_args = is_cluster_function ? 3 : 5;
    if (args.size() < 2 || args.size() > max_args)
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    String cluster_name;
    String cluster_description;
    String remote_database;
    String remote_table;
    String username;
    String password;

    size_t arg_num = 0;

    auto getStringLiteral = [](const IAST & node, const char * description)
        const ASTLiteral * lit = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&node);
        if (!lit)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        if (lit->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        return safeGet<const String &>(lit->value);

    if (is_cluster_function)
        ASTPtr ast_name = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
        cluster_name = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*ast_name).value.safeGet<const String &>();
        if (auto ast_cluster = typeid_cast<const ASTIdentifier *>(args[arg_num].get()))
            cluster_name = ast_cluster->name;
            cluster_description = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Hosts pattern");

    args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
    remote_database = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    size_t dot = remote_database.find('.');
    if (dot != String::npos)
        /// NOTE Bad - do not support identifiers in backquotes.
        remote_table = remote_database.substr(dot + 1);
        remote_database = remote_database.substr(0, dot);
        if (arg_num >= args.size())
            throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

        args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
        remote_table = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    /// Username and password parameters are prohibited in cluster version of the function
    if (!is_cluster_function)
        if (arg_num < args.size())
            username = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Username");
            username = "******";

        if (arg_num < args.size())
            password = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Password");

    if (arg_num < args.size())
        throw Exception(help_message, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    /// ExpressionAnalyzer will be created in InterpreterSelectQuery that will meet these `Identifier` when processing the request.
    /// We need to mark them as the name of the database or table, because the default value is column.
    for (auto & arg : args)
        if (ASTIdentifier * id = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(arg.get()))
            id->kind = ASTIdentifier::Table;

    ClusterPtr cluster;
    if (!cluster_name.empty())
        /// Use an existing cluster from the main config
        cluster = context.getCluster(cluster_name);
        /// Create new cluster from the scratch
        size_t max_addresses = context.getSettingsRef().table_function_remote_max_addresses;
        std::vector<String> shards = parseDescription(cluster_description, 0, cluster_description.size(), ',', max_addresses);

        std::vector<std::vector<String>> names;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < shards.size(); ++i)
            names.push_back(parseDescription(shards[i], 0, shards[i].size(), '|', max_addresses));

        if (names.empty())
            throw Exception("Shard list is empty after parsing first argument", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        cluster = std::make_shared<Cluster>(context.getSettings(), names, username, password, context.getTCPPort(), false);

    auto res = StorageDistributed::createWithOwnCluster(
        getStructureOfRemoteTable(*cluster, remote_database, remote_table, context),
    return res;
예제 #4
StoragePtr TableFunctionRemote::execute(const ASTPtr & ast_function, const Context & context) const
    ASTs & args_func = typeid_cast<ASTFunction &>(*ast_function).children;

    const char * err = "Table function 'remote' requires from 2 to 5 parameters: "
        "addresses pattern, name of remote database, name of remote table, [username, [password]].";

    if (args_func.size() != 1)
        throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    ASTs & args = typeid_cast<ASTExpressionList &>(*;

    if (args.size() < 2 || args.size() > 5)
        throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    String description;
    String remote_database;
    String remote_table;
    String username;
    String password;

    size_t arg_num = 0;

    auto getStringLiteral = [](const IAST & node, const char * description)
        const ASTLiteral * lit = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral *>(&node);
        if (!lit)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        if (lit->value.getType() != Field::Types::String)
            throw Exception(description + String(" must be string literal (in single quotes)."), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

        return safeGet<const String &>(lit->value);

    description = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Hosts pattern");

    args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentidierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
    remote_database = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    size_t dot = remote_database.find('.');
    if (dot != String::npos)
        /// NOTE Bad - do not support identifiers in backquotes.
        remote_table = remote_database.substr(dot + 1);
        remote_database = remote_database.substr(0, dot);
        if (arg_num >= args.size())
            throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

        args[arg_num] = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentidierAsLiteral(args[arg_num], context);
        remote_table = static_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*args[arg_num]).value.safeGet<String>();

    if (arg_num < args.size())
        username = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Username");
        username = "******";

    if (arg_num < args.size())
        password = getStringLiteral(*args[arg_num], "Password");

    if (arg_num < args.size())
        throw Exception(err, ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH);

    /// ExpressionAnalyzer will be created in InterpreterSelectQuery that will meet these `Identifier` when processing the request.
    /// We need to mark them as the name of the database or table, because the default value is column.
    for (auto & arg : args)
        if (ASTIdentifier * id = typeid_cast<ASTIdentifier *>(arg.get()))
            id->kind = ASTIdentifier::Table;

    size_t max_addresses = context.getSettingsRef().table_function_remote_max_addresses;

    std::vector<std::vector<String>> names;
    std::vector<String> shards = parseDescription(description, 0, description.size(), ',', max_addresses);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < shards.size(); ++i)
        names.push_back(parseDescription(shards[i], 0, shards[i].size(), '|', max_addresses));

    if (names.empty())
        throw Exception("Shard list is empty after parsing first argument", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);

    auto cluster = std::make_shared<Cluster>(context.getSettings(), names, username, password);

    return StorageDistributed::create(
        std::make_shared<NamesAndTypesList>(getStructureOfRemoteTable(*cluster, remote_database, remote_table, context)),