int solve(FILE *f) { SymbolTable *table = NULL; int i; table = createSymbolTable(makeDictionaryEntry, compareDictionaryEntry); getTableData(f, table); findWords(table); dropSymbolTable(table); return 0; }
int solve(FILE *f) { SymbolTable *table = NULL; int i; table = createSymbolTable(makeDomainEntry, compareDomainEntry); getTableData(f, table); do { findWords(table); printf("Do you want to continue?\n"); } while(getContinueRequest() != 'N'); dropSymbolTable(table); return 0; }
void PropertyManager::parsePerBlockProperties(BlockProperties& properties) { luabridge::LuaRef perBlock = properties.luaRef["perBlock"]; LuaTableData& perBlockLuaProperties = getTableData(perBlock); properties.perBlockProperties.reserve(; for (std::pair<luabridge::LuaRef, luabridge::LuaRef> r : { //TODO: error checking. std::string key(r.first); // name of the lua variable std::string value(r.second);// value of the lua variable unsigned pos = value.find("("); unsigned pos2 = value.find(")"); std::string valueType = value.substr(0, pos); //value before ( and ) std::string valueValue = value.substr(pos + 1, (pos2 - pos - 1)); //get value in between ( and ) BlockPropertyValueType type; int defaultVal = NULL; // Get the default value // Parse all the different possible types if (valueType == LUA_INT_NAME) { type = BlockPropertyValueType::LUA_INT; defaultVal = std::atoi(valueValue.c_str()); perBlock[key] = (int) defaultVal; } else if (valueType == LUA_BOOL_NAME) { type = BlockPropertyValueType::LUA_BOOL; defaultVal = (int) (valueValue == "true"); } else if (valueType == LUA_FLOAT_NAME) { type = BlockPropertyValueType::LUA_FLOAT; float f = (float) atof(valueValue.c_str()); defaultVal = *(int*) &f; } else { assert(false && "Unsupported type"); } //printf("key: %s \n", key.c_str()); properties.perBlockProperties.push_back(PerBlockProperty(key, r.second, type, defaultVal)); } }
int main() { system("gpio load i2c"); sqlite3 *database; sqlite3_open("database.sqlite", &database); wiringPiSetupGpio(); mcp23017Setup(100, 0x20); getTableData(database); pinMode(22, OUTPUT); pinMode(101, OUTPUT); while (1) { digitalWrite(101, 1); digitalWrite(22, 1); delay(1000); digitalWrite(101, 0); digitalWrite(22, 0); delay(1000); } }
void PropertyManager::parseEvents(BlockProperties& properties) { luabridge::LuaRef events = properties.luaRef["events"]; LuaTableData eventList = getTableData(events); for (std::pair<luabridge::LuaRef, luabridge::LuaRef> e : { //TODO: check not nil etc. luabridge::LuaRef triggerRef = e.second["trigger"]; std::string triggerStr = triggerRef; triggerStr.erase(std::remove_if(triggerStr.begin(), triggerStr.end(), isspace), triggerStr.end()); //remove all spaces int leftEnd; int rightBegin; EventEvaluator eval; int idx = 0; //find evaluator and left/right value string split points for (auto it = triggerStr.begin(); it != triggerStr.end(); ++it, ++idx) { char c = *it; if (c == '>') { //check >= char next = *(it + 1); if (next == '=') { leftEnd = idx; eval = GREATEREQUALS; rightBegin = idx + 2; break; } else { leftEnd = idx; eval = GREATER; rightBegin = idx + 1; break; } } else if (c == '<') { //check <= char next = *(it + 1); if (next == '=') { leftEnd = idx; eval = LESSEQUALS; rightBegin = idx + 2; break; } else { leftEnd = idx; eval = LESS; rightBegin = idx + 1; break; } } else if (c == '=') { //check == char next = *(it + 1); if (next == '=') { leftEnd = idx; eval = EQUAL; rightBegin = idx + 2; break; } else { assert(false && "invalid expression, did you type = instead of == ?"); break; } } } std::string left = triggerStr.substr(0, leftEnd); std::string right = triggerStr.substr(rightBegin, triggerStr.size()); BlockPropertyValue leftProp = parseBlockPropertyValue(left, properties); BlockPropertyValue rightProp = parseBlockPropertyValue(right, properties); luabridge::LuaRef eventRef = e.second["event"]; BlockEventTrigger trigger(leftProp, rightProp, eval, eventRef); #ifdef _DEBUG assert(rightProp.type != LUA_TICKCOUNTER && "Only left side of trigger may be a tickCount"); //TODO: fix? if (leftProp.type == LUA_TICKCOUNTER) { assert(eval == EQUAL && "tickCount may only use == expression"); assert(rightProp.type == LUA_INT && "tickCount may only be compared with an integer type"); } #endif //_DEBUG; //printf("trigger: %i, %i, %i \n", trigger.left.type, trigger.right.type, trigger.eval); } }